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Goldie picked up the bandanna and tied it around his neck, jumping up in Violet back, like Freddy and waving a goodbye to Helia. Violet waved to Helia, nodding at her last remark. "In gonna miss her..." Violet said, then noticed that Goldie was wearing her bandanna. "Wow, you didn't wait to snatch that, huh?" She asked, smiling brightly.
Icarus watched as Helia and the Pidgeotto, Virgil, flew off beyond the horizon. He hadn't known her for very long, but he felt tears run down his face as she left. Honolulu had hugged him, but he simply stood still. He was actually going to miss her.

"And don't forget! This isn't goodbye!"

Those words rang in Icarus' head like a church bell. It might not have been goodbye, but whatever it was, it hurt. He sat down on the ground, his face becoming more and more drenched as tears constantly streamed down his cheeks, evaporating on his fluffy mane. He made no sounds, but his emotions rang true. "I-I'm gonna miss her, too..." He finally said, his emotions taking a full hold on things. "I-I really *sniff* am..."

A few piles of sand shook violently and levitated, surrounded by a magenta and scarlet aura. Icarus' collar glowed brilliantly with the same aura, but he hadn't noticed. His sadness for someone who he met very recently, along with the confusion of why he was so emotional over her when he barely even knew her, both overwhelmed his mind. What ever was happening at that moment was drowned out by his own emotions. He sniffled a couple of times, blushing at the realization that he was legitimately crying, not restraining himself whatsoever.

I really will miss you, Helia. Hope to see you again sometime...
Honolulu was surprised Icarus hadn't noticed her blushing. She was also surprised to see a few piles of sand levitating. 'Should I say something?' the Vaporeon thought. Then all of a sudden, a Braviary flew in and narrowly missed Violet. Honolulu recognized the Braviary. "Toren!" she cried. Meanwhile, Spectre and Luna were still at the pool. Spectre was taking the opportunity to sun himself (which he was usually considered somewhat weird, since Ghost types usually prefer darkness and shadow).
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Luna really didn't feel like swimming right now either, deciding to soak some sun in herself. Could Pokemon tan? She wasn't sure but one way or another, she was going to relax her anger and stress away.
'Hopefully Luna's going to be able to relax while she's here.' thought Spectre. Meanwhile. "Toren, what are you doing here?" Honolulu asked. "The trip there and back didn't take as long as I thought it would." Toren replied.
Finally waking from the night's slumber, the female Persian gently placed her crown of flowers over her head and ears, exiting her room. She decided to leave the key there and the door unlocked, because there wasn't any reason for anyone to go in instead of her, and if someone were to, there wouldn't be much to take. Hiding her key in her pillow, just incase, Naya slowly made her way downstairs. Not exactly sure where to go, she looked down all the hallways once again, finally facing the front door. Freedom was nowhere in sight, but her group of friends surely were. Walking over, she sat down behind them, noticing the absence of one member. "Good morning, everyone. Sorry I slept so late... I usually don't. Nice collars, by the way. Where's Helia?" She then turned to the never-before-seen Braviary. "And who might you be? My name is Naya," the Persian introduced herself, bowing her head in greeting.
"My name is Toren. It's nice to meet you Naya." Toren said. Then he bowed in greeting. "Helia had to leave. I believe she told me to tell you goodbye for her." Honolulu told Naya.
"A pleasure to meet you, too, Toren," she replied, before looking at Honolulu.

Naya's brow furrowed in a mixture of confusion and sadness. "'Had to leave'? That's too bad... I'm going to miss her, as will the rest of us, I'm sure." She looked up to the skies, unaware of the Braxien's form of departure. "Good luck in whatever you may be doing, my friend," the Persian murmured to the fluffy clouds.
Luna sighed. "I think I'm finally at peace..." she shut her eyes and began to daydream about how she would brag to her teammates and trainer that she felt like royalty while they were out doing work. And she might even add 'I feel more beautiful than YOU, Aria!' Which would get her mad. While Luna was kind and gentle, she had a mischievous and cheeky side too.
'I kinda had fun throwing that lovestruck Servine into the pool.' thought Flicker. She woke up Toli and Orion and they left the room. They approached the group. Orion figured it out on his own. "Helia had to leave?" he asked Honolulu. The Vaporeon nodded. Meanwhile, Spectre wondered what his teammates were doing right now. 'Are they having as much fun as we are?' he thought.
Spectre looked at Luna. She was asleep. Then he looked around. There was no one watching him. So he danced like nobody was watching to a song that was playing in his head.
Why am I so sad? I should be able to just continue, she said that she might be back... why can't I move on?

Icarus' collar shone even brighter as the lumps of sand scattered everywhere, then it stopped as Icarus fell down onto the ground. He stayed there, face drenched in tears, not making a sound.

I don't understand! She said it wasn't goodbye! Why then am I treating it like it is?...

He punched at the sand, burying his paw in it as he unwillingly recalled all of the memories made with Helia. He wanted to forget them in the moment, but to hold on to them until her return. Finally, he spoke. "Vio... *sniff* why does this hurt?" He asked, his mind unable to phrase the question any differently.

The time when she introduced him to kabobs flashed through his mind. Then the whole Showcase fiasco. Then the birth of Goldie and Freddy. Then the sauna time. Then the time when he and Violet had to find the children. Then the ice collars. All of these memories surged throughout his mind, and every time it changed, he felt as if he held onto them tighter, but also as if he was being hurt by them, exponentially so as time passed. He struggled to lift himself back to his feet, but succeeded, only to sit down once more. Only then did the series of events that happened most recently flood his mind alongside the memories passed. Honolulu had hugged him and blushed. He looked at her for a moment with a small blush spreading across his face before getting lost in his thoughts again.
Not exactly positive about what to say at that moment, Naya looked down at her paws, brow furrowed in sadness once again. She was used to the Flareon's shy and usually negative behavior, but this seemed to be completely different. Wanting to help in some way, she slowly approached Icarus, patting his back softly and sitting down next to him. "It's alright... You'll see her again, I promise..." But she wasn't entirely sure of her words' accuracy.
Flicker patted Icarus on the back. She was also trying to comfort the sad Flareon. Meanwhile Forrest the Treeko was walking through the garden. He wondered what Spectre was up to.
Spectre immediately stopped dancing. "What's wrong?" he asked Luna. Meanwhile in the garden Forrest bumped into a Pokémon Performer Braixen named Lori. They promised to meet up to talk another time.
Luna shot her head around frantically. "Where is she?! Where's Nicole?! NICOLE?! I MUST FIND HER!!!" she yelled before immediately vanishing from sight. The Gardevoir soon teleported into the main lobby, looking around in a panic. "NICOLE?? WHERE ARE YOU?!" she kept repeating.
'Uh oh. not this again.' Honolulu thought. "Excuse me are you the Gardevoir that I had to sort of send a message for? I'm sure Larry the Peliper found her already and Sydney the Wingull would have reported back here if Nicole was in trouble. That's what I told her to do. It's quicker that way." Toren the Braviary told Luna.
"I'm pretty sure she is. Sydney would have reported here if Nicole was in trouble." Toren told her. Honolulu breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like Toren was handling the situation.
Luna nodded. "Ok...thank you," she bowed before briskly floating back to the pool area. (Whoo...keep it together Luna...Nicole is being looked after. Everything is ok...just relax...) she thought to herself.
Violet watched Icarus, then sighed lightly "You need to calm down, she said that this was not a goodbye, so why are you treating it like one?" She asked, placing a paw on Icarus' head and stroking his ear with her nose like how she usually does when the Flareon is sad.

Freddy made his way to Icarus and did the same as Violet did, putting a paw on his head and trying to stroke Icarus' other ear.

Goldie watched quietly, tilting his head in confusion.
Flicker's patting turned into rubbing, hopefully helping the Flareon calm down. Orion just stood there, not knowing what to do. Toli looked just as clueless. Honolulu went over to help calm Icarus down.
Naya... Flicker... Honolulu... Violet... Freddy...

Everyone was comforting Icarus, they were being nice and trying to calm him down. He looked at everyone and smiled, his face still soaked. "I-I'm really sorry... I just *sniff* don't know what's wrong with me..." He said, rubbing his nose with his paw.

Violet rubbed his ear and he purred quite audibly, but didn't take note of it. He secretly enjoyed being comforted by Violet, if it was still a secret at this point, but he didn't like needing comfort. He pat Freddy on the head, praising him for his efforts in rubbing his ear, purring again. His tail started wagging slowly, and Icarus made no effort to supress it. "Thanks *sniff* guys..." He said, giving a close-eyed smile.
Violet smiled "That's what friends and possibly family (Freddy and Goldie) are for!" She exclaimed, returning the closed-eye smile that Icarus gave them.

Freddy wagged his tail, happy that Icarus noticed him. "D-Daddy...?" Freddy asked, not knowing if Icarus was his father or not.

Goldie walked over to Icarus and sat down beside Freddy, not paying attention to either of them, but rather outside, watching the leftover sparkles float out of his vision.

Icarus thought for a couple seconds before responding to Freddy. "Y-yeah, until told otherwise... and hello to you too, Goldie." He acknowledged Goldie with a pat on his head.

He nodded once more in thanks to everyone, then purred again from satisfaction, immediately going wide-eyed and blushing after realizing that he had just done that not once, but several times. Icarus' collar glowed, not as bright as before. A pile of sand struggled to float up, constantly shrinking as it did. After it all fell, the collar stopped glowing. Icarus took note of it, and whispered to Violet what he thought he just noticed. "Vio, I think emotions have some effect on this thing."

His blush intensified as he realized he was wagging his tail on top of the purring. Yep. King of Blushes... that's me, I guess. He thought, looking at the ground.
Violet nodded "I've noticed, maybe you can't control it, maybe it just happens" She said, eyeing the collar around Icarus' neck cautiously. Violet sat down beside Icarus, placing a paw on his head and breathing out heavily.

Freddy nodded, even though he had no idea what Icarus said. He then turned to Goldie and tackled him, but Goldie shoved him off and ran to Violet.

Goldie grunted and sat down on one of Violet's back paws.
Merely nodding, Naya stayed silent as she slowly backed away, wanting to give the family some space. Sitting down in her original spot, she licked a paw and cleaned herself, a bit awkwardly. She wanted to know about the collars, but didn't think now was the best time to ask. Tilting her head slightly, she straightened her flower crown with a flick of her ear, waiting for her chance.
Toli, Flicker, and Orion looked at each other. They wanted to ask about the collars, but decided to give the family a bit of space. Toren looked on. He was confused by pretty much everything involving the Flareon and the Ninetails.
Spectre approached Luna. "Perhaps now would be a good time to get that room key." the Mismagius told Luna. Meanwhile Lori decided to go get her room key for the front desk.
"Everyone here has a room. And everyone here needs a key to get into their room. You can go there to sleep." Spectre said. "If you want I can lead you to the front desk. Then you tell the Pokémon at the desk your trainer's name and then they give you your key." the Mismagius told her.
Icarus felt better after some comforting from Violet. He turned his head to see the others slightly backed away from him. "Sorry guys. I don't know why I got all... yeah... my bad..." He said, sweat-dropping.

He tugged at his collar playfully, glancing at Violet's collar. He decided to tell them about the collars before they get worried. After all, he did just levitate sand despite being a Fire type. "Ahem... uh... so..." he tried to say, still blushing from the purring, tail-wagging, and the overall emotional outburst, "if you guys would come to our room, I can show you some pretty neat stuff about these collars. Wanna come?"

He turned his body around, keeping Violet's paw on his head all the while. He felt his tail brush up against one of the children, but didn't really know which one. He whispered a quick 'sorry' to them, but still retained his gaze on the others who were now in front of him.
Violet took her paw off Icarus' head and laughed "So naivë, like you always are" She said, grinning lazily.

Goldie hissed as Icarus' tail brushed against him and blocked his view. Not thinking, Goldie bit down on the fluffy yellow tail and then bounded over to Violet.

Freddy followed Goldie, unsure why he didn't like Icarus.