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Ask to Join Outcasts(Official Reboot)—RP

The girl reached out her hand, shaken a bit. Her long dark hair was matted, and her face was smeared with dirt. She grew up in a loving and joyful environment, and she wasn't ready to give it up to live in the woods with other freaks.

Darcel glanced around, appearing to be torn a bit. He wished not to battle no more, so he shifted away from the cluster.
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Dasken’s temperature kept rising, and he knew the two with him could feel it. “I’d recommend backing up if I get too hit!” He called behind him, body hissing with steam. He cracked his knuckles, triggering a minor explosion inbetween them. “You guys know why this guy’s here?”
Monty took the girl's hand in his own, helping her to her feet. He was about to ask the girl her name when another Meta showed up, or rather flew up and stopped above them. She seemed to be a couple years younger than Monty, but he knew that her age meant nothing if she had a powerful enough mutation. "You'd better not be trying to kill her," the new girl said as she ignited her fists with fiery orange flames. Monty looked up at the girl and simply stated, "Why would I wish to kill my own kind?" The man motioned towards the girl's hands and said, "I'm sure you share the same sentiment. After all, you are trying to defend this little girl."
Coal turned to face Dasken "I don't know, but if he's here then he's good" Coal said as he made a chair out of rocks before he sat down on it. "And one more thing" Coal said "I made something that can be useful" he added as the ground began to shake as Coal eyes glowed brown from energy that surrounded him. A giant hand burst from the ground as it began to pull itself from the ground. Coal smiled as the figure took the shape of a rock golem.
Ashley nodded, lowering herself and putting out her hands. "Fine. If you're like us, then why are you wearing that?" she gestured to his uniform. "I'm sure you see where I'm coming from," she added.
Dasken, finally feeling the effects of the adrenaline, fighting, and exercize, was nearly in tears from pain. He was standing, and if he took a step, he thought it could be his last. He could barely speak. He noted the blurry, large shape coming from the earth a little ways away, and looked to Ashley, eyes void of light. “I... sit...” He barely caught himself. His body was shaking with the effort it took to kneel.
As Nora held on to his hand , a warm presence overcame her. A simple action like this made her feel comforted, even though she didn't know the man by name. She didn't want to respond, for the girl didn't want to interrupt the two Meta's conversation.
Monty watched with intrigue as the girl lowered herself to the ground. It seemed that she had two different mutations, one of them being pyrokinesis. A powerful ability, but dangerous if not harnessed properly. "It's kind of a long story," Monty replied. "One that I'll tell if we can get out of here alive." With that, Monty turned his attention to the little girl. "What's your name, sweetie?" Monty asked, smiling warmly. He felt a nagging feeling in the back of his head. Maybe it was human instinct to care for the child, or perhaps it was because she reminded Monty of his own little sister.
Odilon nodded at Shawn as his eyes were ignited with scarlet flames as fire materialized in his hands as well. He used the fire to propel himself into the air, but at a low altitude, and fly into the forest. At least, he thought he did. A gunshot rang out as a bullet managed to lodge itself into Odilon's shoulder, knocking him to the ground. He grunted with pain and shakily got back up, glaring at the soldier. "Stay down, freak! Or the next one goes into your head!" The soldier yelled, keeping his rifle raised. Odilon sighed in disappointment and brandished his spear, twirling it. "Man, I really hate killing." He lunged forward just as the soldier began to open fire wildly, dodging the bullets due to his aura giving him enhanced capabilities and jabbed forward with his spear, extending his arm all the way as his aura was directed to his spear, as if the weapon were an extension of his body. Doing this enabled his spear to gain a huge boost in strength. Blood spurted profusely from the soldier's back as the spear impaled him all the way, even poking out about a foot and a half. Odilon retracted his spear as the soldier fell lifelessly to the ground, a blood slowly pulling around him. Odilon wiped his face, which was lightly spattered with the substance as well and wrinkled his nose before walking away, tearing off a piece of his shirt to staunch the blood from the wound in the back of his shoulder.
"N-Nora" she replied anxiously, her body quivering a bit. His warmth was radiating, and provided a gentle feeling for the child. For the first time since the separation from her family, she's felt comforted and cared for. "Wh-what's yours?" she questioned, trying to stem a conversation with the man.
"Nora is a nice name," Monty replied. The man reached into his pack and pulled out a survival blanket, the warm orange fabric reflecting the sunlight of the clearing. Monty handed the blanket to Nora, still smiling as he said, "My name is Monty." He absentmindedly draped the blanket over Nora's shoulders, noticing that she was shivering slightly. It was a nice moment, until Monty began to hear more gunfire. He craned his neck in the direction of the gunfight, and realized that it still wasn't safe. Monty turned back to Nora and asked, "Can you run, Nora?" We might need to if we're gonna survive.
"Uh..I I guess?" she tilted her head, until she heard the anguishing bangs of the bullets. "Wh-where are we gonna go?" Her body began to shake, but not from the lack of warmth, but from fear.

Darcel heard the repetition of gunfire in the distance, and decided to see if anyone was in danger. He approached the larger group, and discussed which members were missing.
Ashley saw Dasken out of the corner of her eye, then did a double take and turned to see him looking exhausted. "Oh my God...!" she exclaimed, hurrying over. "Jeez...Are you--" she shook her head. "Of course you're not okay. You wouldn't be looking like that if you were 'okay'..."
Dasken’s body tensed for half a second, but the pieces of metal in his back started to cause more bleeding and he heard a few body parts pop. “I’ll... fine... “ He tried to get up, but his leg popped, too, and made him collapse into a kneeling-bow-like position.
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Monty's face became grim for a second, before being replaced with a smile. "I'm gonna go help the other Metas, Nora," Monty said. The man reached to his side and pulled his handgun from it's holster, clicking the safety off. "This is a real gun, Nora." Monty said, handing the loaded firearm to the small child. "Only use it if you have to. He looked to the older girl and asked, "Would you mind keeping an eye on her?" Not really waiting for a response, Monty began to leave the clearing, scooping up the M14 he had dropped when the commander attacked him.

Monty took off at a sprint, crashing through the undergrowth to the site of the battle. There were only a few remaining soldiers, all of whom were fighting as hard as they could. There were several Metas still fighting, so Monty decided it would be in his best interest (given the fact that he was still wearing his MRB uniform) to keep his distance. Monty attached the scope to his M14 and climbed a tree, aiming down at a group of three soldiers. Monty put a bullet in the first one's head, the second's chest, and the third's throat. Monty put another bullet in-between the eyes of the second soldier. Some of them were good men, if they were misguided. They didn't need slow deaths.
Nora looked up at Ashley as she held onto the weapon. The gun was cold in her hands, but gave her a thrill. She felt strong, but scared from it. She gave Ashley a warm smile, and waved to her. Her body still quivered from anxiety, but she felt a new trust for the Metas. She then shifted her attention to Dasken, who appeared to be injured. She wanted to run over and help him, but she had no real power to do so.
Dasken began panting while implementing sections of colorful language inbetween raspy breaths. He pounded his fist into the ground as hard as he could, which only resulted in him basically cracking the knuckles on that fist. He fell forward, laying down in the same postion as someone would stand.
Ashley was frozen in place from fear--she wasn't a doctor, what could she do?--, but knew that she had to help somehow. "Okay, okay, okay," she said quietly, mostly to herself as a way of self-assurance, "The first thing to do would be...get the metal out and prevent an infection." She tensely walked over. "This is probably going to hurt, but...It's what I need to do to make sure you don't...die." She said that last part quietly, not wanting to scare Nora. "Nora, can you look out for anything that could be a threat?" Ashley asked, hoping to give the girl something to preoccupy herself with instead of watching the gruesome undertaking that would be removing the shrapnel from Dasken's back. Trusting a child to keep watch--times really were desperate already.
Dasken mumbled into the dirt. With great strain, he shifted his head so he was audible. “Dying... seems pretty... good right now...” He knew nobody here would let anybody else die - he could almost feel their kinship with one another - but he had yet to feel much at all today besides an adrenaline rush or two and anxiety, and now depression.
Nora nodded, and walked around the clearing's perimeter. She held the weapon in her pocket, trying to refrain from using it. Nothing appeared to be threatening, besides the constant booming in the distance. She brushed through her hair with her fingers, trying to remove any knots. Dirt?! I'd enjoy a bath by now, government! she complained to herself.
Ashley's brows knitted tighter together than they already were. "Don't say that," she said, through gritted teeth, and--bracing herself for anything that might happen when he reacted--pulled a piece of metal from Dasken's back.
Dasken felt the metal being removed. He felt the spattering of blood on his back. He even heard Ashely grunt while pulling it out.
But he felt no pain.
“Uh... no pain?” He muttered.
Ashley opened her eyes. "...Seriously? Well, that takes a little bit of guilt off of my shoulders, but at the same time something's not right..." she said, going for another one.
Dasken felt as a few more pieces of metal left his back, and he only began to worry when he felt the blood pool up against his neck. “Everything okay..?” He asked anxiously, wanting so badly to fidget or tense up or just run because, for once in his life, an attractive girl was giving him attention and he wanted to get out so as to not mess it up.
The soilders were soon either dead or had fled the scene. The clearing they had been fighting in, was lined with corpses of military men, all in their uniforms, and their blood spilling out onto the ground. It was o the point, where most civilians would have thrown up from the stench of blood alone. Quickdraw paid this no heed as he waltzed to bodies, picking them clean of any ammunition, weapons, or anything useful. He haired to have to steal from the dead but some things had to be done. Whether he liked it or not, he was in too deep.

He recovered backpacks with some supplies, like MRE’s, emergency blankets, and bandages. He slung the bags over his shoulders and marched towards the others, who had bundled up with a soilder. However he had said he was a meta and was helping, so no point in killing him.

He dropped the bags beside the girl, Ashley and the boy, Dasken, said gruffly. “Here’s some medical supplies and food.” Then he loaded a rifle and made his way back into he woods to review their situation.

Kevin had been shot in the thigh and it stung like hell. He dragged himself forward across the dirt until he hit the clearing. He rolled out for the bushed, clutching his bloody leg, almost running into a young girl patrolling the area.
The girl jumped back a bit, as she saw the man. "Oh my god sir, are you ok?!" She asked, staring at his bleeding leg.

Darcel approached the clearing, following the remaining members. He noticed the bloodied Dasken, and decided to speak up. "What happened here?" he questioned, his voice quiet and confused.
Ashley shook her head. "He says he can't feel me pulling metal out of his back; you wouldn't happen to know anything about doctor-ing, would you?" she asked him. "I feel like this is a bad thing..."

Gavin saw several of the other metas and walked over, a little less exhausted but scared all the same. He'd seen some pretty graphic stuff already, being in the first group of outcasts dumped in this "Hell hole," as Odilon often called it. He just wanted to be near others, in case the soldiers came back...
Odilon winced audibly as he reached behind his back and reached with two fingers inside his gunshot wound. "Jesus tap dancing Christ," He hissed as he pulled out the bullet shell from his shoulder, flicking it away. Odilon wiped his bloody fingers against his shirt and looked around. The ground was infested with the bleeding corpses of soldiers, the stench of blood everywhere. He saw a kid with blood pooling around him, though still alive, for unknown reasons. A girl was crouched over him, pulling fragments of metal out of the boy. Odilon walked over to the two. "Looks like nerve damage to me, but I'm no doctor. Don't quote me on that."
Dasken weakly nodded. He struggled with all his might, not much currently, to stay conscious. If he were unconscious, it would just make it so much more difficult for the group. He’d rather they leave him there than struggle.
Darcel's face flooded with concern. It could be a number of things he thought, paralysis, or something wrong with his brain or spinal cord he concluded, kneeling beside Dasken. Without warning, Darcel dipped his finger into the man's blood. Gross yes, but it was for a good cause. He shut his eyes, and felt the blood flow, the blood clotting, and his organs moving. "Can one of you help me clear the blood off of his back? I wanna see if his blood is properly clotting." He then went back to shutting his eyes, and focusing on keeping him alive.
Dasken began regretting not falling into unconsciousness when he heard someone wondering about his blood clotting. He was starting to feel anxious, and he didn’t want his powers to randomly activate in any measure. He laid as limp as he possibly could.
Kevin rolled on his back, revealing his face. He was a teen, and inexperienced. This pain was completely new to him. “I dont know. I got shot by a solider,” he whimpered, as he clutched his leg tighter. Blood was beginning to be thick on his palms.

Quickdraw returned to the others, and clenched his teeth. Things seemed to be getting worse for the kid with the bloody back. At the request of help, Quickdraw bent over and rubbed his hand across the kid’s back, flinging off blood. It splattered against the ground, and Quickdraw wiped the blood on his pants leg. The pulled out another bandana, for it was seemingly his universal commodity that he had to have with him, and wiped away the rest of the blood that had oozed out. After doing so, he stepped back and watched.
As they cleared away the blood, he noticed the blood flow had semi slowed down, which means his blood was properly clotting. Sadly though, Darcel has diagnosed Dasken's issue. He removed his hands from his back and began to explain. "The spinal cord and the brain together make up the central nervous system... The spinal cord coordinates the body's movement and feeling. Therefore, an injured cord loses the ability to send and receive messages from the brain to the body's systems that control sensory, motor, and autonomic function. Because of the shards, his spinal cord was damaged, leaving him with a numb feeling in his back." He took a deep breath, then folded his hands over one another onto his bleeding back. "I can heal this easily though." He smiled for the first time, "Healing is kind of my thing."
"Good. Best hop to it then, Doc, 'cuz we're outta here once you're done." Shawn said, approaching the grouping members, holding his new rifle with experience. "I don' wan' anyone in this graveyard anymore. 'Specially..." His voice trailed off as he looked over at the little girl, nodding in her direction, before turning back to look at Dasken. "We shoulda ran, man." He sighed, shaking his head as he reached back and roughly rubbed the back of his head.
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Xander seemed to appear from nowhere as he approached Shawn, stopping a few feet away.
"What we need is to get experience under there belts, these kids are gonna be on the run for who knows how long now. But they cant always run, we need a place to hide and wait it out.....I know one." He finished quietly, staring at the ground for a few moments, not even aware of the world around him. After awhile his looked back up, blinking a few times.
"Sorry. Yeah...its a location not to far from here, its a mine chute, but it hasn't operated in 14 years, we could hide there." He finshed, hoping to the draw the obviously more experienced mans attention.
Monty returned to the clearing to see that most of the Metas had congregated there, including a few he had seen on the battlefield. The group was riddled with injuries, but Monty had escaped the carnage with only a couple scrapes. Shouldering his M14, Monty knelt down next to his duffel bag and began cleaning the rifle, pulling it apart to get all the dirt and blood off of it. The man hummed as he worked, wiping oil onto the mud-splattered Meta Retention Bureau uniform as his gloves became even grimier than before. Monty took off his gloves and set them on top of the duffel bag, revealing an assortment of rings adorning his fingers, all of them holding a bright blue gemstone.
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Darcel nodded and began to heal the man. Spinal cord injuries take a lot more time to deal with, but everything else was fairly simple. His skin began to regrow itself, and his blood flow returned to his normal pattern. " Your weakness and numbness will disappear soon, give it some time." He suggested, stepping away from him.

Nora ran back to the group and pointed to the injured man by the perimeter. " I pretty sure this guy is injured-- can u heal him? " She questioned Darcel.

The boy sighed, and walked over towards Kevin."Nice to meet you.. I'm Darcel. " He spoke, gently placing his hand on the injury. He instantly began to heal the boy, as he stared into the forest.
Dasken felt himself almost lighten. He forced himself into a sitting position, then stopped. He focused on moving his legs, and refused to talk. His face was just dark, and his eyes seemingly lifeless. He felt his eyes start to burn, then squeezed them shut to keep himself from breaking into tears.
Gaia, who was behind a tree began to sigh as he walked out out from behind the tree and walked up to the group"well I guess killing them all works too,now- Holy Shit"Gaia jumped when he saw Dasken covered in blood with bloody metal shards next to him"Uh.. Dasken are you ok..."Gaia then watched as another metal healed his wounds"..oh,well that's convenient"he said looking confused"so now what do we do they're going to come after us sooner or later"he asked looking at the battlefield and the dead soldiers
Shawn looked back at Xander, squarely in the eyes as he cocked his head slightly. "A mine chute? A... A mine chute?" He began to shake his head. "Nah man. It's safer outside in this forest than one of those. Tunnels could collapse, there could be gas releases, and if someone's ability got the better of 'em?" He looked over at Dasken. "Besides, at 14 years of abandonment, there's bound to be various states of decay to the infrastructure. Hell, a mine chute could do more damage to us than any soldier."
He stopped his rant and looked back at Xander, squinting slightly as a ray of sunlight had peeked through the trees, landing on his face. "An' you are?"