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Pokecharms: The Love Demon Strikes!

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(so much posts by others just means so much reading for me... Oh yeah, Reynald. I need to auto you a lot for this one, so I tried to make it so you get enjoyment out of what you do, tell me if you don't like it)

"That's no prob- OOF!!" Brendan answered, and then got tackled by the jealous Shroomish. Shroomish-Chan picked it up and gave it a lecture about how it shouldn't attack people like that. Brendan saw a few things wrong with this as he stood up. Firstly, this was not how Shroomish dealt with Spore tackling Brendan before, and that was only seven minutes ago. The dreamy look Spore was giving Shroomish wasn't helping either. Brendan looked over to Reynald who was looking as confused as he was, Brendan gave him a shrug, indicating that he did nothing to either of them. Shroomish-Chan finished the nag and turned to Brendan. At first, Brendan was pleased that she was offering to help, but that all changed with the movement of an arm from her side, to his lower back. Brendan's eyes and pupils went incredibly wide; her pinkie finger was almost touching his butt! Reynald had a similar expression on his face. Brendan looked down at Shroomish, her eyes fluttered slowly. Spore was looking at Brendan ferociously behind her. As well as she was putting it on, Brendan was still not buying the flirt, especially as just eight minutes ago; he had nearly infuriated her by calling her 'Shroomy-Chan'. Due to all the panic inside him, he was able to duck down and slip out of Shroomish's love grasp, grab Reynald by the collar, and disappear to a place further away at a speed too fast for the unaided eye to follow.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! SHIT!! Something's wrong! Something's horribly wrong!" Brendan screamed as he paced back and forth at a speed that blurred his legs. Reynald was just in front of him, apparently still dazed at how Brendan was able to bring him to the announcements board so fast. "We gotta get help! We gotta find the mods! WE GOTTA GET OFF THE FORUM!!" Brendan continued screaming, Reynald responded by throwing a spell at Brendan that knocked him off his feet.

"The only thing you need is to think about this first!" Reynald shouted, "Now, Shroomish was fine when we first saw her today, right?" he explained, Brendan nodded slightly, "Then she turned around that corner, and was lying on the ground when we followed her. Following me?"

"So she slipped and bumped her head or something, that doesn't explain Spore's strange behavior, did you see the way he was looking at Shroomish-Chan?" Brendan said, a bit more calm than he was before.

"Now take a look outside," Reynald said, pointing towards the exit of the alleyway Brendan dragged Reynald into. Both of them peeked outside to see almost everybody, kissing, chasing, being chased, fighting, being fought over, and other relationship stuff.

"So, this means whatever is going on to everybody now is the exact same thing that's happening to Shroomish-Chan?" Brendan squeaked,

"Exactly. Pokecharms is a mess! It's the realms Valentines Day all over again… And this is the announcement board; Oak's own front door." Reynald answered,

"As El would say; Unfabulous" Brendan agreed, mimicking El at the last word. The evidence that he was making a joke was proof that he had recovered. "So what next? If the holy arrows that some cybernetic monster stole from Cupid really are this powerful, then Shroomish-Chan will be able to chase me even to this place" Brendan pointed, taking off the green cap he was wearing and taking out his headband. Putting that on automatically reverted his uniform back to his standard clothing; much more suitable clothes for tackling the Mad-Love Mystery.
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(Oh, it's cool Brendan. Gave me what I wanted to do anyways.)

Reynald looked around from the door of the Announcement Board. Pokecharms was indeed going Valentines Hell. People were running left and right, tackling one another or worse right out in the open. Reynald rubbed his eyes and tried to think. Ok...so everyone is on some kind of love high...did someone spike EVERYONE'S drinks? He sighed and re-opened his eyes. Luckily no one was drawn to him...yet. "We need to find El or Stellar, Brendan. They should be trying to handle this situation...if anyone can." Reynald looked around to see if anyone WASN'T infected. Elliot was battling with some new member and StellarWind was looking around for whatever was causing this mayhem. Midnight was near Elliot, looking slightly panicked. Dwayna was sitting on the rooftops, hopefully avoiding this whole catastrophe. Shocari was being molested, and Chibi was running by screaming and being chased by a crazed girl.

At least I can help out somehow. Reynald thought before yelling, "Chibi! Over here!" And raising his hand at the girl chasing Chibi. A burst of magic exploded from his palm and sent the girl backwards onto the floor, hopefully unconscious. Reynald turned to make sure Brendan was ok when he noticed some...thing behind Brendan. It was hideous. It was horrendous. It was PINK! It was a grotesquely pink Pikachu from Valentine Hell! The thing smiled and fired a rosy, heart shaped blast at Brendan. "Brendan! Get out of the way!" Reynald yelled as he shoved Brendan out of the path, leaving Reynald alone to confront it. Ah crap...I hope this works! Reynald thought miserably as he raised his hands and formed a barrier between him and the attack. The heart impacted and a loud, concussive BANG! sent Reynald flying backwards. He felt his energy drain away to protect himself from the blast. Groaning, Reynald checked himself to make sure he wasn't affected, then looked to where the Pikachu was a second ago.

When the smoke cleared, he saw the Pink Rodent had vanished. "Bugger is quick..." Reynald groaned as he stood up, his muscles screaming in pain. He walked back over to Brendan, "Hey...Did that thing hit you? If so do NOT look at me!" Reynald said quickly. He looked around to make sure Shroomish wasn't in sight and then looked back to make sure Chibi was ok, "C'mon, get up. We can't lay around too long. That thing could be back any second and I don't think I can handle another one of its crazy heart-themed attacks."
"I was Love Attacked?" Secad said in mock disbelief. "No, you're just trying to say that you don't want me. And no way in heck are you going to go to Chibi. You are mine."

Fi, a few feet away, was shaking off a nasty head bump and a sprained front paw. One does not fall five-plus feet without being injured, even if they are magically enhanced gerbils. Hearing Shocari and Secad's exchange, she sent, Heck, no! Just because you're human gives you no right to him! Geez, Shocari, baby, you are right. Maybe we should get El to fix her, then we can be alone...

She then shot off alone in search of Elliot. Fi was sure that El could get Shocari to be hers, and hers alone. Following the scent of Elliot's fabulous (as he put it) cologne, she jumped through the portal to the RP Forums.

El! Fi sent/yelled loudly. El! Fix Secad! She's obsessed with Shocari! And he's MINE!


"Good thing she's gone." Secad said once Fi was out of earshot, thinking of how unkind she was being to her Shocari. Looking into Fi's mind, she was going to get El to 'fix' her. She was fine! Let Fi have her diversion, while she gets Shocari. "I'll only let you help Chibi if I can come with you, my Silvermane."

(OoC: Edit: Yes, Secad's romantic style is cheesy obsession. I find it very funny to write!)
Shocari was being molested
(Not an understatement.)

"I'll only let you help Chibi if I can come with you, my Silvermane." Secad said. Silvermane? At least that wasn't the strangest nickname Shocari had ever had. If Secad tagged along, Shocari would be able to keep an eye on her, but, she'd most likely to try and...love him to death again.

"Umm...sure?" Shocari answered in a very unsure fashion. Secad's face lit up, and Shocari instantly regretted it. He started walking off, with Secad ridiculously close. Chibi was gone, but he saw a very friendly face: Middy! He walked up to her.

"Hey, Secad. I need you to stay here for a few minutes with Middy while I go...umm...get the secret love poem I wrote you." he tried to say with a straight face. "Middy here will just...umm...talk with you. Yeah! Talk with you about...me!" 'Please,' he pleaded in his mind. 'Please, whatever force runs the universe, let Secad buy this!'
Yay! Shocari let Secad come with him. But now, as he saw Midnight, he seemed to try to get rid of her. All the 'ums' in his statement about getting a love poem for her seemed to confirm this.

"Midnight, as much as I would like to talk to you, Shocari seems to have other business." Secad said, not fooled, crossing her arms, speaking to both at once. "But being the nice girlfriend, I will let you go. Just don't go chasing anyone else, got it?"

Kissing him on the cheek, she finished sweetly, "Bye."

(OoC: If I may assume this. In addition, Secad hasn't lost all of her mental faculties.) Shocari left, and Secad was left with Midnight and her Houndoom. Lacking anything else to start the conversation, she asked, "Er...how do you train a Houndoom well? I recently got a Houndour from Linkachu." However, being obsessed with Shocari, she had to finish, gushing, "Who's cuter, Shocari or Houndoom? I think Shocari is, with the way his silver hair falls across his face, his awesome electrokinesis brightening up any day..."
As El handed her the circular machine she looked down at it, pondering what in the world it could do and how it could prevent her from the likes of this.....pink Pikachu? Though it was comforting that she didn't have to worry about it, and that El and Stel were working it out on their own. Lord knows that if she ever saw a pink Pikachu every instinct in her body would compel her to stab it with something, but if it was possibly the cause of this..'love havoc' going around, she didn't want to be anywhere near the damned thing. Looking up, she nodded at El and his instructions before he left.

Off in the distance she could make out Shocari and Secad walking towards her, Secad obviously willing to follow Shocari's every move. She sighed and glanced down at Houndoom out of the corner of her eye, mumbling to Houndoom.

"I hope this damn button works..God I do not wanna turn out like that.."

She then looked swiftly around for any sign of the pink Pikachu. In the clear, she waited for Shocari and Secad and when they finally walked up to her Shocari was trying to get himself out of something, again. Midnight rolled her eyes, and wondered if she would have to threaten him with Houndoom for being stupid and making up lies. She felt like ratting him out, telling Secad that he had not love poem for her, just to see how it would all play out, but just as she was about to speak, Secad spoke.

"Midnight, as much as I would like to talk to you, Shocari seems to have other business. But being the nice girlfriend, I will let you go. Just don't go chasing anyone else, got it?"

Secad had said this, and kissed Shocari on the cheek, with a "Bye" shortly affer. Ugh, she hated when people showed PDA around her, it made her sick. She felt like rolling her eyes, but being nice, she only smiled a little and turned towards Secad, shifting her weight to her right leg and placing her right thumb in one of the brown belt loops that wasn't currently holding any Pokeballs. When her Houndoom was mentioned, she smiled and shrugged then looked down at her Houndoom, then back at Secad taking her iTouch out of the back right pocket of her jeans.

"Really? That's awesome. I've Houndoom for a while now and I can honestly say that discipline is a key factor, I dunno being too nice certainly didn't work, nor babying it. It respects me more, I'd say. Though don't get me wrong that I don't show love to my Houndoom, cause I do.." She paused then looked back at her iTouch then back at Secad. "Honestly though good music and a lot of time with it. Then again, that's just me.." She stopped now, before she sounded TOO stupid for her own good. When she mentioned Shocari however, she placed her iTouch back in her pocket and stared at Secad, she chose her words carefully, not sure how she would react if she said the wrong thing.

"Your...joking, right?"
"Oh. Sorry." Secad said, apologizing, trying to snap herself back to sanity. She really needed to get Shocari off her mind! But he was so-No! Don't think about Shocari! She thought.

"I guess it that would be a Freudian slip, right? But thanks for the awesome advice for the Houndoom. I think I'll start training Sayshal soon." Trying to get off the topic of Shocari, she said, starting to rant, "That's a sweet mp3 player, Midnight. What do you have on it? I have an old iNano. It only has ninety-one songs, though. Most of them are by the Beatles. I won-no! Don't think of that person!"

Starting to break down, realizing something was wrong, she continued, "Please distract me? I feel like something is insanely wrong! Why am I madly attracted to Shocari? I wasn't earlier! Oh my goodness, what's wrong with me, Midnight?!"
Okay...Secad was now far away. Hopefully. Shocari looked out of his office window in General Fiction, which was really close to Middy and Secad, and pulled out his binoculars.

"Yes." he whispered. "Now I can see just what's going o-damnit. I can't hear them. Well, this sucks." Shocari looked through the binoculars and saw the girls talking. Good. As long as Middy could keep Secad distracted, Shocari could go and try to kill that Pinkachu.

He put down the binoculars and left through the building's back exit. He made his black paintball gun materialize in his hand, so as to get rid of Pinkachus' pink. Pink was such an awful color for a Pikachu.

A flash of pink raced by, and Shocari readied the paintball gun. He inspected the weapon, and noticed that it had no ammo. This sucked as well. He went back to his office and instead decided to watch Middy and Secad.

They were looking at Middy's iPod and seemed to be discussing mu-ZAP! Something hit Shocari in the back of the head, and boy did it hurt. He fell to the ground in a daze. He slowly got up and looked around, but saw nothing. What was that?

He looked through the binoculars again and saw Middy. Hmm...she was talking slightly animatedly, and her hair was fluttering in the breeze and her eyes! How they glistened! How the sound of her voice was soothing! Shocari had to go talk to her.

He dashed out of the building and ran straight up to Middy. He shoved Secad out of the way and got down on one knee and took her hand. Shocari kissed it gently and then just held it in his right hand, looked up at her and said "Is there anything I can do for you, my sweet?"
(OoC: Umm..not so love triangluar. Secad-->Shocari-->Middy. Oh noes!)
As she was breaking down, Shocari suddenly came running through, knocking her over, and kissed Midnight's hand!

"What the heck are you doing?!" Secad screamed, furious, while picking herself up. This was not contributing to her 'Don't think about Shocari' task. "I love you, shouldn't it be that you do too?!"

Might as well set his head straight with this! Secad thought, grabbing Shocari into another kiss, though this was was substantially less violent, but more tender and passionate.

"Well?" She asked, gently pulling away. "I can be less aggressive. You just had to ask, so don't go around wooing other girls, please!"
"It's all good." She simply said to Secad, shrugging. Midnight looked back down at her iTouch again and back at Secad. "Rock and Metal pretty much, some new stuff and some old stuff. I'm pretty much into the hard stuff, but I do like acoustic at times.."

As Secad started to break down, Midnight glanced at her Houndoom then back at Secad as she started begging for her help. Okay, so the pink love Pikachu was to blame. Great, now she needed to dig a huge ass whole and never come out, either that or fly on Pidgilla and hope for some better sanity..

"Well obviously, there's fucking A LOT of things wrong with you right now. One being crazy love obsessed over Shocari. I mean, really woman, you can do better. You want me to slap some sense into you, cause I can sure as hell do that."

Just as she was about to explain and apologize to Secad for what she had said, Shocari came running through the door, eyes wide, running towards her at full speed. Midnight's right eye twitched and suddenly looking at his expression, her eyes slightly widened in horror.

"Oh good God..why me, why?" She mumbled, and as Shocari got on one knee, kissed her hand and stared up at her, Midnight yanked her hand away from Shocari's grasp and said quite simply to him.

"NOT on your LIFE! Aren't you Secad's?!" Just then, Secad had grabbed Shocari on cue and kissed him passionately. Ugh that was disgusting, she then began to back away slowly, letting them be. Looking at Houndoom she pointed towards the exit.

"Okay, we are getting the fuck out of here before it becomes more weird! Understand? Good." Midnight then began running towards the door, her Houndoom in front of her, obviously more disgusted then she was.

"Stop running so damn fast! Get back here!"
Shroomish-chan blinked sadly as Brendan ran away. She sat on the ground an cried for a while, than her misery turned into pure rage. She stormed after Brendan, her face growing red. Spore flounced after her, his eyeslocked on the back of her head.

"Wait, what am I doing?" Shroomish-chan stopped, gaining control of her brain for a breif moment. "Oh shit." She said, her pupils srinking. "The Loveachu!" Before she could do anything else, though, the Love Curse worked back into her brain again, and she began stalking Brendan again.

Shroomish-chan argrily stomped by fourms, Spore following behind her like a lovesick puppydog. "Damn it!" She muttered. "Where'd he run off to?" She stomped past the PRP fourms, earning some looks from the members acting out a battle scene. Shroomish-chan stuck her tounge out an continued on with her hunt, Brendan nowhere to be found.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
((OOC: You guys go so quickly. D:))

This was not good. This was not good at all.

First of all, she was in the RP forums, her probably least favorite place to be in. Secondly, Stel had a weapon in hand that looked quite deadly and could most likely kill her in one shot, though she had a slight feeling he wasn't planning to use it on her. Third, she overheard El and Middy talking about her behind her back, as if they knew she was...

That wasn't good. Lyn ducked behind a wall before anyone else possibly noticed her, and in case anyone saw her, she could always laser-fan fan them to shreds. Unless it was Stel. Then she would have to hold back from attacking and instead flee one way or another.

What the hell are you doing!? screamed a voice in her head. She ignored it, and, seeing a chink in the wall, she peeked through it and watched Stel chatting to El, then El disappearing suddenly as he walked into some sort of strange vortex. Finally, some time she could have with just St...

No you're not, the voice said again. This time Lyn paused before she shot after Stel. Who was trying to talk to her? She looked around, but saw no one. Shiny could't be the one she heard in her head either; currently she was away in General Fiction forums, examining and reading stories the other members had written, and was too far away to use telepathy. So who...

Get a grip on yourself already, Lyn, and instead of wasting your time going after Stel, who you didn't like up until now, find that little creature and stop it before it makes more people li...

"Shut UP already," Lyn mumbled, not taking her eyes off Stel, who apparently was heading off again. Though she did see some sense in the words of whoever was talking to her. Perhaps maybe her time would be better spent if she actually tried to stop the pink Pikachu-ish creature she saw? She glance back at Stel, though, and decided to ignore the voice; whoever it was would have to wait until she at least confessed her love to Stel.

It's not love.

"Alright, I get it, now leave me alone," Lyn grumbled, and with that, she laid off with the sneakiness and ran after Stel again, only this time with an origami heart in hand. Hopefully he could understand how she felt.
(it's epic laughter time! And I am aware that Brendan holds a box with bad grammer)

Brendan would have been a goner to the… um… whatever it's called… if it wasn't for Reynald getting in the way and throwing up a shield. Brendan watched as the strange Pikachu disappeared in a small puff of pink smoke.

"Without a doubt, this thing is responsible…" Brendan whispered to himself, Reynald already figured out the rest. "Rey, not even the mods can do this alone, if that thing didn't get them already… That thing can actually teleport faster than Stel can," he pointed out,

"Well then we have much less time left than we would otherwise, that thing could come back for us at any second." Reynald said,

"Then we better be prepared…" Brendan suggested, he dug his hand into his pocket and took out a small box with a glass top and the writing in bold red capital letters read, 'If teh wurld is doomd to teh moanstehs from teh depth of hell, break teh glass!' Brendan did exactly what was written. He then reached inside, and brought his hand out to show it holding the hilt of a sword, continuing to pull it out; the rest of the scimitar came out with it. He threw that aside, he then reached inside and did the same, only pulling out a shotgun this time. Then a shield that was impossibly too big to fit through the opening yet did so anyway. Then a bazooka came out and joined its friends in a pile. Brendan then flipped the box over and began shaking it upside down. Reynald watched with mouth gaping as a countless amount of guns, swords, shields, and other weaponry all came out of the one tiny box. How could have Brendan managed to even fit a single item in there in the first-

"AHA!" Brendan shouted suddenly. He reached into the pile and pulled out a wooden gun with a giant barrel. Pointing it up, he fired and a peanut flew out, into the air, and back down into Brendan's mouth. He ate that gleefully, then picked up everything else and began to cram them all back into the tiny box.

"Why… why are you putting all of that back?" Reynald gasped, it was all he could manage to say.

"Why shouldn't I? I got what I was looking for." Brendan answered; he already had most of the weapons in, and was now jumping on the rest to squeeze them in.

"You have all that weaponry and all you're using is a peanut-popgun!?" Reynald shouted, completely bewildered by Brendan's thinking,

"What do you expect? I have a n00b history, so by pokecharms law, I'm not licensed for the rest of the stuff yet." Brendan explained, he then pressed into the box with his finger and all the items were snugly back where he stored them. He pocketed the box and put the popgun in his other one to act as a holster. "All set, we should move before that thing decides to come back." Brendan pointed out.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
OOC: I can't help but notice how shifty the geography of 'Charms is. I mean, either I don't know where the eff everyone is or NO ONE knows where the eff everyone is. It's starting to give me a headache.

And when Stels get headaches, mofos die.


Teleport? he blinked upon hearing El's report Blasted thing could phase through walls before, but never flagrantly -teleport-. I don't even want to know what the thing has been feeding on while it was imprisoned, but with every person it hits, it gets stronger... Was it at full capacity already?

... No, there was something wrong. He couldn't help but sense... that movement again. Whatever it was followed him from the archives...

A tiny heart-shaped beam launched in his general direction. He twirled impressively, shredding the beam in half with a flick of his lightblade, the remaining energy dispersing harmlessly around him.

"I've got you now, you little monster!" He snarled, making a dash in the general direction of the attacker, and emitting a feral Xchagger screech. To his surprise, it wasn't the demon.


It was a Pichu. A small, pink Pichu. Except its ears looked like hearts rather than diamonds.

No. Could it be?

The creature chirped in a voice that could give a Marshmallow sugar poisoning - it was as if it took everything bad about the demon that spawned it and strung it around bad marketable Japanese-Fangirls-Going-Crazy-Over Kawaiiness. Its powers weren't mature yet...

He smirked. That means it could be killed.

With a quick swing of the Lightblade, the creature's head was severed, flying in one way while its body flew in another. Sunshine and butterflies spilled out of the body instead of blood as it disintegrated into tiny little red love hearts and fluttered off elsewhere. Probably to rejoin its originator.

He muttered something softly, pulling a small, crystalline communicator from a pocket. "El, think Teleportation is bad? The damn thing somehow acquired the ability to spawn Pichu versions of itself. They're killable, but I'm not sure how potent their powers are..."

There another chirp.

And another.

And another.

"... I'll get back to you in a second."

The rain of heartbeams was inevitable. He became a swirling tornado of destruction, the azure blade of the lightblade cleaving through the beams from wherever they came. With a deafening screech, the three pichu-creatures that appeared from no where lost their heads one after another - sunshine, butterflies and cheesy 80s duets pouring out of their bodies as they disintegrated too.

And it wasn't long at all before the main creature phased in through the floor, gazing at him in a look that could have been described as 'puppy dog eyes', except the canine species would take that as an offense.

"Self evolution, self reproduction, self regeneration..." he narrowed his eyes "I'm positive. The demon has acquired the abilities of the Devil Gundam... with the help of KYOJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!"

Reaching his arms to the sides, he leapt into the air, a blue nimbus levitating him upwards. His hair got even longer, fanning behind him like a cape, as a pair of azure-feathered wings burst from his back, a silver-and-azure armor forming itself on his body. A flash of light passed along the metal plating. He landed on the ground ahead of the creature, extending an array of long claws from his arm modules.

"These claws of mine glow with an awesome power!" he roared as the claws developed an azure hue and he took to the air "Their burning edges tell me to defeat you!"

He pointed the claws in the creature's general direction - it was still frozen in place - as if in awe by the mid-90s-but-sounding-ridiculously-80s-transformation music.


And with that, claws burning radiantly ,he swooped down on his target. It was gazing at him with that unnerving look, He was diving....

Into nothing at all. The creature teleported away in the last second.

"Well THIS is anticlimactic." he muttered as he crashed in through the floor into the conveniently-placed system of underground tunnels below. Regrowing the gaping hole in the floor (or now the ceiling) from Crystal yet again, he powered down, returning to his ordinary outfit.

"Okay, so they WERE right. Too much anime never solved anything."

He closed his eyes, attempting to scope out anything out of the ordinary. Good. No sign of the beast or its progeny anywhere nearby. There was no trace of his newfound stalker, either. Poor Lyn. Of all people she could see after getting hit by that thing, it had to be him. There had to be a way to reverse the effects.

"Ahh. There it is. An exit." he murmured, opening a pressure-valve-like door in the ceiling. and climbing out of it.


Something wasn't right. Mainly the fact that through some quirk of topography or wrinkles in the fabric of space-time, the underground tunnel led onto a rooftop. But this was 'charms, a land of shifty geography where server switches often fucked around with locations.

He wasn't surprised at all when he noticed another person on the rooftop - and the identity of said person. SOMETHING with dragon wings had to stand on a rooftop like an animated Gargoyle and overlook the madness below - and she was the only one with the wings for the job at the moment. He smiled warmly at the dragon-half, waving at her.

"Hey, Dway." he said "Looks like we've arrived in hell and it's firestorm season."

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Dwayna heard noises behind her and turned to see Stel rising up from a pressure valve in the roof. She smiled back at him and noted his remark, nodding slightly.

"Complete and utter madness." She mused this towards him slightly, her smile soon fading. "This awful thing is growing in power, but knowing you, I probably don't really have to give you that information."

She gazed back down at the chaos below them, a slight frown appearing on her face. This was more than just a firestorm in hell. For some of the things that were happening down there, she would've said it had frozen over by now, but the worst of it had probably not come yet. A sigh escaped her lips slightly and she turned back to Stel, with a worried gaze.

"Why does this horrible creature even exist? Why does it insist on creating such unnatural bonds of love? I mean, I understand that's it's power but... Don't you think a creature filled with such an emotion would be able to sense the bonds that are feasibly compatible?" All of that was quite a mouthful, but she felt she had to know the answers to her questions. She could feel the presence of the thing rising as it gained power, sending even more shivers down her spine.

"I'd ask you to sit, but I fear that I might not be safe up here much longer. That creature will want to take in every victim it possibly can. But..." She stood, fluffing her wings slightly before turning herself towards Stel, "I'd be glad to join the fight for however long I can."

With those words, her skull clip glowed brightly again, disappearing as the illusions around her fell, revealing her true form, or as close to it that she could get. Draconic ears, tail, and some green patches here and there, but also a metallic left arm and right leg, looking dangerous and surging with power. Her emerald eyes blazed anew with determination.

"Whatever I can do to help stop this freak-against-nature, I will."


Former Moderator
"If you don't mind, I'm a bit busy here!" Elliot shouted at Fi, dodging yet another aerial kick. This member clearly wasn't as n00bish as Elliot initially thought, since n00bs generally could not fight back against him. The temptation to ban the member was getting stronger by the second, but so far they were only viable for maybe two warnings. With was seemed like a wholly unecessary spin, he thrust his rapier at the member, leaving another cut on his body.

"Oh for God's sake. I'm bored of you," Elliot snapped, clicking his fingers. Immediately, chains sprung up around the members and ensnared him. Then, the chains dragged him under the ground and trapped him in the realm of n00bs who went too far. "That's for arguing with a mod!"

Then, something else caught his attention. He could sense someone... someone straight... someone kissing. Sighing, he knew his services were necessary and opened up a portal behind him. As soon as he stepped out, he saw Shocari and Secad locked in a kiss.

"Midnight, please step back," Elliot requested. "It wouldn't be fabulous for this to hit you too."

Elliot pulled out a visor from thin air and slipped it over his eyes. In his vision, he could see a control panel. In actual fact, he was now accessing the member database and usergroups. It looked like he was playing an invisible piano, but he was actually messing around and setting up two new member groups. With a final press of a 'button', both Shocari and Secad found themselves flying away from each other at alarmingly high velocities.

"They've been given special temporary usergroups," Elliot explained. "Now, Secad can only post in the miscy... misce... mis... Random topics forum. And Shocari can only post in the sprite forum. I'll fix it when this mess is over."

Elliot nodded then gestured behind him again, opening another portal. He slipped through it, still on the hunt for that ridiculous pink monstrocity.
Sorry, El. Fi apologized. I could have just burned him, it would have saved you the trouble. But thanks for separating them. Now Shocari is mine, after I help you hunt down the monstrosity you're searching for as payment.

However, in Secad's point of view, suddenly being ripped apart from precious Shocari was horrible.

"No! What cruel god of fate could have separated us?" Secad yelled.

!@#$%. Fi sent to Secad, looking to aggravate. I'm ba-ack. She sing-songed.

"You!" Secad growled, furious. "You did this! I'll get you, somehow."

I'd love to see you try. However, you are now stuck in the Random Forum, so bye while I pursue Shoc and help Elliot. Have fun. Fi sent back, mockingly.

Fi followed El, ready to help. Her pyrokinesis could come in handy. Ready to go, El! Where're we going next? Hopefully to the Sprite Forum, of course.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Lyn watched in awe as Stel gracefully killed several Pichu. His movements so quick, so smooth... then the pink Pikachu creature itself had appeared before Stel. Lyn eyed it, and her first thoughts wer anger, fear, and a desire to kill it. Those feelings shocked her, and she was surprised to see herself holding her laser-machine out, now in -fan mode, having no memory of taking it out of her pocket. Almost immediatly she put her laser-machine back into her pocket, though she may need it later for quick use, so she left it on laser-fan.

Then she saw something that shocked her even more than her sudden rush of emotions. Did her eyes trick her? No, of course not; even with her blatantly horrid eyesight that needed both contacts and glasses at the same time, she could easily tell that Stel had missed the pink Pikachu creature. Stel, of all people, with his amazing grace, power, and speed! But where did it go? The only logical answer was that it had teleported away.

Stel himself was gone as well, apparently having broken through the floor below them. Lyn blinked, unsure of what she was seeing, then ran over to the spot where Stel had disappeared. All she saw was crystal. Great, now I'm all alone.

The girl sat down in the middle of the RP forums, brooding over her loss of Stel. Why? Why did he leave like that? Even if he had fallen through on accident, at least he could've left the hole there so she could follow him. It all seemed so strange to her, and the mere thought of it made her head spin wildly. She should probably go find him, but that would only get in his way. But just seeing him wouldn't hurt. But where to start searching for him...

Your time would be better spent looking for that pink Pikachu, you know. This isn't like you, Lyn, worrying about Stel like that. Get a grip on yourself!

Suddenly, Lyn realised who that voice was. But how was it possible? She couldn't just have two souls in her body. Maybe her mind was split? Kind of like deciding which answer to pick on a test?

Well, her voice did make a lot of sense, so, at least trying to get a grip on herself, the girl decided to set off and look for the creature. Perhaps she could bump into Stel along the way; after all, he was looking for the Pikachu as well, and she could help him fight it if he needed it.


Where the hell could Lyn be!? a small, silvery, fox-like creature with a bell tied around her neck shreaked in everyone's head, running up and down the forums in panic. Okay, so she was lost, true, but must she also be without her partner? She was right there, beside her, just a second ago, and then she was gone like that. The shiny Eevee ran around, wondering where her friend was. Maybe she was in the Artworks forum?

Shiny dashed into the forum, only to find it pretty much empty except for a single creature. It looked like a Pikachu, only it was pink with hearts. Tilting her head to one side, the Eevee wondered what this Pikachu was doing here.

"Can I help you?" she asked. The Pikachu merely grinned and nodded, then, stepping forward, it replaced the bell on Shiny's neck with a sort of red, heart-shaped pendant. Its work done, the Pikachu teleported away, leaving Shiny utterly confused on what was going on. Somehow she just automatically knew how to work it, and she ahd a strange feeling that she wanted to find a member as soon as possible and attack them with it. Following her instincts, she quickly went to the sprite forum, sensing someone was there.

((OOC: Because we need somebody that's not on the good side. XD))

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
"Well, you know the old adage, 'love is blind'? They got it dead wrong. Love is an annoying brat and it loves seeing the chaos it creates." he replied, nodding sagely. "Normally I'd advise against trying to battle the thing yourself, m'dear... It's indestructible and very dangerous. But yeah. The way things are going - no one is safe anyway. Except for El and me, maybe. We might as well go down fighting."

He adjusted his headband slightly and watched the dragon-half drop her illusions with a little smile. Sometimes he wondered why she did her best to look as normally human as possible most of the time - especially in a place where elemental creatures roamed unchecked. He always assumed it had to do with keeping a tactical advantage, not revealing her true capabilities to her opponents until it was too late for them.

Or maybe she was just crazy. Scratch that, she was just crazy, but that's exactly how he liked her.

"Now. So far the attacks have been very random. This little bugger doesn't care about who he infects as long as he infects -someone-. That's kind of its nature. The thing is - which is what worries me really - is the fact its abilities seem to be evolving. When we faced it last time, the effect was temporary, but the duration got longer and longer the more people it infected. Now, it seems like the effect lasts much longer... The thing has been evolving while it's been chained. I don't know if you've sensed it, but it already gained some new abilities..."

... there it was again, the ominous presence in the air. The thick scent of deep red roses (god-damn bishies.), the light feeling in the air, the cheesy 80s duet instrumentals harping in the background... the creature was near.

"Dway, get out of here. I'll cover for you." he said, activating the lightblade yet again as, like a cheesy 80s anime villain, the creature rose from the rooftop like a ghost.

"So you want me, you little bastard." he muttered "Come and get me. If you dare. KOKIYAKARIIKUUUUUUUU!"

He dashed forward, slashing at the creature. It vanished, promptly appearing floating in midair a short distance away. Another slash, another dodge.

"Good grief, what does it think it is, El?" he muttered, running along the rooftop on his fingertips like some kind of bad anime ninja, leaping into the air and doing a spin-slash that would have made Sonic the Hedgehog hand in its license. Another dodge - though this time he could foretell its movements. the moment it appeared again, he slashed again. This time he did not miss - a notch of the creature's tail was removed. It screeched - even its screeching sounding like a romantic pop song, and landed on the rooftop facing its opponent.

To his horror (though not unexpectedly), the creature's tail regenerated, tiny red love hearts floating from its fur to form a frame which was covered in pink fur in seconds - but by that point it seemed bored of him, and rather, set its eyes on a new target.

"... Oh no you effing don't." he muttered, dashing again. He could see the creature charging its pink electricity, its gaze locked on its prey...

With a feral Xchagger screech he descended upon the pink rodent like a bolt of thunder with one well aimed slash It should have cleaved the creature right through the middle.

But the creature was no longer there - and the aura of charged particles around it dissipated. Probably decided that this was much more trouble than its worth.

"I swear to whatever deities that ever where, when we capture that creature again, I am going to break it into so many subatomic particles it'll take an army of well trained cybernetically-enhanced bloodhounds to find out just WHERE all the particles went."

He deactivated the Lightblade and hanged it from his belt again. This was going to be a long damn day.
Midnight turned around to see El stepping out of a portal again, and Secad and Shocari still kissing. Good god, they were never going to stop, were they? El had told her to step back, because he didn't want whatever he was about to do to hit her, and obeying she immediately stepped back a few feet with her Houndoom still staring at Shocari and Secad with disgust. Looking back at El, he now was wearing some sort of visor and typing in thin air. The next thing she knew, both Shocari and Secad were flying away from each other, and Midnight's eyes widened a little. Now THAT was awesome. He had explained it to her that both were given temporary usergroups, and with a gesture and nod, he was off again.

Okay, so that left her...alone in the middle of a room. Wonderful. Sighing, she turned around and left the building with her Houndoom. Well, who else was there that wasn't infected yet? There was Dway, Brendan, Reynald, Stel and El of course. But was that honestly it?! It wouldn't be too long before she too was infected... She turned a corner and continued walking past the other buildings, trying to find someone.

"Dway?" She yelled as loud as she could, "Dway, where are you? Anyone?"
(Guys I may have an answer to Stellarwind's Problem, About how everyone can seem to see everyone even though we are all on different forums. I'll put it in my reply but tell me what you think.)

Reynald was still slightly dumbfounded...and annoyed, "As funny as that is...do you really think a peanut gun will help? From what I'm seeing El and Stellarwind are having problems...and their weapons are definitely more powerful than that thing." He made a motion with his head to indicate the peanut gun. That was it hit Reynald. How COULD he see most of the people fighting right now? The forum was crazy, sure, but this was just not normal! Maybe it's the Love-chu. Since it wants people to see each other and fall in love by it's spell...it's warping the forum so everyone HAS to be near one another...making it that much easier for us to get trapped by it. Reynald thought grimly. Hopefully he was wrong...but he didn't feel like he was. Shaking his head, he looked up at Brendan and made a motion towards Midnight, "Let's at least get together. We will stand a better chance than being alone...it seems to prey on that. And if it DOES hit you, for the love of whatever higher power there is, don't look at me!"

Reynald trotted quickly over to Midnight, who had disappeared around a corner and was calling people's names, and tapped her lightly on the shoulder, "Hey Midnight. Where are you heading? This thing seems to hunt people who are alone soo we thought it might be best to stick together. And if it does show up I can probably stave off at least one of it's attacks." He shrugged and walked along side her, his hands in his pockets, "Do you know how everyone else is doing? It all seems like it's going to hell to me." Again Reynald had to be glad he wasn't as popular as he would probably like to be. No one was attracted to him yet. While they walked, he idly began sketching on his notepad, tidying up the Pichu-Link sketch he had posted earlier.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Dwayna listened to the information that Stel gave her, understanding that the creature was very powerful. But he was right, they might as well go down fighting. It was in her nature to make sure she protected herself for as long as possible.

He also explained to her that the creature was growing in power through the chaos it was causing. It all made sense to her now, and she smiled lightly with the new knowledge. It was a brief smile though, as she felt that presence again, this time sickeningly close... and then she saw it rise out of the roof.

For a bit, she was frozen with fear and terror, watching as Stel tried to battle the thing, and wasn't having much luck. This monstrosity truly was gaining power, but much more than she originally thought. She saw it get bored with Stel for a moment, and realized there was really only one other person up here to turn it's attention to...

It was then that she felt her mind kick itself back into gear, and she lunged off of the roof, plummeting towards the ground. It looked like she was going to crash for a few moments, but at the last possible second she pulled out, her emerald wings spread out beside her. She safely descended to her feet and folded the wings by her side, walking around the forum to make sure she would try to escape the thing.

"Dway?" The sudden uttering of her name startled her slightly, but after she heard it again, she realized it was vaguely familiar. She decided to walk in the direction it came from, remembering to be cautious just in case someone had glimpsed her under the Pikachu's spell. Soon, she found herself looking at Midnight, and couldn't sense anything wrong with the girl. She sighed with relief and approached her with a small smile.

"Hey there, Middy. You rang?"
Midnight continued walking around, her wandering eyes still looking for Dway. Where was she? She glanced down at her Houndoom, who of course looked bored as always. Sighing, Midnight reached in the back pocket of her jeans to pull out her iTouch, hit play, and started to sing softly to herself one of her favorite songs for the time being: Audience of One by Rise Against.

"We ran like vampires from a thousand burning suns, but even then we should have stayed. But we ran away now all my friends are gone.Maybe we've outgrown all the things that we once loved.Runaway,but what are we running from? A show of hands from those in this audience of one.Where have they gone?"

It was then that Midnight had received a tap on the shoulder, and she immediately reached in her back pocket again and paused her iTouch and slowly looked around to see Reynald. She smiled and returned the greeting.

"Hey Reynald, nowhere really. Just looking for people who haven't been..'infected' yet. Glad to see you." She paused and thought about it for a moment of everyone elses status. "Well, honestly I think there is El, Stel, Dway, You, Brendan, and myself left..wait, I think Chibi isn't infected yet either..that thing is really causing a lot of trouble, and really making it awkward for everyone. I mean, can you imagine how it's going to be like after this is sorted out?"

They continued walking and Midnight glanced down at Reynald's sketch of Pichu-Link. She smiled a little, and looked at Reynald. "Hey, I saw that earlier! It's a wonderful piece, really."

Looking ahead, she saw Dway approaching and she smiled when she greeted her.

"Hey Dway, nice to see you. Just wondering how you are and such. Any news on what's going on?"
(then I'm not safe from Shroomish-Chan for much longer Rey, way to go...)

While Reynald went out casually to greet Midnight, Brendan took a more careful approach. He peeked out from the street, looked both ways, held his ‘gun' out, and slowly crept forward, pointing at almost everything he saw until he was sure he was safe. He then dashed towards Reynald and crouched behind him, watching the back. He then peeked around Reynald's leg and saw part of a leg.

"DAH!!" Brendan screamed in shock, stepping away and pointing the gun at the leg. Reynald turned around and looked at him, at first in shock, but then calmed down. Midnight then looked over and stared awkwardly at Brendan. Brendan realized that it was part of her leg that had nearly scared him to death. Brendan dropped his hands and head sheepishly and explained, "Well what do you expect? I have a pink pikachu and a mushroom chick to watch out for. Unlike you guys." Brendan then looked up and saw Middy's Houndoom, and then Dway, in all her dragon-like glory, came to the scene at this point. "Yes! Two evil-looking creatures of hell that can burn me to a crisp should I need it! I'm on a roll!" Brendan shouted, though he knew the joke was to be short-lived. If that love-demon was looking to spread the love, then it would be looking for those that haven't been affected yet. The gathering of four, technically five, beings that haven't been affected by its powers yet would most certainly attract it before long.
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Former Moderator
"Sorry, Fi, but I work alone when I'm hunting," Elliot said. "It simply isn't fabulous otherwise." He summoned up his visor again and punched a few buttons, setting himself as 'invisble'. Now, even if people could see him, no one could track him. His 'Charms Jump Portals were also now inaccessable to anyone but him or the other staff members. Anyone else who jumped through would find themselves in the Realm.

"Okay, let's see..." Elliot muttered, stepping through another portal. This time, he had gone into the art forum. Immediately, he wanted to throw up. Another forum that had been turned pink. However, he knew that this was not the Love Demon. It was members' artwork, horribly done MSPaint hearts with names in them. Fighting the urge to vomit, he clicked his fingers and deleted every single image.

"Where are you, ducky..." Elliot muttered, keeping in mind Stel's warning. He could sense its actions on a much larger scale now, but he wasn't surprised since there were so many of the things running around. Who designed its colours? Honestly, they needed a crash course in fashion. Gripping his rapier tightly, he ran through the forum, keeping an eye out. He turned a corner around Sami's Paintchat Doodle thread, and immediately wished he hadn't.

Hundreds of Pichus. Thousands, nearly.

"Oh for god's sake," Elliot muttered. He threw his rapier directly into the sky and pulled what looked like a katana out of thin air next to him. The rapier vanished back into cyber space. "Stel, I have the gay blade now. How're things on your end?"

Elliot grinned in spite of himself. This weapon was uniquely his. No one else was nearly fabulous enough to wield it. With amazing agility, he ran into the crowd of Pichus and began to mow them down. They were, after all, simpler versions of the actual Love Demon. They weren't nearly good enough to avoid him when he was actually trying.

However, his assault was cut short when the Pichus began to back off. Elliot swore to himself and spun on the spot, sensing its presence before he saw it. The Love Demon, and it was stronger. It had mutated, now resembling a Raichu-Gorilla. Its massive forearms were adorned with red hearts, its long tail ending with a love heart instead of a thunder bolt. Even its ears were horribly designed.

"Alright, show me what you have. Bathe them in light, Nijitenshi!" Elliot recited. Immediately, his katana began to warp, the blade widening and straightening. There was a vein running through the middle of the blade, a strange crystal that refracted light, making it change between all the colours of the rainbow. Elliot jumped into the air, the crystal glowing vividly. He swung at the air in front of him, releasing a series of rainbow coloured orbs that blasted at the Love Demon. Dust rose around it, but Elliot could sense that it was still there.

Like a bullet, it shot out of the dust and debris, swinging a gigantic fist at Elliot. Elliot quickly raised his sword and defended, then spun in the air and kicked the Love Demon away from him. As soon as he landed, he was on the move again. Before it had a chance to touch the ground again, Elliot had kicked it higher into the air. He shot straight up, ready to cleave the monstrocity in two. However, as he rose in the air, the Love Demon chose that time to make its escape and teleported away.

"God dammit, it must know it's not as fabulous as me," Elliot muttered, landing again.
"I-I can't believe it-- Sp.. Spore." Shroomish-chan bawled, sitting against a wall. "He-he's rrunning a..away!" Tears were running down her face. Spore sat on her lap, rubbing against her arm.

"T-thanks Sp.. Spore." She sputtered. Then, she gained control of her mind again. Shroomish-chan didn't let this chance go. "Recover!!" She called to Spore. Spore glowed a calm blue, and then Shroomish-chan glowed, too.

"Ah." She smiled, streching. "I feel better. But, I fear, this won't last for long. We need to catch up with the others and help. Maybe your Recover can snap them back to their senses, too." She took off running, her blonde hair streaming out behind her as she dodged other members who jumped out of the way. Spore, who had also benifited from the Recover, followed at her heels.
((*ponders how to get into this*))

Chibi prowled quickly through the Announcements Forum, constantly sweeping her gaze around and keeping an eye out for her new stalker. She had been eternally grateful that Rey had knocked her out with that blast, but that knockout had, unfortunately, been temporary. Very temporary. In fact, not ten minutes later Chibi heard her name being squealed and took off running on all fours, not even looking over her shoulder to confirm who it was. The fact that she somehow leaped out of an alley at Chibi told her that the stalker was still about anyways.

Not only that, but some damned odd things were starting to happen. For one, the Forums almost seemed to be...shifting, in a way. Only minutes ago Chibi had scrambled on top of a very tall conveniently-placed telephone pole that really served no useful purpose except to take up space. After all, 'Charms never used phones, they instead had other convenient methods of communication, the most common being walkie talkies, communicators, occasional telepathy and whatever other things the members created that defied the laws of nature. Anyway, she had spotted El, in a fabulous duel with the ghastly pink monster, which now looked more Raichu than Pikachu, in the Art Forum. And Chibi fucking knew the Art Forum was WAY the hell away from Announcements.

"Weird," Chibi murmured before jumping back down from the top of the telephone pole, somehow not breaking her legs when landing.

"Tell me about it," Vyala agreed, flicking her tail. "But if you mean the Forums relocation, that's nothing compared to what we've seen."

"What do you mean?" Chibi asked, looking down at Vyala.

Vyala let out a very exasperated but very patient sigh. "Chibi," she said slowly, "reach into the huge vaccum of your mind and think. The thing's unnatural enough already, since it somehow makes people fall in love with each other. Not only that, but every member in Pokecharms has to have seen at least one of those freakin Pichus by now, so the thing can reproduce, and as far as we know there's only one of these Pikachu demons, so it can reproduce by itself. And from the multitude of Pichus El was facing, it can breed faster than a group of cells. Not only that, but it somehow managed to EVOLVE. Since this...thing, is clearly not a normal pokemon, I refuse to believe that a Thunderstone triggered that evolution. So, unless there's some random pink-love-Pikachu evolving stone just conveniently lying somewhere in these Forums, which is highly unlikely, but this is Pokecharms so unlikely isn't exactly a word to be used around here, that thing evolved by itself. And on top of all THAT, it can regenerate AND teleport, which'll make it damned hard to kill. Stel and El have BOTH taken it on, but every time they're about to score a decent hit the thing plays chicken and teleports away, so it'll be hell trying to kill it if it teleports every damn time we attack it." Vyala paused for amoment to let that all sink in; sometimes if people went on an all-out monologue, Chibi's brain somehow shut down and left its owner staring blankly at the person talking to her.

Chibi nodded slowly, mulling over the informstion Vyala had thought of. "Well," she said at last, "how the hell are we supposed to kill it? The only way I can think of is that every member and n00b ran about the forums to attack it so no matter where it went, it would be waliing into a dozen blows at once. But there's no conceivable way THAT is going to ever happen."

"Uh oh," Vyala suddenly interuppted, her amber eyes growing wide. "Chibi, your five o' clock."

Chibi's eyes grew huge as well. "Oh gods," she groaned, "please don't tell me..." She slowly turned, wishing with all her black heart that what she thought was there wasn't there. It was. Fate was so unfair.

"Something wrong love?" The pyscho-bitch-stalker-girl asked, tilting her head. "If there is, Amy can fix it for you!"

"Yeah Amy," Chibi said nervously, her muscles automatically tensing, "you. Can you please leave me the fuck alone?!"

The girl, Amy, looked stricken. "W-what?!" She gasped, sounding injured.

Chibi facepalmed, how thick WAS this girl?!! She had just been as blunt as possible with her request, and yet she was asking what Chibi meant! Sigh, why her? She closed her free hand, a whip of fire suddenly trailing out from her fingers and growing longer and longer. She knew that if she resorted to maiming and killing, then she would get in trouble with the Admins, but she was dangerously close to not giving a damn.


"What the hell?" Chibi asked, looking around for the sugary chirp that made her flinch.

Chirp. Chirp. Chirchirchirchirp.

"Oh crap, what now?" Chibi graoned, her blood pressure skyrocketing with annoyance. Then she saw them. The Pichus, countless swarms of them. Peaking their pink faces out from the tops of buildings, spilling out of alleys and manholes like unturned anthills, making the ground immpossible to see with the sheer number of them. "Shit," Chibi snarled, grasping the whip tighter and superheating it until the edges were blue and the center white hot. "Looks ike we're gonna have to fight our way through this Vyala." The fox nodded grimly, reaching into the limited pyrokinesis she had and setting her paws a blaze, it was childish compared to Chibi's power, but nonetheless useful.

A bold Pichu squealed and fired a red bolt into the sky, a smaller and significantly weaker one than its parent's, but still embedded with the same powers. The other Pichus seemed to take this as a signal, and squealed and released their own bolts, red beams flying into the sky like thosands of arrows. Chibi covered her ears from the unbearable squealing, while raising a palm and forming a dome-like shield around herself and Vyala. The bolts blasted harmlessly into the fire, merely being meutralized by the flames. With a flick of the wrist, Chibi sent the fire flying outward, forming a blazing ring that grew larger and larger by the seconds. Rows of Pichus were burnt of disintegrated, and Chibi took no time leaping over the carnage and running in the wake of the fire wave. Sometimes a few stronger Pichu managed to live, but a quick slash from the fire whip reduced them to ashes.

Red bolts still came, significantly less than before, and Chibi swatted them away with her whip, sprinting furiously along the streets of the warped forums. She cut off the wave when it began reaching buildings and setting them ablaze, and was resorted to hacking her way through the thin ranks of the remaining Pichus with her whip and Vyala. She enlarged the whip and sent the whole length of it sweeping aside the Pichus in front of her, a fifty-foot long gap between her and no more enemies. She leared the gap quickly, her fox part making her run faster than anyh human.

"So far so good," Chibi reported as the small army of whatever Pichus left behind follow them, tragically slow.

"Yeah," Vyala agreed, running on all fours. "Look, sooner or later one lucky shot is going to hit us. Let's get somewhere safe."

"Fully agreed," Chibi said, taking a left into another twisting street. "Hey look it's Middy!" She said pointing. It was true, and not only that, Dwayna was with her! Ah, a perfect team. With a quick wave, she sent a few exploding fireballs behind her, hearing the explosions and tormented squeals that followed. "Hey guys!" Chibi called, skidding to a stop in front of them. "'Sup? I've had to recently torch a small army of goddamned Pichus, but other than that I'm fine and royally pissed."
Reynald smiled as Midnight examined his artwork. He pulled the page off and handed it to her, "You can have it if you want." He smiled and shrugged slightly. Reynald liked giving his art away. After all, after he drew it once he could draw it again almost perfectly. Midnight was looking ahead and waving. Which of course made Reynald's head turn. He smiled and waved, "Oh hey Dwayna. Glad you could join us. Like I was telling Midnight, I think it is better we stay in a group. The thing likes to attack..."

He was cut off as something bumped into his leg then yelled. He turned, hand raising to fry whatever it was, then stopped as he recognized Brendan. Brendan quickly apologized and said a bad joke to Dwayna and Midnight. Reynald gave him one of those "Not Funny" and shook his head slightly. He looked down the direction Dwayna had come from and noticed Cibi running towards them, hurling fireballs behind her. Following her were thousands of horridly pink Pichus. Reynald grimaced as she came to a stop in front of the group and told them what happened. The Pichus numbers were dwindled by the fire, but that didn't stop them. The few remaining fired weak blasts at Chibi's back. Reynald stepped around her and raised his hands, "Heads up! You didn't get all of them." Reynald created a barrier around the group with one hand. The weak beams merely bounced off and hit the stone around the party. With his other hand, Reynald created a storm of lightning bolts, electrocuting the last few to dust.

Reynald sighed wearily as his energy took another hit from the casted spells. He turned around and grimly smiled, "Think that's all of them. We should move. No doubt that thing is probably locking onto us this second." He turned to Chibi and smiled, "Did you get that girl off your back yet?"

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
"What the hell has happened to these forums!?" Lyn asked as she laser-fanned her tenth Pichu while trying to look for the Pikachu-creature and possibly even Stel. The place was a lot more warped than even after all the server changes; one second she was in the RP forums, next she was in the Clinic, and then she found herself in the forum games section. Everywhere she went she saw more and more people acting all lovey-dovey. It made her sick; feeling all those twisted emotions that people mistakenly called "love" was awful, and made her want to barf. She wasn't able to feel them before. Either the creature had infected a lot more people than she expected, or spell was losing its grip on her a little, though if it was, it wasn't by much. At least she could think of other things besides Stel, though he still dominated much of her thoughts.

Being affected proved to be somewhat useful for now; seemingly the Pichu had sensed she had been infected by their "mother", or whatever it should be called, and none of them had tried to shoot red bolts of lovening at her, which made her job of killing them all lot easier. Even if she was hit by the bolts, nothing would really happen to her. She could be a great shield for people, though the creature was so quick it didn't really matter, and there were too many Pichu to block all the bolts from everyone she saw.

She had managed to knock one person down from an incoming beam and behead the Pichu responsible for the attack before continuing with her search for Stel and the creature. Then the girl sensed a whole bunch of people with emotions quite unlike the other members around her somewhere above her. The roof? But how? Then again, the forum was warped right now, so might as well try...

Changing her laser-machine's setting, Lyn drew a circle on the roof, making part of the ceiling fell down, clattering at her feet. Then, using the water in the air around her, she made something that looked like a whip, though with a small ball at the end. She covered the ball with ice, making it a bit like a grappling hook. Throwing it up into the hole and catching it on a ledge, Lyn managed to climb through the hole and emerged amidst a pretty large crowd of people. She immediatly saw Dway, then Midnight, Reynald, Brendan, Chibi, and, behind the crowd, on a rooftop far in the distance, she saw Stel, who was busy with his own work.

The first thing she was going to do was run over to Stel and tacklehuggle him (while ignoring the others), but knew she would be hurt, both physically and emotionally, and probably rejected. Her body was shaking; a part of her really wanted to run to Stel and exclaim that he was all right, but her rational mind held back. It took her a lot just to stay where she was.

After about a minute of trying to keep control of herself, Lyn finally collapsed, unable to stand anymore. She curled herself into a tight ball, and looked at everyone. They seemed to be staring at her, and their emotions seemed to be a bit worried, wondering what an infected person would do to them. She smiled weakly, and managed to say, "Glad you guys are alright." Then, with a pause, she added, "Unlike me." She felt tears coming out of her eyes, not only from her physical/emotional/mental strain, but also from her sudden revelation that she, out of all these people gathered here, was the only one probably considered useless due to her current state. Everyone else was fine, but she? Unbalanced mentallity. Shaking due to her lack of self-control. Infected. She really wasn't that useful to everyone right now, and would probably turn out to be only a liability for everyone in this seemingly "resistance" group.

((OOC: Editted because Stel proved to me that scanning through an RP never works. x_x))
Midnight had turned around when someone had screamed, and when she saw Brendan pointing the gun at her leg and made the joke, she couldn't help but laugh a little. Then again, even in the most serious of situations that's what she usually did, laugh. She glanced down at her Houndoom, who seemed rather pleased with Brendan's comment toward it, looking back up, she smiled a little at Brendan.

"It's all good Brendan don't worry about it."

Midnight looked back at Reynald, smiled and gratefully took the drawing.

"Really? Thank you!"

After Midnight had tucked the drawing safely in her back pocket she looked up only to see Chibi running towards them. Both her and her Houndoom smirked at the sight of Chibi quickly waving and throwing fireballs behind her. Yep, it was Chibi alright, though there was something about the way she looked that wasn't alr-Pichu's again? Okay, so that was it. Midnight raised an eyebrow at Chibi.

"Wait a second, you're telling me-"

It was then Reynald had stepped around Chibi and raised his hands, creating a barrier. Looking at the barrier, then at Reynald, then Chibi, she spoke again, a little amazed by the barrier.

"You're telling me, that the damned things can regenerate?! What the fuck!?"

Midnight looked back to Reynald and nodded at his idea.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Dwayna was about to explain what Stel had told her, but then a succession of events happened. Brendan tripped over Middy's leg, startling Reynald (and herself) slightly. He made a crack about how she was a creature of hell who could turn him to a crisp, and smirked slightly at this, revealing a fang. Then Chibi came, blasting fireballs behind her, and in front of them a wave of pink Pichu blasting to pieces.

"I believe that THAT accurately describes our situation. The damnable thing is growing in power with each person that it affects. It wants to get us all, so really, not smart of us to stay together like this unaffected." She explained all of this worriedly, checking around her for more clones, but so far she couldn't see a damned thing. She could only sense the awful presence in the air.

Then Shiny stumbled in and collapsed in front of her. The fact that she seemed to be struggling against her curse was surprising, and meant that the Lovechu could only spread its power to so many things at once for now... If any more of them were effected, who knows what would happen.

"We need to disperse, and I mean now, before more of them show themselves. Protect yourselves with what you have, but I strongly suggest staying away from one another at all costs while this thing is still alive."

She wiggled her metallic fingers slightly, and sighed, realizing that being alone wasn't exactly going to be helpful. But it was the only way that none of them would be affected again, unless... A realization popped into her head, another smirk coming to her face, this time wider.

"Perhaps we could travel together, and make way to find some cloth or something so we can make blindfolds. If one of us becomes affected, then another can help that person to survive the curse by firstly staying out of their line of sight; and secondly making sure their eyes are covered." She raised a questioning eyebrow at the group around her, wondering if they would agree.

"For now, let's use our abilities the best we can to fight them off."

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
OOC: All fine and dandy except I'm still on the rooftop. xP

"Deities." he muttered "Where's the Shuffle Alliance when you need it."

The Love Demon and its armies of parthenogenesis Pichus were wreaking havoc and there was no obvious way to stop it yet. He knew vaguely that the only way to weaken it was to break its influence on its victims. But for that he'd need an analysis of data, and...

His eyes found the tail fragment he cut off. Could it be possible?

Encasing the fragment carefully in insulative crystal, he pocketed the thing. Even with the casing it had a powerful aura. There wasn't a facility in 'charms powerful enough to analyze this without going berserk and breaking into Air Supply discographies. He had to go elsewhere.

Far elsewhere.


A door creaked open - the door of an ornate closet. In olden times, this closet was a portal into a daemonic nether-realm that would have made the realm look like something out of Doctor Seuss. However, that was long ago. Now, only ambient energies remained in what was the horror of this place, its owner long since gone along with everybody else.

The place the closet stood in resembled the ruins of an old style tavern. Peeling, faded turquoise paint could still be seen on a few of the cracked walls. It was eeriely quiet. Well, it would be. It did not exist as its own entity anymore.

He surveyed the place with a sense of nostalgia. This was once his home away from home, in the days it was regularily maintained and frequented by many bizzare creatures, animal nonsequitors and... Was that a buzz?

"Oh, flannel."

They came from out of no where, rising from the shadows likd a faintly glowing green cloud. They resembled Bumblebees the size of a fist wearing little green party hats with purple polka dots and the words 'We Rule The Night' written on them. These things - Nucular Bumblebees - were spawn of Bush's nuclear plan, and with no one to keep them in check, they've gone atomic.

He froze. The bumblebees were never particularily aggressive unless their hives, in the depths of abandoned nuclear silos, were disturbed. But these bumblebees were fiercely territorial over nothing. This was suspicious...

Something flew from the shadows in a blur of white, black and ginger, delivering an aerial kick that cleaved through the cloud of bees, dispersing the others. It was A fuzzy cat with deep, glowing green eyes, standing on its hind legs in a martial-arts like pose before dropping down to all fours.
"Long time no see, Matrix Kitty." Stel grinned as the feline approached, rubbing its head against the admin's jeans-clad leg and recieving a little scritch between the ears. The Matrix Kitty was, long ago, his companion in the Tavern's research lab. When the Tavern was abandoned, the feline remained behind to keep the lab running. The lab here was what he needed to analyze the fragment. He showed the crystallized tail-bit to the Matrix Kitty, and the feline nodded, taking off with him in tow.


"So you'll have the results relayed to me?"
"That's what you always say."

The feline was already at work, teleporting from point to point and manipulating assorted robotic arms using spiralling bits of code. To the cat, there were no robotic arms - it wasn't the arms it was manipulating but itself. The crystal was nestled between assorted probes servos and relays, being scanned and analyzed as data was carefully broken up and analyzed separately into a new, greater picture. It would take time, but he hoped the data will help him reverse the process.

"I'll leave you to it, then." he smiled, and the feline purred in response before diving into the scan with all its vast mental capacities.


The warp gate opened again, and out walked the admin, gazing at the even greater distortion in reality with a sense of muted resignment. All he could do now is survive... And wait.
(OoC: Sorry for not posting earlier! I usually post in the late afternoon, sorry. Now I have to catch up with everyone else.)

Dangit! Fi cried. Where'd El go? Stupid invisible viewer option! Argh...I should go elsewhere, help someone else.

Fi turned her little gerbil self around and propelled herself using a ball of flame about five feet high, basically flying (and scorching any n00bs on the way) her way back to the Pit of Creativity. It was a fast, fun, and, pardon the pun, hot way of transportation. Move outta the way! Fi sent in glee in a bad New York accent. Got a Shocari to attend to!

Fi flew that way until a horde of pink Pichus near the Pit of Creativity were attacking Midnight, Chibi, Shiny, Dwayna, Brendon, and Reynald. What the heck are those? Fi sent to all of them. Are you guys okay? Is Shoc okay?

Oh, crud! Fi called, as a Pichu was about to attack her from her floating fireball. She quickly sent a whip of flame to burn it. Need help?
"SHROOM!" Spore called, sliding into a wall after Shroomish-chan made a sharp turn. "Shroomish..." he muttered unhappily. Shroomish-chan translated this roughly, to, "I see stars..."

Shroomish-chan smiled apoligetically and picked up Spore, petting him on the head. "Sorry, Spore. I'm just in a hurry. I need to find Brendan, who probably is scared of me now..." She laughed nervously, "I need to help out as much as I can. You too, Spore. Your Sleep Powder will help alot." She smiled and ran off again. Spore sighed and ran after her.

"SHROOM!" Spore yelled, wich translated to, "THERE!" Shroomish-chan slid on the newly waxed floors and crashed headfirst into the room.

"Hey..." Shroomish-chan muttered to the other members in the room. Reynald, Midnight Shadows, Brendan, and Chibi. Maybe others, too, but she couldn't see straight.
(OOC: I really need to get on more)

Secad's long, long, long, boringly long and passionate kiss was finally broken by some mysterious force that sent both of them flying in opposite directions. But, Shocari saw El a distance away from where they were standing, and guessed that it was of his doing.

Shocari crashed into a building and landed with a very loud THUD! He slowly got up and removed the shards of glass from his body. Where was he? A quick look around said it was the Sprite Forum, a place where no Shocari should dare enter.

He ran down the long hallways and down several flights of stairs before being free of the Sprite Forum. Now, all that was left was to find and protect Dani. Maybe, if he was heroic enough, she'd love him back. It was all Shocari had to go on.

He ran from building to building, but couldn't find her. A laugh led him around a corner to, well, nearly everyone he had ran into so far. And there was Middy amonst them! He began his slow walk to the group, his legs killing him, but his love for her propelling him on...no matter how slowly it may be.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Lyn eventually got a hold of herself and managed to stand up at last, though with a bit of effort. Looking up, she saw that Stel was gone, though not surprisingly; he was always on the move today, doing something related to defeating the creature, be it killing pink Pichu or what. She couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed, though that feeling didn't last long.

While she was getting over her loss of Stel, she heard Dway talk about possible ways for the rest of them to avoid getting infected. She kind of liked the second idea more; splitting up would probably be kind of dangerous, as one pair of eyes wouldn't be able to see as much as, say, six or seven, and everyone would be able to help others from incoming Pichu mobs. And even if one of them did get attacked and infected, a blindfold could work. Though they may look a bit silly with a piece of cloth over their eyes, but hey, better safe than sorry.

Then quite a few more people showed up to their gathering. First came Fi, who arrived, wondering about how Shocari was. Then Shroomish-chan, who, with a quick analysis of her feelings, was also somehow fighting her spell, probably with help from her Shroomish beside her, Spore (and was doing a much better job fighting it than Lyn was). Lastly came Shocari (she had no idea how he had escaped from the sprite forum, as he was supposedly stuck in there thanks to El), and his emotions were spilling out like a bucket filled with water with a hole at the bottom, quite unlike Shroomish-chan. The three that came were also affected by the spell like Lyn herself was, and she felt a bit happier at the thought; at least she wasn't the only one. But all four of them could prove to be dangerous to the group, their spells holding everyone else back from their quest to avoid being infected themselves and defeating the Pika-creature.

"Oh no you don't, Shori," Lyn said, tackling Shocari to the ground as he approached Middy. She could tell he was quite tired, but apparently the spell was making him come to his "love". She held him in place with a bit of ice, then did the same with Shroomish-chan and made a ribbon of water circle Fi, in case their spells made them go wild after seeing their love. Then an idea hit her. "Dway, I thinks we should go with plan B. Why? Shori, Shroomish-chan, Fi, and I could all acts as shields from incoming bolts of lovening for you guys. And don't worry, they don't hurts at all, and I highly doubts we can fall in love with someone if we've already been infected once." She paused here, then, looking at the two people bound to the floor by ice and Fi who was trapped surrounded by water, she said to them, "You guys know we can't really go on as we are right now. Practice some self-control and keep yourself in check at all times, m'kays? I thinks that might help a bit, though the spell may be too powerful to resist at times. If or when that happens, curl yourself into a tight ball, meditate, clear your mind... something that might keep your mentallity stable. Close your eyes if all you need is to just not look at your 'love'. But always try to keep yourself sane, 'kays? And I know that's a lot harder than it sounds, believe me, I know, but just try, m'kays? M'kays."

Turning back to the others, Lyn continued, "We may hold the rest of you guys backs a bits in case we forgets to keep ourselves under control, but really, I think staying together is a better idea. And like Dway said; even if one of you guys are infected, a blindfold would most likely work to prevent anyone from falling in love. Kays?" Though her words were at least somewhat serious, her tone was childlike, almost as if she was explaining the rules to a fun game to her friends at a birthday party.
(Ok I was going to wait for Chibi and Brendan but things are getting hectic in our little mosh pit. Also I noticed that our groups scenery changes about 3-4 times so I'm once again blaming the little Lovechu bugger!)

Reynald unfortunately couldn't wait for Chibi's answer as Lyn surprisingly came out of nowhere then promptly started crying. Reynald quickly moved past Chibi, with a quick smile to Midnight to say 'Your Welcome', and knelt down in front of her. He felt strangely responsible for the entire group. Everyone seemed to be in some form of panic. Reynald was about to ask Lyn was ok when Dwayna spoke up and mentioned her plan for staying together. Reynald nodded and looked up at her, "I agree completely. That's what I had in mind anyways. The...thing likes to hunt people who are alone. They are easier prey I guess...but I'm fairly sure we could at least hold it off until it teleports away." He shrugged slightly and turned back to Lyn, "Are you..."

That was when the rest of the gang showed up.

Out of nowhere a gerbil came flying in on a fireball, hurling bolts of flame and screaming something about the Pichu's and whether Shocari was ok or not. Reynald gave the thing a look of shock and confusion...after all it's not everyday you see a flying gerbil...on a fireball none the less. He didn't even KNOW where Shocari was! And the gerbil smelled horridly of love magic. Reynald looked around as the alleyway had shifted from a rooftop to a room. The changes were getting worse. That must mean the beast was either getting REALLY annoyed...or stronger...or both. Reynald sighed and then jumped up, hands becoming wreathed in flames, as Shroomish flew into the room, followed closely by Spore. "If I wasn't already positive about the Pikachu warping space...I'd wonder how the HELL did everyone find us..." Reynald muttered slightly.

The room was getting crowded fast. Luckily, ANOTHER shift in the fabric of the forum dumped the entire group BACK into the alleyway, where Shocari slowly rounded the nearby corner. He wreaked of love magic and was staring hearts at Midnight. He was walking slowly towards her. Luckily, Lyn seemed to get a hold of her senses and take the initiative, diving at Fi and the other infected and pinning to them to the ground or encased them with water. Lyn started talking rather quickly about Dway's plan and how they could be used as shields because they couldn't be affected twice. Reynald cringed and asked the one question everyone probably feared, "Are you sure about that Lyn? I mean...who here has been hit by the Pikachu twice? I mean, the bandanna idea will work just fine for those that haven't been hit once, But what if you guys can be affected twice? Then your shield idea is pretty much worthless. Besides, I don't want you guys taking hits for us."

Reynald pressed a hand to his temple and winced. Then amount of things happening at once was getting to him, giving him a headache. That and the amount of magic he had been using was finally taking effect. He shook his head to clear it and sat down against the nearest wall. He looked tiredly among the party and tried to assess how much of a chance they stood. Reynald sighed, "It all depends on the person guys. Some are having an easier time controlling themselves," He motioned towards Lyn and Shroomish, "And others are completely entrapped in their spell." He pointed to Fi and Shocari, "Either way it wont matter because that THING is getting stronger. And that means it's spell is only going to get worse. I'm fairly good at magic but the sheer force of that thing's attacks when I first saw it were enough to drain me pretty hard core. And now it's stronger. I don't think we can take much more from this thing unless we work together..." Reynald was hoping people would listen to him. He was almost spent on energy and talking was the only thing keeping him awake. Don't let them see you weak Rey...He scolded himself and looked around the group before wearily stumbling back to his feet, "Ok...any other ideas to help and what do we have to use as blindfolds?"

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
(OOC: Obscure Dwayna powers to the rescue!))

People were gathering around them on all sides. Distortions in the fabric of Charms were happening almost frequently now. More of the infected came towards the group, and Dwayna rubbed her head slightly, in pain from all the strong emotions withing people. It was utter chaos, and she just wanted out.

But I have to help my friends. This was the prominent thought on her mind, and another smile came to her lips. If anything, she was loyal, vigilant by her friends sides, and would die for them any day. This situation may not be causing deaths, but forcing people to do things against their will was just wrong. She turned her attention back to the group, looking very serious again.

"We need contributions of cloth from... anyplace, really. Blankets, clothing, anything that can be easily torn apart and tied around our heads. Also, some of you need better weapons to fend the clones off..." She pondered for a few moments, then smirked widely. "I'll be right back."

She threw her hand out in front of her, and before their eyes a portal opened. Dwayna momentarily steeped through, coming back with a large, emerald sheet of cloth in one hand, and a small silver bag clasped in the other. The portal sealed shut behind her, and with that she started tearing into the sheet with her metallic hand, cutting ragged segments from it and handing them to whomever needed them.

After everyone grabbed their piece, she held out the silver bag. It had a strange design on it that seemed to glow with an otherworldly power, and when she opened the bag, a faint light spilled out of the opening. She reached into it, and her arm seemed to go deeper into the bag than was feasibly possible by the eye. Out it came again, this time her hand clasped to the hilt of a longsword, which she held out for whomever to take, her other hand still clasping the bag.

"This is my own personal bag of holding... I keep my own personal store of weapons in here. Who ever needs protection, reach a hand in and pull something out. However, I suggest the infected people refrain... If the creature gains more power, they might succumb to their curse again and go into a rage if the one they 'love' is being occupied by someone else, even if it's only a conversation." A soft sigh came to her lips, and she decided to lighten the mood with a small joke.

"Love can be a vicious, green-eyed monster. This time, it just so happens that the 'monster' part is put under emphasis."
Brendan was silent throughout the explanations, bickering, and relationship incidents going on throughout the minutes. He was feeling a little dizzy himself due to the sudden location shifts. However, at the same time, he was thinking. The love demon was driven by love, it's attacks made people fall in love with whoever they see first, it spawned weaker Pichus, and it could teleport. The question was, why does it always come back almost straight afterwards? Because it still needed to spread the love to him as well, that was when it got Shroomish-Chan. Brendan made sure to keep his distance. Even though she was doing well at fighting back, she probably wouldn't have been able to do it if it wasn't for the way Brendan acted when she put her arm around him. And how did it spread its love so fast? All of that chaos Brendan and Reynald saw was made in fifteen minutes tops. How does it know exactly where to go next? Brendan suddenly saw the answer: Because that's were the love isn't present.

The love demon wasn't driven by love, only fueled by it. It was the desire to destroy what wasn't love and put its powers in its place that caused the love demon to keep going. Whenever it is backed into a corner, it disappears to another place where there is no love. No matter where it goes, there are emotions to destroy and replace, all to fuel its powers. Was this only to understand the love demon, or could it be used against it? Brendan was able to hypothesis an answer. If it could teleport where the love isn't there, but nowhere else. That means, if everybody was to be gathered in one place, then the Love Demon would have to come out and show itself. From then, it could be backed into a corner without anywhere to run, and teleportation won't be able to help it. Then they might be able to finish it off.

"That's it!" Brendan suddenly shouted, punching his palm with the side of his fist.

"What? On to something?" Reynald asked, slowly turning to Brendan due to his headache.

"I think I figured out it's movement patterns. We might be able to corner it after all!" Brendan announced, then explained Reynald his hypothesis.
Give me a tiny bit of the fabric, Dway! Fi sent, a little ticked that she was surrounded by swirling water. Geez, she was less affected than Secad, for sure. Oh, and thank you for this glorious water bubble, Shiny. It's a wonderful piece of décor! the gerbil finished sarcastically.

Responding to Brendan's idea that the Love Demon teleported to places where there was no love, she asked, Hey, I'm small enough to follow it nearly anywhere, and I'm affected by it's power already! Though, I must mention, at a much lower level than Secad. I could scout about and see where it is. Now let me out of this dang H20!
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