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Private/Closed Outcasts: Reborn (Discussion)

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I did not put Sky's last name because it is quite literally unpronounceable in any human language. Or by any humans
Hey, so could one of you see if you could manoeuvre yourself over to the hole in the ship? I can't do anything without Ry, and I'm gonna make the assumption that he's gone for the day. Whereas if one of you walk in and sees some guy materialize, there's probably at least something for me to say
Cool. Thank you.
Just one more request, could you please edit the title of this discussion to, well, Discussion? I now can't tell the difference between the two at all
Oh right:?.
Stiiilll waiting for either Ry to come online or for someone to take a wonder round the wreckage


Previously Mecha Who
Sorry Dave,don't wanted to do that.
Name: John Maggora
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Appearance: He is a tall strong fast man,his left arm is a robotic arm to make him stronger,to make him a Meta killing machine. He has white skin and red eyes,also his hair is black.
Height:6' 5''
Clothing: He uses a black suit with black pants,and he uses black All-Stars (I love All-Star)
Tattoos/Marks?: 2,of two experiments with Meta blood.
Personality: Personality? He is a killing machine,not a human. He does what he is asked to, without any questions.
Powers: He has Super Speed and Super Strengh from Metas that he killed,and the government tested their blood on him.
Past: He was an elite agent, The best one. The government used him to test Meta blood in normal humans, giving him Meta's power. After that, he became cold and without personality, just like a machine that obeys to the government.

My character is different. He is a government elite agent who hunts the Metas. I understand if it is not accepted.
Do what?
You fucker. I was gonna make the same villain, just... different...
Lol, it's cool though. I already have three characters. Unless @Rhabby is cool with me adding yet another, I'm not doing villains just yet.
Yeah, I'm cool with it. We need a few villains anyway.

I know we still have to complete this current one but... Any ideas for the next arc?


Previously Mecha Who
Also,John would start to action at the same time that the government discovers about the fallen ship and where it is.
Okay then, how about this:

We continue focusing on the survival aspect for a while, maybe build a few cliff side shelters, just try and survive you know. Then, maybe after a few months the government finally locates the crash site and comes to investigate it. We fight with them for a bit until we have to flee and continue from there.
Continue the Himalayas survival arc. That one should last a while. A few mini arcs here and there, like, living in the cave, Mecha's villain. Maybe the government pinpoints us and we're off again, so people don't get bored with the cave, you know?
Name: Jack (No. Not Outcasts 2 Jack. I just like the name)
Gender: Male
Age: 55
Appearance: Tall, mean-looking older man always with a cigar in his mouth, and a bushy, thick silver beard. Laden with heavy muscles and broad shoulders, the man looks as menacing as he is.
Height: 6' 3"
Clothing: He has many attires. A stealth suit, obviously for stealth. A juggernaut suit for tough opponents, and a military suit, his most common one.
Tattoos/Marks?: His entire body is riddled with various scars from past engagements in not only wars, but also battles with powerful metas.
Personality: Usually cold and calculating, this is a man you do not want to mess with. Along side knowing hundreds of different styles in the art of combat, but he can seemingly predict every move his opponent makes, and is always ready for an engagement. You will never catch the man unprepared.
Powers: None.


Previously Mecha Who
Okay? Yeah,like I said,we have a weird shit side.
Okay mine is really more healthy than yours but okay that is not my fault
Shipping isn't healthy?
Fine. Then what's yours? Show us what a 'healthy' weird shit side looks like. Please, don't hold anything back.
Nononono, you need to stick to your words.
What's healthier than shipping? Shipping is considered a 'healthy' practice. People that ship, are usually better matchmakers than people that don't.
You didn't offend anyone, lol (maybe). But when you make a statement like that, you obviously need to have something to back your words. So... what's your reasoning? What supports that statement? Why should people find shipping not healthy?


Previously Mecha Who
It was more of a joke, I do not think it's 'unhealthy' is more a general opinion, many people think it is. But I do not care.
Gasp! Im alive....

Okay, @Dave Strider, I'd say Jack would know about Quickdraw and Quickdraw would know Jack considering, their military backgrounds. This can be a solid Kismesiss Relationship.

Also I'll get a response up soon.
Not really, considering John was in Moreno special ops. He may know of Quickdraw but they wouldn't have any other connections. However Quickdraw and Jack or more mainline military and I can see Jack in a position of power. There he could have done something like give Quickdraw missions, or other assignments, becuase of Quickdraw's more elite status. Or Jack having to keep his eye on Quickdraw because of his natural Meta statement.

Also, Me and Dave usually have characters with connections, (Dave and Quickdraw in Outcasts 2. That was either cool or a bit scary at times)


Previously Mecha Who
Okay. Now it's time for the weird shit side of me! I just fell that John needs a theme.
Here it is.

Battle/Normal theme (Can't decide)

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