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Need Character and Cities/Town for a Pokemon Story

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Hey guys, I don't know how many people will read this but, I'm needing some help with a story. If you can help me create some rival characters or side characters that my character came be introduced to throughout their journey, then this story would be able to pop off more haha.
I got my first two chapters up already, one from 2017 (lol) and another just recently.

This is indeed partially a Fakemon Story that takes place in a desert with a whole Pokedex already. I won't be needing any more Fakemon, but I do need to have characters to act as rivals or side characters for my main protagonists.

And this may or may not be a big one, but I might need a couple of antagonists. Not as major as admins from a big organization, but they definitely will be acting as some sort of Team Rocket gimmick for the main protagonists.

Pokemon from the side characters and rivals may not necessarily need to have a theme to it, but I plan on having rivals for coordinators, gym trainers, and showcase performers. As for the Pokemon for the 'mini Team Rocket', it could be preferable that they be desert themed or ancient themed? No Legendaries or Mega's for now.

I also need some town/city names if that can help. The region is based off Egypt and the desert, so if you can give a city name and their gimmick there, like is it another Lavender Ghost Town, or is it a futuristic city etc. This would be much greatly appreciated to help the story to find places to hold different contests and showcases and what not.
So this is pretty basic, but:

Character Bio:
Pokemon Team:
Extras: (anything else you want to mention about the character)
What's up? I always enjoy a chance on helping out when it comes to characters/ideas for Pokemon stories, it's a fun little way to express creativity as well.

Before I start, I'd like to ask a few things.
1: When it comes to the Fakemon here, are there a few or a lot and is there a list?
2: How often will the rivals meet and what kind of rivals do you hope for, some that are cheerful like Hau or some that are strict/rude like Paul?
3: By "Mini Team Rocket" do you mean like a running gag of encountering a goofy trio that tries to steal Pokemon only to "Blast off again?"

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
What's up? I always enjoy a chance on helping out when it comes to characters/ideas for Pokemon stories, it's a fun little way to express creativity as well.

Before I start, I'd like to ask a few things.
1: When it comes to the Fakemon here, are there a few or a lot and is there a list?
2: How often will the rivals meet and what kind of rivals do you hope for, some that are cheerful like Hau or some that are strict/rude like Paul?
3: By "Mini Team Rocket" do you mean like a running gag of encountering a goofy trio that tries to steal Pokemon only to "Blast off again?"
1. Yeah there’s a list, but I can probably only give out like one or two to each character you create, because most of the characters I’ve made already takes up majority of the list already. And I really want to try to go for that diversity in Pokémon.
2. Yeah I’m looking for a variety of rivals? Not a lot of rivals because it’s always quality over quantity. So I would want to say do it however you would like? And for how often the character would appear would be about every few gyms or so I suppose? But that’s still a work-in-progress to figure out what to do with that.
3. Okok so I worded the “mini Team Rocket” pretty badly. But like, I don’t want a running gag of it, but a makeshift of something similar to Team Rocket. OR it could be some other type of side antagonist, like Hunter J or something. But I’m mainly looking for antagonist that may constantly be hindering the protagonists.
Might as well give what I hope will be an interesting char.

Name: Victor
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Personality: Victor displays a calm, stoic and serious demeanor around most people, although he's no stranger to smiling or humor so long as the people he's with aren't strangers. He takes Pokemon battling and training very seriously. He works hard to try and become strong and never tolerates defeat, viewing it as a humiliation rather than a lesson.
Appearance: Standing at 5'9" with short, smooth Black hair, Fair skin, a decently slim body build thanks to travelling a lot and dark Green eyes. His attire consists of a Black t shirt with White pants and Black boots, all this is worn under an open ankle long white coat with a thick fur mane of the same color.
Pokemon Team: Sandile (M) (For now)
(Would you like me to add his endgame team?)
Extras: His team will mainly consist of Pokemon that were either abandoned or lonely. He comes from a long line of tough Pokemon trainers which is where his pride comes from.
Name: Jason Zodokai
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Appearance: 6'0", Regular skin (like in my profile pic), Redhead
Pokémon Team: Pikachu (M) (Pokkén Tournament DX), Cinderace (M), Dragonite (F), Alakazam (M), Sylveon (F), Primarina (F)
Extras: Kakorrhaphiophobic (Afraid of losing) and the eldest Zodokai brother
Name: Leo Zodokai
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Appearance: Looks exactly like Jason, but 1" shorter
Pokémon Team: Dugtrio (M), Blastoise (M) (Pokkén Tournament DX), Lapras (F), Gengar (F), Arbok (F), Raichu (M)
Extras: Phobophobic (Afraid of fear) and the youngest Zodokai brother
1. Yeah there’s a list, but I can probably only give out like one or two to each character you create, because most of the characters I’ve made already takes up majority of the list already. And I really want to try to go for that diversity in Pokémon.
2. Yeah I’m looking for a variety of rivals? Not a lot of rivals because it’s always quality over quantity. So I would want to say do it however you would like? And for how often the character would appear would be about every few gyms or so I suppose? But that’s still a work-in-progress to figure out what to do with that.
3. Okok so I worded the “mini Team Rocket” pretty badly. But like, I don’t want a running gag of it, but a makeshift of something similar to Team Rocket. OR it could be some other type of side antagonist, like Hunter J or something. But I’m mainly looking for antagonist that may constantly be hindering the protagonists.
I think a side antagonist team called "Team Death" would work out!

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
I completely forgot I did this LOL
But thanks y'all, it's a small story I've been working on my free time whenever I did, but yeah, all these characters are much appreciated and helpful in the long run LOL. Hopefully I'll be able to fully complete it despite my limited free time LOL


Previously Mewtvak09
Name: Blackouz Zygrex
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: 6’03, with white skin, mostly gray attire, jet black hair, and dark blue eyes.
Ghastly(F), Duskull(M), Shuppet(F), Mimikyu(N)
(Endgame team)
Gengar(F), Dusknoir(M), Bannette(F), Mimikyu(N)
Extras: He lost his family at a young age, thus the Ghost type Pokémon.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Would these work as antagonists?

Name: Void Morningstar
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Appearance: 5'9" with a slender relatively athletic body type. He has short white hair and pale grey eyes. He wears a black trousers and a tight fitting white shirt under a black trench coat with heavy black boots and black gloves.
Personality: Void is a cruel and cunning man with a real sense for mind games, he enjoys messing with people and getting innocent people to do his dirty work for him. He is obsessed with shinies and rare pokemon and has a particular fondness for psychic types.
Pokemon Team: Shade (Shiny Umbreon)(M), Dawn (Espeon)(F), Midnight (Mega? Absol)(M)
Extras: He, his brother and his girlfriend are wanted for theft, fraud, assault, illegal pokemon trafficking, etc.

Name: Elena Steerheart
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Appearance: A stunningly beautiful, fit woman standing at 5'7". She has strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. She wears long flowing skirts and crop tops and wears her hair loose letting it reach it's full length at about her lower back.
Personality: She is a twisted woman, she enjoys seeing innocent people suffer and looks down on pretty everyone thinking herself to be highly superior. She is madly in pove with Void and would follow him to the ends of the earth.
Pokemon Team: Indie (Inteleon)(F), Nugget (Snom)(M)
Extras: Void's Girlfriend she likes to imagine her and Void are like Bonnie and Clyde sometimes then she remembers the oaf is there and her fantasy is ruined.

Name: Dusk Morningstar
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: A giant of a man standing at 6'8" with the build of a professional weight lifter. He wears black trousers and a white sleeveless shirt. He also wears heavy duty black boots and a different tiny hat for each day.
Personality: A brutish idiot, Dusk doesn't really understand that what his brother and Elena do is wrong and listens to what ever Void tells him. He rarely thinks for himself and is very afraid of chickens.
Pokemon Team: Sledge (Machamp)(M), Brutus (Snorlax)(M)
Extras: Dusk carries a backpack filled with his collection of miniature hats.

Wasnt sure about the mega ignore if you dont want to use that.

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