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Pokecharms: The Love Demon Strikes!

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(OoC: This is an RP that is based in the Pokecharms forum itself. I do hope we have fun with this!)

(OoC: Edit: We now have enough members to RP this well. Any new additions must PM me to ask to join now.)

Ah, spring was in the air at Pokecharms, the home of Pokemon fanatics and Lucky Charms lovers. Well, mostly the first one, but who doesn't love little marshmallows and unhealthy grain bits?

Pokecharms was preparing for it's annual St. Patrick's Day Festival, with everyone, even the n00bs (of course, they were given menial tasks like folding pamphlets), cleaning and decorating the green halls, conversation rooms, restaurants, and even the Clinic with shamrocks, four-leaf-clover PokeBalls, and various Pokemon, while chattering away happily. Of course, Secad, the ever-enthusiastic gerbil lover, and her pink-eyed white, pyrokinetic gerbil, Fi, were helping out in the front yard with some others. Secad was raking up the mushy, wet leaves leftover from fall, and Fi was burning them while perched on Secad's shoulder. Secad was wearing her usual ensemble of a blue t-shirt with ‘Global Warming: Not Cool' on it in white, dark-wash blue jeans, and green-and-black camouflage skateboard shoes. No need to break out the winter coat anymore! Fi, the gerbil, was, of course, wearing nothing. Who would make clothes for a rodent, anyway? And in most instances, they don't need any. Fi usually just sat in Secad's pocket in winter.

"Fi, careful! Don't scorch the grass." She said, propping up her rake against the brick siding of the Pit of Creativity building for a second while straightening her dark-brown, shoulder-length ponytail.

Seriously, it's fun! Fi telepathically sent, scuttling up from Secad's grey jacket shoulder to the top of her skull-patterned hood as Secad's arms shifted. Secad, being five-foot-five, would be a rather high drop for a little ten-inch-long rodent.

"Do you want to ruin the yard? I don't think the mods would be very pleased if we managed to turn this into a bonfire." Secad retorted, her brown eyes trying to go up in her head to see Fi staring down at her. "They might turn you into a Quarter Pounder." She finished, her pale face grinning.

Most of that's fur, Secad! Fi replied, mock offended. If you shaved me, I would weigh much less.

"Okay, okay, sorry, little girl." Secad apologized, grabbing her rake in one hand and rubbing Fi's little nose with the other. "Let's stop dilly-dallying. The Festival is soon!"


Back, deep down in the bowels of the Archive of Stupidity, something was stirring. A pink and dark pink, Pikachu-looking creature with red hearts on its cheeks and a long, zig-zag heart for a tail was struggling against its restraints made of green energy beams around its body whilst also being held by special chains upside down from the ceiling. It occasionally shot out heart-shaped beams of energy while wiggling, in a poor attempt to cut these specially designed bonds.

This was the Pokecharms Love Demon, a creature which has the ability to make any two people fall deeply, madly, and desperately in love with each other with only a single hit of its Love Bolts. In the past, this creature has caused much havoc, making even godly admins grovel on their knees for the love of a lowly n00b. After many years of experimentation, the perfect bonds have been created to hold it captive, as Love is impossible to completely destroy. It always comes back, in one form or another. Its ability to pass through walls and become intangible doesn't help either. However, in it's captivity, it has grown stronger.

The Love Demon, in one last, pathetic attempt before it let itself give up for the day, shot one last ray. It hit the main control panel, destroying it, releasing it from it's energy restraints and the chains. However, instead of laughing maniacally, it hummed cutely a classic love song, being more of an extreme troublemaker than a murderous beast, but love can make one do many odd things, no? After brushing itself off, it passed through the walls into the Pit of Curiosity building to check out the new renovations, maybe comment on the art, or even more likely to make some unlikely couple fall in love. Love is good, isn't it?

(OoC: Okay, I've set it up. Let's see the action begin! Interaction would be nice, too.)
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Former Moderator
"No no no NO!" Elliot complained, shaking his head over-dramatically as he watched a number of members. For what felt like the millionth time, he had stopped some of the members from incorrectly decorating the RP Forum. "How many times do I have to tell you, you want light mossy green, not blue-green! Blue-green simply isn't fabulous on Saint Patrick's day, duckies!"

Mumbling wearily to each other, the members stopped what they were doing and went to fetch another colour paint even though they had been sure they had the right colour this time. Elliot sighed very obviously, dropping back into the temporary throne he had made himself for overseeing the decoration. It was a hard life, being a moderator of Pokecharms. All these members who couldn't tell pink from mauve.

That said, there were a few advantages. He always enjoyed going through posts and changing them to make them that little bit more amusing. And the epic banning was always something fun. With a casual flick of his blonde hair, Elliot resettled himself in his seat and waited patiently for his loyal members to return.

After about thirty seconds, Elliot got bored of waiting and stood up, gracefully, from his throne. As he stood, his fabulous clothes seemed to positively glow. His lovely, long-sleeved white t-shirt with an unbuttoned black shirt over the top and his hot pink skinny jeans that positively screamed fabulous. And of course, his fedora. Black, with a white ribbon and a hot pink feather.

"It's so difficult to get reliable members these days," Elliot sighed. "Time to make this place... fabulous."

With a click of his fingers, the RP forums changed their appearence. Suddenly, the walls were all covered in a light, mossy-green colour, the floor replaced by a carpet of four-leaf clovers and a giant glass of Guiness as some kind of statue in the centre of both forums.

"Well, it's a little lacking but I'm sure Alex will appreciate it," Elliot commented. He raised his hand, a glass of rosé wine appearing there. With a thoughtful sigh, he sipped the pink liquid and walked out of the forum to check on the rest of the decoration.
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"Heyhey! Careful with the ladder Vyala!" Chibi called, waving her arms around frantically trying to steady herself. "If I fall off this ladder I'm going to be super pissed!" The thirteen-year-old finally managed to get the wobbling ladder under control, and she glared at the creature below with angry jade green eyes.

The animal was a red fox, the same creature Chibi was a part of, although it was quite the unusual fox. For one, it seemed to have no trouble standing like a human on its hind legs, even though foxes walked on four paws. Also, the fox was supporting the rickety ladder her master was perched on top of, the duo had been late to the decorations, and as a result were forced to use the wobbliest ladder ever made. Seriously, Chibi was afraid a strong wind would knock it over. The fox sniffed indignantly and gripped the bottom of the ladder tightly. "It's not my fault you have no sense of balance." Vyala retorted in perfect English.

Chibi lashed her fox tail and reached up to continue draping green paper four-leaf clover lines over the Pit of Creativity. The task was laborious, mostly boring, and if your on the most unstable ladder ever created by man, dangerous. As she secured the final corner of the outer wall, she snapped her fingers, a thin blue flame appeared between her index finger and thumb. Using the intensely hot flame, Chibi burned off the remaining line, the green paper fluttered to the ground where it lay in a crumpled heap. Not wanting to be on the dangerous ladder for any expanse of time, Chibi quickly scrambled down the rungs, as soon as she let go of the ladder it toppled over and broke apart. "Right," Chibi said, kicking the pieces of ruble into a pile, "at least we have some firewood."

"Like we need it," Vyala remarked, blinking her amber eyes. The fox, even when standing up, barely came up to half of Chibi's height. Vyala suddenly seemed to fall down, but she threw out her front paws and assumed the natural position of all-fours. She shook her fur out and gazed around her. "What now? The RP forums look great, although poor El doesn't. The members are going to drive him crazy soon."

Chibi was checking a list she had been given when she arrived, she now frowned at the next task written under the one they just completed. "Paint the Random Games Forum?" She asked incredulously, "while all those insane members are either bashing up people in the Hurt and Heal games or screaming their heads off at another game? Screw that." She blew on the thumb, which suddenly blazed alight, and with a snicker Chibi set the piece of paper on fire. She tossed it on top of the ladder's remains and watched the fire eat away at the pristine whiteness, corrupting the white with coal black and making the paper crumple up as if it were convulsing in agony. When the flames went out, leaving glowing orange coal behind, Chibi turned and strode off casually. Vyala followed at her heels.

(Not my best, but at least you get to see 'Charms Chibi.)
(Secad. You. Are. AWESOME!)

The building most commonly referred to as the Pit of Creativity bustled with activity. The Pokecharms community members who often frequented here were hustling to and fro, complimenting people on their work and then moving on to the next person. The Pit had just finished being cleaned up after being damaged by some people's horrible attempts at working.

Shocari just leaned on the front desk in the lobby, eating an apple and looking at all of the St. Patrick's Day decorations. He himself was dressed for the occasion, wearing a green T-shirt with a picture of a playing card of a four-leaf clover with a banner above saying "Ace of Clovers: Wins Every Hand" written in white. Shocari wore dark blue jeans and white sneakers, and looked like a normal teenager...if he didn't give the appearance of a living skeleton. His premature gray hair hung in front of his eyes, which were normally deep blue but in regular lighting were very light gray. His face looked very similar to a skull with a tight sleeve of skin on it, just a tad bit more human looking than it sounded.

Shocari finished his apple and headed to the Art Building, which was lavishly decorated and had every member's artwork lining the walls on the inside. He entered a medium-sized office and turned his attention to the red-haired girl sitting inside. Shocari snapped his fingers and made a small amount of electricity circle around his hand, which crackled and made her look up.

Shocari knew what he was about to say would be horrible, but he at least had to try. "I have an electric personality, don't I, Rain?" he asked her. And almost instantly, he knew that Stel, who also went by Gad, would kill him for making a pun, and a terrible one at that.

A tall girl, no older than 13 (although she could pass for 15 from her height) sighed, pushing her short, blond/brown hair behind one ear. She wore a green sleeveless top (for St. Patricks day), jeans, a green belt and runners. Plain. Aura was slightly more interesting in her other form. Murky green eyes scanned the paper with disgust.

"Just look at this!" she muttered to herself, "No capitals, really really really bad spelling and the puntuation has gone to hell!"

The piece of writing in question was a fanfic, improperly written, to the point that the writer had gone to the realm. There was quite a few pieces like this, and it was Aura's job to get rid of them. She quickly destroyed the offencing post, and searched for more. Having found no others, she got up and looked around.

The first thing she noticed was the blood red/ black aura. Dark. Evil. Love of Blood. Death. And so on. The person who owned this aura was Shocari. He was talking to Rain, seeming to be telling her something. A pun? Advise? Aura had no idea.

"Shocari! Rain!" she called out.
Fwoosh! Fi mentally smiled as she burnt up leaves. That's the last pile.

"Goody! Now we can go check out to see if StellarWind has released the next chapter of his fanfic." Secad said, smiling. "Well, until we get sent to do another job. Hey, the Festival is worth it, so I wouldn't mind either way. Let me put away the rake. You can go in. Just don't get stepped on."

(OoC: Now I'm sure all of you are curious about how some random gerbil got a symbiotic link with Secad. I'll post the backstory in here soon!)

Okay! Fi replied, feeling giddy.

"And no burning of the bad fanfics. That's Aura's job." Secad cautioned, looking into Fi's mind for the ulterior motive.

Geez. Deprive a rodent of a little fun, won't you? Fi sent back, sulking a little.

"You remember what happened last time you tried? You ended up damaging my fic. Oh, don't forget to tell the others I'll be there soon." Secad finished.

Fi leaped off Secad's head as she headed to put the rake back in the shed, running into an open door into the Pit of Creativity building. Seeing Aura, one of the RPers from one of Secad's old RPs, Fi's sent, as she shot across the floor, avoiding feet, Aur! Aura! I'm down here! Do you think you can catch me before I get stepped on?

The reason she sent this was because Secad and Fi's lives were linked. A long time ago, during a Chat battle, Secad was hit by a barrage of magic spells and one of the pyrokinetic gerbils she catapulted when she wasn't watching. Secad was sent into a week-long coma, but for some reason, the gerbil that was hit also wouldn't leave her side. When Secad woke up, one of the nurses at the Member Ward of the Clinic theorized that the magic transferred some of her conciousness to the gerbil, giving it a human mind, extending both their lives, and a symbiotic bond between the two, meaning if that one died, the other did as well, but also meant that they had access to each other's minds, meaning many things. They also had one other ability, being able to physically merge with each other into one anthropomorphic gerbil body with two minds. This came in handy in various circumstances.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
"Why in the name of Arc Deus am I even IN this?" he muttered, noticing the newly forming commotion in the RP board. "I thought I warned people about bringing me up in certain settings."

StellarWind Elsydeon sighed, raising an eyebrow at the new decor of the RP Forums. "This place just screams 'El was here'. Fabulous". He murmured.

His long, wavy dark-brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail rather than covered with a bandanna - and in honor of the coming holiday, he was wearing a deep, emerald-green jacket emblazoned with a golden double-helix pattern running along his right sleeve rather than his usual trenchcoat. He followed the events with a slight shrug when suddenly, he winced.

Something was in the air. Something that was there before long ago.

Something that wasn't right.

"It's back." he muttered, rolling back the sleeves of his jacket and extending his armblades. "I must warn the others... Before it is too late."
"Darn it Spore, you messed up the banner!" Shroomish-chan yelled in frustration, throwing a bucket filled with green paint at a Shroomish standing next to her. Spore shook his head and jumped at Shroomish-chan, covering her shirt in paint.

"Oh, see. Now look what you've done! I'm gonna have to go change!" The girl, maybe fourteen or fifteen sighed, getting up and shaking her head in dismay. She picked up the Shroomish and flicked its forehead. "You stay here while I change." She said, walking towards the bathroom. "Don't move." She trotted off, muttering to herself.

Spore smiled mischeviously and jumped into the green paint, trailing foorprints all over the yellow banner. Spore, unlike the other 'pets' of Pokecharms, couldn't talk. Shroomish-chan just knew what he was thinking somehow, as if she was a Shroomish herself.

When Shroomish-chan came back out, she looked like her normal self. She had changed into a light tan tank top and miniskirt, with dark green dots covering her from head to toe. She was also wearing leggings, in the same dark green color. Sitting ontop of her Blonde head, was a headband, with a plastic version of the ridge ontop of a Shroomish's head glued on. "Ah, it feels so good to be back in uniform." Shroomish-chan sighed, adjusting her headband. "I just hope nobody pinches me for not wearing mossy green."

"Shroom! Shroomish!" Spore laughed, as only a Shroomish can. He jumped up, narrowly missing Shroomish-chan's shoulder and landing on her arm. The girl shook her head and pushed the Shroomish back onto her shoulder.

"Oh, lovely. Spore, did you do this?" Finally realizing the banner, covered in green Shroomish footprints, Shroomish-chan narrowed her eyes. "I guess I'll just have to get another banner. And this time, don't mess it up!" She walked over to a large desk, and pulled out another long peice of yellow paper, smoothed it out, and sneezed. "Whew. Sure is dusty." She sighed. "I don't get why I'm assigned to decorating the Realm of N00bs. Why does this have to look pretty?" Shroomidh-chan put the paper on the ground and sat Spore next to her. She pulled out a large paintbrush and wrote "Happy St. Patrick's day, Pokecharms!" In large, green letters. Spore walked over to her with some four-leaf clover stickers in his mouth, and Shroomish-chan took them. "Thanks for making yourself useful." She smiled.

Once the banner had dried, Shroomish-chan pinned it up in the entranceway to the Realm Of N00bs. "Ah. Good work." She smiled, petting Spore on the head. "Now, let's go get something to eat. I'm starved!"
(room for one more?)

Brendan stood ready with his weapon, his opponent loomed just in front of him. With a tight hand and fast reactions, he swiped at the enemy with pinpoint accuracy, hitting it where he wanted it to be hit. Brendan stopped and looked at his handiwork; another floor down, and only twenty more to go. Brendan put the roller back in the bucket of green paint, lowered the scaffold, and began painting the twenty-first floor of Jet's Battle Hospital.

It was day three of preparations for St. Patrick's Day in Pokecharms, and this was all that Brendan has done so far. He wanted to compete in the annual Fan-Fiction Faceoff, but instead, he was doing one of the most time consuming jobs there was in the business. Brendan usually had white hair, black and red pants and jacket, matching headband, a white shirt, and yellow half-gloves. This time round however, Brendan was wearing green overalls under an oversized white shirt, a green cap, green paint in what little hair was coming out the back, and thick, green, gloves.

Brendan was halfway across the floor when he became aware of some sort of roaring coming from inside the building. He didn't take much notice for a minute, then realized where he had heard that roaring before.

"Oh please King, don't even think about it…" Brendan whispered. Too soon. The glass two floors above shattered apart and a chainsaw emerged and quickly severed one of the lines holding Brendan's scaffold in place. The scaffold turned ninety degrees suddenly and threw Brendan and his painting supplies off. Brendan instinctively tried to grab something, and the best he could do was grab the handle of one of his buckets of green paint. Just as he did so, the bucket got caught on a pole sticking out at the fifth floor of the building. When Isaac Newton discovered gravity, how was he supposed to know that one day, it would be put in effect to pour the contents of the bucket all over Brendan's head. The slippery paint then made Brendan loose his grip and fall the rest of the way and landed just in front of the entrance to the hospital. Brendan blindly stood up. Then staggered away, muttering random syllables like an idiotic zombie.
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(May I jump in?)

Casey sat in a corner of the Pokecharm Forum, trying to stay inconspicuous. His Charms name was Reynald, and he was neither famous or even widely known. He had taken his guise off for St. Patrick's Day and although Reynald might be outgoing enough to just jump in and help, that wasn't the case with Casey. He was one of the shyest people you could ever meet. Casey stood about six feet tall and, due to his crap luck that allowed him to not gain weight...with some side effects, weighed approximately one hundred and ten pounds. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt and fitting jeans with brown, converse-like shoes. He had trouble talking to people and a nasty stuttering problem. He normally didn't initiate conversations with people even though he wanted to talk to them.

Casey pushed his long, shaggy brown hair aside and watched the rest of the Charms community at work. He didn't know how to help, everyone was already doing so much. Ah...I'd probably just mess it up anyways... He lowered his deep green eyes to the sketchpad in his lap. He was currently drawing a picture. Occasionally people would ask him to draw them something but mainly the world seemed to ignore his art, but he was okay with that somewhat. Well...let's see what I can with anyways... He thought sullenly as he stood up and tucked his notepad against his side.

Casey wandered by the different forums. He never really entered any but the Artwork and the two RP forums. He passed by the Realm of n00bs and paused to watch Shroomish-chan work. He was considering helping, but before he could ask she finished up and moved on. Casey shrugged and kept walking. He walked by Jet's Battle Hospital and was considering asking one of the Moderators for something to do when a sudden noise caused him to look up, and promptly get pummeled in the face by a bucket. The lower edge caught him right between the eyes and knocked his legs out from under him. Just my luck... was Casey's last thought before he blacked out.
"Shroomishes don't drink Red Bull." Shroomish-chan sighed, and took the energy drink from Spore. The Shroomish angrily hopped up and down, trying to reach the can, but every time he jumped, Shroomish-chan just held it up higher. "You don't need it, anyways."

Spore kept jumping, ignoring her taunts. "Shroooom!" He cried, tackling Shroomish-chan. She laughed and pushed Spore away.

"You're getting Lucky Charms. That's the only food we have around here, 'cept pizza. And Linkachu hogs it all." Shroomish-chan smiled, and her blue eyes sparkled mischeviously. "Speaking of pizza," She whispered, sneaking over to a mini-fridge in the corner of the room, "I think I'll have some now." She reached for the fridge handle and... BZAP!

"Figures," Shroomish-chan whined, sucking on her burt fingers, "That Linkachu would electrize the handle. She sure does love her pizza." She shook her head and went to the sink. She turned the nob and shoved her burnt hand under the cold stream of water. Shroomish-chan winced, but then relaxed after her hand stopped burning.

After grabbing some gauze and bandages from the bathroom and wrapping her hand up, Shroomish-chan pulled out a piece of paper. "Hmm. What's next.. PAINT THE ARCHIEVE OF STUPIDITY?" Shroomish-chan's eyes widened in disbelief. "First the Realm of N00bs, and now this. I'm going to give the mods a piece of my mind later." She crumpled up the paper and flung it in the trash. "Forget that, Spore. I'm going to go see if Brendan or Secad needs help."
"See Vyala? this is called painting, it's a hobby of mine, as you know. And Charms wouldn't like it if you tracked green paws marks all over my lovely writing." Chibi told Vyala as she put up a banner in front of the Artworks Forum. It was pure white, with emerald green lettering reading: "HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY POKE" the banner still had to be finished, with was the reason why Chibi, on a much sturdier ladder this time, was painting the letters on the paper. She dipped the tip of her fox tail in the paint again and quickly continued her writing, which she always got compliments on. (OOC: No joke, people love my handwriting) She finished the last six letters and added an exclamation mark at the end, but instead of a dot there was a well-drawn four-leafed clover at the bottom of the punctuation mark.

"Hmph," Vyala snorted again and lifted her front right paw. "Just once, so the other members know who to thank for setting this damn thing up?"

Chibi considered it for a moment, then smiled and shrugged. "Sure, why not?" She said and scrambled back down the ladder without it toppling over this time. Vyala used all fours to climb up the steep steps and stood on two legs again as she reached the top. She raised her same paw and gently dipped the pads in the cool green liquid. She brought it out covered green and dripping thick globs of paint, and she pressed her paw firmly between the S and exclamation mark on the poster. After a few seconds, she lifted her paw away to reveal a perfect print of a fox paw, complete with four dots to show where the tips of the claws touched the paper: Chibi's signature mark. Shaking her paw, Vyala grabbed the handle of the paint bucket in her teeth and carefully climbed back down the ladder, two legged style, leaving green pawprints on the right side of it.

Chibi thanked her friend and relieved her of the paint bucket, just as something small and white snot by them. "Oh look," Chibi said with obvious fake joy, "there goes Fi." Vyala understood the tone of her friend's voice, Chibi and Fi had a sort of "rivalry" between them, both constantly competing to see whom was the better master of controlling fire. Vyala knew it was only a matter of time before the two would finally duke it out. Of course being Chibi's friend and all, Vyala thought Chibi would win, but the fox had also seen her master do some pretty amazing stuff with fire. And when her friend, Aislinn, lended her a hand, it was just good to get away. "And here comes Secad," Chibi announced, considerably brightening up. For some reason, the half-fox had no problem with the human that tended to Fi. Vyala shook her head slightly, humans were so weird sometimes. But then again, Chibi was not entirely human.

"Want me to have a little snack?" Vyala asked, nudging Chibi's shins.

Chibi grinned, "As much as I'd love to say yes, we'd get into a helluva lotta trouble. Hey Secad!" Chibi raised her voice as Secad drew near. "'Sup?"

(Yes, I can draw. Too lazy to make an art thread tho')
Aura had just walked into the room, thus interrupting one of Shocari's many failed attempts at impressing Rain or trying to make her laugh. Why? Why did this always happen to him? Oh well.

"Hey Aura." he said, waving. All of a sudden, a gerbil came running in. A gerbil. How random. Shocari looked closer and noticed that it was Fi, Secad's pyrokinetic little pet. He bent down to pick her up.

"Well hey there, Fi. How are you?" he asked, being nice. Fi gave him a look that said "Don't talk cute to me. Just let me burn something."

Shocari didn't like this look. It always creeped him out. "Ummm, Fi, would you like me to take you back to Secad?" No answer. Just that face. "Umm...I'll take that as a 'yes'?" he replied, very unsure and sounding like he was talking to himself.

"Sorry to go girls. I just gotta return this little ray of furry sunshine and take her back to her bestest buddy." He ran out of the room looking for Secad, desperately wanting to get rid of the gerbil.


Former Moderator
"Oh, Stel, good to see you," Elliot greeted his fellow staff member as he patrolled the boards. Thus far, despite the complete lack of fabulous, he had been mostly impressed with the decoration. Sure, he was planning on going into every single forum and redecorating it anyway, but some forums would have less of a redecoration.

"What do you think of the RP forums? I know underage drinking probably isn't what we should be promoting but I'll be buggered before I stop drinking," Elliot said conversationally, sipping his wine. "Or, y'know, whatever the straight alternative is."

Apparently, Elliot was either oblivious to Stel's armblades. Or he just didn't care either way. After all, Stel with armblades was a fairly common sight. It was perfectly natural to assume that Stel was hunting down some common idiot who had at least enough common sense to run away when being pursued by someone who could manifest blades on his arms.

"I mean, I'm impressed by the decoration. Sure, who isn't? But honestly, these kids need a lesson in fabulous and I simply don't have the patience for it," Elliot continued. He drained his glass, which promptly refilled, then lowered his voice slightly.

"So, you can sense it too, eh?"
Brendan continued wandering aimlessly around the clinic forum like a mental idiot. Nobody seemed to have noticed him, or just didn't care. Brendan finally got himself to stop when he was tackled by a body that was small and felt a bit like a basketball. Brendan fell to the ground with a thud and finally managed to regain his senses. He was still blinded by the paint however, so he had to wipe his eyes with the only clean part on his sleeves to see what had tackled him. Sitting on his chest, was a small, round, beige creature with green spots all over it. It had frills around its sides, and an opening on the top of its head.

"Hey, who's this little fella?" Brendan asked himself, he couldn't see clearly, since his eyes were still out of focus. Brendan's vision then cleared up and he recognized the Shroomish that had just tackled him. "That means…" Brendan whispered, then looked up to see a girl dressed like her pokemon looming over him, looking at him with a bewildered look in her eyes. Brendan could understand why; He must have had paint all over his head, shoulders, and probably part of his chest as well. The best Brendan could do in the awkward situation was grin, put up a rock-on sign, and say, "Wazzzzuuuupp Shroomy-chan?"

(I was actually unsure on who to interact with first, in the end, I thought this would work better for now)
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Casey sat up and rubbed his forehead. "Ow...why the heck was a bucket flying through the air?" Not like it mattered, but the act of talking let him regain his focus. He was still near the hospital and there were a few people he recognized inside. Standing up, Casey brushed himself off. Well...they might recognize Reynald more than me... He thought idly as he sighed and straightened himself. Tapping into his reserves of magic, Casey changed. His hair flared and turned a brilliant platinum and his skin turned a shade darker. His eyes darkened to a crimson red with flames flickering in the iris. He grinned slightly and a single fang bared.

Reynald rubbed his head one last time before walking inside. With a brief word, he used magic to reduce the throbbing. He waved idly to Shroomish-chan and Brendan before stuffing his hands into his jean pockets, "Hey Brendan...Hey Shroomish...Any idea on what's left to be done?" He asked lazily, smiling crookedly.
(OoC: Awesome! I got a lot of posts! I'm glad you guys love this RP, but in my opinion, the Love Demon should come out about now, right? I'll introduce it's abilities in this next section.)

"Hey, Chibs! Hi, Vyala! That banner looks great!" Secad said, waving, as she came in from putting away the rake. Seeing the remnants of a disdainful expression on her face, she finished, "Oh, you must have seen Fi. She wanted to go in ahead of me."

The two pyrokinetics had a rivalry of sorts, but it was more of a friendly one from Secad's and Fi's points of view. Oh, well, a rivalry helped you develop your skills in competition, so one that didn't devolve into unintelligent violence wasn't bad.

However, as Shocari came out of the editing room holding Fi, a strange, pink Pikachu type thing came out of the wall, between them. Secad didn't know what to think other than it was a weird, Valentine's Day Fakemon, so she ignored it. Holiday Pokemon were rather popular. Motioning to Shocari, calling, "Shocari! You got Fi! Thanks.I didn't want her to get stepped on."

Hmph! Fi sent, offended. He called me a pet! Just 'cause you help take care of me does NOT make me a p-

It's okay, Fi. Secad sent back, not wanting to offend Shocari, one who probably didn't know so much about Fi's sentience. He probably thought you were really cute.

All Secad got back was a lingering feeling of annoyance.


The Love Demon was searching, searching for some people to spread the love to. Seeing three members, a redheaded male in his mid-twenties wearing Bermuda shorts and a white t-shirt, a black-haired man in a 'Charms Pokeball t-shirt and jeans, and a blond, twenty-something female admiring a rather impressive picture of an anthro-kitty Elliot, it's instincts shot into action. However, being deprived of the energy gotten from the feelings of love for so long was only able to shoot two, hitting the woman and the black-haired man while they were looking at each other.

The woman and the black-haired man instantly began to have rather…romantic feelings about the redhead. The Love Demon could feel it. It fed on it.

However, the two affected by the Love Bolts began to get into a very loud argument over who should ask him out, as they both noticed the obvious attraction to the desired man. It turned into a fistfight, which devolved into a brawl. Quite funnily, the woman was winning. Let's say she hit a little lower than the belt.

Feeding off the energy from those two lovebirds, it began shooting out more Love Bolts, slowly at first, but speeding up as minutes ticked by.


"Really? And why do you think you should get RioGrande?" A male voice shouted loudly.

"Because I am way better looking than you, I am more intelligent, and don't look like I fell headfirst in a bucket of oil this morning!" A female voice shouted back.

Secad turned her head quickly, looking at the source of the argument. It got louder, filled with more obscenities, and devolved into a physical fight, with the two shoving into each other, damaging the art, smearing grime on the fanfiction, and even, gasp!, somehow defiling the plaque, which held the name of the building and the ruling moderator. Pixiety would not be happy. Then more people seemed to quarrel, or brawl, or beg for someone's affections, sending about half the room into chaos.

"Er…wow." Secad said, amazed and shocked, walking over to Shocari and taking back Fi, placing her on her shoulder. Noticing the oddly satisfied look on the Valentine's Day Pikachu thing's face, she said to him, "That…Pikachu thing…did it-"


One of the randomly shot Love Bolts hit Fi right off Secad's shoulder, saved thankfully Secad's jump down, however, she dove right into Shocari!

"Oof!" Secad let out a massive exhale. "Sorry, Shoc!" She apologized quickly. "Fi! Fi! You okay?"

However, the gerbil wasn't feeling bad. Fi was actually feeling pretty darn good right now, near this really, really attractive male human. And she thought she thought that Burmese last week was good looking! And from what she had heard, Shocari was actually really intell-

Fi! Fi's thought's were interrupted with a mental probe from Secad. All you're doing is lying there! Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine! Leave me alone! Fi replied, ticked off that her longing thoughts were interrupted. Let me lie here in peace!

This doesn't sound like you! Waitasec… Secad probed further in the rodent's mind, only finding out part of the truth until the effects of the Love Bolt spilled over into hers… You're right! He is rather good looking, isn't he? Have to love his hair. Mmm…and do-

You can't have him! Fi suddenly cried in jealousy, cutting off the fifteen-year-old.

"What?!" Secad actually said, screeching. "I'm the human one!"

(OoC: And what shall happen next? As a note, the one who is hit by the Love Bolt is attracted to the first person they see, regardless of orientation, species, or gender. The only requirement is that they are sentient, like in Fi's case. In addition, if there is a mental link, the effects will spill over into the other people if one is hit. Let's add to the comedic drama and havoc!)

(OoC: Edit: In addition, if one is hit by a Love Bolt, they will act in an exagerated(sp?) version of how they normally would have if attracted to a person.)
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(Fine with me, Brendan)

"Shroomy-chan? Seriously?" Shroomish-chan lifted an eyebrow and picked Spore off of Brendan's chest. "I see you've had an accident," She offered her hand to the green-covered boy. Once Brendan was up, Reynald walked over to the two.

"Hi, Reynald." Shroomish-chan smiled. "I'm not sure what is left to be done. I was assigned to paint the Archieve of Stupidity, but decided that I had enough N00biness for one day." She patted Spore on the head. "Spore here almost gave Brendan a concussion... wich, I see, you've come close to." Shroomish-chan winced, noticing the large indent in Reynald's forehead. "What happened?" Before she could get an answer though, Spore started going bezerk.

The Shroomish jumped out of Shroomish-chan's arms, and ran around in cricles, gold dust pluming from his head. Shroomish-chan ran over and picked Spore up, trying to calm him.

"SHROOOM! SHROOM! ISH!" Spore cried, struggling against Shroomish-chan's embrace. He sported more gold dust, and she fell down, paralyzed. Quickly recovering, Shroomish-chan ran after Spore again. He was worn out this time, and was easier to keep under control.

"Spore, what's wrong?" The girl asked, her voice tinted with worry. She stroked his head and rocked him back and forth.

"Shroomish!" Spore said. "Shroom! Ish-ish!" Gold dust sported from his head again, but this time, Shroomish-chan wasn't effected.

"WHAT?" Shroomish-chan twirled around as a giant Pikachu-looking thing barged through the walls. "Oh, god, no." She gasped.

The Pikachu-thing smiled, And Shroomish-chan backed away. "Spore." She whispered. "Sleep powder."

Spore jumped up and silvery-blue powder came out the top of his head, rushing at the monster. It turned, the powder hit its tail, and it rushed back to Spore and sent him to sleep.

"SPORE!" Shroomish-chan ran at Spore, but the creature was faster. It hit her with a Red-looking lightning bolt, and she was knocked back against the wall. Uh-oh. I know what this means... Shroomish-chan thought, than her thoughts altered.

"Oh, wow." She muttered, staring at Brendan Savem. "God, he's gorgeous."
(Secad/Fi got hit with Love Bolt and is now in love with Sho-HOLY GOD THAT'S ME!)

"What?! I'm the human one!" Secad just randomly screeched shortly after getting Fi back. Shocari looked over what had just happened: Handed Fi to Secad, Secad got shot by a pink Pikachu,-A pink Pikachu?! Whoa! Red light! STOP! Shocari quickly looked around for said Pikachu, but it was already gone.

Secad seemed to be having some sort of mental arguement with the gerbil. Strange. But not as strange as what was going on now: Both Secad and Fi were simultaneously argueing and staring at Shocari. Staring. As if in love or something.

"Ummm...is there something on my face?" he asked rather awkwardly. Immediately after he regretted this decision, because the two seemed to stare even more intensely. Slowly backing away, Shocari made a run for it. Not thinking of where to go, he quickly turned corners, weaved in and out of people, and finally skidded to a stop after a half hour, trying to put in a lot of distance.

Was there anyone he could go to? El? Stel? Alex? Katie? Rach? The usual mods? Anyone? 'Well, surely KoL would know. Or maybe Dani? Perhaps Pheo? Someone?' he thought. Surely someone out there in 'Charms knew of what was going on. El. El was smart. Just where was he? But suddenly, the thought hit him: 'El is redecorating. I'll just search everywhere.'

But unfortunately, Shocari had no such luck. "El!" he called out. "Are you there? I kinda have a problem!" He looked over and saw people fighting. The pink Pikachu floated above them and then disappeared. Now he was desperate. "EL! I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP! THERE IS SOME PSYCHOTIC PIKACHU AND IT IS FREAKING ME OUT! I'M NOT A FAN OF PINK!"
(uh-oh... looks like Brendan's about to find himself in a mushroom of a problem...)

Brendan gratefully took her hand to help hoist himself up, unaware of the pink Pikachu-resembling creature hiding behind a corner. Brendan had his back to Reynald then, so he greeted the metal-headed artist by raising his fist behind him, open for a ka-boot.

"What's going down Rey?" Brendan asked, as he did this action. "Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be painting Jet's Battle Hospital, but it's impossible to do when the 'Lord of the Over-sized Mechanical Saw' is around. So I'm just going to wait until we get a new scaffold for it." Brendan explained, then noticed the bump on Reynald's head and the direction he came from. Putting the two together helped Brendan figure out that he and Reynald were involved in the same accident.

Brendan was about to apologize for what happened when Spore let out a cry. Brendan looked back to see Spore running away and Shroomish-Chan giving chase. The two rounded a corner and disappeared from view of Brendan and Reynald.

"What's up with them?" Reynald asked, Brendan raised his head and sniffed the air, two quick sniffs followed by a long one, then sighed.

"It isn't pizza, I can assure you." Brendan answered. He then followed Shroomish-Chan around the corner to see her on her bum leaning on the wall. Shroom was asleep not too far ahead, and the strange Pikachu had disappeared before Brendan had a chance to see it. "Shroomish-Chan! Are you okay?" Brendan asked as he ran up to her. He then noticed her staring at him vacantly. Puzzled, Brendan cocked his head and squinted his eyes to look at her better, "I don't think you hit your head, unless its in a different place." Brendan commented, then reached out his hand to pull her up the same way she pulled him up just two minutes ago, completely unaware of Shroomish-Chan's newfound feelings for him.
Reynald smiled and greeted Shroomish, pausing to bump knuckles with Brendan. Shroomish mentioned the accident and his forehead, causing him to laugh slightly. He looked between the two, "Well I don't know about painting the n00b area but I can definitely help with the Hospital." Reynald said calmly. Magic was a wonderful thing sometimes. He was about to say more when Spore cried out. He turned to Brendan, "What's up with them?" he asked quietly. Brendan preceded to then sniff the air before answer that he in fact had no clue. Well great... Reynald thought mildly before muttering, "Well let's go find them." before following Brendan down and around the corner.

Brendan was inspecting Shroom, who was staring rather oddly at Brendan. What's with that stare? She looks like she's completely enamored... Reynald mulled the idea over while he walked over and picked up Spore carefully. He shook Spore gently in his arms, "Hey there. You ok? Time to wake up." Reynald walked over to Brendan and shrugged, "This guys out cold right now. How is Shroomish doing?" His eyes kept darting down the different passageways. If something had attacked them, Reynald did NOT want it coming back for seconds. "Hey Brendan. We should probably get back to the hospital."
Aura's next job was to clean up her own area's, but her stress levels were on 'URGENT CHILL REQUIRED' mode, so she headed up to her room. Time to cool down. Aura transformed into a Riolu, who emitnated a purple aura. She placed a paw on the door to her room, and it swung silently open. Aura was about to go get ready to have a dip in the pool, when she remembered an 'experiment' she wanted to try. So, abandoning all thoughts of rest time, she stood in front of the mirror, and started trying to change her aura colour to green.

This was rather hard, as changing one's personality is almost impossible, but Aura really wanted to get this right. So engrosed in her experiment, she didn't noticed that she had a visitor in her room. A pink Pikachu in fact. The mere colour of this Pikachu would have made it very unwelcome in Aura's room, even if it had huge claws, killer fangs and a personality from hell, it would not be allowed. It watched her curiously.

Aura looked at herself in the mirror, and felt a thrill of success. There was green streaks in her aura!

Just a little more should do i- Fhwak!

A kind of beam, or some kind of energy was launched at Aura's back. It hit the bulls eye. Aura spun around, searching for whoever had shot it, vowing to make them pay, but there was no one there. She sighed, then turned back to the mirror and-

Wow... am I really that pretty?

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
"Yes. I can sense it too." he said "This feeling of impending doom. A feeling of chaos yet to come. Music in the air. A tinge of excitement. And everything is roses and kitties and bunnies. Either we're in a bad Disney sequel, or it escaped. I thought I told them that this was not a good place to lock the little bastard down..."

It was then that he heard Shocari's cry.


"Sod it! Option number two." he growled, narrowing his eyes "We have to warn the others..."
"Oh, good. I'm not a fan of pink, either." Secad replied flirtatiously, chasing after, and getting way too close to Shocari. "But who cares about the Pikachu? It's just-"

*&^%! Fi sent, jumping up and biting Secad's hands, neck and face repeatedly. Sending the thought directly to Shocari, she sent, How do you like that? As soon as she's out of the way, Shoc, it's just going to be you and me...

After saying this, Fi jumped off Secad and curled herself up around Shocari's neck. While giving him a quick lick on the cheek, she sent a whip of flame out to warn Secad, motioning that she would hurt her. Not kill her, as that would kill her, too.

"Stupid rodent!" Secad called back in rage, in response to the bites and the stealing of 'her' Shocari, wiping off the blood covering her hands and neck. "No amount of fire is keeping me away from him! He's mine!"

As Secad was about to swat Fi off Shocari's neck, Fi's whip of flame sent a blistery patch across her face.

She screamed angrily, not in pain, but in fury. "How dare you, rodent! You force me t-"

No! You wouldn't! Fi sent/cried in disbelief.

"Oh yes I am!" She replied. Taking a deep breath, and singing in a horrible, high-pitched screechy voice sure to damage all sensitive ears, not just rodents, she started, "I'm sinking into the lava, and I'm going to go unde-"

NO! Fi sent, covering her little ears with her little paws. Not the Jonas Brothers! They mock fire, they mock majestic volcanoes, and heck, that hurts!

"Then get off."

Never. Fi sent back, menacingly.

"Okay. I can fix that." Secad replied equally menacingly, diving on Shocari to kiss him violently.

(OoC: This is definitely going to be awkward, isn't it Shoc? I can edit, if wanted.)


Former Moderator
"Shocari needs my help?" Elliot asked no one in particular as soon as he heard Shocari's not-so-dulcet tones. "Though a pink Pikachu sounds familiar. Now, Stel, who's idea was it to lock the crime against fashion where we send too many people?"

Elliot sighed and drained what must have been his fourth glass of rosé wine. Sometimes, even fabulous couldn't save him and he had to resort to drinking so that he could put up with the 'charms members. He casually tossed the glass over his shoulder and placed a hand on his hip, cutting an impressive (albeit camp) figure.

"It's so distressing. That thing can't inflict me with anything. I'm already in love with myself, no one can quite compare," Elliot commented conversationally, extending his arm to his side. Instantly, a silver rapier with a pink guard formed there. "It's easier to kill it this time, wouldn't you say, Stel?"
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"Umm, I don't get it." Chibi stated lamely as members around them, including Secad and Fi. She began to slowly back away as an assualt of people suddenly screaming for other to go out with them suddenly erupted in her ears. Now things were just plain freaky. She noticed a pink...thing. It looked like a Pikachu, but it was a godforsaken pink, and some red. It had some sort of cunning look on its face, and the words "Freaky pink demon from hell" went through Chibi's head.

"Duck!" Vyala suddenly shouted as the Pikachu charged its eyesore pink fur.

Chibi looked at Vyala with a raised eyebrow. "That's not a duck Vyala, that's some demonic Pikachu that-"

"No you idiot!" Vyala screamed as a red bolt of lightning streaked towards them. "DUCK!!!" She leaped into the air and hooked her paws around Chibi's neck, her weight sending the half-human half-fox crashing to the earth. The red bolt sailed over their heads, streaking past where Chibi's head had been moments before, and hit a passerby. The duo watched as the member blinked suddenly, and her eyes became clouded over. She turned her head to look at Chibi, whom was picking herself off the ground.

"Will you go out with me?" The girl asked, tucking some black hair behind her ear.

"What the fuck?" Chibi gasped, taking a few steps back. An awful realization dawned on her, and she glanced wildly at the Pikachu, who now had its back turned. She turned back to the crazy girl, who stared at Chibi with big puppy eyes and pouted lips. "Oh no," Chibi said loudly, taking a few steps back. "Oh hell no!" The girl suddenly rushed at her, causing Chibi to turn tail and flee from the maniac member who had apparently fallen in love with her.

"Wait! you're going too fast, I'm sorry if I started that wrong! Come back!" The girl shouted behind Chibi, sprinting after her.

"Get the hell away from me you freak!" Chibi screamed in reply, diving into the Misc. Forums. If you needed to lose somebody in a chase, it was here. The crammed topics made excellent places to hide. Chibi slipped among the crowds and into an alley that rested between two random topics. "Phew," Chibi gasped, ducking under some cardboard boxes, "think we lost her."

"I'm sorry if I said that wrong," a voice suddenly said, and the girl's head poked around the entrance of the odd "cave". "What I meant to say was-"

"HOLY HELL!" Chibi screamed, boxes scattered in all directions as she and Vyala leaped through the cardboard in surprise. "Get back!" Chibi screamed shrilly, her hands coming alight with fire. "I'll burn you! I swear to god I will!" Just to show she actually would, Chibi tossed a fireball to the ground, setting the very stone alight and she ran off once again. She saw Shocari running through the streets wildly. Shocari of course! Just when she needed someone who was perfectly capable of giving someone else a very bloody death. "Sho! Help!" Chibi called, running after him. "I got this crazy stalker chick after me and and she won't leave me aloooone!"

((Yeah, this is funny in my eyes. It's kinda cartoon style how this random member pops up everywhere chibi is.))

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
((OOC: Thanks, Secad))

The holiday coming up was special to Charms in general, but it seemed even more special to this girl. To celebrate, her upper half was absolutely covered in her favourite color, different shades of it peering from beneath her emerald cloak.

Her style didn't change though - always the tomboyish look of wearing a T-shirt over a long-sleeved shirt. A light green shamrock was displayed proudly on her front, and she stood with confidence, not to mention a bit of excitement as well. Also, the clip that held up her cloak had changed into that of a gray skull, but that wasn't exactly a new addition, as some people knew.

Dwayna's usual emerald orbs stared around, taking in the fact that the RP forum seemed to have gotten an upgrade in scenery. It was probably set up to be this way because of the upcoming holiday, and that made her appreciate it all the more. The beginnings of spring were evident, but there was also something else...

A strange feeling settled within her, like something around here wasn't quite right. Her mouth pursed into a thin line as she decided to wander around a bit more, searching for the source of the feeling using her instincts, but so far came up unsuccessful.

Mind you, with the feeling she was getting, Dwayna didn't know if she wanted to find whatever it was.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
"I was wondering the same thing, El. And in the same room with the control panel, too. Seriously. I swear life is a huge plot device. What next, the forum being saved by a Mary Sue searching for a typo'd legendary with Jesus powers?"

He smirked for a moment, as if remembering something no one else will.

"Yeah... It probably will be easier to hunt down. It's still weak - needs to get some victims to power itself up. You know how these old anime cliches work. And, I think you know that I don't think it can affect me either."

Not anymore. he winced, shivering slightly. Not anymore. Never again.

"Didn't realize you got another new weapon, El." he said, regarding the rapier with a little smirk "I'd make a pun about being slender but being used masterfully, but Order of the Stick beat me to it. Does this one burst into rainbow fire too?"
Ah, Pokecharms. The place where she would always feel more then at home; comforting, happy, funny, the list went on. There wasn't a place in the world that could replace it, and that in Midnight's opinion, was always going to be true. She was currently resting inside the General Fiction building, sitting in a comfortable chair with her eyes closed, listening to her iTouch at a low level. On one of the arms of the chair was a notebook with her writing scribbled all over it along with doodles, anything that could help her think of more to write about for Eternal Agony, her current Fan Fiction.

To her left, sitting proudly and alert was her Houndoom. Of course, who wasn't expecting that, right? It was one of her signature Pokemon, along with Tyranitar, Sneasel and Pidgeot of course. Just as Midnight was about to turn the music on her current favorite song up, her Houndoom growled deeply, and immediately her eyes snaped open. Her dark hazel eyes shot to Houndoom, with a rather annoyed look on her face. Though it had to be something important, or her Houndoom wouldn't have tensed. Sighing, she spoke to her Houndoom.

"Houndoom, what is it, seriously? If your hungry again and just being stupid, I'll make you eat grass. Yeah, grass."

The Houndoom rolled it's eyes and inclined it's head towards the large window to the right of them. Tilting her head to the side she could barely make out a figure running around and screaming. Then again, she saw a lot of figures doing something like that. Getting up, she walked closer to the window, paused her iTouch and placed it in the back right pocket of her light frayed denim jeans. It seemed all over Pokecharms people were acting...strange. Well, no, they always acted that way. But hell it was a different strange, something she had never seen before. Glancing at her Houndoom, Middy placed her brown sunglasses on top of her shoulder length blonde hair and began running for the exit of the General Fiction building, almost tripping on her brown sandals.

"Damnit..I KNEW I shouldn't of worn sandals today.."

She muttered under her breath as a few of the other members stared at her. Getting up and brushing herself off, she finally exited the building regretting again to be wearing her orange, red and yellow bathing suit top. She began walking quickly and as she began to hear more, she realized it was only Shocari asking for El's help and saying that he didn't like pink. Rolling her eyes, she was about to yell something to him, when Secad jumped on top of him, kissing him. Midnight froze in her tracks and slowly backed up only to turn around to Shroomish-chain staring at Brenden Savem with Reynald close by. Looking back at Shocari again she could see Chibi coming her way, yelling for Shocari with another female chasing after her. Off in the distance, not too far off, Midnight could see Dwayna and was glad she wasn't involved in all of this, she seemed like the only person not to be affected by what was happening. Other then Stel and El of course, though they seemed to be talking about something important..

Midnight looked down at her Houndoom again, confused and in return, the Houndoom looked confusedly back at her. Midnight turned on her heels and began walking in the direction of Stel and El, wondering if they had any idea of what the hell was going on. Taking off her sandals and holding them in her left hand she began running towards them now, her Houndoom at her side.


Former Moderator
"Oh, don't be ridiculous," Elliot said, playfully punching Stel on the shoulder. "I left Nijitenshi at home today. Or, at least on my Facebook. As tempting as it is to run around with rainbow coloured wings, I think I look gay enough."

Elliot reacted before anyone else even knew something was amiss. Though, amiss was not the right word. The fact that the abomination was loose had put him slightly on edge - there were enough members swooning over him already. He heard someone approaching him and Stel, and immediately he had moved. Now, he was stood directly behind a member who had just been running towards them. The member stopped, and only when she turned did he lower his weapon.

"Sorry Midnight," Elliot apologised, twirling the rapier around his fingers. "I know it isn't fabulous of me to be so on edge."
Kalseng was perched atop a decrepid, old building, his hair fluttering in the slight breeze. A green spear was gently poised in his right hand, complimenting the equally green sleeveless jacket atop a white undershirt. Casual day, in his opinion. His jeans showed this, transitioning into a pair of plain, black skateshoes. The building in question was one peering over the buildings in The Realm. Kalseng couldn't help but try and slay a few of the weaker n00bs that would furiously try and redeem themselves with pitiful threads.

A particularly angry one appearared, a clear splattering of blood dousing their clothing. They were grasping their chest angrily, and screaming a flurry of words that were mixed into the surprisingly large amount of singular letters and numbers. Kalseng didn't feel like watching them be cut down by one of the mods, so he took it upon himself to do something useful.

The n00b vanished into the air, a green puff of smoke replacing where he stood. From the fumilating clouds of dust, Kalseng rose upwards, his spearhead keeping itself between the cracks in the cobblestone pavement. With a snap of his slender fingers, the cloud disappated, only to move around the realm, coating whatever they touched in a cheery forest green. As it passed over the buildings, adding teal to every other building for contrast, Kalseng sighed happily. Another n00b appeared in front of him, doused in glitter.

Kalseng did a quick swipe of his spear, turning this one into a cloud of green smoke as well. He directed it at the opening gate of The Realm, and a long banner of happy Irish colors appeared, reading "Hapy St. Patricks Day!" Kalseng sighed, snapping his figners once more. A pee and an apostrophe appeared, taking their rightful places on the banner.

"What terrible luck," Kalseng said, swinging his spear in the circle. "First I had to clean the archive, and now I'm assigned to the realm with a transmutation spear. Although," Kalseng stopped the spear's swinging to examine its fine, intricate carvings. "It is rather nice." With a small breeze, Kalseng was gone, only to appear in the Role Play section moments later.

The place was rather well decorated, and rather well filled, but it still lacked... What was it called again? Ah, yes. Detail. Kalseng added subtle, slowly moving cracks in the pavement to give the environment an established feeling. The different battle scenes themselves gained a delightful azure sky, the sun barely peaking over its boundaries, casting a warm glow into the battles or adventures. Kalseng sighed and glanced around, looking for something interesting.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
"On second thought." he said, a haunted expression suddenly appearing on his face "My armblades may not be enough for this undertaking... I require a different weapon. One that, in its glory days, felled many Pikachu-form foes both great and terrible..."

There was an odd flash of light in his eyes - but it wasn't the soulful golden flash most people saw from him, a trace of his other form of choice. It was a deep azure - and seemed to contrast with the warm brown of his eyes.

"I shall return presently."

His armblades encompassed by a lavender aura, he made a slashing gesture, ripping open a passage in the fabric of space-time. He walked into it, closing the rift behind him.

Somewhere far far away, there was a change in the sky. A change that wasn't sensed in a long while.

The Crystal Moon was rising.


"I haven't worn this in years." he sighed, opening his eyes.

There were some changes - his hair was much longer, and his glasses had a black frame as opposed to the silver he once had - but the figure that gazed at him back from the reflection on the pocket dimension's border was the same as he remembered.

He was clad in blue jeans, and a blue denim jacket with silvery-grey sleeves and a hood. There was a blue headband on his head as well. Rather than his ordinary hiking boots, he wore black ones which seemed almost metallic in part. There was only one major difference - the lack of his Traveling Device - the system which he once used to create portals between dimensions. The device was long since gone - though several of its fragments still remained, preserved until time forgets them.

There was just one last thing to do, before he returned.

He approached the center of the room. Within a glass casing were two objects - a smallish azure crystal sphere, encased in a swirl of silver, and an object that appeared to be the hilt of a sword, but had no blade. it had a slight curve to it and was made of what looked like silver, but was not. A single, oval green crystal was embedded right over the grip, disrupting the azure and silver motif.

He opened the casing, and reached in to take the crystal orb in one hand, and grasp the Lightblade's hilt in his other hand, an almost forgotten, yet still familiar feeling coursing through his arms.

With a soft smile, he uttered the words "Hello, old friends..."



In a rain of ceiling particles, he landed on the floor on his fingertips in an abandoned part of the Archive - the one that was sealed long ago. The one that held this... thing... before its escape. With a sigh, he raised his hand to the hole in the ceiling, watching a crystal formation slowly grow and seal the hole in the ceiling. He muttered something about El going to go berserk over the gaping hole in the decor, but he couldn't be arsed. This was war.

He surveyed the room around him. This was where it all started. He gazed at the remains of a destroyed organo-mechanical device, still growing out of the wall. Only a few would remember what the fragments were - the core of a cloning system that crossed the dimensional barrier from what used to be his home away from home many years ago - a core carrying the DNA of a terrifyingly dumb eternal n00b, a creature whispered of in dark places as Pikachuu Neos.

An image - a younger, shorter-haired version of him standing atop a pile of decapitated green-eyed Pikachus with markings in pink rather than brown and red, his expression determined to defeat the endless waves that just kept on coming, with their battle cry of 'Pee Cuh!' and mispelled EVERYTHING - an event that he could only describe as the Attack of the Clones.

It has been a long time since the machine emitted any of the clones - it was thoroughly destroyed, but not before it has done its damage. Though it was never officially confirmed, it was highly suspected that the creature that became known as the Love Demon was the last great attempt of the device to emit a clone that shall remain invincible - or perhaps that it was posessed by a greater force. There was no way to tell, really. But it was indeed through study of the machine's fragments that a part of the bonding device was created.

Surveying the room even more, he noticed the remains of the controlling system that held the creature's restraints in place. He quietly facepalmed. Whose brilliant idea was this to keep the creature in the same room as the control system?

Suddenly, he sensed a movement. Every single muscle in his body tensed as he grasped the hilt tighter in his hand, and activated it with a silent mental command.

From the edge of the hilt a blade shone forth - a fine blade of azure light, glowing radiantly, illuminating the darkness. There was no sign of whatever movement he sensed.

At least, not as far as he could tell.

"I don't like this." he muttered softly, a flash of azure in his eyes "I better rejoin the others."

He reached into his pocket and passed a light, caressing touch on the orb in it.

"Your time will come soon." he said with a little smile, before bursting out of the archive, Lightblade still in in hand. It was time to go rodent-hunting.
Shroomish-chan almost squealed when Brendan helped her up. She smiled at him with a dreamy look in her eyes, and batted her eyelashes. "Thanks." She said, batting her eyelashes again.

When Spore woke up though, the Love Demon started taking effect on him, too. Since the Sleep Powder had hit the Loveachu's tail, it had infected it, too. And guess who he saw first? Shroomish-chan. When Spore saw Brendan holding S-chan's hand, he charged Brendan, tackling him to the floor. The Shroomish promptly started jumping up and down on Brendan's chest angrily.

Shroomish-chan snapped to attention, grabbing Spore off of Brendan's chest and blushing. "Sorry," She said sweetly, than grabbed Spore by the ridge on his head and started whispering to him harshly, wagging her finger. Spore just kept staring at her with that love-sick look.

Once Shroomish-chan was done nagging, she turned back to Brendan and blushed. "Sorry about him," She giggled. "He just, does that. He seems to like you." And so do I, Shroomish-chan's cheecks became redder, and she giggled nervously. "I'll help you paint the Battle Hospital, Kay?" She asked, hooking her arm around Brendan and staring up at him through her eyelashes.

What irony of the world. What horrible, evil, cruel yet funny irony. No sooner had he yelled for El's help had Secad jumped up and start kissing him. Now, Shocari was no expert, but he could tell he didn't like this. Shocari tried to pull her off, but it was no use, her love was too strong.

"Scahd cannu stapkisn gmah nouw?" he tried to say with the super small amount of oxygen he could receive through her ferocious hold. Secad finally let go, much to Shocari's relief. "Thanks for stopping your kiss." Shocari panted.

Fi, who had just kissed Shocari-in a gerbil way-before getting thrown off by Secad, was now looking angrily at her owner, but very flirtatiously at Shocari. Was this the power of that, dare he say it?...Pinkachu? Whatever it was, it was not Shocari's friend at the moment.

He looked around and saw Shroomy and Brendan in some sort of lovefest, Chibi being ran after by a...girl?! and screaming for his help, Middy and El nearby, and of course, Stel not there. A sudden thought popped into Shocari's mind: Was Rain or Aura safe? Were they hit? What about the others, like Kal or KoL, or LoN or, well, everyone? If they were fine, then how the brix were they avoiding Pinkachu? Shocari wanted to take a page out of their books.

"Umm...Secad? You're kinda...well, in love with me? Its the Pinkachu's fault. It zapped you with Love Attack or something and well..." Shocari didn't sound very convincing. Chibi kept running by and all he could think of was "Hey! Chibi! I'll help you when I'm outta this mess, OK?"

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
A lone figure sat in her seat in the area between the Spriting section and general Artworks section of the forums, making what seemed to look like beaded Pokemon. She was totally unaware of all the things going around her. She wore a pale blue hoodie, grey pants, a silvery t-shirt, and white shoes. Her jet black hair was tied back into two identical pigtails. Her eyes, though usually filled with mischief, joy, and a sort of childish look, were looking at something in her hands. She had decided to contribute to decorating the community in her own ways; not by repainting the walls or stuff like that, but rather by using her actual artistic skills (she was never good with a pencil, pen, pen tablet, or paintbrush, so she stuck to origami and beading).

Lyn was probably one of the more childish of the members of Pokecharms, but even the hyperactive, baby ones had to have some quiet time, right? She swept a stray bit of black hair away from her eyes, not wanting it to disturb her concentration on finishing the beaded Espeon she was making. Smiling at the almost finished product, she grabbed the last purple bead and was about to put it on the string...

"What the heck!?" the girl yelled as someone rushed past her, only for a few more blurs to follow after the first. Lyn's deep purple eyes flashed brightly in annoyance as her beaded Espeon fell to the floor, making all the beads fly everywhere. Looking up, she could see Chibi dashing quickly into the Misc. section, and another girl following after. Just as she bent down to pick up her beads, Secad and Shocari flew by. She soon picked up that Secad had somehow fallen in love with Shocari. So that must mean that girl chasing Chibi...

Well, of course. What else was there, really? Lyn thought to herself, picking up the emotions the girl, Chibi, Secad, and Shocari were feeling. The girl and Secad seemed to be in love, though it was like a twisted love; unnatural. Chibi and Secad... a large mixture, mostly fear, annoyance, and a bit of confusion. Just a bit. "Need some help, guys?" offered Lyn, grinning as her hand slid into her jean's right pocket. Just as she was about to pull her laser-machine out, she suddenly had an odd feeling, as if something was watching her. She turned around sharply.

The oddest Pikachu she had ever seen looked back at her. It was not yellow, brown, and red, but made of varying shades of pink. Its tail and cheek pouches were hearts. And the eyes... had an odd glint in them. Was it really considering attacking her? Then it smiled a little, and a sudden burst of red light appeared from its cheeks. Before she had time to react, she felt something push against her, not exactly hard, but kind of gently. It was almost as if something was going in her. She blinked once, and the creature was gone. "What the... what was that supposed to do again?" she wondered out loud.

She suddenly saw Stel rush past her, apparently in pursuit of something, and the strangest feeling swept over her. She wouldn't, couldn't, call it love, for even then she could feel that it was somehow twisted and not the pure love she felt for her parents, brother, and Shiny, her shiny Eevee partner (who was nowhere to be seen at the moment), but it was like a strong desiring for him... suddenly, all the good aspects of his personality came to life, an image of him danced in her mind, and she heard his voice play over and over in her head...

Lyn dashed away from the scene with Chibi, Secad, Shocari, and random girl and raced after Stel, not only because she was, best way to put it, "interested" in him, but that she was genuinely curious what he was doing, who, or what, he was following. Stay at a distance, don't let him catch you... she thought to herself, and tried to make it look as if she was just wandering around again, as usual, though usually, her eyes betrayed her true feelings, for they were glittering when hope that Stel would both notice and yet ignore her. Strangest feeling, but how else could she put it?

((Just joining in, all, with my terrible RP skills. And thankies, Secad. ^^))

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Dwayna gazed around the forums, watching utter chaos ensue as people started tackling each other out of nowhere. It was very confusing to her, especially when some of the people in question attached themselves to people who weren't of their gender of preference. She stood there, perplexed and awed about the whole thing altogether. It was simply out of the ordinary, even for a crazy place like Charms.

A shiver ran down her spine as she felt the strange feeling again, much stronger this time, as if it were nearby. She glanced in the direction that she felt the awful presence coming from. Then she spotted something that disgusted and horrified her, chilling her to the bone.

It was a Pikachu, but it looked much different than any other Pikachu she had seen before. The damnable thing was pink, and had hearts for cheek and tail pouches. The grotesque being had just shocked Shiny, and Dwayna could almost feel the shift of emotion within herself as she watched Shiny's look change into one of determination, heading towards the RP forum in an unnatural haze of emotion.

This seemed to be the creature causing all of the mayhem lately. It didn't seem to have noticed her as of yet, and that was a good thing. Logically, she thought out in her head what she had to do, and did the only thing that seemed reasonable for that particular moment.

She turned on her heel and ran. She didn't want to stop running, for fear of the thing catching up with her, if it had even noticed. Suddenly, her skull clasp glowed green and attached itself to her shirt instead, the emerald cloak around her separating to form into draconic wings. She took off into the skies and landed on a nearby roof to watch what was happening down below. Her mouth pursed into a thin line, pondering to herself.

Dwayna wondered briefly if she was really safe from that thing up here after all.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
The door to the RP forum swung open as StellarWind Elsydeon ceased his dashing, making a power-slide into the room and skidding to a halt with a nervous twitch. Lightblade in hand, he surveyed the area with a glowing azure glare, fading back to the warm brown of his natural eye color. He could sense that something - or someone - was pursuing him while trying to be sneaky. He knew for a fact it wasn't that thing, though he certainly could sense its influence in the pursuer.

Just ignore it unless it actively attacks you. he thought I have larger fish to fry.

He spotted El again with little difficulty and walked towards him.

"Get this. Something is active down in the archives. I sensed a movement down there and it wasn't the dead n00bs OR the abomination. Buggered off before I found out what it was, but I've got to wonder."


Former Moderator
"Stel, er..." Elliot started. He was so very in tune with what was happening. He could even sense the general location of the distinctly un-fabulous creature. Honestly, who's idea was it to have so much pink? Even he knew where to draw the line. But that wasn't the point. He could sense the general location of the thing, but he could also sense the effects taking place.

"Stel, I think... Oh, how fabulous," Elliot said sarcastically. "Yeah. Lyn has a crush on you. Or she does now, anyway. And unless my eyes are deceiving me, she's over there trying to follow you."

Elliot sighed very obviously and summoned up another glass of wine. He drained it in one, and stopped to think for a moment.
"Unless I'm very much mistaken, the abomination is invading my forum," he said, gesturing to the side. Immediately, a green, swirling vortext formed. "With the sheer number of n00bs in there, it'll be a disaster." With an over-dramatic bow, Elliot skipped into the portal and found himself in the RP board.

"Oh no you don't," Elliot shouted, running from the portal. He lunged at the Love Demon with his rapier, a strike that would have cleaved it in two... if it wasn't faster than it looked. The pink Pikachu dodged to the side. Elliot quickly dropped down and sweep-kicked at it, but again his attack failed. Elliot went to stand up, but his movement was restricted by his incredibly tight jeans. With a sigh that clearly said "this isn't fabulous", Elliot stabbed at the Love Demon. This time, the acrobatic beast vanished. Elliot pulled out a communicator from his pocket.

"Stel? That tenacious little bastard learned to teleport somewhere along the line," Elliot said. "And keep an eye out for Lyn. Poor girl doesn't know what she's doing."
Just as she was able to see El and Stel more clearly, El had vanished and Midnight tilted her head to the side. It dawned on her then that he was being defensive and had appeared behind her holding his weapon towards her. Shocked, she held up her hands in front of her as if her way of saying stop, of course if he really wanted to hurt her, he most likely would have won that battle anyways. He spoke to her saying with a twirl of his rapier, "Sorry Midnight, I know it isn't fabulous of me to be so on edge." With that she smiled a little and shrugged it off.

"It's all good El, no worries."

She turned to look around, but just as she did, Stel was gone most likely off to get whatever it was that was causing all of this. Turning around again to try and get some answers out of El, she was about to say something when he skipped into a portal and then, was gone as well. Midnight groaned and looked up into the bright sky, as if trying to talk to it.

"Ugh! For once, do you think that they could wait around for me? I mean good God! It wouldn't hurt.." She then sighed and closed her eyes for a brief moment, calming herself down. Once she re opened them she saw Lyn out of the corner of her eye, running after something. Trying to put two and two together, she gasped.

"Oh God..so she has it too then? Poor thing.." Looking around she ran off in the direction of the RP forums, her Houndoom right behind her, only to find El on the floor holding a communicator saying something about the bastard learning to teleport. She walked over to El and began to catch her breath before he vanished again.

"El..please before you vanish again explain to me what the hell is going on, or at least take me with you or something!"


Former Moderator
"Middy, if you see a pink Pikachu," Elliot said, pulling a strange machine out of his pocket. It was perfectly circular and had a single button in the middle. "Push this button. And for God's sake, don't try to fight it."

Elliot opened another portal behind him, but paused before he stepped through. He clicked his fingers and his attire changed entirely. Now, he was wearing a slim-fit, white long-sleeved t-shirt with a pink dragon head motif on the front and flames on the bottom of the sleeves. On his legs, he was wearing loose-fit combat pants. On his feet, steel-toe-capped boots.

"It's just some stuff me and Stel are trying to clear up, don't worry about it," Elliot reassured Midnight. "We'll have it sorted in a jiffy."

Elliot hopped through the portal and came out in the Miscy... misce... mis... random topics forum, wonder who would make such a complicated name for something that meant "not really in any category". Already, he knew that the Love Demon had been here. His fabulous decorations had all been turned pink. Pink! The outrage! It was St Patricks Day, not "El gets free reign of the forums" day! Sighing, he raised his rapier and went on the hunt.

"YOU!" Someone shouted. Elliot turned, and saw a random member running towards him. He didn't recognise them, so he assumed it was one of the new members. Or someone who lurked the Videogames Forum. However, this member seemed particularly agile, since they were running towards him at full pelt. And, naturally, Elliot could sense that it was under the love influence.

"Ducky, I will ban you," Elliot warned.

"You stole my Nem away from me!" The member accused. Elliot sighed.

"Ducky, it's not my fault you're not fabulous enough in bed," Elliot retorted. The member seemed royally ticked off and threw a swipe at Elliot, who grinned and ducked under the fist. He spun into a standing position, slashing at the member with his rapier. The member jumped back, and launched a flying kick at Elliot's head. Elliot, however, had amazing dodging skills. He stepped to the side and the member flew straight past him.

"Okay, Nem isn't even around, how did you fall in love with him?" Elliot asked. "Though the more important question, why are you trying to steal my title of the only gay on 'charms from me?"
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