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Open Pokemon and Pokeballs l A Pokemon RP

"Rowlet Rowlet Row" Rowl says as he is flying behind Kaisa wanting to help. "Rowlet Row Rowlet" He Says wanting to be some help. "Rowlet!" he says finding a pokemon bag and grabbing it handing it to Kaisa.
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If you speak, the Pokemon speak properly btw

A rowlett flew up behind Kaisa, and he quickly told his Aegislash "Tell that Rowlett to please bring me some Sitrus berries, please."
"Rowlet Row" as Rowl flew to find some Sitrus berries in the forest wandering around and finally he comes across some Sitrus berries "Rowl Rowlet" he says as he flies back to Kaisa as fast as he can.
OOC : Sometimes Poke'mon speak half of their names like Pikachu sometimes says Pika so why can't Rowlet do it?

BIC: "Rowlet Rowlet Rowlet" he says to Aegislash "Here are the Sitrus Berries".
What I mean is, the Pokemon in these roleplays speak normally, but to humans it just sounds like "Row rowlett" and stiff.
Aegislash repeated all of this to Kaisa, who fed the berries to the Typhlogeon before saying "Yeah, sure. Just press the button on this pokeball." He chucked a pokeball on the ground, and asked Aegislash to repeat it
"Rowlet Rowlet Rowlet" Rowl says in excitement as he hops into the poke'ball and it is a 1 shake ... 2 shake ... 3 shake ... caught. "Rowlet" Rowl says as he snuggles up inside of his poke'ball and happy to have a new trainer to like him.
Past tense btw, sorry to be a critic
Kiasa grinned at catching one of the starters for the Alola region, and went back to treating the Typhlogeon
"Rowlet Rowlet" as he pops out of his pokeball with a bag of healing supplies that he had earlier. "Here Kaisa You'll need these items I found earlier when I found the Sitrus berries" Rowlet says to Aegislash. "Rowlet" he says as he goes back inside of his pokeball.
"Not sure, but it looks more like fatigue than anything. He wants to be left alone, though." Mason said as he leaned next to a tree and crossed his arms. This trainer seemed interesting, and he knew how to treat wounded Pokemon. Some seasoned trainers didn't even know what would be right. He decided to stay back and observe as Fenrir bounded back to him.
The sunshine began to beat on her dark fur, making her blue icy tips shine. She looked over to see if the human from last night was still there, and was able to pick up her berries before running off. She charged outside at her full force, skidding past the cave she resided in for only a short while. Once she was outside, she took in her surroundings, trees that were common to Hoenn, of course, were encompassed not so evenly. There was some tall grass, and a few yellow flowers sprouting out of the ground. The wind seemed to blow softly today, and a few Beautiflies hovered overhead. Dusk sat down under a large oak tree to cover from the bright sunlight, then looked around for anything around her, apart from the Beautifly.
"Rowlet Rowlet" He says to Kaisa. Aegislash hears "So what are we going to do now because I want to battle!" Rowlet says. As Aegislash translates, Rowlet sees a sign that says "Welcome" on it and pulls Kaisa to it.
"It's okay," Arcynn grunted as he stood up, wincing at the pain from his sore legs. "The scar's nothing. Just from a long time ago." Arcynn heard something like angry bellows of rage. "Oh no, you guys have to move." He shooed them away angrily. "Run! Don't worry about me; this is my fight."
Mason stood there, watching the Pokemon and the trainer. "I might, I might not. It depends. What's chasing you?" The trainer asked, standing up from his leaning position, but keeping his arms crossed. Fenrir stood up, clearly ready for whatever was coming. "I'm not going to leave you alone to fight something while you're fatigued." He said, rather stubbornly.
"They're a clan called Raging Inferno, my enemy," Arcynn muttered darkly. "They murdered my parents and drove me out of our forest. They're the reason why I have this scar. Trust me, you can't do anything here. Now go!" Arcynn clenched his teeth, waiting for Typhlosion and Quilava to burst into the clearing. That's when he saw them. A bush erupted into flames as Arcynn's enemy clan stormed into the field, one whom Arcynn recognized as Thorn. Thorn roared in fury and charged at Arcynn as his body became engulfed in flames. As Arcynn sidestepped and flung Thorn away, he prayed the trainers and their Pokemon had left.
*A whole clan? I'm not even sure this Typhlosion along with Fenrir could take them, but he would last an even lower amount of time.* Mason thought. Shortly after, he had an idea. At about that same time, though, the clan of fire-types broke through the underbrush. He quickly took a look at Fenrir, and, looking into his eyes, the Lycanroc nodded, understanding her trainer. As Mason ran back to a nearby town, Fenrir stepped up, slamming her tail into the ground, and sending large stones (Stone Edge) at one of the newly arrived fire types.
As Arcynn fought, he noticed the Lycanroc hurling stones at the enemy clan. For now, there was nothing to do but accept the help, he concluded. He grabbed a Pyroar by the scruff and flung it backward, striking it with a deadly Flamethrower. Arcynn was holding off the Raging Inferno for pretty long, but he knew that soon, his strength would fail. He battled on, using Fire Punch and Fire Fang to take out any in his way.
After a few minutes of fighting, five Pokeballs flew through the air. All of the five Pokemon released from said Pokeballs clearly had an advantage against fire types. There was a Feraligatr, a Golem, a Blastoise, a Vaporeon, and a Tyranitar. Mason looked back at Arcynn, though he had yet to learn the Typhlosion's name, and gave him an apologetic smile. Giving his Pokemon a nod, Mason let them run wild, the Tyranitar using Rock Throw, Golem using Rollout, all three of the Water Types using an assortment of Water Guns and Hydro Pumps. Fenrir bounding around hitting Raging Inferno Pokemon with Stone Edges and Accelerocks.
Arcynn looked around. A variety of Pokemon were helping him, attacking the Raging Inferno clan members without fear. Suddenly, Arcynn was tackled from behind. He looked up to see a familiar Quilava snarling at him. "Remember me, loner filth?" he hissed with a familiar voice, shoving Arcynn's face into the dirt. "Brother!" Arcynn gasped as he struggled for air. "Why are you joining these bird-brained idiots? They murdered our parents!" "I don't care!" His brother Theraxx snarled, fury slowly increasing. "When you fled the forest, the rest of the clan held our family name in dishonor! Even now, our own clan taunts us! The only thing I want now is your head!" Arcynn thrashed to get free, but now, the fatigue from earlier had returned. Having no other option, Arcynn silently apologized and used Blast Burn, a last resort. A blinding wave of heat surrounded him as blazing fire enveloped the entire battlefield. Arcynn felt Theraxx loosen his grip and slumped into the grass, fainting.
Fenrir made her way to the Feraligatr quickly. Arcynn's Blast Burn had lit some of the foliage on fire. "Water Hazard! Take Shell Shocker and put out any fires!" She ordered. The Feraligatr nodded, and motioned for the Blastoise to follow him. Together, the two water typed starter Pokemon were quickly dousing the flames. Meanwhile, Fenrir was going over to where she last saw their ally, where he had been pinned by a Quilava moments earlier.
Arcynn's eyes opened for a moment. All around him he could see trees lit ablaze from Blast Burn, fleeing Raging Inferno warriors, and a Blastoise and Feraligatr trying to extinguish the fire. Theraxx was fleeing as well, but at the last second he turned and hissed, "This isn't over, Arcynn. Our leader will hear about this. And next time, you won't survive." Theraxx sprinted away, and Arcynn slipped into darkness once more.
Kaisa quickly backed away, returning the Rowlett on his neck to his pokeball. "Sorry, but I don't think you can battle now. I really don't want you to get hurt." Looking around, he realised the battle had been short, and was now over; with all the water types and ground types, the swarm was defeated in minutes. He took the medical supplies Rowlett had given him and checked whether there were any major casualties. There was only one. The Typhlogeon was too weak from earlier, and being attacked by the Quillava had made him resort to using Blast Burn, which used all if his strength and nearly set the forest on fire. The fire was dealt with by a Feraligator and Vaporeon, but the Typhlogeon was unconscious and close to dying. "Guys, we really need to get this guy back to my house, I can't heal him here. Aegislash, you get one end, I'll get the other." They picked him up and carried them inside the (quite scorched) house. Laying the Typhlogeon on the table, Kaisa turned on his PC and pulled out a max revive and gave it to him. He never kept it on him owing to the fact that people in the forest are quite commenly from those crooked organisations and like to rob people in it, and he couldn't loose something this valuable.
Pokemon: Yes
Name: Nature
Gender: Female
Species: Rowlet
Appearance: Like a normal Rowlet but with a purple bow
Personality: Kind,Friendly,Clumsy
Likes: Macaroons,Oran Berries,Water
Dislikes: Fire,Evil People/Pokemon,Bugs
Other: Was Originally from Alola,But she accidentally slept on a ship to Hoenn.When she woke up,she got confused where she was and just stayed there.Also she is active in the morning then other rowlets and has no clue about pokeballs.

The little Rowlet flew around the forest to find some berries for her to store up,When she found some Oran Berries she lit up with joy.She began to pluck one,but the berry fell down and she flew down to get it.She saw a trainer run pass the oran berry tree and she followed them out of curiosity.
Dusk caught a glint of water being blasted into the air, even though she was quite far away. Might as well check that out, she thought to herself. By the time she had ran all the way to the other side of the forest, and to another forest, the Pokémon that extinguished the fire didn't seem to be there. Maybe it was my imagination, she tried to make reason of this, and decided to look for a tree that wasn't charcoal, and was able to find one in perfect condition. She lay under it, her dark fur settling down. She had her berries in a small cloth bag, and she began to eat a Sitrus Berry she found along the way.
As Water Hazard and Shell Shocker finished putting out the forest fires, he returned his five Pokemon, leaving Fenrir out of her Pokeball. He then walked over to the trainer he had yet to truly talk to, and helped him carry the Typhlosion back to the cabin. He whistled, and called to Fenrir, "Fenrir, see if you can find any leftover Sitrus Berries." The Lycanroc nodded, and bounded off into the underbrush. As Fenrir slowly padded around, she kept her eyes and ears alert, in case any of those "Raging Inferno" Pokemon showed up. After a few minutes, she scented a Pokemon, and proceeded quietly, peering out of a bush. All she saw was a small, black and blue Pokemon. She wasn't familiar with it, but it clearly wasn't a fire type. "I'm assuming you only arrived here mere moments ago?" The Lycanroc asked, rather suddenly, stepping out from the bush.
Leaving the house to let the Typhlogeon rest, Kaisa walked outside to see the Lycanrock owned by a trainer he hadn't greeted yet talking to a Zorua. His eyes lit up when he saw the shiny pattern, and pulled out a Great ball. "Aegislash, pattern Omega" he muttered, and Aegislash started to charge up a Psycho cut, so that it wouldn't knock it out, and switched to Blade forme
Dusk was looking at the serene view overhead, apart from a couple of burnt trees, of course. Then, she heard the Lycanroc. Startled, she tried to grasp an illusion to mimic it, but it had already spotted her; it was too late. She just nodded silently. After a few moments of silence, she was hit by an Aegislash. She used Foul Play before running, trying to manage a way to avoid the trainer. She skidded around a few bushes and kept herself at a ready pace.
Aegislash quickly went into shield Forme and followed, with Kaisa on him. Narrowing his sights, he tossed a great ball
She hit the Great Ball back with her tail, leaving the item undamaged, still able to be reused. Dusk quickly turned back around to use a Quick Attack, which missed. I have to get it to stop following me, and with that she used Scary Face, to reduce the speed of her opponent. She dashed ahead until she was out of sight, even though she could still be caught up to, and tried to form an illusion of a Pokémon she saw. Lycanroc, she quickly pictured herself as one and was able to cast an optical trick, even though it was very imperfect, she decided that it would do.
Aegislash was strongly affected by the Scary face, being a Ghost type, and slowed down significantly. Kaisa jumped off, and continued on foot. Having studied the pokedex for a while, he knew how an illusion worked, so he ran through the forest, looking for Pokemon. Soon enough, having lived in the forest all his life and knowing the best way to run through it, caught up to a Swellow. Sending a quick false swipe, no illusion faded, so he continued forwards, until he reached a Lycanrock. False-swiping it before it could run away, Kaisa smiled as he saw the illusion fade, and chucked an ultra ball whilst the Zorua was still disoriented
As she was halted and soon captured into the Ultra Ball, she tried to escape, but no avail. The Ultra Ball shook once, then twice... Three. The center button went from a red halting to white to just white. The Zorua had been caught.
I suddenly feel really guilty catching a Pokemon nearly identical to one of my OCs

Kaisa celebrated happily. He'd caught a Zorua, and a shiny at that! Aegislash and him flew back to his house, grinning
(OOC: Dang, I might've tried to catch the Zorua myself.)
Fenrir sighed at the scene that quickly unfolded. It was unfortunate the trainer had interrupted her, but, she found what she needed, She headed back to the cabin, and lay next to her trainer, starting to doze off. At the same time, Mason was tossing one of his Pokemon's pokeballs up and down, bored, waiting for the trainer who lived here to return.
Tough, I got there first. I gtg after this.
Kaisa walked into his house, set down the pokeball holding Zorua gently, and sat down.
Once they'd returned to the cabin, Dusk's Ultra Ball began to glow, letting her out. She looked at her surroundings. There was another trainer, making her feel uneasy. She sat down in a corner, grooming herself, knowing that if she tried to escape, she'd just be sent back to the Pokéball. She lay down in the tight corner, trying to avoid the others, and because she still had her sack of berries, she put it down below her, examining the food supply.
Fenrir looked up as the Zorua releaed herself from the Ultra Ball. "Sorry about that." She muttered. "I would've helped you, but I was in battle a few minutes ago, and quite tired." She truly looked apologetic when she spoke. Of course, the two trainers in the room didn't understand them, and as she spoke, her trainer, Mason, stepped up and looked at Kaisa. "You got a PC in here I can use?" He asked.
Arcynn stirred. He sat up slowly. The only thing he could see were brick walls, a roof, and a table. He toured the house until he saw the two trainers from earlier. "Hey," he said groggily. "Whose house is this?"
Mason looked over at the Typhlosion as he awoke. His ability to speak with them still baffled him, frankly. If he was a Psychic type, or a Pokemon with Psychic abilities, sure, no problem, but he isn't. He thought it was rather odd. Upon hearing the Pokemon's question, though, he nodded to Kaisa in response, indicating it was his house.