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Origin of your screen name(s)?

"Mystic_Suicune" is my dispaly name for probably obvious reasons. Suicune happens to be my favorite legendary. Sre it didn't get that big of a part in the 4th movie, it's been in the episodes more often than other legendaries. That includes Mew. I've only seen Mew in Pokemon OVAs (*cough* Mirage movie *cough*) Also, in most of my Pokemon related dreams, Suicune is there. I feel like I'm connected to it somehow. It's like Suicune is always eluding me....

Sorry about that bit of corniness. :p
"Mudskipper" was going to be "Mudkipper", a mix of Kipper (I have always liked fish) and Mudkip (the very first Pokemon I heard of), until I decided that I didn't like it very much. I began putting random letters in any part of my username that I could and eventually I came up with Mudskipper.
Mah name? It's actually my Smash-tag...a lot of the guys at tournaments don't even know my real name XD...so it's like a nickname to me...and it's also the name of the main character in the story I'm working on...
Before I tell you, take a guess. You get three tries.
Okay, I'll tell you... apparently my username is from Legend of ZELDA, and Princess Zelda is the ruler of a faraway kingdom called Hyrule. Why I chose this username? One, I like pink, two, Legend of Zelda is the best game ever (Besides pokemon, of course), three, I felt like it. So, there you are.
My user name? Well, it started a while ago... Me and one of my friends got the idea into our heads to make websites. InuYasha was the bestest anime in our lives at the time, so we made Inuyasha fan sites. (lame I know, it was a long time ago, kay?) I was looking around for pictures for my site and ran across one named puppy ears, and thought "how cute!" And Doggy Ears was born from that. I've used everywhere since.
Hmmm My Username well it started about >_> 5 years ago... i joined a site called Gaia Online and after a year of being on that site Me and Dwayna decided to change our usernames to match and we came up with Raven Anima Dellanotte for me and Nerezza Dellanotte for her.. Translated they mean Raven Spirit Of-The-Night and Darkness Of-The-Night anyway later on those account became unusable and Raven Dragonfire was born this was mainly because Dwayna love Dragons and Fire >_> there is more to it but yeah.

But i mainly go by Raven everywhere including real life.
First of all, my username has NOTHING to do with that godawfull Movie. -_-

Part of my real name means Sun in spanish, so my dad and sis always called me Sunshine. When I was little, I was Little Miss Sunshine, and well, there you go.

I put 2 N's so no one will claim its the movie. >_> doesnt seem to work...
Lollage. Mine is a combination of the words 'second' and 'admirerer' (spelling mistake, I know. I forget how to spell it.) It was originally going to be Seclov (second+lover) but that sounded really wrong.

The reason I chose those words is because I like fast things, not because I have had two relationships. I am obsessed with fast things, except for fast food. I hate it. Too greasy. But stuff like cheetahs and peregrine falcons and racecars, you name the fast thing, I'm obsessed with it.
I have two reasons for choosing this name:

I say TOBI IS A GOOD BOY?! so much, and it sticks. Tobi is from Naruto, my favorite anime. I just love him...

Second, Tobi is a schweet name.
Well, Shocktail was always the name of my Pikachu (right back to Yellow). I added Dark just to give it a slight edge and there you go. It often get's shortened to DS now o.o''
Hrrmmm... well, it all started off as a callsign in FPSs in high school. We played Quake deathmatches a lot and I fairly stunk at it for a long while. So I got it in my head that since I keep coming back with that wonderful respawn, I was sorta like a Phoenix. Then that made me think of the sweetness that was the Marvel character. And then, well, I just didn't know how to spell. ;D Started added tb to the front (my initials) after I found that phoenix/pheonix was a sort of popular name. I have kept it ever since.
i used to use lucariogirl because i used lucario alot and it was a cool character in the movie. but i went to join pokecommunity, but lucariogirl was taken, so after 3 mins of thought, i thought of auragirl

aura= what lucario is (dex entry)
girl= what i am :p

auragirl :p
Well, I don't know. I used ShadoClaw somewhere and out of nowhere I put together ShadoPikachu. Its really weird because pikachu is not even my favorite pokemon. Drapion is. But Shado came from the fact one of my favorite moves is Shadow Claw.


This is my universal user name on most Pokemon forums, if you see this name it's most likely me. It's just trainer in front of my name, nothing special. A lot of people confuse it with the NPC earlier on in the R/B/Y generation games who has the rattata.
Hmmm, I've always wanted to tell my little story. Even if its not emotional. XD
I'm sure a good amount of people have heard of the mmorpg Runescape. Now, at the time(still a little now) I had a big thing for Crash Bandicoot. I had decided to make a account on runescape. I wanted it to be Crash. Yeah, like noone took that name :p. so, it suggested Crasher247203387. Kinda long, huh? so, I took off the 03387, and it stayed as Crasher24720. It has followed me to practicaly every forum I've joined.
Well, I'd just finished watching an Episode of Shaman King with the character Zeke in it, so I made a character on MapleStory and for no reason I named it ZekeAxe and I later changed it to ZekeKatana cause that sounded cooler. Then I started using that name on every site I signed up for.
Well, I decided to change my name from Stevie Steel to Kris wich is my name in the the games (not my real name). Well Kris was taken, so I decided to create an "illusion". As you can see its "Kгis" not "Kris". I used г wich is a cyrillic letter ;)
ah well it all started on MapleStory (mmorpg) my name was going to be arrow-slayer or arrowslayer on my path to become an aspiring young bowman *enters name*
[quote author=maplestory]name is currently being used[/quote]
shoot hmm ill think of something else shadowslayer,...,many others and still
[quote author=maplestory]name is currently being used[/quote]
arrow...air...arrow........ duh AEROSLAYER and so it began
my next character became aero2133
and XaeroX
i used Aero for evrything
OK,I was typhlosionlover10 until a few minutes ago. I was all happy with my username until I saw this forum. Then I thought my username was so ordinary. So I started thinking, and I thought of Psychic Whisperer. I thought of this because in my own little fantasy where I live in the pokemon world, I have the ability to use telepathy to communicate with psychic pokemon.
Well, first of it's my last name, and I am VERY proud of my last name, and since I never really thought of something that actually works everywhere(excluding this) I decided to use 'Kruk' (pronounced like crook) So every since about 4 years ago(at the age of 11) I've used this name on everything that needed a username. And that's my story. :p

I don't really know how I made up this name. Well, it has my two favorite vowels (U and I) and I like short names, so I guess thats how Uki came to be. And it also just sounded good at the time.
Well, it's the name of my band I'm in, so I just used it for my SN for PokeCharms. But where I got it from is kinda funny. I was eating a cheeseburger while reading my newspaper(it's called the chronicals) but I thought of the two together and I liked it, so here it is!
Yes yes. Sem is rather unique, but the story is pretty simple. See when I was younger and on teh internets I would always have the nickname Semaj, which is my name backwards, and I thought that was cool. XD And after a while, people were beginning to call me Sem for short since people like to abbreviate everything. And I fell in love with the name ^^;... That's it.

And I think its an actual name too... >>

I remember! In your signature, it used to say something like, "Sem, Semaj, James, Games, The Game, You Lose!"

And so that this isn't spam, I love using Teh rather than The. My Webkinz name is Purple Hero, and one as in, The One, so Teh Purple One! Pretty easy!

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Related to Katie's thread on screen name changes, and actually inspired by it. Anyways, how did you come up with your screen name?

I have nothing much to say, really. It started out as Eevee4444, and some of my accounts somewhere are still that (like I stated in Katie's thread). Eevee wasn't even my favorite Pokemon at the time, but it was cute and it had 4 e's, and 4 was my favorite number. XD I then decided that the 4444 at the end was stupid but as Eevee itself was already taken or something like that, I added a "Shiny" in the beginning. And the name kind of stuck after that...
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My name is quite simple, my real name is Zachary and I have an anger issue, so I took the italian word for Anger and used it as a last name for my self insert RP character, Zachary Ira ^^
LoN... Its a shortened version of my old name LoN_Colossus from when I played Age of Mythology. Everyone started to call me LoN so I shortened it to that on forums and the like. The longer name came from the clan I was in, and then from the Colossi units you could train. But I still forget what the clan name was xD I believe it has long since died off too.
My first name was Hunting Rifle. I have one of those in my collection of weapons and I still find them incredible. But after I started shedding my newbie skin, I wanted a better name, so I chose Dark Soul. Not that I'm very emo, but I'm just a sucker for mysterious and bad-ass names. A month ago or so I became Rinnosuke Morichika after followings Tun/Tan's idea of Touhou Project characters. And now I'm Model P, my favorite MegaMan, because I'm a serious fan of sci-fi/action stuff like that. I'll return to DS eventually.
right okay first thing's fiiirrrrst-

I have no bloody idea what 'tunduli' means. No joke. :V

When I was joining 'Charms, 'tunduli' just popped into my head. :x Now I'm known mainly as 'Tun', 'Tunny/i', 'Tundy', 'Tundu', etc. and occassionaly some weird stuff like 'Tunnasaurus' or 'Tunapple'. ... :V

Back on old 'Charms, when I actually became active (omg i know :o) I changed my name to 'Tun-san', just because the Japanese are cool and stuff. c: (I'm not as 'omg how kawaii desudesudesu' as I used to be. I hope. :x)
And thenn I was 'Pixel Perfect' for like five seconds (because I'm into spriting - aw yeah c: ) until I saw Tsutaaja ... and that meaning pretty much explains itself.

Theennn somewhere in June, I think, I changed my name to Suwako Moriya because crazy nature/earth/frog Goddesses kick ass~! :V And I became Tan/Tenshi's teabuddy ♥ And DS joined us~ :>

And well noww I'm Yui. :> The origin of 'Yui' is basically because my beloved, cooking, well-mannered Froslass is called Yui and well um I love her ♥

Recap: Tunduli has no origin/roots/meaning </3
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