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Open Outcasts Discussion

With aspens permission graces sister might show up and she's a witch sooooooooo. Also no Fae cannot control people only sway their emotions and opinions to make her friend and people not
O my god.
If only Dasken were listening to this on his mp3 player.
If only he HAD an mp3 player...
I also have an accurate (partially ironically, due to fire and explosions) ship name.
@SMRPG64 here is your love interest if you wish
Name: Miridia shortly
Appearance: short black hair, bright yellow eyes, wears a short black tail coat, form fitting white sleeveless turtleneck, dark grey tights, black knee high boots
Power: Magic user
Strengths(Talents and stuff like that): able to do a multitude of things
Weaknesses: can be see as mean and her magic can take a lot out of her is used lots
Personality: teasing, curious, friendly, has a strong hatred for her sister
Also plot idea maybe? Ken and that group goes and everyone else go on adventure to save them? Maybe once the actual josh shows up again because he's kidnapped and slyer is just acting as him