I aim for completely unique fighting styles with all the Nadeshiko girls (All 108 of them

) . I finally managed to Iron out some for the characters I've already created.
5th Ranked Brave Star | Bewildering Blade Mudan's base is;
Wind Release, Fuinjutsu, Chakra Threads.
I was going to have her expand on Sagisō's White Spider Lily technique through a combination of Razor sharp lines of Wind chakra attached to objects through chakra threads. So she'd slowly weave a giant net of blades for her opponent as she fought, and then move them around ripping the terrain and her opponent to shreds while she's in the process.
The Bewildering Blade would refer to her many threads rather than an actual blade. I believe I'd added Fuinjutsu because of this
http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Enclosing_Technique (Enclosing Technique)
Or for Pa