What in the name of the holy goat above is going on in here?
@Dave Strider,
@Mecha Who, you're both getting warnings. I don't really care if you were joking or not, derailing a discussion thread like this is absolutely not on, nor is your conduct towards each other.
@Comic, you should really have just reported one of the posts instead of threatening to; that's mini-modding.
As a secondary note, criticising each others' writing is fine – and I'd actually encourage it, if they're willing to learn. But remember to be constructive about it – tell them
how there's a problem, and what they could do about it – don't just say their post is bad and don't elaborate.
Anyway. Get back on with discussing the role play, please. If you want to flame each other, do so in private or away from this website. Or, ideally, not at all.
I expect everyone here to be excellent to each other.