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Ask to Join Outcasts(Official Reboot)—RP

“Kevin,” the boy wheezed as the wound began to heal, with a simple touch. Soon, the wound was healed, and Kevin was still feeling better. He stood up and tested his leg with a simple stretch. “Thanks Darcel.” The boy gave a nod in thanks and went to join the others as Quickdraw began to speak.

“If we’re gonna head out, we should make a stretched for Dasken until he can come. In those packs I brought are a few emergency blankets. We could grab some sticks and make one quickly.” Quickdraw said before turning to Shawn. “Reinforcements should be one their way soon. We need to get some distance and ASAP. And any more injuries could end up slowing us down. So we need to leave this area. I say we head northeast, making our ways to cover. There should be a mountain range in that direction. Hopefully, that will supply us with cover for a while.” He then turned to Xander. “What direction is that mine shaft? We may be able to use it as a distraction of sorts.”
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Ahndrey was currently limping. He could only really blame himself for going out in this weather. He had felt a horrible pounding in his head, and it began to ease the farther he walked from his home. Why he came to this decision, he couldn’t blame himself.
This continued until Ahndrey found a small puddle of blood, along with a dark figure laying not so far from him, not breathing. It wasn’t based on his better judgement, but the boy at least found proof that maybe somebody was nearby, or this could’ve just been evidence of a murder. He didn’t have time to think of all this, however, as he went back on his way, walking directly past the dead body and continuing on the trail that his strange GPS in his brain kept on leading to.
The golem picked up Coal as it place his own his back. "Now get ready because I ready to go" Coal said to the others as he made a wheel on the back of the golem to steer it when he hurt himself fighting. The golem started to walk forward as he stayed mute without much emotion to it. "Hey buddy, come on show a little smile would ya" Coal said as he smiled to the golem.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Beneath, the wreckage of the truck, there were still survivors of Metas. A claw like hand grabbed to the dirt on the floor, emerging from a large piece of metal that covered the human's body. Suddenly, the large metallic chunk was pushed off, lifted by the young man that was released from the strain. He saw the chaos that had errupted and was suprised that noone was paying much attention to himself. He couldn't remember what had happened to make the truck go off course as he had blacked out prior. That being said, he hadn't remembered anything of his past life when he emerged from the ruins of the truck. But he didn't know this. He thought he was just an ordinary man. Looking around he tried to find help. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a black jacket, but the warm climate caused him to throw the jacket to the ground. He put his hand on his chest. There had been several wounds to his body and a number of bloody cuts on his head and forehead, as well as a large 'hole' in his belly, hence the reason why he was holding his chest, because it hurt very much here. "Help me..." The young man's voice was very dry and monotonous.
Ashley sighed, looking out into the distance. "We need to look for a place to camp, but first, we need to get food." She thought of where they were. Woods, mountains...Maybe someone could snag a deer or something.
Coal looked back at Ashley "I could find some food" He called back as the golem continue to walk forward. "I'll..uh found some" Coal added as he started to disappear into the distance. The golem looked up as it stopped walking for a moment before it began to walk again.
Gaia looked confused as the others discussed their plan,he shook his head and looked at them"ok so we should start walking northeast like quickdraw said,Coal should be able to catch up with us so we don't have to worry about him"Gaia said as he stretched his arms and legs for the massive hike they had ahead of them
“Check the bags. We have some MREs. So we should probably use that as a food source. But we shouldn’t eat now. Movement is needed, ASAP.” He bent over and opened one of the bags to remove a emergency blanket in a bag. He ripped it out of the packaging, and looked around. “Can someone get some long sticks?”
Hours later, night was fast approaching. Ashley tossed some more branches onto the fire. It might have been more efficient to just use herself as somewhat of a human torch, but after walking and fleeing, she was exhausted. A few of the others were still awake, but some of them were sacked out--and those who weren't were also incredibly tired.
Nora was sleeping beneath a blanket provided by the soldier, a smile present on her face.

Darcel stared into the twirling flame, thinking about the current events. He was stuck in the woods with strangers, with the government on his tail. It has been a strange few days.
Dasken was hunched over uncomfortably on a log next to the campfire. He didn't need to use it for heat - his powers had returned, and helped to keep him warm - but he still felt a nip in the back of his head. He looked up at Ashley, and then quickly looked down again, body tensing. You could never do it, he told himself. You're too pathetic.
"Thanks..." Dasken muttered gently to Ashley.
“I’ll be on guard duty for the night,” Quickdraw said leaning against a tree, watching the flames. He had set down his backpack beside him, which was full of primarily weapons and ammo, and began to polish his pistol with a rag. “And if we’re lucky, I might be able to hunt down an animal. I know we didn’t eat a full meal, and we should probably save the MREs for later. So we’ll have a decent breakfast. And check the bags. There might be some extra emergency blankets.” Quickdraw had done his best to try and give everyone a backpack he had taken from the body of the soilders. It may seem simple,but having something to carry things in was a blessing, and having something for emergencies was always good.

Kevin was curled asleep by the fire, ignoring the cold. It wasn’t too chillly out and he assumed he could manage. He had been asleep for a while, tired after the day’s events.
Xander walked over to the fire and took a seat across from Ashley and Darcel, stretching his arms and legs out as he did so.
"So, Ashely and Darcel, was it? Youve both got some pretty useful powers. You guys have any practice time with those powers?" He asked while staring up at the night sky which was covered in stars thanks to the lack of lights in the forest.
"If im gonna teach them, might as well learn about them." He concluded, nodding to Quickdraw as he spoke about keeping gaurd.
"Ill assume this is gonna be a regular thing so ill take tomorrow night. Im not a bad hunter myself." He finished.
“Probably a good idea. You can do it tomorrow. I’d say go with the guy. What’s your name? I’m Quickdraw. Anyways, you two might wanna get some practice with your abilities before hitting the hay. But then you should sleep before it gets too late. You’ll need your energy. Having control of your abilities is important, and will be in the coming times.” Quickdraw’s voice wasn’t grim or angry, but very casual, as he shifted from talking to Xander to Darcel and Ashley. It was a good idea, and if one of them lost control than that could always be a safety risk.
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Ashley nodded, getting up. "I've had practice before," she said, stretching. "I'd time myself flying back and forth through the forests at my grandparents' house, and the fire part just kind of happened at one point. And...Yeah. I practiced that too."
Gaia chose not to wear a backpack as speed was his greatest strength,he was afraid that people would think he was selfish,but he thought it was for the best"I can't sleep,it didn't hit me until now but we all killed over a hundred people today,well I guess they were trying to kill us"Gaia said scratching his head,upon quickdraw advice Gaia grinned"I've used my powers alot so I've had plenty of time to practice them, that's actually the reason I got caught,I accidentally caused a power outage when I was training,heh"Gaia said laughing at himself
Ticks were basically crawling over his uncovered legs, and he was covered in dirt and could barely see over the branches and dark. Ahndrey was finally rethinking his decision of going out. He sniffled, and smelt something queer. He sniffed again, only to reveal to him that fact that it was...smoke? He ran over, tripping on bushes as he passed. This may have been a dumb idea, but all he could hope is that they had band aids. Some of you May have heard rustling in the grass, and he stopped to look through a large bush.
“A...campsite. Maybe they’re campers, and not murderers. I’m sure they wouldn’t like to see me around.” He tried to turn around, but it caused more noise. He decided to stay were he was, watching everybody go about their business.
"Someone help me clean this." A voice in the dark called out, before Shawn appeared in the light of the fire, dragging the carcass of a young buck behind him. He'd left nearly two hours ago, telling everyone he'd find food. And found food he has. Coming at a stop near the fire, Shawn let the carcass fall, then began to rotate his shoulders, stretching them and whatnot.
Dasken groaned. His knees popped as he pushed himself up. He leaned back into a 90 degree angle with his feet staight, and his back cracked audibly. “I trained on my own for around five years of my life.”
When Shawn came back into the camp, Dasken eyed the poor thing. “I won’t skin it, but I can cook it.” He grumbled. He looked back at Ashley. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. He mentally cursed himself.
"Its Xander, nice to meet ya." He finished speaking to Quickdraw before turning his attention back to Ashley and Darcel.
"So, good to hear youve had some practice. Tell me, what are you currently able to achieve with your abilities?" He questioned Ashley, curious to see just how intense there training could get and what potential may be hidden in these younger meta's.
"And maybe, you can help me learn a little about myself while we're at it."
Quickdraw gave Xander a nod before making his way to the buck. "We'll need to let it hang to let the blood drain. That will probably take all night. By daylight the meat will be cut loose and we can cook it." Quickdraw said, before turning to look through his bag for a rope. and his knife. Luckily he had one. The first thing he did, was cut open it's stomach and remove the organs piling them in a neat pile. Next he tied the deer's hind legs together and using a stick to keep some distance between them. The he hung the deer up in a tree, a feet feet away from camp. This took about ten minutes. However once he had finished, he stepped back to admire his work. "I guess since I'm on watch, I'll make sure nothing gets to this guy either."
Monty glanced down from the branch he was resting on, watching over the camp in the pale moonlight. It seemed like all of the Metas had survived their encounter, including the one that got a load of shrapnel in his back. Monty's eyes focused on the sleeping form of Nora, covered up by the jacket he had given her for the night. The M14 balanced on the branch to Monty, along with his duffel bag. The man swung his legs back and forth as he looked up at the moon, subconsciously touching a finger to each of the rings that adorned his hands.
Darcel looked up at Xander, snapping out of his gaze. "I have trained before.. but not much. I did go into a life science class in high school though." he mumbled, looking back down at the flame. "Sorry for interrupting you and Ashley." he sighed, and shivered a bit.

Nora started to wake up due to the chatters of the other Metas. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, snuggling up closer to the fire.
The loud sound of the golem feet soon appear as Coal can walking out of the shadows "well I didn't find anything" Coal said as the golem appear behind him "but I did learn something, right golem?" Coal asked as he turned to face the golem.
"Right" the Golem said as he sat down on the ground causing a small shake in the ground below him.
“Aha. This was a bad idea.” Ahndrey wasn’t that keen on this being the first time seeing a deer be dissected. “Speaking of that...I wonder how deer tastes...” A loud stomach growl came from the bush.
Ahndrey was contemplating whether or not he should snatch the deer, which would yet again not be based on better judgement.
“I could’ve at least brought something to eat...”
Monty sighed as the faint moonlight washed over him, smiling as the light gave him a refreshed feeling. Part of Monty's enhancement allowed him to recover from injuries and fatigue much faster in the moonlight, and he was putting this power to good use tonight. Monty wasn't the only one benefiting from the moonlight, however. The moonstones on his hands glowed faintly as they absorbed the moonlight, recharging after Monty had used the energy stored in them earlier in the day.

Monty looked down to see that someone had brought a young buck back from hunting. Monty's stomach growled at the thought of fresh meat, but the venison wouldn't be edible for a few hours at least. Luckily, he had an alternative. Monty shifted his weight so that he would be able to grab his duffel bag and set it onto his lap. Monty unzipped the bag and rummaged around, closing his hand over a pair of plastic-y envelope type things. In the faint moonlight, Monty could read "MRE - Ribs and Potatoes" printed in big letters on the side. Monty slipped the MRE inside his shirt, letting his body heat cook the meal. The second MRE read "Shredded BBQ Beef". Monty tossed this down towards Nora, figuring that she was probably getting hungry by now.
“So, what’s your story? Army boy with a conscious? Spy? Meta in disguise?” A voice said from a neighboring branch. There sat Quickdraw on a nearby branch, with his back leaned against the trunk and his hat over his eyes. The man, had noticed Monty from a distance after he tossed the MRE to Nora and decided to get a better deal of his situation. A man in uniform used to comfort Quickdraw. But that was years ago.

“And what’s you connection to the girl? you her father? Or do ya have a kid at home, and Nora reminds you of her. Or maybe a sister? Or maybe something else?” The man’s voice was a mixture between curiosity and assertiveness. The motives of this man were important, as he was an armed solider. Kinda like him. But that was behind Quickdraw.
Odilon sat on a small boulder near the group as well, twirling his spear nonchalantly. A quiet word or two was exchanged, along with MRE packets. He quietly lit the spear on fire, studying it as it glowed a bright crimson in contrast to the evening darkness. Odilon resumed twirling his spear, which now looked like a simple wheel of fire rotating at a high speed.
Gaia never slept to often when he lived in a city he would absorb.the electricity from street lights and such which relieved him of fatigue and exhaustion,but there was nothing electrical in the woods,so he would need to rest eventually, Gaia hearld the unmistakable sound of a stomach growling which caught his attention"huh,what was that"Gaia said suddenly,the ones that were still awake were talking so he didn't think they would here it, Gaia quickly time jumped where the sound came from,looking like he had teleported,the sound was coming from an injured boy which shocked Gaia"huh! Guys there's someone here and he looks injured!!"he said franticly,he decided to ask a simple question before he tended to his wounds"who the hell are you"he asked casually
Monty jumped at the sound of the man’s voice, but quickly regained his composure. “Door number 3,” Monty replied, extending his palm. Monty’s hand lit up with a brilliant blue energy, and he shot a few beams from his fingertips. “My mother called it ‘Lunakinesis’,” Monty explained, extinguishing the light. “Short explanation: I can control moonlight.” Monty looked back at the man, then down at his own uniform. “As for this, long story short I joined the MRB so that I would be able to find a large concentration of Metas in one place other than a maximum security prison. I knew that if I could find a large group, then I’d be able to take out the team that I was with when we went out to secure or kill them.”
Ahndrey was caught by surprise, for one of the campers actually showed attention to him. “Well, long story short...” Ahndrey began slowly crawling away. “I am just leaving, and you probably never saw me. Please?” The crunching of leaves was heard as he stood up, saying this in a low whisper.
“The last thing I need is both random campers chasing me and my parents knowing I snuck out because I had a headache in the dead of night. It would also help if you slipped me some deer.” I am officially the worst at making deals. he thought. I might as well run now.
Nora caught the offering, and smiled up at the man. She stood up, and slipped the package into her dress pocket, and walked around. She sat down by a small flower patch, and braided her hair. After finishing, she intertwined some of the flora into it, like her mother used to. She lit up at the thought of her mother's soft hands, and the love she radiated.

Darcel's stomach was now rumbling, but he didn't really mind. He laid beside the fire, and looked up at the stars which decorated the sky.
Ashley shrugged in response to Xander's question. "I can light things on fire, throw fireballs, and apparently I don't get hurt when I'm burned*. I can fly, and kind of levitate certain things," she replied.

*She can, but she just doesn't really know yet, since she hasn't come into contact with fire hot enough.
Coal looked up at the sky for a moment before he looked at the Golem "so what is going though your mind" he asked with a curious tone.
Golem looked at Coal before he looked back at the sky "i.. don't...know..but...all...i know.. is..that....I can't be there for you all the time" Golem said as he sigh "but I'll to be there for you" he added.
Coal started to close his eyes "but what if something happens to you?" Coal asked as he was worried.
Golem smiled as he looked at Coal "then you'll just have to keep going, don't let me hold you back... because if you want to survive in this world then.. you're going to have to make sacrifices to save the ones you love" Golem said as he stood up.
Gaia was suprised that the stranger was asking to forget about him and give them there food"listen, first of all you didn't answer my question,second of all why should i give you the thing that keeps us alive,and third of all you're hurt and you need medical attention,in conclusion,tell me your name,say please,let us help you" Gaia said in an annoyed tone,he didn't care for the stranger but he still needed to do the right thing and help him
Golem walked away into the shadows as his said his final words to Coal "The key is Love but the lock is vengeance".
Tears began to fall from Coals face as he started to cry to him as he song a old song from his childhood. "Don't you forget about me, just the memories old friend... I got your side all the time, it's just you and me up to it indeed forevermore.
“...I literally have some scratches all over my legs. I’ll be fine.” He covered his legs. “To answer your question, my name is...Alejandro Puerez, and I’m a Nicaraguan crime kingpin who has escaped to America from the Interpol.”
“Either way...about twelve bandaids would sound nice.”
"I don't appreciate your sass"Gaia was tired and almost fed up with this person"well I don't know about
band-aids but we have bandage wraps which if anything would better,but I'll have to ask quickdraw or Shawn since they got the bandages"Gaia said as he walked back to the fire"you should come on out if you want the bandages"he said approaching quickdraw
Xander nodded to both Ashley and Darcel, a look of understanding on his face.
"Right, ill find a good spot to start our training tomorrow. For now, you should both get some rest. Ill be back in a little while." He finished before standing and walking off into the darkness.


Xander had been scanning the perimeter of the treeline to look for anything out of the ordinary when he came across a large and slightly damaged apple tree. A large section of it was white, dry, and dropping.
"Looks like it took quite the bolt of lightning." He concluded, running his fingers along the scorched wood.
"Well, doesnt mean you wont ahve good fruit!" He finished, placing his palm flat against the tree. After a few moments a quiet, high speed rumbling could be heard as the tree began vibrating. Apples began falling from the side of the tree that was still alive and growing.


"Oh yeah, this should be enough." He thought looking down at the bundle of apples he was carrying in his shirt, which had been tied into a make-shift basket, revealing his heavily scarred chest.
"Hey everyone, better get something in your body before heading to bed, hungers pains are the worst." He spoke up to the quiet and weary group, setting the bundle down next to the fire. He quickly pulled an apple from the pile and bit into it, a satisfying crunch occurred and his teeth sunk into the fresh piece of fruit, aware it would draw the attention of the others.
Dasken, without warning, stood up and walked away from the fire. When he was far enough away, he launched into the sky with an explosion that sounded like five shotguns going off at once. He hadn’t let anyone see his eyes, either, which were bloodshot and starting to produce tears. He cursed himself the entire time he was in the air, and when he landed, he found himself before a large swath of trees. He used pinpoint explosions, a talent he had acquired only days ago, and turned one tree into a nice campfire. He used his heat to combust the tree, and he made the fire relatively small so as to not be overly noticable. Just enough to keep one person warm. He used his calokinesis once again to heat himself up, and curled up away from the group, finally releasing the tension in his body that socializing always brought him.