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Ask to Join Outcast Edge. (RP)

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Sparklight still wasn't sure if to enter the portal or not, it could be a trap, but one thing made his choice.
There was a call for help, it sounded from the nearby, sparklight fast leaved the portal to see what happened.

In a few seconds he near the door to the place, he sees there a skeleton and another creature, the skeleton is attack another weird creature with a gem.
"Poyo!" He said with gasp, that attack looked strong.
"You are really brave or really stupid to act like this to me... But I really started to like you, skeleton. I hope you will become a really good Nawi after death" Światowid said and he looked at the two mortals, one was beated by skeleton and second one... Opened the portal in wall behind August for her to escape. "Run now, tell them about opponents. I will take them on. You don't look so strong you two" Frelio said but he couldn't see when Świadowid stood in front of him "do you really think so?"

Eryk was thinking, if to say or not to say. 'Who he are'. But, he decided that he can trust them "I'm not a normal human, but a Reaper, or in original lang. Żniwiarz. I died thousend of years ago, when my village was attacked. I was only 8 years old. My soul took a death body of 12 years old boy, Alex and I become a żniwiarz. Reapers exist to destroy Nawies, beings almost unable to kill. Only Reapers know certain way of fight to certain Nawi and we don't share this knowledge. After death, Our Souls seek for a new body to take and when we think that we weren't need anymore, we do a suicides. Leaving one of us to train new generation. I'm the last żniwiarz for now... Now, this thing. Nawi is somewhere close to this place and try to get here"
“No, she wont leave, not after seeing me, well,us.” Shard growled, shaking August a bit. “Ugh....that hurt.....idea!” She said, throwing her glasses at Shard, which went through the hole in his skull. “What the heck?!” He yelled, dropping August. “Buh-Bye!” August said, using her ability to move metal, like the glasses, to throw Shard through a wall. She pulled another pair of glasses out and put them on with a grin. “Hehe! That was fun!”
Frelio attacked Światowid with his sword, attacks were really fast, Many would like to have Frelio's skill and speed with a sword but Światowid even didn't even blink and was dodging his opponent attacks like their were in slow-motion. "He has to have a weak point" Frelio thought and then he got an idea, He cut and created a portal, so close. That Światowid right hand was already on the other side "Close" Frelio yelled and portal cut Światowid. "Yes, I knew that we can beat those monsters" Frelio said to August,but...Światowid's hand regenerate and he got a new one "Oh, You are mistaken. That skeleton is for you a monster..." Światowid grabed Frelio's neck and started to choke him "... And I'm the Deity"
She tilted her head in confusion.
"Alex?" She said, trying to make sense of it. It was all too confusing for her to comprehend. "That would mean that we should put the kids in their rooms. Come on, lets take Coral and Reef to their rooms."

Alexander walked outside to the stables, looking at his White Horse Raptor. The blue and Gold mane symbolized the High rank of Commandant. A knight came rushing over to him, saluting.
"Sir! Pvt. Corlessa! At your service!" the Knight said, Panting from running all the way.
"Good, as you might have heard, we have a base to the southwest. Get your horse raptor, and come." He said, as the Knight quickly ran out to the stables, jumping onto a Horse Raptor. Coming out, and getting behind Alex. Alexander got on his own Horse Raptor, and they were on their way.
“Hey! Leave him alone!” August yelled, running at Swiatowid and tackling him.
Reef and Coral had already wondered off, exploring the place. They saw people fighting, and the two ran over with their Ink Shooting weapons ready.
Eryk looked around the room "They left... Oh no" and he ran to the place where he felt Światowid presence.

Światowid didn't felt this tackle too much but he loose his grab and Frelio could jumped away from him "Hey, how are you doing that regeneration thing, becouse of you, I will need it myself" He really had a problem to talk but he seemed to be fine. "You mortals... Give me a Reaper and I won't hurt you" Światowid said.
"Reaper?" Frelio asked, then Eryk came and said "I'm here"

Eryk was relieved as He didn't saw Coral and Reef around.
Yin looked around, Gasping.
"Oh No." She said, running behind Eryk.
"What the Hell are those things?" She thought to herself, as she seen the Two inklings. "Reef! Coral!" She yelled, throwing her sword up(Putting picture in.), catching it, and throwing her Sheathe back. She ran up besides Eryk and Reef.
"What are you two thinking? This is not a job for Children!" She said, as she put her sword on her shoulder.

Alexander stopped at what seemed to be the base.
"Corlessa, see what is in there." Alex said, as The knight jumped off of her Horse raptor, and started looking around the door. Unexpectedly, Alex stood behind her. He unsheathed his blade. He covered Corlessa's mouth, and Stabbed her. A muffled scream could be heard, but it was soon cut short by Corlessa turning to Ice.
"Apologies, I just deemed it necessary to have a sacrifice in order to get in." He said, Kicking the Door, having it budge a Bit. He used his sword to Wedge the door open.

"What was that?"


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"You" Światowid said, He was already angry and now. Even some kid tried to attack him. "Die" He wanted to kick Coral, but Eryk pushed her and receive the kick. He felt big pain, if he wasn't holding so hard to the ground. He could be send far away, He was spitting with blood and he fell on his kneels "do you know, what is your problem, Żniwiarz. It's that you all always want to protect mortals" Światowid said "... And what is wrong with that, I will never understand... Why I had to die back then, Why I became a Reaper. I thought, that now I'm strong and someone special...but, thanks to Revio, Coral, Reef, Yin, everyone. We, Reapers are no one without them" Eryk yelled and he took 3 pills and ate them all. "We don't know how pills may work if you will take all of them"

"I sorry, Revio. I broke my promise to don't get too close"

"What you just..." Światowid step back as he saw Erik that ate 3 pills "You want to die one of the most painfull death" Nawi asked
"No... " said Eryk, He sounded heavier, with a voice in pain. "I just make sure you and your friends that are coming this way... Won't hurt them. Everyone, Thank you, once again. I hope that I may see you again. Stay away from him" and then, on Erik back appeard black bony wing and his right eye was all black. Erik was blind on his right eye and he could sense only Nawi with it.

"this coming guy isn't a Nawi..." Eryk said, with a blink of eye, he punched Światowid, who blocked the attack but was send to the field with it. Eryk rushed at him.
Alexander walked in the base, throwing the Ice Statue on the ground, shattering it. Yin ran over to where she heard the Shattering, and Pulled to a Sudden stop when she saw who it was.
"Oh, what a Surprise. the Ex-Knight, I see your doing well?" Alex said, walking forward slowly. Yin started walking backwards, her Expression Frozen.
"A--Alexander?" She struggled to say, as their pace quickened.

Yin suddenly stopped, putting her sword up.
"You wont survive if you do that. But I'll help you die." Alex said, putting his own sword in front of him. He dashed forwards, trying to slice Yin. She successfully blocked the attack, and used her Free arm to Punch Alexander.
Flexio stood up, He felt better now. He looked at Inklings and August "August, help Yin. Kids, this place is dangerous. I will go help this kid with that guy" said Flexio and rushed at the field.

Field was fully destroyed, Eryk's wings changed, it get black feathers. They both seemed tired of this and Flexio joined to Eryk. Another Flexio's sword reacted and Flexio made a decision "Kid, take this sword. It's name is Tsuminoyami" Eryk took black sword "Thanks"

"Hey, it's kinda unfair that you have weapons. Let me took my weapon too" and then He summoned a halberd. Then he rushed at Eryk, but Flexio blocked his attack. They were trying to hit each other and Eryk jumped and tried to attack from the air. Światowid jumped off and rushed again at Eryk, but Flexio teleport, thanks to his portal and kicked Nawi away. "You aren't so bad kid" Flexio said "You too, old man" Eryk replied

"What are you so happy about"
"Becouse we survived 3 minutes fighting with you" They both yelled
"What, don't get too proud of yourself. Alright, now try to hit me, when I will be able to Foreseen your moves" Światowid said and his eyes started to emanate the black light...Battle continued.

"We need to beat him fast to help August, Yin and kids" Flexio thought
August ran over and grabbed Coral and Reef, holding them close to her. “Ok, you guys stay near me, no body will hurt you....” She whispered, and the two nodded. Shard however, teleported up with a grin, using blue attacks to make a cage of bones around the three. “You cant move, or you die. But, if they try and save you, you will die anyway!” He yelled, summoning a Gaster Blaster above them, charging it up.
Flexio and Eryk fought with their enemy, or at least they tried to. Światowid has became way faster and stronger , than he was before. In the middle of the battle, Eryk said that he noticed , that when they wound Światowid's face it regenerate way slower than the rest of his body. So, if they will wound his 4 faces in the time 15 sec after wounding one of them. They will won, but they had a big problems and even if Eryk regenerate his body, Flexio couldn't do it. "Eryk, we don't have time. Skeleton woke up, we need to stop him and help the others. Try to use your sword power" Flexio said and Eryk was in too big pain already to reply but he noded, on his back appeard second black wing and sword took energy from them, then he cut with dark energy through the 3 Światowid's faces, Światowid foreseen that attack but it was too fast to dodge, quickly after Eryk's attack. Frelio teleport himself to the last face and cut it. Earth started to rumble and on the sky were storm clouds "Noooooo, Boehrn... Nija... Avenge meee" and Światowid turned into dust to return after a few centuries. Frelio tired, fell at the ground unconscious and Eryk's body felt at the ground and died. Soul started it journey to search a new body. "Spark please, help them... I'm too tired to... Stand up... Anybody, help kids, Yin, August" Frelio thought before he fainted.
Sparks eyes widened, seeing a bone flying at him. And, before he could dodge, the attack stabbed into his stomach. “N-......no......” He whispered, falling to his knees, as he smiled shakily. “Heh......sorry everyone....just....a scratch though......” He said softly, struggling to stay up.
=In Another Dimension=
"So, 4# has been killed so easily... I'm not suprised" said Boehrn. "But he did his job... I was worried that he will kill Flexio, until this sinner is alive. New Reapers won't appear. Let's just hope that this kid won't find new body too fast" said a woman, she looked like a grandma that was going to die soon "Nija, you may be a number 2 and Queen of Nawi, but I still want to know. What are you planning" Boehrn asked "Right now, I want to make a deal with those two interesting mortals that attacked the same building as Światowid,if they will be still alive of course...We will send our Army to other worlds, without Reapers, there is no one with a knowledge and strength to stand against us. We will bring Chaos to this world... And I... I will be the Queen of this Chaos" said Nija, in the outside, when she said about Chaos, big lightning hit the ground. "Interesting, really, but what if the situation that there is so small number of Reapers will free Perun from his prison" Boehrn asked "Perun, hah......." and Nija stopped, in her eyes you could see a fear "It may turn out, that there is competition for the title of the chaos ruler" Boehrn said with a grin "You're idiot, don't even say his na-" Nija didn't end her sentence the whole Nawi world rumbled, Nija and Boehrn fall at the ground, then they heard a voice "Freedoom... I want freedoom"
----- v -----
Frelio stood up, He was still tired, but he didn't have time for that. He came closer to Eryk to check if He is okay, then he found out. "Sleep well, kid... You did great job out there. *sniff* I'm really sorry" after he said that, he saw Spark and the rest having troblue "Well, I'm their older friend from work... They can't die earlier than me" He looked at Eryk's body "And not after what you did for them"

Frelio teleported himself next to Shard "I'm tired of this already... Leave them or get punishment for attacking kids and Women... Spark also"
Shard smirked, waving. “Okay.Just, make sure one of the kids is alive. I hope one wont be...” The skeleton growled, teleporting off. August regenerated, looking around confused. “What happened...” She mumbled, before looking down at the kids. “Oh no...”
"August, sorry for troblue you but, can you help them. Or If you don't know how just try...you can't help this kid in the field now... Spark, if you want, you can stay here and take first aid. I'm going to help Yin" Frelio said but he almost fell at the ground again, He had serious wounds after fighting with this immortal guy... But he promised to protect this place. He took a deep breath and he stood up after a while and teleport again, He wanted behind Yin's opponent, but he was too tired and he teleported himself behind Yin.
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August nodded, but looking down again she saw they had disappeared. “Shoot....”
Reef winced, finishing up wrapping bandages on Coral. “K...Ke.....” The smaller whimpered, struggling to make noises. “I’m gonna go...help Mr.Frelio....” Reef muttered, turning into his squid form and swimming to Yin and Frelio, unaware Coral was following. The two actually were good fighters when determined. “Okay, lets do this!” Reef yelled, and Coral jumped on his back. “Ok, we both are here!”
Spark pulled the attack out of his stomach, feeling dizzy at the sight of his blood. “Okay....lets bandage this, and help Frelio. And the kids, since they left.” He thought, pulling out a first aid kit.
Yin felt the presence of Frelio teleporting behind her. She looked back, before looking back at Alexander.
"Took your time....Let's and this...!" She said, as she pushed the sword away, yelling a Chant. "Oh profound Light, Solar Edge!" As she said that, a swift force of Light hit Alex. It wasn't as effective as shed expect, but it worked.
" I'm quite surprised, maybe if you stayed, you could've been my right hand." Alex said, as he stabbed his sword In the ground, causing Ice to appear around him.

After the ice disappeared, all scratches from Solar Edge were gone. The two swordsmen lunged at each other, clashing blades.
"Hey Yin, do you want a help from the other swordsman or... Not?" Frelio asked her, her opponent looked tough but Frelio couldn't leave Yin "At least this guy don't regenerate cuted hand, body and etc. So I don't need to worry how to hit him" Frelio took his sword, He was breathing poorly. "I will protect your back"
"That.. would be much appreciated." She said, trying to control her breathing. "Let's just...end this as fast as possible. Alright?"
Alexander smirked, as his Blastia glowed.
",Guardian Frost" He yelled, as Ice surrounded him once again. This time, catching Yin inside it.
A scream of Pain could be heard as the ice disappeared, as Yin stepped back. She held her side, and the similar Green aura appeared around her, going inside.
"It seems that you aren't a gentelment. True man doesn't attacks woman when She talks with someone. Or maybe you are jealous. Can I ask you for your name... Before I kill you" said Flexio, he was calm and ready to use all his strength to defeat new enemy. "Don't even think about attacking her again, becouse I can cut you faster than you think"

Eryk woke up in the funeral home, Suddenly, his head get a memories of his new body person. "Tomasz Wojna, 14 years old... He was bullied for his entire life by his older brother, Adam, 15 years old... His parents, died in car accident and his girlfriend cheated on him with his brother... Suicide, he hanged himself... You had a really hard life, I'm sorry. Even with your memories, I can't understand your pain" said Eryk "Still, Thanks" Eryk was suprised for a while, He thought that he heard someone voice. But, Tomasz couldn't be in his body anymore. "Oh, You didn't started to hear things. I'm here"
Eryk looked inside himself, he saw a person in Glass box, cuted from the rest of the world "Hi" Boy said, he had Light Brown hair, He was thin and looked like he didn't felt any emotions. "You are Tomasz, but you couldn't stay in this body. You schould go to Heaven, Hell or Nawi world" said Eryk, He still didn't know, how it is possible. No one from Reapers ever meet something like that "Sorry, if I bother you... My pain, emotionless keep me in this cage, I can't leave. Even if I want to. I was hated, left alone. Nobody loved me and those that loved, died... I stopped being human, I didn't cry or smile. So, I closed myself" Tomasz said. "You know, I may know how to help you and I think that there is a place for you and me"
"In Outcast Edge"
"Outcast Edge?"
"Yes... But, before we leave... I will need a rope that you hooked up..."
"It schould be still in my home's garden, why do you need it?" Tomasz asked
"Becouse, Reapers know that hangman's rope has special strength to fight with Nawi" Eryk explained and they left Funeral Home.
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Alexander looked at Flexio.
"Alexander Von Oltorain. Commandant of the imperial Knights." He said, as he looked back over to Yin who was healing herself. "I want nothing with an Ex-Knight, so if you would mind, I believe this is where we were." He slashed down, as Yin put her sword up just in time, blocking it.

Trying to control her breathing, she got up, still trying to block the attack.
"Flexio, is their a wide open area you could teleport us to? I dont want to destroy something important here." She said, pushing Alexander away to give her breathing room. "Also, could you focus more on the Children? I'll be fine, I'm just more worried about them."
“We should help....” Reef mumbled, setting Coral down. “Okay....protect your sister.....you can do this.” His mind told him, as he pulled out his Ink Shooter and began shooting at Alexander, yelling something in the Inkling language. “Ngyes, Swids-Sywei!”
Flexio came to Inklings with a stance to protect them from the attack "Your decision, Yin. But, I will return for you after a 35 minutes. Don't die there, or I will kill you. Survive, becouse I'm not very good in nannying children. The Omnipresence power of Gods, Teleport Gate" Flexio shouted, and his sword started to emanate with bright light. On Yin and Alexander's feets appeard giant portal to other place. "Don't worry, as you are once traped in my Gate, you can't escape. One last time I will say this, I saw one dead body today and I don't want to see another one"
On his way, Eryk collected everything that he could use, when He get to Tomasz's hause, nobody was inside. "I'm not suprised" said Tomasz in Eryk's mind "We lost our parents and we weren't an adults to live there alone"
After taking the last thing, Thomas's suicide rope. They left the hause. Eryk send to Tomasz, how building looked. "I saw once weird passage in the Forest and there may be a building that you search" Thomas said and they headed to the Forest.
Coral looked around, confused. “Woo? Woo-Woomy, Myoo-oo?” Coral asked Reef in Inkling, and he shrugged. “Urm....I dont know where Eryk is, but I’m sure he’ll turn up. He wouldn’t disappear, he was your first friend after all.” Reef told his sister, patting her head as she happily squeaked.
Before they teleported, she shot a look over to Flexio.
"Trust me, It'll take a lot more that this to take me down." She said, vanishing.

"I see, Protecting those around you before yourself. I wonder if you were always this Idiotic when you were in the Knights." Alex said, as Yin rested her sword up on her Shoulder.
"No, I just have more things to protect. You came close enough to Outcast Edge, and I'm making sure you never come back." Yin said, as she latched to the ground. "I'll Blow you Away!" As she yelled that, a Blueish-Greenish Aura could be seen around her, as Alexander looked in slight shock.
"Overlimit. That's why you wanted to be teleported away?" Alex said, as they both exchanged smirks.
"Welcome to the Hornets Nest!" Yin yelled, Charging at Alex. They clashed swords for awhile, but eventually Yin landed one clean Stab. Following that up, She held her off-hand to his Face, yelling a Chant.

"Brilliant Blade of coldest steel, Rend the infinite darkness, and crush my enemies to Nothing!" She began to Tighten the Grip, while twisting the Blade around. "You're dead! Savage, wolf fury!" A blast of Aer shot Alex away.

She crouched down, regaining her breath from the Onslaught.
"Ehehe..." Alex giggled, as he slowly got up. "That....wont be....enough." He walked up to the Yin who just got up from crouching, and stabbed his sword inside the ground. "Guardian Ice. Divine Frost" He said, as Ice appeared around him, catching Yin inside once again. It dissipated, and Alex took this time to add in a Punch. "Raging Blast!" Yin was flung back, still trying to get up off of her Back.
Coral watched as Yin left, whining softly. “It’s gonna be fine, sis. She’ll be back, everyone will.” Reef said, picking Coral up. “Mr...do you know where Eryk is? Coral really like hanging out with him, he is her first friend, really.....well, besides me, but I’m her brother, so that doesn’t count.” Reef asked Frelio, tilting his head.
Flexio heard Reef and started to think,tell them or not. Then he turned around and said "Kids, Eryk is.... He sacrificed himself in the fight against this immortal opponent. He...won't return" He was trying to be calm, but Flexio still believed that this is his fault.
When Eryk saw passage, Tomasz yelled inside of him "STOP!!! There are 3 Nawis in front of the entrence"
"I didn't tell you, but you didn't noticed. Something with your soul is broken and you are blind for right eye. You can see only Nawis with it"
"But...Why I didn't notice and how do you know about them" Eryk asked.
"every soul after death know about Nawi world, but I don't know why, maybe because you are Reaper, you aren't fully death and you had to heard about them. You didn't notice them becouse they are hard to see now, even with your eyes. I saw them becouse I was bored and had nothing to do" Tomasz said, "still, thanks" Eryk replied. He prepared himself and came to his opponents "Three Beskosts" Eryk noticed, he took silver knife from kitchen but he couldn't beat 3 monsters with 2 hearts in the same time "Don't worry, Place a hand in my glass prison, like me" Eryk did as Tomasz said and felt that he gain some energy.
After a 2 minutes, all opponents were lying death. Eryk was without a scratch but he lost this energy "What did you do?" "I'm not doing anything here, so I don't know what to do with my energy thats all. Let's go already. I hope that you know what to do. Your friends schouldn't recognize you in my body" Tomasz said "Don't worry, We will be alright" They left the Forest and saw from a far distance Outcast Edge.
“Kew....?” Coral squeaked, tears coming to her eyes as she let out a whimper, looking up at Reef. “Who....Who did it....?” Reef asked, setting his little sister down who was silently sobbing to herself. “Whoever did, they made a mistake. I will track them and their family and friends down, and make them SUFFER.” He said, as Coral looked at at him with a look of slight fear.
Spark finished patching himself up as he walked to where the others were, sighing. “Reef, your scaring your sister. Eryk may be gone, but, you cant save everyone....” Spark told the young child, before kneeling down and hugging Coral. “It’ll be alright. We need to protect you, and the rest. We will be victorious, and give you all a better life, okay....?” He said quietly, patting the smaller inklings back.
Eryk was in front of the entrence to Outcast Edge "Are you ready" Tomasz asked, Eryk noded and he came inside.
Flexio saw another intruder behind Inklings and Spark. He teleported to him. "Oh, hi F-"
"Eryk, dodge to the right. He doesn't recognize you" said Tomasz inside him, Eryk dodged the blow and said "I-it's me, Eryk". "This is impossible, I saw his death and you look too different, you look younger, you aren't that muscular. Thin and a bit taller." But, it is me. As a Reaper, I can't die, my soul always seek for a new body" Eryk explained. Flexio was shocked, He never heard about someone that can return from the death 'like that' but he recognized Eryk's voice "but, I didn't left this fight without a scratch. I'm blind to my right eye and met someone"
Reef saw someone and heard them claim to be Eryk, and had a plan. He grabbed Coral away from Spark, and brought her over. “Well, if your Eryk, then Coral should know!” He stated, while Coral simply glared at her brother, her tentacles fading back to gray as she began squirming around. She hadn’t even noticed there was another person yet. “Really sis....” Reef said, trying to keep a hold on her.