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Ask to Join Outcast Edge. (RP)

Alexander walked over to Borutha.
"Don't worry, I know you wouldn't forget about me." He said, as he walked in to see what was going on..

The memory stopped glitching , showing when she first found her sword.
"Are you sure? It seems special to you..." She said, slowly grabbing the sword being presented to her.
"I assure you, this sword is Special, but I feel it will help you more, Yin." An unknown man said, turning around to walk away.

Yin shot up, wincing at the pain of sitting up to fast, grabbing the side of her stomach, while Breathing and Sweating hard.
"Owch..." She grunted, looking around the area she was.
"Spark? Flexio?" She said, slowly getting up, Still grabbing her wound.
Shard dodged Flexio’s attack,shooting more blasters. “Yo, Borutha! August weak points the gem on her chest, just saying!” He yelled, as August whimpered. “Why did you t-tell him....” She whispered, trying to pull away once more.
Spark saw Shard, running over. “Hey! Leave my friends alone!” He yelled, dodging attacks as he ran. He was determined to get rid of them once and for all.
Borutha smiled "Thanks for an advise" Nawi put his hand on August's Gem "Did you Ever thought about how souls of sinners suffer in hell. I hope that they have better time than you"
Flexio used his portals and they drained Shard's blasters beams and send them at the wall. Borutha turned to them and stopped pay attention at August "Hey, don't destroy this room, it is much more expensive than your lives. Maybe I schould call Nawis and we will just watch them at their meal time" Borutha yelled "When we will done here I will give you some soldiers Alexander, as a experienced commander you will be very useful, but if you don't want then I sorry" Borutha said, He tried his best not to speak to mortals as a things, he didn't want to lose them now... Maybe later.

Eryk heard Yin and came to her "Miss Yin, something happend?"
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August began thrashing around, screaming in pain. “STOP IT! LET ME GO!” She yelled, beginning to try and shove Borutha off again. “F-flexio....S-Spark......help.....” She whispered, her voice beginning to trail off. “Okay, make sure not to kill her boss, we still need information.” Shard said, noticing the condition the gem was in. “We dont wanna kill her just yet anyway, letting them suffer is more fun.” He stated, before grabbing Spark with magic and throwing him at a wall.
Spark growled as he hit the wall, before hearing August. “I’ll handle Shard! You get the newbie!” He told Flexio, before running up to Shard. “Wanna know why I’m named Spark?” He asked, before his fur became charged with electricity.
Borutha slowly took his hand off the gem "You will still feel pain for some time, but you won't die. I can wait when you will rest enough for another round. Flexio teleported to him "You think that I will let you do this" He asked and tried to hit Borutha, Borutha was faster than Flexio. After every attack, Flexio teleported and tried to hit again, but even if teleportacion was almost instant, his normal moves were 'Human fast'. His attacks was in amazing speed, but Borutha, who lived for thousend of years, easily dodged them all. "I didn't end yet" said Flexio as He gathered energy in his sword "I still can show you... And win this"
August nodded a bit, sitting up. Shard walked over, offering a hand to help her up. “Hey, I got a deal for you. If you join us, none of your friends get hurt...” He lied, trying to convince the small gem. August looked up at Shard, half of her considering it. “Just take my hand, and a whole new world will open up to you.” Shard said, grinning.
“August! Don’t do it!” Spark yelled, getting up again. “He’s lying! You have to come back with us! You could die here!” He kept shouting, running towards them.
Shard used blue attacks to trap Spark in a cage of bones with a growl. “This is her choice!” He hissed, before taking Augusts glasses and putting them on her face. “We can help you, if you just take my hand...okay....?” Shard said, as August looked at him, with a worried expression.
Flexio teleported to August, hold her hand and teleported again, away from them "August, I understand that you may be worried about us but..." Flexio turned around and smiled "Believe in us, okay. We are here to protect everyone of you" He teleported again in front of Borutha "Now, I will ask you one thing... Who are you? I thought this skeleton works for no one, but he called you per 'Boss', you also took Yin's opponent with you..." Flexio was saying, but Borutha interrupted him "Flexio, Flexio, little sweet Flexio... You really don't remember me. Did you really forget, what happend 5 years ago. My 'little sweet assassin'" Expression on Flexio face changed, with True Rage he rushed at Borutha, who dodged his attack "Only... One person called me that way... Izayoi? Is that really you"
"In many different worlds, I have different names. Izayoi, Boehrn, Kheod, Noir, Uioyr, Ąłen, Haxen... And my true name, Nawi, Slovian god, Archdevil...Borutha. Yes, its me, Flexio. I helped you to gain your swords amazing power and you helped me to completly destroy your Homeworld"
August sighed in relief, before Shard teleported behind her and stabbed something into her neck. “Ssh....your under MY control now....” He whispered, as August’s eyes turned into spirals. Shard teleported them back with a grin, laughing. “Boss! I used a hypnotism serum on her, she’s now one of us.” The skeleton said, shoving August forward a bit.
Flexio teleported quickly to Spark, took his hand and teleported behind Shard and August "Spark, finish him. The fastest way you know... I need to end with my past... But, if something happends to me then take this" Flexio said and he handed to Spark some kind of feather "It was made from my sword power. Just think about the place, you want to go... You have 3 uses and you can give it only to a person you trust. There must be the way for the serum. You have to find it, but don't think that you can't just escape from here" Flexio ended turned to Borutha "I will end this once and for all. Melody, my sweet little sister. Watch over me! The power that was a piece of beginning but it isn't an end, let me destroy my foe. Speed of God" Flexio's Honimoru was emanating very bright, golden light. Flexio was too fast for anyone to see him with their eyes, he was cutting Borutha for 30 seconds. He cuted off his hand, leg, badly slashed his chest, but he finally reached his limits and Borutha regenerated his wounds "It's over" Borutha said.

Flexio remind himself a memory from the past. "Brother, Why mommy is lying on the floor. Big brother, why are you crying... Don't cry, mommy, stood up. Please..." Melody, Flexio's Sister was slowly finding out, what happend. Their mother died becouse of everything that happend. War, Father captured by enemy, still on the run with kids. (...) Memory changed, He met Izayoi on his way, traveler told him about 3 sacred blades that are the part of this world "It's to protect my sister" (...) another memory, world is falling apart, on Flexio's hands was blood of his sister, friends, brave Knights, kings, Spirits... He, world that is falling into it's destruction and Izayoi, who was enjoying the show.

Borutha came closer "You still schould have a mark of our pact on the back. Would you mind if I will see how it looks now, maybe use it... Or maybe just kill you..."
Shard decided to do something as a distraction. “August, destroy them.” He said, handing the gem an energy filled gun. Then, the skeleton teleported away, and August turned, aiming the gun at the hedgehog.
Spark began slowly walking towards August. “Hey....you in there newbie....? Can you hear me....? If you can, turn around so I Can get whatever is in your neck out......” Spark said calmly, preparing to dodge in case August attacked.
August stayed quiet, seeming to be confused on what to do. “You aren’t to be controlled.....snap out of it......no, i have to listen to orders......your not your own person.....what do i do....?” She mumbled to herself, slowly lowering the gun as she thought about what she was gonna do.
She looked at Eryk.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just...Pushed a little to hard, thats all." She said, as she finally stood up straight.
"Where is everyone? More importantly, Where are the Kids?" She looked around the Room, then at her Robe.

"I guess I need to learn how to Sew..."

"I see. Allow me to ask them a question once you are done." Alexander said, trying to keep his distance so his wounds could fully heal.

Yin walked around the place in look for the Med bay.
"The one time I cant find a place here..." She grumbled, quickly wincing, grabbing her wound again.
Eryk followed wounded Yin "Reef and Coral went this way" and he pointed at the door "Are you sure that you are okay, maybe I can find some kind of medical kit. Also, I don't know where the rest went, but I believe that they will return soon said Eryk. " You think too positiv, can I greet her" Tomasz asked "I don't think so, maybe not now. And did you notice her Robe. Maybe we schould find some clothes too"

Borutha saw a mark of Demonic Pact on Flexio back "Oh, I know. Let's play with them a bit" He touched Flexio's mark and he aweke "Aaaaaaaaaaagghhhh" Flexio yelled, He was feeling great pain "Now, The last order of the Pact. Go, to Outcast Edge. Kill as many as you can, I declare the war for this world" Borutha ordered, He turned around to Alexander "Oh, sorry. I forgot you had the question to them. You can ask Flexio before he Pact power ends or he teleports away to Outcast Edge"
"Yeah, Just a small wound..." She said, looking at Eryk's New body.
"Where did you get that?" She was confused on Changing Bodies, but Even more confused on how she hasn't found the Medbay.
"Actually, I think you should get a Medical pack."

Alexander walked over to Flexio, unsheathing his Blade.
"Where is the Woman." He asked in his usual Cold tone. His wounds slightly present, but on the brink of being healed.
Flexio looked at Alexander "If you are asking for Yin, she stayed with kids in Outcast... Edge..." Flexio said, He sounded like Borutha with his Demonic voice, but it didn't give a frightening but a feeling of regret. Borutha smiled "Do you want to end your job, Alexander? Flexio will take you to Outcast Edge, when he will be killing kids. You will fight with this girl,do this Sounds good to you?"

Eryk after a while found Medical Pack and handed it to Yin "I hope it will be enough"
Alexander looked back at Borutha.
"Her injuries would still be serious. I think I have a few minutes to spare." He said, putting his sword back in the sheathe.
"Borutha, what would your Knowledge on Blastia be? It would be a shame if a Blastia Explosion happened at Outcast Edge. "

"Thanks. I'll get myself patched up once I get to my Room." He said, as he walked in the direction of the Rooms. "Could you thank Flexio for me?"
Borutha looked at Alexander "Becouse I never was in your world so I can have a really little knowledge. I know that Blastia is a technology that you can manipulate or materialize Ear, an energy from your world that flows through it and all living things... I don't know what to do if there will be Blastia explosion... But, it won't kill me as there is only one way to do it. Still, we all are learning through their whole lives... So can you tell me something that I need to know and I didn't mentioned" Borutha asked Alexander, in the same time Flexio teleported.

Flexio appeard in front of Eryk, not so far from Yin "Oh, Flexio. You returned... Listen, Yin wanted to tha..." Eryk didn't ended, Tomasz took control over the body for a while and dodged Flexio's sword that tried to cut their Head. "Something is wrong, he isn't a guy you know. Draw this sword you took from your previous body, we have to fight" Eryk regain control, took Tsuminoyami and he blocked next attack, then they exchanged attacks with each other "Flexio! What happend?!"
"You got some of it right. Blastia manipulates Aer for many things in our world. You've already seen the offensive side, but it can also be used to make Barrier's, known as Barrier Blastia. The blastia Yin and I use are called Bodhi Blastia. Their main purpose is to allow us to use Artes, such as Guardian Ice or Solar Edge." Alexander said, looking at Borutha.

Yin quickly looked back, seeing Flexio Attempt to slash Eryk.
"Flexio!" She yelled, as she started to run, but was quickly stopped by her wound. Grunting, she grabbed her wound, slowly walking over to the two, using the wall as a support.
"I see" said Borutha "Thank you, Alexander. Maybe... Nevermind. How do you feel, how your wounds look"

"Eryk, switch" Tomasz yelled and they changed. Tomasz blocked next Flexio attack and kicked him in stomach, sending few meters away. Tomasz said to him in his voice "Mr.Flexio, I doubt that you want to hurt us. But, whatever is happening. I will protect this body from you" Eryk changed back "I saw on his back something strange, maybe he acts like this becouse of that" Flexio was preparing himself "Speed of Gods "
August ran over to Spark, grabbing what Flexio gave him. "Sorry....it has to be done....." She said sadly. She teleported to Outcast Edge with it, grinning. "Hey everyone..." She said, before noticing Reef and pointing her blaster at him, as he just stayed there, frozen in fear.
"Die" Flexio attacked with great speed, Eryk and Tomasz gathered power in Tsuminoyami. "Devil's Fire" They said in the same time, Flexio stopped in the air. Eryk kicked his head with great strength and mark dissapired.

They didn't had time to waste August appeard and had a gun pointed at Reef. "Eryk, switch" Tomasz ordered
"I will stop her" Tomasz told him
"You... Started to feel something" Eryk asked, He hoped that Tomasz will regain his emotions one day. "No, I just..." as He was saying a little crack appeard on his glass prison "... Has to much energy to waste"
Tomasz took control over his body "Yo, Stupid Gem" He waited for reaction "Did I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid? I really thought that you know about this already. Stop ignoring me... It's alright that you don't like me, not everybody has a good taste" Tomasz jumped and he headed to Gem head with amazing speed. "Hey, you want to kill her" Eryk asked. "No, I will just..." Tomasz said aloud "Hit her in this stupid head" and then He sended with a big speed a fist at Gem's head "If you had something with head, you Just need to hit with some power!!!"
Boruta felt something new, but he thought that he schould know this feeling "Something is happening"
"My wounds feel better. Now, when should we head back?" He asked, as He remembers the first time that He saw Yin.
It was the deporting of Knights. Hundreds of knights showed up to find their post for the time being.
"I assure you, All of these posts are lead by the Greatest captains we have to offer!" He said, Yelling out.
Yin was standing there, looking as bored as she could be. Her friend, Nagi, on the other hand, was standing at attention.
"Recruits of 20-7-45 will be sent to the Niren Cops located In Leincastre."
"Flexio and August probably made some chaos in Outcast Edge. Shard, we are leaving" said Boruta, then he whistled and the air in the room began to be cold "Nawis, 1 group prepare to attack. Second will be under Alexander command" He turned to Alexander "We will leave soon, I believe in you. Alexander. Group of Nawis number 2, that I give you under command, have to attack Outcast Edge and First one will invade one place to get a weapon for me, my Old good Scythe" (picture attached)


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August moved out of the way, whimpering a bit. "(you are really scared of a kid?) What? Your the skeleton....how are you in my head? (Magic. And Logic that works in this world.) Oh....makes sense...." August thought, but went back to dealing with Reef. he had a feeling though, and it was...strange. It was like he was filled with energy, and it was a first for him. His eyes began glowing a lighter blue, and an aura similar to his eyes surrounded him.

(I have a plan for August getting a gem weapon, so I wanted to give Reef something cool too.)
(Alright, sorry that Tomasz wanted to bother)
"She still ignore's you, but I know that you could hit her if you want" said Eryk "She still can return to us and... Those kids need some fighting experience."
"What do you mean?"
"Reef and Coral, may help her or they will die"
"And you will let..."
"I'm not you, I don't care if they will die. I protect my body, but not your friends"

Eryk took control again and came to Yin to help her "Don't force yourself, you didn't heal your wounds enough yet"
"What is this feeling, that I had. It felt like some kind of strong Nawi. But, I didn't send anyone, also I didn't recognize this kind of Nawi energy" was saying in thoughts Boruta
August turned to Reef, shooting the blaster at him as he dodged it. "I feel....weird....what's going on? Why am I glowing?" Reef thought, before charging at August, tackling her with enough force to send the two through a wall.
Yin Looked at what was all happening from behind a wall.
"Whats happening...?" She said to herself, grabbing her stomach. "Not enough time to waste...Come on, at least make it to the Room" She started walking as fast as she could, looking behind her every so often to make sure no one was following her.

"I think I could get used to this. Nawi seem to be more capable than the normal Knights." Alexander said, as he manuvered his gauntlet around, making sure it wasn't loose.

Yin made it to her quarters, looking inside her cabinet. Grabbing some Gels, she went to sit down on her bed.
"Apple gels, Lets hope they work." She said, putting two in her mouth, grabbing the Bandages inside the Med pack. She lifted her robe up to Reveal the Wound. It was deeper than she expected, but the bandages inside the med pack should work.

Wrapping the bandages around her Stomach area, she winced when they made contact with the Wound. She pulled through, and added two layers.
"The robe has to go..." She said, as she Took the robe off, heading over to her closet.

She found her old knight uniform, and grabbed it.
"This'll have to do for now..." She said, removing the Hanger from the Armor set.
Reef stood up, shaking himself a bit. “Urm...sorry.....”He mumbled, before running off. “Coral? Where are you?!” He yelled, beginning to think of the worst that could’ve happened.
Eryk looked around and he noticed that Spark weren't here "Crap... What we will do"
"We will take this lying on the floor idiot sword. Don't worry, we will give it back"
Eryk did as Tomasz said, and then sword took them without their control to the place, where was Spark and 'The rest'. Lucky enough, they teleported behind Spark, So Eryk took Spark hand and said "Sorry, a little retreat won't hurt you, will it" and they traveled back.
Borutha wasn't shocked, "Well, Alexander. Would you like to be one of two Generals that will take control over the worlds. Then let us go, to the place where we will prepare invasion, to Outcast Edge" Borutha said and he came to portal "When you will be ready then teleport to Mortals world by this portal, He will send us 300 fts away from our targets. Of course, you Shard caan teleport on your own" Borutha said and he teleported.
August sat up, groaning a bit as her eyes turned back to normal. “Ugh....what the....what happened....?” She mumbled, looking around as she adjusted her glasses. “Why is there a hole in the wall?”
Reef continued to look around, trying to find his sister. “Where could’ve she gone? She could be anywhere by now....” He said sadly, slowing down a bit.
Coral had been exploring the outside area, when she tripped and rolled into a ditch filled with water. Being an Inkling, she and Reef would hurt themselves when they came in contact with water, so she was on top of a rock, trying to find a way to climb out without slipping and falling into the water. “Kew....” She squeaked sadly. She had been stuck for at least an hour, and she was scared.

(I’m just assuming that its been at least an hour since she walked out at this point.)
"I'd love to be one of the generals." He said, walking to the portal.

"Just how does this still Fit?" She said, slightly red from the knight uniform. It had no sleeves, Shoulder guards, and a Dangerously short skirt. She had put some pants under it, so that helped for the most part. She went over to her drawer, looking inside it. She found a Small piece of clear paper with a small Icon on the corner. "I hope this works." She said to herself, Grabbing the piece of paper. She cleared out her throat, just to say "Nyah.". After she said that, the paper seemed to glow a little, before fading away.

"So. 300 Feet away from Outcast Edge?"
Coral began climbing out of the ditch, trying to keep her balance. She almost made it out, before slipping and falling back down, landing in the water. “WOOMY!” She yelled, struggling to climb back on her rock.
Reef heard something in inkling language, and turned towards the sound. “Coral? Was that her?” He thought, walking towards the sound.
Borutha sat on something that looked like a Quickly made throne from gold, meat, bones and sand. Weird but really interesting combination. After some time one of Beskost arrived and gived Scythe to their leader. "Honimoru,Tsuminoyami and Hakkure... Three Nawi Blades, that made Flexio world and that were made by Perun himself, mortal like Flexio will never use its full power. Still, this worker is stronger than we think... Generals Alexander and Shard, we are ready..! Let us destroy Outcast Edge as a first place" Borutha said.
Flexio woke up and find August "Are you alright, I remember that I tried to rescue you and I lost to this demon"
Eryk was really tired of all of this, but he knew. That this isn't over, not till those guys exist. He also wanted to help Tomasz. But he didn't know how, even if He threat this lost soul like a friend. Tomasz didn't look at Eryk in the same way, He think probably more about Eryk like 'needed ally and that's all'. After a while he heard Coral and Reef and rushed to check this.
August nodded, rubbing her head a bit. “Yeah....I’m fine....it still hurts a lot....but I’ll just ignore it....totally will be fine.....” She mumbled, struggling to even speak. She tried standing up, wobbling a bit.
Coral continued panicking, flailing and splashing around. “H....H-Help!” She managed to call out.
Reef heard someone call for help, and began freaking out. “She never actually talks unless she needs to....she’s in trouble!” He told himself, running towards the sound.