Maple gently placed her paws on Acacia’s stomach, waking her up. “I went exploring and found a place where lots of trainers are gathering! Want to check it out and have some battles?” The Leafeon cheered, bouncing up and down. Acacia grinned. “Why not? I’m up for a battle. Let’s check it out!” They made their way to the Professor’s lab, but ran into a group of trainers nearby. They had Pokémon, too. And Acacia was pretty sure she recognised one if the boys... but where from? Something clicked into place. He’s that guy with the jetpack! She remembered, and held up her hand, seeing the Spearow they were battling. “Anyone here up for a battle after?” she was about to say, but she accidentally hit them with a portal flying out of her hand, sending them into a river dimension. “Oh no!” Acacia wailed. She normally kept the portals to herself, but she must have made a mistake. She gritted her teeth. “It’s time to get those trainers back!” She said to Maple, and they both jumped through the portal, landing in a river. As they pulled themselves up to the marsh close by, she spotted the boy and the girl she accidentally teleported, unconscious. Maple and Acacia ran over, but had no clue how to wake them up. They crouched down, and proceeded to wait.