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Open Outcasts 2 discussion

I imagine each cell would have to be specialised to deal with each characters powers of course. So for example a fire based characters would spray them down with foam the moment they tried anything.
Alright it seems everyone is up for the institution/ Prison idea. But still drop the government gives them powers thought. I don't know I just feel like the powers should be natural not forced upon.
Possibly a mutation that people had. Then when some kind of cosmic thingy happened it activated people's powers. The government decided to Round them all up and but them in prison.
We could essentially, combine a large variety of the ideas. Some are given while others are born with them. They all get sent to the prison, but the government misses a few. Then they cause a breakout, and head to the city and go from there.
MIMC stands for Mutation Inhibition (and) Mimicry Coalition btw. I was thinking my OC would have the powers forced upon him through a series of experiments to mimic the mutations of a captured person.
Okay, that actually sounds like a government program. And a quick note, I think we should have serial numbers in the institute just a way to show that the mutated people are not treated as human beings.
So I'm just gonna go ahead and post this...?

Name: Jake Everett
Age: 18
Height: 5ft 8 inches

Personality: Jake is the kind of guy who doesn't shy away from doing what he considers to be the right thing and due to this he can prove to be on the headstrong side of things. That said he is nice to everybody meets unless they give him a reason to distrust them. The usual reason for this is that he is extremely protective of his little sister and really doesn't like to let new people in too quickly. The boy is not afraid to got to extremes if he needs to and has been pushed into corners that require him to some dark things before.

Physical appearance: Jake isn't tall for his age but he is built with a wiry frame, still tough. He possess a pair of hazel eyes that can give either a piercing gaze or a friendly look depending on the situation. His hair is a dark mess that is often untamed but still manages to suit him pretty well. A few freckles are scattered across his nose and over all he is a pretty good looking guy.

Usual outfit: Dark jeans, whatever shirt he chooses and a navy blue jacket over it all. He normally also dons a pair of black combat boots.

Powers: Can swap between his human form and another in which his skin becomes jet black and he loses all features bar his eyes and mouth. His eyes are replaced with fully yellow ones, no whites, and his mouth is just a black pit. When I say he can swap to this form, its often not willingly due to the way in which he gained his powers. This form is not completely solid, it can shift somewhat, his arms can reshape to blades, his limbs could extend or he could change his hands into a shield or whip. He often climbs on walls and ceilings, gecko style. Whatever his body is made up of in this form is harder than human flesh, it makes him a lot tougher than the average human. He has no organs in this form either as far as he can tell, no blood comes out when he is split. Put very simply he is now composed of thousands of black crystals that work in an almost hive mind. They can move indeapendtly from one another in order for him to essentially shapeshift. This also means that if he were hit by a car for example he would split into loads of different crystals that would then come back together and reform him. He is far from invulnerable though, heat and electricity affect him just like anybody else.

Bio: The reason for Jake's powers is actually rather sad. At a young age (7) he was diagnosed with cancer. It was everywhere in his body, not a chance he could survive even with the best treatment available. And so he was signed up to take part in a off the books experiment in which his atoms would be complexly reconstructed in order to edit out the cancer using incredible new technology. Untested technology. Turns out that the people who had told him they were curing him where actually trying kill him, they wanted to see if their machine could edit him out of existence basically. Luckily something clearly went wrong along the line as once he was deconstructed Jake returned in his new form, a mess of black crystals that destroyed the lab and everybody in it. Then the MIMC goons came and took him too their own compound. The original team of scientists that were experimenting on Jake were actually a side branch of MIMC so really he was doomed from the start.
Name: Ryker Yuko
Appearance: Ryker is a 17 year old male, who is about 5'11". He has thick, reddish brown hair, and a light white skin tone. He has Emerald green eyes, and freckles across the bridge of his nose. He wears a dark grey t-shirt with a brown open sleeveless vest over it. He wears black fingerless gloves and dark navy blue jeans. He also wears black combat boots.
Power: Absorbtion: He can absorb blows, and store part of the energy for later. For strong blasts, he can only absorb about half the damage. He can output the energy from any point of his body, like legs to run faster or jump higher, or arms to punch harder. He can also heal broken bones, but it uses a lot of energy.
Strengths: Ryker has incredible willpower. He is kind, and is hard to keep down. He often makes jokes to help others feel better.
Weaknesses: He doesn't take things seriously, until they become life or death. He often makes too many jokes, and gets into trouble.
Personality: Ryker is an upbeat, fun loving slacker who can't ever stay down. He loves to crack jokes and have fun. He cares for others deeply and would risk his life for them, due to his powers he has a slight sense of invincibility.
Backstory: Ryker, never had a real family. As a young lad, he was passed around from abusive foster home to abusive foster home. Despite this, he was always smiling and never seemed to be bothered by the pain, and abuse. One day, he was staying with the latest foster parent, and it was his 12th birthday. He was kept in the kitchen. When his foster father's poker game went horribly wrong, a fire broke out and spread due to some spilled Vodka. Ryker escaped, because he was by the back door, due to sleeping in the kitchen. From there he began to live on the streets. There he met June, a street smart girl who in a sense became his protector. She had a unique power, and soon she helped him unlock some kind of power that had been forming in his DNA. He gained his power and they spent the next 5 years living on the street together. One day, they got into some trouble and when the government found out of their ability they sent Ryker to prison, and June to some unknown place.

I'll have one up for June later. She can read and unlock powers, with a slight telekinesis ability.
Name: Johnathan Moreland.
Age: 17
Height: 6'3
appearance Short light brown hair he has emerald eyes. His body is well built with decent muscle tone. He wears a green tshirt and brown jacket with black slacks and regular shoes.
Powers: Telekinesis and able to heal people
Strengths: He has leadership skills. He is very protective of people he calls family. Strong for his age and smart.
Weakness. He suffers from self doubt. His back is always exposed since he has to see objects to move and heal people.
Personality: Though he has self hatred he is very friendly with people trying to be more outgoing. When he opens up to other people he is shown to be someone completely different.
Name: Jay Merrick
Age: 19
Appearance: Standing at 6"6 really pale skin, lanky build, dark red hair almost appearing to be black, black shirt with a skull on the front and on the back the word inHABITed, he wears jeans with torn knees on them, usually he has a hat that is black and grey with the symbol for Sigma on the front, he also wears a black Metal Mulisha jacket
Power: Jay can seemingly move from one point to another instantaneously when not under direct or indirect eyesight. His presence causes audio and visual distortion on camera footage. He can cause some form of after presence, meaning that those he's chosen will always have a thought in the back of their head that he is watching them no matter what.
Strengths: He has a charismatic personality that can help him further his goals.
Weaknesses: Jay is quite weak and his after presence can be counter-acted by seizure medication, his short distance teleportation can be countered when a form of alpha radiation engulfs him or if he's trapped in a room surrounded by it
Personality: Jay once was a happy-go-lucky person who took risks and used his charm to manipulate people and situations but once he was taken by the institute he was broken and became a shell of a human-being, he refuses to use his powers, is very anti-social, and is introverted. He is severed from most emotions but the ones he still feels is depression, helplessness, loneliness, and all around negative emotions.

I can't explain why but most of my characters seem to have some form of depression
Name: Tim Shaft
Appearance: has medium white hair that cover his right eye, wear a black jacket covering a red t-shirt, has grey pants and black boots
Power: Time Shift: Can momentarily slow down or speed up time for a target. He can create a space called 'time zone' where he can manipulate time with more freedom
Strengths(Talents and stuff like that): Improvising and strategies
Weaknesses: his power can only work in close range and if the target is in his sight, the bigger the 'time zone' the more stamina it consumes
Personality: he is kind of a loner, act depressed and look intimidating but is really kindhearted and loyal if you get to know him, he is usually very calm and quiet
Backstory: Tim lived in a poor family that struggled to keep themselves alive. His father had to do deals with loan sharks to get money to feed his family. One day, one of the companies that the father borrowed from came to their house and demanded he gave them the money back, since the father didn't have the money, the companies started using violence and beat up the father and even the mother. Time watched in fear and that emotional stress caused his power to awaken and completely froze the compagnies' people. Tim then took the time to save his parents but his father was already beaten to death. Tim carried his mother to the back of the house and they escaped to the streets. Sadly, his mother died when her wounds got infected a few days later. When the government found out about his existence, they came after him. But he has been able to escape them due to his powers.
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I'm hoping any half experienced role-players would be reluctant to have their characters go nuts for no reason anyway.
And are we having time control as a power in this? I'm used to it being banned in almost everything for rather obvious reasons.
Name: Alex Bolt
Age: 14
Height: 5ft 8 in
Physical appearance: Alex is an American boy, he is lightly tanned and has dark brown hair combed up and to the side. Alex has eyes as blue as the sky, and has a kind looking face. As for body type, he looks like an average teenager. He is not to skinny, but not to muscular.
Clothing: Wears a black and grey pull over hoodie, usually pulls up his sleeves and wears white cargo shorts that go to his knees. He has black running shoes with black shocks that almost go over his ankles.

Power: Visual Prowess! (Yes, again). Alex can activate them whenever, or they’ll trigger when Alex is very sad or filled with rage. When he activates this power his eyes go red and three black circles surround his pupils. With this power Alex can see pretty much perfectly, he can observe things that the normal human eye can and can even trace the smallest or fastest movements (to a certain degree). Finally, he can put people in a ‘trance’ by rotating the circles around his pupil, but the person has to be staring into his eyes for at least six seconds.Alex can take his power to another stage, but I will introduce that far down the road.
Strengths: Alex is a good runner and has a natural talent for the use of blades. Alex can also easily gain the trust of people due to his kind appearance and young age.
Weakness: Alex can allow his emotions control his actions. For example, if he get really angry he may become reckless. Also over estimates his own abilities. As he continues to use his powers the amount of energy it takes up increases.

Personality: Alex is a kind hearted boy that cares for his friends and family. He can be impatient and his bad at staying focused on one thing for an amount of time. Even though he has a hard time staying focused his is pretty smart and can think situations through. Alex can be a hard worker when he wants to be and will take training seriously if it means he will become stronger.

Backstory: Alex was an average kid, he had many friends and his family life was just fine. Things took a turn for the worst once his mother had died, Alex had noticed strange feelings in his eyes but thought nothing of it. Alex's mother was a teacher at his school and was unliked by some kids due to strictness. One day, Alex heard kids talking about how they were glad she was dead and gone, this caused a reaction within his brain the released a power into his ocular nerves which changed the appearance of his eyes. In the end, kids had witnessed this happen to Alex and he was eventually reported to the government.
Fair enough I guess. I just want a range of abilities here or there is simply going to be no threats at all, I mean if everybody is very powerful then conflict is never going to be an issue. Telekinesis and time control are the kind of A tier abilities that just kinda cause mass devastation. Just dont want it to effect the story quality.