Real Name: Isaac Caddish
Hero Name: Cipher
Human or Omnic: Human
Male or Female: Male
Affiliation: Talon
New Recruit, Former Agent, or Current Agent: Former Agent of Overwatch, recently began to serve under Talon.
Age: 31
Nationality: British
Occupation: None, has merely served under Talon since his escape from prison, using his hacking skills to support himself.
Relevant Relations: He has parents who are very worried about him, but he hasn't been able to contact them for years due to the government keeping an eye on them.
Role: Support
Appearance: Isaac has short, hazel brown hair, with light brown eyes. He's tall and lanky, and honestly not the best built for overexertion or taking a hit. His costume consists of a black trenchcoat, with black pants and polished black shoes. His gloves are grey, but with yellow glowing holographic constructs and lines along the knuckles, palm and fingers. His mask is black and covers his entire face, and has a glowing yellow eye symbol on it, made of the same holographic constructs as the symbols on his glove.
Weapon: Primary fire: Twisted Justice (Cipher sprays out a field of yellow holographic lightning from his fingers in a wide arc in the direction he is facing, allowing it to blanket multiple enemies at once easily. Damage ramps up over time with each 3 seconds the fire is held for, capping out at 15 seconds, where the fire stops and he has a small cool down time of twitching his hand to deal with the overheat.)
Secondary fire: Nothing Can Be Hidden (Cipher prepares a burst of energy, sending it auto tracking towards it's enemy. It has 3 trackers before he has to reload by tapping his gauntlet, and has to be able to lock onto an enemy via line of sight for 3 seconds to begin the tracking shot.)
Passive Ability: Make This World Better: (If any ally or himself inflicted with a Nanobot ability ends their duration of the ability nearby to Cipher, their movement speed is increased for the next 5 seconds by the amount a Nanobot ability would usually decrease it, and their health is healed by 50, or as much as possible.)
Make You Better: (Cipher targets one ally or enemy, casting his Nanobots upon them, with a short 3 second cast time in which he cannot do other abilities or fire. The targeted ally or enemy gains 50 shield which will slowly regenerate unless entirely depleted, and increases their damage per second on direct damage inflicted by them for the 15 second duration it lasts. Once he has finished casting it, he has a 5 second recharge before he can cast it again. However, anyone inflicted with this ability has a slower turn rate and movement speed during the duration of it.)
Running Interference: (Cipher targets one enemy, casting his Nanobots upon them with a 3 second cast time in which he cannot do other abilities or fire. The targeted ally or enemy is stunned out of any abilities they were undertaking and cannot activate any abilities during the 10 second duration. Anyone inflicted with this ability has a slower turning rate and movement speed for the duration. He cannot start to cast a new Interference until the current one's duration has ran out.)
Nanoblink: (Cipher can lock on to either himself or one ally, and teleport them, even upwards to any surface in his line of sight. This ability also has a 3 second cast time after selecting targets, but the teleport is instant after casting, taking them only 1 second to be dissolved away by the nanobots and reappear at the targeted location, gaining 50 shield after the teleport that will slowly regenerate unless entirely depleted, and the Nanobot turning and movement speed debuff for a 5 seconds after reappearing. This is the only way for Cipher to cast nanobots upon himself, allowing him to benefit from his own Passive.)
Nanite's Blessing: (When Cipher activates this ultimate, he blinks away, reappearing in the sky above him, with the ability only to slowly hover around in the nearby area without descending or ascending for the 15 second duration, or to use his new primary fire that he has for the duration of the ability. This primary fire only has 5 rounds, and once all are used the duration automatically ends and he blinks back to the ground. He fires a circular orb from his glove as a round that bursts on contact with a surface or enemy, inflicting damage to all enemies in the area around it and applying the Nanobot speed and turning debuff to any ally or enemy in the range of the area for 5 seconds. These rounds can be fired extremely fast, one after the other and have a habit of curving due to the floating angle at which they are fired. Cipher is still very much vulnerable while in this state, but the blinks into and out of the duration are only 1 second long each.)
Other: Got along pretty well with Tracer while he was still in Overwatch.