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Private/Closed Poke College

Kiri quickly stopped in front of his room as he left him in the hallway for a split second while he went and rummaged through his many bags afterwords, Kiri had walked out his room with small tablet like object, as it had a see through glass in the middle as each of its sides were renforced with a strange red metal, which made it so the PokeDex could open and be reclosed for quick mobility

Kiri handed the PokeDex to Zeke as he smiled "This one is one of the few Pokedex's that have Alolan pokemon's information stored on it" Kiri began strolling once again towards the cafeteria


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After repeatedly thanking Kiri for such a wonderful gift in the Aloan Pokédex which he, whilst crying tears of joy, continuously volunteered he was not worthy of.

Upon reaching the cafeteria at around noon, Kiri and Ezekiel, who had somewhat regained his composure, scoured the large room for Kaizo, before hearing his voice and subsequently moving to his table.
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Kiri admired the PokeDex as well as he took a seat, he stared at the PokeDex in awe "I haven't seen those in a while" Kiri says since he hasn't seen that type of PokeDex in a while
Kaizo nodded. "Yeah, I had Professor Oak send it over through the PC. I actually have the same model." He pulls out his pokedex, which was indeed the same model.
Kiri then turned around to see Froakie leap up from the floor onto the table in front of him, after folding his arms he turned around from Kiri giving an Irritated FROAKIE! Noise obviously it was mad at something

Kiri's jaw dropped as he completely forgot about how he left Froakie in the care of the Safarian workers, but from all the excitement he forgot to reclaim Froakie, Kiri hit his palm against his head in frustration as he looked at Froakie later on with sympathetic eyes "FROAKIE! I'm so sorry!!!!" Kiri said
"You left Froakie with the safari zone workers? You do realize you're allowed to take them with you, just not allowed to release them. But speaking of Froakie, I think it's close to evolving."
Kiri sighed as he placed his arms on the desk and dug his head in it frustrated that he forgot he then mumbled "If I take Froakie with me he'll attack the Pokemon I find the second it has a hostile intent towards anyone" Kiri then stuck his head up and stared at Froakie who still had his arms folded Kiri then turned his head towards Kaizo "Do you think so?" Almost using the same suspicious tone Froakie then went "FRO FRO KIE?"
"Well, considering Wartortle was about level 17 and Froakie was in it's early 10s when they first fought, the total experience from their two battles should have pushed Froakie to level 15. I'd say one more battle will push it to evolution."
Kiri looked over at Froakie with a confused stare "The professor always told me that Froakie ran away from its previous trainers before it evolved since it thought that the trainers were weak" Froakie still had his arms crossed as he had his back turned slightly frustrated but it's almost impossible to determine if Froakie will stay
Kaizo glared at Froakie. "Froakie won't leave, remember that it obeyed you during our battles, that you two working together allowed for your victory. If Froakie was gonna leave, it would've left by now. Tell you what: we'll battle 2 on 2."
Name: Kaya
Starter: Shiny Charmander (Soot- now a Charizard)
Appearance: Blonde hair and blue eyes. Black t-shirt and Black shorts
Personality: Nice, quiet, and loves battling
Home region: Kanto
Other: Soot is very small so no one can ride him.

Walks in cafeteria, then asks Kaizo, "Hi I'm new here, do u know where room 45 is?"
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"Leave the cafeteria, the first dormitory you see, upstairs, go on until you find #45. I'm Kaizo."
((I'm going to sleep, I'll see y'all at about 3:30, Mountain Time
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( OH MY GOD. )
Soon Violet had made haste for her Charmander and it became a Charmeleon. She rubbed the back of it's head. "But you'll always be the Charmander i know, Chara." She grinned. "Maybe we don't even have a roommate, we'll be alone.." she said, "like before." she finished. The Charmander let out a small howl, like 'woo woo!'. She smiled and walked back to the college. She let out a sigh once she reached her dorm. "C'mon Chara!" She yelled from behind the door. "Char..mander!" yelled Chara back. "We're still alone! So come on!" she yelled. The Charmander finally went in the room. She looked outside. "So..room 50.." she muttered. "That's alright."
Apperance:wore a green hoodie,had a pair of brown eyes,pale,had a brown hair
personality:Cool and patient.
Home Region:Hoenn
Other:Friendship is better than a leadership!
Sean now can learn at the college!"Look,Gerald!We finally got to the college!We can found some friend and trained you until you evolved into a greater form!".It's climbed up to Sean's shoulder."I hope i had a good roommate!".Sean waited his new roommate while he watched a pokemon battle at his cellphone.
Somewhat of a lightbulb appears on Kiri's head as he pulled out a safari ball, from when they went to the Safari Zone. Froakie was looking at him with a confused look as Kiri threw the Pokeball in the air as a red headed Fletchling flew out and was flying around the cafeteria as it soon later landed on Kiri's shoulder with a short chirp FLETCH!

Kiri let out a smiled as he then turned his head to Froakie "This is Fletchling, he's our next comrade" Kiri turned to Fletchling "I look forward to working with you!"
Kaizo looked at his rival, saying "When classes are finished((hint, hint)), we'll have a double battle, 2 on 2. Froakie and Fletchling might make a good duo."
((Seriously, though, I'll be home around 4 PM, my time, because I have to stay after school for a club
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Isaac was tired from wandering the safari zone. He had only caught one Pokemon, by accident as he didn't even have time to see what he had caught. Pabs the Smeargle had caused a lot of trouble with his moves but at least he had caught something, even if he wasn't sure what it was. He was heading over to the cafeteria when he saw Kiri, with a new Fletchling and two guys he hadn't met. One of them was in a wheelchair. He decided to go over and introduce himself, but Pabs had the same idea. Isaac picked Pabs up before he could use any moves and walked over to them. "Nice Fletchling Kiri." He looked at the other two. "I guess I haven't met you two. I'm Isaac, and this is Pablo." He looked down at the small dog like Pokemon as he held it up like a small child.
Violet had gotten out of her room to stop Chara from burning everything. She peeked into the cafeteria and went out instantly. She was not in the mood for talking. Now she walked outside watching Chara burn shrub's and grass.
( Hope ya'll have a good day/night. See you guys tommorow. )
Kiri waved at Isaac, wondering the where he's been the Fletchling plops itself in front of Froakie they began to converse with a quick FLE FLE, and a KIE KIE FRO!

Kiri looked at Issac after he examined his extra Pokeball, a safari ball Kiri then looked up to Isaac and smiled "You caught a Pokemon too it seems!"

Kiri hen turned his head towards Kaizo, he looked at the two Pokemon conversing and tilted his head "You think so.." Kiri began boiling with excitement
"A balanced team is the best. If you can get a grass or electric type, you'll have a pretty balanced team already. A team should have a water type, a fire type, a grass/electric type, and a flying type. With Froakie and Fletchling, you're already 3/4 of the way there. Be outside our dorms when classes end."
"A grass or electric type huh..." Kiri thought about a couple of electric type Pokemon, 1 in particular he caught back in his childhood days,
Kiri looked at Kaizo and nodded as he looked over at Fletchling and spoke "Fletchling lets have our first battle be a good one, you too Froakie" Fletchling chirped happily with a "FLETCHLING!" Kiri then turned to Kaizo "Make sure to insert your name to the professor, so he can make the bracket for the tournament evaluation at the school!"
After the battle between Tepig and Oshawott,Oshawott wins.Xavier heard a bell in the collage,Xavier packed and go.Everyone looks going too.After a lesson with Mrs.Wanda for 2 hours,Xavier yawn quite many.A trainer asked Xavier to battle,Xavier said"Challenge Accepted".Xavier sent out Zylen.That Trainer sent out Skarmory."Zylen,use Fire blast"! said Xavier."Skarmory,use Steel Wing!" said that trainer.
(OOC: I just need to ask, are Fakemon allowed here? Even though the RP rules doesn't say anything, I still would like to know. And I am using my own Fakemon that I have made here.)

BIC: Tori went to the Safari Zone after she finished her lesson for the day, as she had sketched some strange Pokémon in her notebook. Cyndaquil glanced at the fine details, as he was amazed at the sketches.

Cyndaquil saw another Pokémon that Tori drew as he took a sharp look at the rounded body, and the antenna that struck out of its head. He saw another sketch next to it, as it showed the measurement scaling, and a toddler like body that the Pokémon was.

Cyndaquil didn't really know what to say, as he thought, "Wow... Tori must be going all out today!" He looked around, while Tori kept walking to the Safari Zone.
"Wow we finally got to the Safari Zone, Soot." I say. After walking around for a while "Hey what are these shiny things?" I was near some workers and the were digging apparently there was a megastone and a keystone.
(OOC: Just checking if the two trainers with the Mega Charizards know that there is a rule on mega evolution, hopefully they asked someone if they were allowed. I'm not sure about the Fakemon question but I would just avoid it, I am thinking about making a Fakemon RP though.)

Isaac realised that Kiri and Kaizo were about to battle, and decided he might as well stick around. But if he did, he was going to have to keep Pabs in his pokeball. He had a habit of causing chaos even while observing.

He wondered what could be in the pokeball. It was an exciting thought. It could have been anything, and he decided to just watch the battle. He didn't have much battling experience due to Pabs' temperamental nature, so it would be interesting at least.
Tori reached the Safari Zone, as Cyndaquil had slept the entire walk. She grabbed her capture styler, as she walked around while the styler vibrated. She saw others that battled each other, as she said to herself, "Wow... even in this place people battle each other."

Cyndaquil woke up, as he yawned and looked around. He saw some beautiful bushes and plants around him, as he sneezed a little.
as kuro walks out of the entrance of the safari zones with tons of bait and mud and pipi sleeping in his jacket he looks and is surprised there are no pokemon in sight he takes out a cherish ball and a shiny metang comes out and looks around
and kuro places pipi on top of its head "Okay metang were going to try to find some items too watch pipi okay?" metang nods and kuro nods and smiles and starts walking to the tall grass