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Private/Closed Pokehuman encounters

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Jolty froze in place for a seconds when Gardevoir suddenly came out of nowhere.
"Wh-whats a... De-de-denne?"Jolty asked, she truly didn't know what is Twinkle's species.
"What do ya mean 'whats a dedenne'?, im a dedenne" Twinkle replied a bit aggressively after turning to the young girl, "s-sorry... i-i thought y-you are a..a T-twinkle" Jolty replied back in confusion and lowered her head.
The dedenne blinked a few seconds as she looked at the emolga, she wasn't sure what tp say at those seconds. "Never mind that, so let me be clear this time oka? My name is Twinkle and im a dedenne, is that better" she said and sighed.
"I-i...i gu-guess..." The emolga kid stuttered, her head was still lowered.
"Anyway, teehee~" Twinkle said and turned back to the gardevoir, "heya! I am Twinkle like ya heard a moment ago, ye look exactly like an half Gardevoir, teeheehee~" Twinkle said, introducing herself in front of Allie before continuing.
"And yup, we met outside this station after i finally reached her electricity, teehee~. We talked a bit, she even asked me to try reaching the electricity of a pikachu, i think her name was... Talia? Teehee~" the antenna pokemon said cheerfully.

Jolty lowered her head even more in shame "i-i-im so-sorry, T-t-twinkle t-told me that sh-she have the a-abi-billity to-to talk with others through e-e-electrici-ci-ti-ty" she stuttered to the gardevoir as her eyes start watering, "s-so i-i... I t-told T-t-twinkle to t-talk with yo-your s-sister and t-tell her o-our lo-lo-lo...lo-location s-so she wou-ould find us... I-i am t-t-t-truly s-sorry" the small emolga kid sobbed like she have done a bad thing, her head was still lowered down.
Twinkle looked at Jolty in confusion, it was a bit hard for her to understand what the emolga was saying.
"Got it!" He did a bow from the waist as he went out the door

The first person he noticed was Felix. "F-Felix...Thank goodness you're here, we need all of us to get in the room behind me..." He blushed, "I-I don't know what it's called, could you please follow me?"


Previously EeviumZ
Allie froze on hearing that Twinkle had contacted Talia. "B-but how? I've been trying for so long to contact her but I only know that she's on her way - I can't contact her anymore! Oh my goodness, I can't thank you enough!"
She was completely ecstatic that Talia had been found, but noticed that Jolty seemed to look quite upset.
"Why are you sorry? I - I'm thankful for this! I thought I might never see my sister again.. but you two have changed that!" She wanted to hug Jolty, but refrained from it for fear of startling her.

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Jolty raised her head at Allie after hearing her, revealing her sobbing big blue eyes.
"Re-re-re.. r-really?" The small emolga girl whimpered as she wiped off her tears.
"Teehee~" Twinkle giggled proudly after hearing the gardevoir and the emolga, "i just contacted her 'sparkling point' and talked to her through electricity, this is my ability~" the dedenne explained joyfully and cheerfully released a few sparks from her cheeks.
"S-sparkling... Po-point?" Jolty asked in confusion as she turned her head to the dedenne on her shoulder.

"Yup, dat's how i call it" Twinkle replied back, "it's basically the part where all the electricity is stored, for example yer 'sparkling points' are the cheeks, same as me and dat 'Talia'. Did ya get it?" The dedenne explained.
Jolty listened carefully and nodded slowly, she was still a bit confused but she didn't let it bother her.
"Anyway" Twinkle said and turned back to the gardevoir human.
"Can i ask ya a few questions?" The antenna pokemon said and Immediately started to question, "are the half pokemons can use four moves like normal pokemons?, Are they have the ability of the pokemon they have turned to?, And how exactly did everyone get turned into a pokemon? I only heard it was by force" Twinkle asked cheerfully, she talked fast from excitement.


Roger went outside to Dmitri, then turned around to see that Raven haven't followed him.
"Hmph, she supposed to be the one in charge and yet she haven't come, what a shame" Roger told Dmitri and smirked, "how sad and ironic would it be to see her dealing with the boss, hahahahahaha" he said and start laughing maniacally.


Previously EeviumZ
Raven glared at Roger. "Number one, this matter is none of your business. Two, I already called for some Grunts, but those pathetic excuses for Team Rocket members seem to be taking their sweet time, and I can't exactly leave myself, can I? Might as well keep myself occupied, no?" Truth be told, she had already called on as many grunts as could be sent, and part of her annoyance was the delay. She didn't like being disobeyed by someone lower than her.

Allie smiled. "I'll answer any questions you have. Yes, we can use moves. We aren't limited to four moves either. Yes, we have abilities. Mine is Trace, one of Gardevoir's abilities. Most of us were jumped by an organization called Team Rocket and turned to Pokemon by their members. We can be captured, just like Pokemon, although it's pretty hard to. That's why Talia isn't with me - she got captured by a Rocket Admin, but she escaped. We also have the typing of Pokemon, so I'm weak to types like Poison. Not exactly the best weakness to have when Team Rocket mostly uses Zubats and Koffings." She chuckled. She was in a much better mood, now that she knew Talia was safely on her way.
"We don't know why we've been turned to Pokehumans. We suspect that Team Rocket is trying to capture and brainwash us, but that's only a guess. Other than what I've told you, I don't know anything." To demonstrate her move-using capability, she raised her hands. Instantly, the room was enveloped with Misty Terrain. It was not a full Misty Terrain and didn't give much of the positive effects that the move normally would, but was quite pretty.
Absol approached Twinkle. "What Allie says is true. They have all the strengths and weaknesses of Pokemon, just like you and I. However..." Absol sighed. "That hasn't been a good thing so far."
Dmitri turned around to face Raven, slowly reverting back to his normal, deadpan tone yet still struggled to not burst out again. "Becoming one of the first to recognize the properties of those things? Stupidity. Conducting the experiments that have become the basis of all we know about them? Nothing. Losing an arm and a leg whilst supervising all of this, then using my handicap to further facilitate it? Useless."

He looked over at the Malamar, then later facing away from it slightly in case it tried to pull anything. "It can be a bit difficult to hypnotize a crowd when you are dying from a stab wound. Dying. From a stab wound. Or when you become preoccupied caring for an owner suffering a similar fate."

Dmitri backed away again, expecting this to be the true end to the argument. He silently groaned, remembering the grunts they now needed to wait on. Part of him wanted to just leave without them. They never did anything useful, anyways.


Reuben Looked over at the Eevee, grinning slightly from the move he successfully used, his Maractus looking exceptionally excited from it.

"And that's getting pretty complicated! Especially when Eli almost owns me now from getting caught in his ball, so on top of everything everyone else has to deal with I'm gonna have to deal with all of that stuff. Even if I leave him, whether taking my Pokeball with me or leaving it with him, it's gonna be weird," he said, staring off for a moment again as his grin faded back into a pensive expression.

When Stephen caught his attention, Reuben looked at Stephen for what felt like a moment too long before uncoiling his tail and heading back inside.
Stephen noticed the boy and his tail. He smiled, but then panicked internally. W-Wait, if I apologize, will he forgive me?! The smile almost immediately turned to a frown. His hands started to shake. It would be a nightmare living with someone who holds a grudge against you. He got closer to Reuben. "Hey, um R-Reuben...I-" He stopped. Fear was in his eyes.


Previously EeviumZ
Malamar didn't seem to care about the threat. "And what would that do for your image? Just picture it: one of the boss's admins murders another admin and her Pokemon unprovoked! Now that's a firing condition if I've ever saw one... Oh, and I'm not concerned about my own fate. I'd be happy to martyr at your expense."
Weavile decided to join the conflict. "As brash as Malamar is, I'd be happy to see you gone. After all, you haven't exactly done much. Have you caught a Hybrid? No. Have you assisted anyone in catching a Hybrid? No. Have you turned another person into a Hybrid? No. Have you pitied yourself, just because you're part Pokemon now? Oh yeah, you've done that plenty. And as much as you hate her, at least my trainer has contributed to this organisation, and is decently liked by our mutual leader. I wonder how he'll react when he finds out you've been making death threats behind his back? I don't think that conversation would go over well for you~"
Raven stared him dead in the eye. She had no energy left. "You think that being a Hybrid does something for this organisation? Fine. Then I'll do something useful for this organisation. I'll do the research, I'll be subjected to any and every experiment, painful or not, and I'll change species, possibly permanently. Then you'll see. See that though we may be the same rank, I can do everything you can do, and I can do it better." She pulled a needle out of her bag - only it wasn't the Liepard DNA from before. This one was unlabeled, but obviously served a similar purpose. She deadpanned one last profanity at Dmitri before stabbing herself in the arm.
Instantaneously, she began to change. She grew much taller than before, and became infinitely more muscular. She grew an extra pair of muscular arms, and her red highlights turned to gray. Her eyes turned an empty black, as the transformation was complete. She hadn't known which DNA she had pulled out, but it certainly seemed good.
'Machamp...' Malamar thought.
Just then, a group of Grunts arrived in the hall, before stopping when they saw the newly-hybridic admin.
"It's just me, you idiots. We're going." Raven motioned for them to follow, and stomped down the hall. She would have liked to show her "partner" exactly why type disadvantage was dangerous, but duty called.
"And Dmitri? The boss will be hearing about a certain death threat. And don't twist my words, you know I never threatened to kill you. I value my job too much for that, unlike someone I know." She turned around, and slammed a fist into the wall. It cracked instantly from the sheer force of the attack.

Eevee sighed. "It's all so fu-" She turned around, seeing Allie somewhat in earshot - "flippin' complicated. Y'know, I don't understand all this either. I mean, I'd be somewhat shocked if I became part-human. Although after everything that's happened, I probably wouldn't be that surprised. I really wish I could do something... but I'm just a random, pathetic Normal-type that is physically incapable of evolving. You know, that internal mechanic that defines my species. If I can't do what I'm literally meant for, then what am I? The answer: useless. I might be able to help, if I evolved into something stronger. Then I could actually stand a fu-" She stopped herself. "-flipping chance against Team Rocket! I just don't understand! Why? Why does Arceus hate me?" She noticed Allie's bag, and dug out a small bundle of blankets. She unraveled it to reveal a Water Stone. She tapped it with her paw, which did absolutely nothing.
"I made her keep it, just in case I could evolve someday. Looks like that's not happening, though." She kicked at the Water Stone, tossing it into a bush.

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Jolty blinked a few times as she went silence, she couldn't follow what Allie said and got confused easily.
However, the young emolga's pupils dilated a bit when the gardevoir used her misty terrain, the small girl kept looking curiously at the beautiful and mysterious pink mist that surrounded the area.
Jolty remembered seeing that mist before, but she couldn't remember when she saw it before, her mind was a bit too foggy at that moment.
"Teehee~, thank ya very much" Twinkle appreciated joyfully, "i learned a lot about half pokemons thanks to ya, teeheehee~" she said cheerfully.
"But..." The dedenne said and stopped her excitement, "dat... Team rocket, I have never heard of them. But from what ye have said it sound like they are meanie peoples, trying to capture ya all and even brainwash?! Dat's really but really mean!, And they forced ye all to turn into half pokemon!" She said furiously while releasing sparks from her cheeks as a sign of anger.

Twinkle quickly calmed down and got cheerful again, "but being an half pokemon isn't dat bad ya know, being able to use moves and having a special abillity is really cool, ya can now understand pokemons as well. But... Although being inside a pokeball isn't dat bad, brainwashing is a way way different story and i will help so no one would get an awful fate like dat, ye can see dis as a promise" the dedenne said in determination along with the cheerfulness.
The antenna pokemon took a glance at Jolty only to see she is dozing off, "teehee~" she chuckled to herself upon seeing the young emolxga girl staring at the fading mist like that.


As Ramen and Dmitri were fighting again Roger just stood close to them and watched them with unimpressed look.
"Fighting with each other will only cause us to fail our mission" the gengar human said, but it looked like no one listened to him which annoyed him a bit.
A few moments later Raven took out a needle and stabbed her arm, Roger was still unimpressed.
The admin's transformation was shorter than usual and she didn't seem to go unconscious, it took a few seconds for Roger to recognize the pokemon she have transformed into.

When the gengar human relized the pokemon Raven have turned into he was surprised a bit, he didn't expect her to turn herself into a machamp.
"Congratulations for your... Unexpected new form, although it was rather a foolish move to turn yourself into an half pokemon too i would say" Roger told Raven, "you are now made yourself catchable just like those pokehumans" he explained with an evil grin on his face.
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Dmitri's Aegislash chimed in as well, going up to the Malamar in shield forme. "But what would hypnotizing large portions of the base to attack a single person do for your master's reputation? It may be considered equally unprovoked!" it said.

Meanwhile, Dmitri looked over at the Weavile, annoyed that this argument was still going in the form of blackmail. "That is because there is more than one way to contribute to this project, however it appears few have been able to perform this job correctly. I have recently decided to contribute to this instead as a result." He got back up, just in time to see Raven transform herself in a fit of rage. "Just to best me?" he said with a smirk on his face, one partially admiring her determination and dedication. Maybe he was a bit wrong about her. Maybe.

Hearing her comments, he began to frown again. "Then our destruction is mutually assured. We will both go downhill if you do something, yet I am aware the same will happen to me if I do first. Remember your squid threatened me and this entire group and struck first with your help. I trust that you will refrain from letting something slip, and I trust myself to do the same. I also trust that you will take care of that wall later."


Reuben looked over at the Eevee, hearing her vent about her flaw. About to ask why and if she had tried other ways, he refrained. It felt rude, even by his standards. "That is... Aren't there other ways you can help? Maybe someone else could use that stone?" he said, still not sure what to say that Allie nor the Eevee had tried before.

He looked back at Stephen, hearing him again. "Yeah?"


Previously Keet
Darwin kept on looking for the base after the encounter with the creature. He looked in most directions, and even sent out Zubat to do some aerial recon of the forest. And after what felt like hours, and Darwin almost giving up, Zubat finally came at him and pecked at
him. "What-hey! What are you doing Zubat?" he yelled. Zubat then did a motion to follow him. He was cautious, but followed. Hitting his forehead on a few branches, Darwin saw a building. "Yes! Base! Finally!" he yelled, ecstatically. He and Zubat started to look for a door to enter the building.
Stephen looked to the ground. He then noticed that his legs were shaking, and his palms are swearing..."I-I..." He said quietly. Then, he looked up at Reuben. I-If I get it over with, the grief w-will leave me... "I...I am sorry, Reuben. Sorry for always taking blame, and sorry for attacking you with acid..." He looked down after he said that, putting his hand over his other arm.


Previously EeviumZ
Eevee kicked at the ground. "I've tried everything. Staring at the sun for hours, only got a sunburn. Staring at the moon for hours, only got tired. Running around a stupid Ice Rock. Doing the same with a Mossy Rock. I touched a Thunder Stone and it literally zapped me. I touched a Fire Stone and it actually shattered. Nothing works. I've even done everything at once. I'm a freak among my species. So when you think about it, I'm not that different from you." It was rare that Eevee opened up like this, but she finally felt that there was someone who could empathize with her.
Realizing that the Water Stone was valuable, she went to retrieve it. She put it down.
"There. If anyone wants it, it's theirs."

Raven ignored the statements of Dmitri, realizing she'd have to fix the wall. She heard Roger, and whirled around angrily.
"You think you can stand up to me because you're a Ghost type and I'm a Fighting type? One word: Foresight. And my new species happens to be able to throw 500 punches per second. Try catching me, see how that works out for you." She left, taking the Grunts with her.
On her way out, she bumped into Darwin. Startled, she stepped back, before returning to her calm demeanor.
"Darwin. I'm moving out on an operation. You're welcome to come, if you wish."

Allie didn't really know how to respond. "I like being a Pokemon. It's... interesting. But knowing that those people want to transform us into slaves isn't exactly comforting. It's all fun and games until someone gets experimented on."

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Roger smirked upon seeing Raven leaving, he hadn't paid any attention at the Machamp's rage attack.
He crossed his arms as he follows Raven, thinking on a new plan that will make the hunt easier.


"Teehee~, ya dont need to worry dat much..." Twinkle told Allie cheerfully, "ye in a big group with other half pokemons, ya always have them to protect each other. Its not dat easy to catch one pokemon in one biggey group, teehee~" she said and her eyes start sparkling.
"I wonder what would it be like to be an half human, dat would be super cool, teehee~. Normal humans could finally understand me like you can understand pokemons like me, i would be bigger and i would be able to do human thingies. That would be awesome! is there an item or something that made ya turn into an half pokemon?" The dedenne spoke quickly with excitement as her eyes sparkled and electricity cracked in her cheeks.

She looked at Jolty again, only to see she is still dozed off although the misty terrain's already faded away.
"Tee-hee-hee~" Twinkle giggled naughty as she is zapping the small girl with her long tail, she turned her head to the gardevoir human so the small emolga kid wont relize that she has electrified her.
Jolty snapped out of her little trance in a sudden when Twinkle's tail touched, she wasn't sure what exactly happened.
"H-huh?" The emolga girl said surprisedly as she looking right and left immediately, when the small kid calmed down she lowered her head.
"S-sorry... I-i think i d-dozed off for a moment" Jolty apologized.


Fluff wasn't sure what to do, what the officer have been saying made him nervous.
"W-what should i do... Is this really a good option? A shocking collar? Or being kept inside a pokeball?" He told himself in worry and turned to Echo and Keiko. "M-miss Mismagius, sir Delphox!, are you... Comfortable with the current punishment? If i try to make him change the punishment i will probably make it even worse now that i am nervous" he asked the two pokemons and explained himself.
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Previously Keet
Darwin was startled by the offer from Raven. "No, im good. Good luck though on-" he replied, but then stopped for a moment to take in the sight. "Raven? Is that you?" he asked, confused. She looked different than when Darwin had saw Raven at Cyllage City. "If so, you look.... how do I put this..... Are you a pokehuman now?" he said quickly. He continued walking to find a door to enter the Rocket Base.


Previously EeviumZ
“Yeah. I’m a Hybrid now. Get used to it.” She motioned for the group to follow.

Allie smiled. “On the bright side of things, understanding Pokémon is so cool! I can communicate with Absol now... and Eevee, not that that’s a good thing.” She glanced around. “Where is Eevee anyway?”
She went out with Reuben. Trying to help, most likely,” Absol suggested.
Reuben continued listening to the Eevee's rant, replying with nothing but a look pitying her. He wanted to reply claiming that an Eevee was not that bad, but come to think of it Eevee were only known for what they evolved into. Thinking of hardly anything that could cheer her up, he simply nodded and looked back at Stephen as he tried to phrase his apology.

"Alright, thank you. Just maybe not doing that could be a nice change of pace. I was a bit angry with the whole police fiasco during all of that and I wasn't lashing out at the cops for that, so, uhh.. I think I'm sorry, too?" He looked at Stephen for a moment, then walked back inside.

"By the way, your Eevee gave up the water stone," he said to Allie as he slithered by.

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Jolty looked at Twinkle, the absol and Allie, it looked like they having a conversation so she didn't say a thing to interrupt them, she just watched them curiously.

"Well, humans and pokemons cant really understand other unless they share a bond with each other. I guess being an half pokemon make it much easier, tee hee" Twinkle told the gardevoir cheerfully before noticing someone coming toward Allie,the person looked like an half serperior. The dedenne just blinked as she looked at him giving a water stone to the half Gardevoir.

Jolty started to get a bit scared when she saw Reuben coming toward her and Allie, her pupils slightly shrunk and she took one step back as she keep looking at the tall pokehuman.
Twinkle noticed a little movement from Jolty's shoulder that she stood on and turned to her, she could see and feel her taking a step back slowly.
"Are ya alright? Ya aren't afraid or something, right?" The small dedenne said as she could see worry in the emolga's eyes.
Jolty nervously turned her head to Twinkle, "i-i-it...t-t...i-ts-ts-s..." She tried to say but nothing came except an incomprehensible stutter, she then turned her eyes back to Reuben while she leaves the hamster pokemon in confusion.


Previously Keet
"We can leave now? Heck yeah!" he said, ecstatic. He rushed out to the front, ready for the next town. As he was waiting for the rest of the group to leave town, he noticed a gray figure in a nearby tree. He focused a bit more, and saw a Skarmory. That's odd, I thought Skarmory weren't native here, he thought to himself. He rushed to Eli and said "Uhm, there is a Skarmory outside the station. Im pretty sure they aren't native here, but why is it there?"

Darwin entered the building, expecting to see a few faces. But, there was only a few grunts, and most of them were doing something else. He decided to see if any of the admins were there. He found a small map that showed the areas, and followed the map to the pokehuman lab machine.
( @Pokemon_gaming Please delete your posts from this chat. I REALLY don't want it to be taken down.)

"Th-Thank you..." He smiled. He opened the door to hear Felix saying they can go. "S-So Geosenge is the next town, and it's full of mysteries. Maybe it could explain a thing or two..." He relaxed a bit. He knew he wouldn't be harmed...yet...


Previously EeviumZ
(You can't post anything other than actual roleplay in this chat. You'll need to delete all your posts in the Pokehuman Encounters thread.)

Allie grimaced in worry. They were getting ready to leave, and Talia had still not arrived. Thoughts swirled through her mind: has she been recaptured? Is she hurt? Did something stop her?
Her questions were answered a moment later.
A yellow blur burst into the station, and stopped. She looked around, obviously exhausted.. and her eyes landed on Allie.

The sisters ran towards each other, and hugged tightly. Both were visibly crying tears of joy.
"Never - do - that - again!" Allie cried angrily, but she was smiling and not completely serious.
Talia simply smiled. "Well, I can't make any promises.."
The two girls laughed, overjoyed to be reunited at last.
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Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Jolty kept staring at the serperior human, seeing him acting nicely made her think that he isn't really scary after all. Then she heard the gardevoir human talking to her and started to sweat nervously for a moment.
"U-um d-do-do-d-n-n-wo-wo..." she stuttered and shook her head, "d-dont worry, i-i am f-fine, i-i-its nothing" she said nervously while she tried to calm herself down.
She looked at Reuben once again before turning back to Allie, this time she was less afraid of the big serperior.

Just when Jolty calmed down a yellowish thing burst into the station in a flash, she couldn't see who it until the creature stopped.
The emolga kid tilted her head in confusion as she sees Allie running and hugging the mysterious pokehuman with tears.
"is that... Talia?" She said as she is glancing on the pikachu human, "she look more like a pikachu than a human, tee hee~." Twinkle replied cheerfully.
The emolga didn't say a word except nodding back to the dedenne, she then looked at the two pokehumans.
Seeing them together made Jolty smile gently, she was grateful that Twinkle managed to contact Talia's electricity and she managed to find her sister.


Previously Keet
Fellix noticed the yellow blur. It took him a few seconds to realize it was Allie's sister, Talia. Seeing the sight made him have a warm feeling inside, and breaking a smile. He let out Chespin, who was happy to see Talia back. However, he still thought about the Skarmory he saw outside the building. Is this a sign that will bring us doom? he thought.
Reuben held up his hands in a surprised expression when seeing Jolty's reaction to him. "What did I do!? If it's about the acid thing, then I..." he paused, then switched to a calmer and quieter voice. "...I'm sorry." He slithered slightly closer to the part-Emolga and brought his head down a bit closer to her level, in hopes that she would stop fearing him as much if he presented himself as more of a friend.

As he saw a familiar face burst through the door, he raised his head back up and adopted an expression of glee, waving a hand at her. He began to notice that she was a bit more... yellow? compared to when the boy last saw her. Looking closer, she seemed to overall be more Pikachu than normal, and the implications began hitting the part-Serperior like a truck. He tried to set this aside for the moment, however. "Hey, it's been a hot minute! I wasn't able to say goodbye when you 'left' considering I was cooped up in a ball and doing absolutely... nothing... to help
..." His demeanor began to shift again, noticeably taking some of the blame for why this entire situation happened to begin with.


The Skarmory did not move whenever Felix took note of it, simply staring back at him even as he went back into the station.
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Previously EeviumZ
Talia and Allie broke their hug, staring at eachother. They were silent for a moment, before bursting into irrational laughter.
Talia heard Reuben speak, noticing his somewhat hidden regret. Trying to lighten the mood, she called "Hey, I jumped in front of the ball, it's not like you could have done anything about it! Don't worry!"
Allie punched her in the arm playfully at this.
Talia looked slightly uncomfortable at Eli's question, even though she was glad to see him. "Uh.. about that... optical illusion?" she lied lamely.
Allie looked at her in concern. "What happened?"
Talia was hyperventilating and her voice was high-pitched and nervous. "Oh, nothing - nothing at all - just a trick of the light -"
She really didn't want to talk about it. Truth be told, it had been quite painful and she'd rather not have to remember it again.
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Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Fluff and Mystic looked at Talia behind Eli, by that time Voodoo joined them.
The flareon was disappointed in himself for what happened while the misdreavus tried to cheer him up, the zorua in the meanwhile stared at Talia suspiciously, the excuse sounded a bit lame to him.


Jolty looked at Talia curiously, it was the first time the emolga kid saw her and the only things she knew was that the pikachu human is gardevoir's sister and that she was captured at some point.
The young emolga wanted to know more about what happened when Talia got captured but she was afraid to ask anything.
At the other hand, Twinkle was excited as her cheeks cracked and sparkled with electricity, she was proud of herself and couldn't wait to ask the pikachu human some questions.
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Previously Keet
Darwin reached the machine room that he was looking for. Putting the map away, he took a second to look around. From his surroundings, he saw nobody. Not even a grunt. In the room, was a jail cell, and some sort of machine. Darwin went up to the machine and studied it. Pulling out his notepad again, he started to sketch and jot down notes of the machine in front of him.
Reuben looked at Talia, with a bit of added skepticism on his face after she tried playing off the changes. "And if I had been the one to jump in front of it, then none of this would have happened. Not even to me." He felt something brush against him, and he looked down to see his Roselia looking back up at him. "Blaming yourself won't change the past. You can learn from it and prevent it in the future, but being sad about it won't help, either."

The boy smiled slightly, what he said to Allie right after Talia was originally captured now being used against him. He nodded at the Roselia, looking back up and appearing not only alightly happier, yet also more determined to play a bigger role.
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Previously Keet
"Oh... maybe im just a worrywart." he responded. He turned to the door and started to walk out. This time, after seeing the Skarmory, he was a bit less worried. He sat down on the bench, waiting for the others to come out, and looking off into the water. Still, a small part of his mind was suspicious of the Skarmory.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Mentiras looked at a painting on his wall, behind it was his stash of the new pokeballs the lab had produced, if his employees did not bring one back this time, he would do it himself
Reuben looked around again, inching closer to the door. "Wait," he said, slithering a bit away from it again. "Why are we going to Geosenge? I still feel like Camphrier is the quicker route to Lumi...oh," he said, thinking for a moment again. If Feray was no longer accompanying them to Lumiose there didn't seem like much reason to go there anymore. Yet at the same time, Geosenge seemed equally useless.

"Where are we going?" Reuben asked. "There's really no reason to go anywhere past Geosenge. I doubt we'll find anything in that place, anyway."
It was at that moment that Aisha poked her head through the door, much to the dismay of some. "Sorry about taking off on you guys." Aisha said. "I wanted to let Hover stretch her wings and fly around for a bit." She entered the room. Then she spoke again. "About how far do you suppose the Glittering Cave is from here?"