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Open Pokemon and Pokeballs l A Pokemon RP

This is a roleplay for people to play as Pokemon and trainers. Set in the Hoenn region. Some could be caught and befriended, some could hate humans, it's up to you. Pokemon from any region are cool.
No mary-sue stuff
No OP Pokemon
No fakemon or legendaries/mythical
Please try and use proper grammar and spelling
If you join, try and stay so this doesn't die



My form:
Name: Kasia
Age(11-15): 14
Gender: M
Appearance: Black backpack, blue trousers, black hoodie, brown hair
Personality: A bit of a pokemaniac ie. He really likes being a trainer, and really likes catching Pokemon. An avid shiny hunter
Likes: Catching Pokemon, pokemon themselves
Dislikes: Bullies, untrustworthy people
Other: None
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Name: Zappy
Species: Togedemaru
Gender: M
Personality: Kind, Kinda unaware of his surroundings.
Appearance: Regular Togedemaru, Green ring around his tail.
Likes: Battles, Making new friends, Kind trainers.
Dislikes: Evil teams, Not being cared for, Seeing other pokemon not being treated fair.
Other info: As suggested in his name, Zappy sometimes zaps people and pokemon without noticing, sometimes resulting in serious fights.
Kasia didn't have many pokeballs, so he ran to the nearest Pokemon centre to stock up. His main Pokemon, Aegislash, hovering beside him. After buying a few pokeballs and heat balls, he grabbed his Chikorita (he was particularly proud of that catch) and went out into the forest, hoping to catch something.
Zappy was strolling along in the forest, nibbling on a berry. He saw some Tailow fly above him. He loved seeing other pokemon get along. Then, he heard footsteps. Zappy was scared, so he rolled behind a tree. A few minutes later he saw a trainer roaming around, pokeball in hand. Zappy was curious, so he walked up to the trainer.
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Hey, sorry, forgot to edit. This is Hoenn

Kasia was very suprised when a Togedemaru came running up to him, for two reasons. First, he was in the Hoenn region, and flights to Alola had only just started. Second, Pokemon usually kept away from people. Kasia asked "Hey bro. Want to come with me?"
Zappy looked at the tall Aegislash. He understood what it said. He jumped onto the Aegislash and then jumped onto the trainer's shoulder. He then squealed a little happy squeal and gave the trainer a little excitement shock.
"Ooh, god Arceus, that hurt. Still. Now he's relaxed I should be able to catch him. Not sure what level he is though. Eh, never mind." Kaisa quickly chucked a pokeball at the Togedemaru.
Well, that worked. Must have been a critical throw. Kasia thought to himself. Didn't even have to false-swipe him with Aegislash.
"Zappy." Zappy responded to the Aegislash. He jumped off of Kaisa's arm and onto a tree branch to grab some berries. He then jumped down from the tree, giving the berries to Kaisa.
Kaisa returned Zappy to his pokeball, before heading back towards his own town. Changing his mind, we walked towards a different part of the forest, searching for more Pokemon.
(OOC)Well, it's the biggest case of character conteol I've seen in a long time, but it's cool
Aegislash false-swiped the Ledian before chucking a Pokeball at it. As it caught, Kaisa grinned, and transferred it to his box.
"Zappy, quick attack!" No command and he used a supereffective move. He's probably had battle experiance. Or it's just one of the moves he likes
Zappy looked at Kaisa curiously. He was thinking, "Does he mean use Quick Attack, or use any move quickly?" Then Zappy got hit with a Wing Attack from the opposing Swellow. Luckily it didn't do that much damage.
Zappy quickly got up and used Zing Zap. The Swellow fainted. Zappy was so happy that he defeated the Swellow that he jumped around happily, then rolling around uncontrollably.
(OOC: Well, since I have the approval to make my own character sheet, I will be a Pokémon here. As always, you can't catch him yet, as it is too early for that. I also feel like something just isn't right here, and I apoligize if I came a bit late since I'm sick here.)

Species: Mudkip
Gender: Male
Age: His age is currently unknown, but he appears to look like a neonate.
Level: His level is also unknown.
Skills: He has the ability to run around rather quickly, which can let him evade attacks more easily, which can tire the opponent.
Ability: Torrent (Powers the Pokémon's water type moves in a pinch.)
Appearance: He is your normal, everyday Mudkip.
Personality: He is rather cautious around others, especially humans since he is afraid of them. He is a huge crybaby, while he is also afraid of the water, and his own habitat due to an event that happened in the past.
Other: He carries around a special light blue flute that can be used in battle, as the effects are dependant on the notes that are played from the flute.

A Mudkip peeked over a bush, noticing a trainer that recalled a Togedemaru back into its ball, as he held onto his flute with a tight grip. He looked over at the trainer that walked back to his house, as he resisted the urge to scratch his gills. He followed along with the trainer, while he avoided the dewdrops that occasionally fell from some trees. He stood at least several feet away from her, as he moved along with the bushes, creating a slight rustling sound that could be heard within close proximity. The fin on his head shook like a chiming bell, as he quietly cried while tears began to fall down his eyes like a waterfall.
Name: Dusk
Gender: Female
Age: A bit older than a newly hatched Pokémon.
Species: Zorua
Appearance: Shiny, but she hides it with an illusion.
Likes: Pokémon battles, especially becoming stronger.
Dislikes: Anything harmful to her or allies.
Personality: She avoids humans at all costs, and sometimes even other Pokémon, as she prefers to be alone. Once she gets used to you, she'll be helpful and sometimes put her life on the line if the relationship is close enough.
Other: She wears a darker version of the Silk Scarf with similar results that the Black Glasses have.
Dusk began to walk around the bleak and empty forest, a bit bored. While looking around, she spotted an empty cave, apart from being filled with a couple of berries, of course. There was a Leppa Berry, two Pecha Berries, and an Oran Berry. Hoping nobody would notice her, she curled up in the corner of the stone cave, and put her head down, curling her blue tips before closing her dark red eyes and falling into a dream.
Name: Arcynn
Gender: Male
Species: Typhlosion
Personality: Pretty friendly, unaware of his own power
Likes: Friends he can trust
Dislikes: Too much sympathy
Other: Deep battle scar running down his right eye, learned how to speak to humans via telepathy from a Gothitelle


Arcynn trekked through the forest, longing for some rest, but he knew that his enemies would still try to hunt him down. Ever since his clan had been driven out of their half of the forest, the clan had been dissolved for years. Arcynn snapped back to reality. He noticed a trainer walking into a house excitedly. That was when his fatigue took a toll on him, and he fainted with a thud onto the lush grass.
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(I've noticed that almost everyone else seems to be RPing as a wild Pokemon. Since the post says nothing about that being a necessity, I'm being a trainer)

Name: Mason Thorne
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Dark blue, baggy jeans with black and green shoes. He has a black sleeveless shirt under his green-and-black striped jacket. He has a green hat with a Pokeball on the center, which he usually wears backwards. He has dark skin, and blue eyes as well as jet-black hair. He has a black backpack.
Personality: He's usually quiet around people, but when he does talk, he usually makes a good point in a lot of peoples' eyes. He sticks by those he deems worthy as friends, and is very fond of Pokemon.
Likes: Pokemon battles, Pokemon, Good sportmanship, Sympathy and kindness
Dislikes: Abusiveness, mistreating Pokemon, hurting people needlessly
Other: Mason is from Alola, so a lot of his Pokemon that he has are Alolan, but he only brought one with him to Hoenn.

A Lycanroc came bounding back from ahead of Mason, going straight towards him, seemingly worried. "What is it, Fenrir?" He asked quietly, crouching to stand at eye level with the Lycanroc. "Roc! Lycan!" She cried, motioning for Mason to follow, and bounding back from where she had emerged from moments before. He quickly followed, and, withing a few moments, he found what Fenrir had been so worried about. A Typhlosion lay unconscious in a patch of grass. He crouched down next to the Typhlosion and set down his bag, taking some Sitrus berries out.

Mason turned to look at Fenrir. "Fenrir, I saw a house nearby, go see if you can get help from the people there. Bring them back here, if you can." He said. Fenrir nodded, and she turned, heading to the nearby house. As she did as Mason asked, he took one of the Sitrus berries and slowly opened the Typhlosion's mouth. As he did so, he set the berry in the Pokemon's mouth and began to force him to chew the berry with his hand. *That should make him feel better, at the least.* He thought to himself. He then began to examine the wounds. *A scar. Looks deep, but it doesn't look fresh. No other wounds. Must've been fatigue.* With no idea as to why the Typhlosion hadn't rested before, Mason decided to stay on alert.

As Mason treated the Typhlosion, Fenrir ran up to the door of the house, and began to claw at the door. Not so much as to where it would cause a lot of damage, but loud enough to where whoever was inside would probably hear her.
(Beggin' your pardon; not sure if this is still open, but I thought I'd try. Here's my bio and a starter to kick things off. Lemme know your mind. Just, keep it constructive, eh?)

Full Name: Nikolas Xavier Raveshaw
Nicknames: Fluffy, Stoneface, Disaster-Man
Gender: Male
Species: Caucasian Human
Age: Early Twenties
Affiliation: ???

Appearance: Stern-looking Albino with neatly-arranged features and a militaristic air. Dressed in an equally-militaristic long-coat, trousers, skintight undershirt and combat boots.
Personality: Normally appears serious yet calm, can come off as proud and haughty. Sees himself as unbiased and in a position to pass judgment as one "enlightened" above the common folk. Conveys himself in a regal, disciplined and controlled manner and prefers to retain solid judgment. Can certainly be nihilistic at times.

Likes: Peace and Order, Long marches, Driving fast and armored vehicles, Fair Fighting, Discipline, Absol
Dislikes: Immaturity, Greed, Wanton Bias, Legendary Pokemon, Trainers


And so it would be that, in that very same cave that Dusk the Zorua had happened upon, she was not quite alone there. A solitary figure sat up against the side of the cold rock wall, knees pulled up and an arm folded across such that he stared at his wrist. A display of sorts was mounted upon a gauntlet there and, without so much regarding the small fox, he'd been busy prodding and poking at it; eliciting soft bleeps and sounds. The human, unlike the standard fare, would not pose much of a threat or an interest in wild Pokemon.


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Dusk began to get up, hearing the human, even though they were relatively quiet, apart from the few soft beeps. Startled, her instincts acted up, and she attempted to pull out an illusion of any other nearby Pokémon, but, there were none. Soon, she realized that they meant no harm, and showed no intent on catching her. She curled up and began to watch him, while nibbling on the Oran Berry she found.
Arcynn finally came to, muttering indistinctly. He noticed a trainer crouching over him with a worried look on his face. He softly nudged him away and got to his feet, only to collapse again. He decided to lean back and drift into sleep again until he was better. "Don't worry about me," he rasped, using telepathy to communicate. How convenient it had been over the years. "I'll be okay."
At first, Mason was wary at leaving the Typhlosion behind. However, just from the Typhlosion's words -which also surprised him at first, but he took it as it was- and his physical appearance that he was a tough sort. Able to rely on no one but himself. After pondering it over, he reluctantly nodded. "I'll leave these here, just in case." He whispered, clearly talking about the Sitrus berries. He took one look back at the Typhlosion before walking off. "Fenrir, leave it." He called, and the Lycanroc looked back at him curiously, before complying.
Pokemon: yes
Name: Rowl
Gender: Male
Age: 3 (Level 8.)
Species: Rowlet
Appearance: Cool, Clumsy, Powerful
Personality: Nice
Likes: Togedemaru
Dislikes: Pokemon Cruelty
Other: Has Everstone always
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(OOC) This rp is always open, there's no reason to close it, and I'd edit it if it eas closed

Kaisa heard a scratching at his door, and opened it to see a Lycanrock barking. He ran outside to see a Typhlosion lying on the ground, nearly unconscious. He quickly pulled out a super potion and started to spray in on him. Aegislash also grabbed a few Leppa berries and gave them to him to regain his strength. Kaisa asked the trainer standing next to him with the Lycanrock "Any idea what happened to him?"
Hey, they can speak independently to other Pokemon btw, and Zappy is in his pokeball. And Kaisa is a bit busy healing a Typhlogeon