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Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

--On this island off the Hoenn, Pokemon live on harmony Free from the possabiltiy of capture, There are no real protectors due to the Large Barrier protecting the island, Although. Storms loom dangergously close and strange cries and weather patterns come close to bring it to destruction, Is something going on--
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Age:Maximum 16)

Myandra Would of Stood on a sturdy branch The Silk Scarf around their neck blending with the white on their fur, Gazing against the horizon of Jade green leaves and the deep Sapphire oceans that surrounded Eternal Island.
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Name: Sato
PKMN: Lucario
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Sato would be standing in an opening of the trees of the forest he was deep inside of. He was training his skills and abilities to the limit, of course straining him now and then which prompted him to rest when needed but he continued to train until that point. He wanted to make sure that no pokemon were harmed due to some of them enjoying being the bully of the situation. Sato had nothing on at all, basically being a generic lucario but still was going to be training.
They'd hop from tree to tree, A mist covering the area they we're in. As they'd continue to travel Myandra would of Stopped to observe the lucario in its training
The lucario was meditating through movement, it was sort of like a crane style of movement, he was going slow and moving fast at times but he'd have his eyes closed and just continued to go with a flow, like a river, constantly moving. He didn't seem to slow down until finally he stopped in a meditated position and stayed there, who knows how long he's going to stay in that state of focus and concentration.
Name: Jenna
PKMN: Absol
Gender: Female
Age: 15

Jenna was walking threw the forest when she saw a Lucario who was training. She wanted to train her skills and abillity too so she walked to the nearest tree and used Sword Dance on it.
"Ha, take that!" Jenna exclaimed and used her special move. She jumped and made somersault and used Horn Attack on tree.
The Lucario would jump up and look towards the Absol, not sure what he was expecting. He didn't know if she was attacking him or doing something else which made him a little paranoid as he got into position for his attack, awaiting for the first attack. He'd eventually spoke going, "You, the Absol, why are you here?" He'd look at her with the scarlet red eyes that gave such a stare, almost like it was to intimidate those who would try to attack him.
The Lucario would glare at her before breathing out deeply and lowering his guard, he'd eventually go back to the meditated pose he was in so that he could continue his mental training for moves that required him to focus energy, like aura sphere and such. He'd just continue to relax and meditate, unsure of what is going to happen next or in general.
Myandra would watch as mist began to pour over the area Shrouding the meowstic and everything else in its obscuring haze, Myandra scanned both the Lucario and the Absol with almost no difference from when there was mist due to their Keen Eye abilty
"Fearful Lucario" Jenna thought. "I trained and he wanted to attacked me. Weird." Jenna said went to the tree where she trained earlier.
She jumped and bite one of tree's boughes. Bough breaks and Jenna fell on the ground. "Oww!" Jenna yelled and stood up. "Stupid tree!" Jenna sullen said. "Take that!" Jenna said and made her special move and cut down the tree. "Wops." Jenna whispered.
"They're efforts are not hindered By my mist. Interesting" Myandra Jumped down off her branch with a slight grace. Her Slight glowing yellow eyes Gave a dim light in the fog,
The lucario hears the tree falling and SLAMS it on the ground without it hurting a pokemon in the area, not wanting harm to come to anyone, even if he didn't know anyone.
"Would you like me to move that for you dear?" Myandra said with a tone of bland unimpressedness with an undertone of sarcasm The meowstics eyes now fully lit up, Giving heed to her location in the fog
He'd sigh, ignoring the fog as he walked back to his spot and continued to just focus on his meditation, he didn't want to be apart of any of this as he needed to keep focusing on just this.
The Lucario would continue to focus with meditation as he continued to listen to the nature around him, trying to ignore the two talking towards each other, he wanted to keep to himself and just himself as he didn't think butting in on business he isn't apart of is just rude.
"Myself, I am a meowstic. the "Constraint" Pokemon as humans call my kind." They'd look at the tree as it began to float and move away, Thanks to the Large amounts of psychic power they produce
They'd twitch and sort of tighten up "I'd appreciate it if you'd keep away from my ears, You may cause me to expose then and grind everything with a 30 meter radius to a pile of dust and leave." They still sounded bland in expression
The Lucario would sigh as he got up and went up to the two and said kindly, "Can you two please take your conversation somewhere else?" He'd said in a kind and calm voice without going over his usual attitude of being a grump in general.
"Look...I'm trying to be friendly here and I just want some peace and quiet, this is rare for pokemon to see as I am not the friendliest one of the bunch, now please can you go before I lose this calmness?" He'd say looking at her, he was showing signs of struggle, he was literally holding himself back from just chucking the absol, another sign was that he was physically shaking a little.
"Okay 'Mr. All Bothers Me That Breathe', I'll go and leave you to train your brain." Jenna said and went deeper into forest.

When she came deeper into forest she jumped onto nearest tree and spy on other Pokemon. "Well...Let's see..." Jenna said and looked around. "Nothing intresting here...nothing interesting there..Ugh! Who am I kidding...Here is so boring!" Jenna took a deep breath like she do not have reason to live.
The lucario almost snapped at the Absol but contained himself as he was now going to just stop his training and go up to the absol to apologize for his rudeness, that is what someone dear to him taught him, to be kind to even those who you don't know. He was now on a non-technical hunt for the absol so that he could apologize to her for being so rude.
The meowstic had made their way into a strange Area of bushes and trees with no seeming exit, the only reason you could know they was their was the fog Surrounding the area.
The Lucario was still looking for the Absol, he was still wanting to apologize for how he behaved and so he was going to do it even if it took him days just to find one pokemon.
Name: Salama
PKMN: Galvantula
Gender: Male

Salama rested in his electrified nest in a nearby bush. "Nothing like some peace and quiet to make anyones day" He said cheerfully. He sprawled his legs out in a comfortable position and continued to rest.
The Lucario was still looking for the Absol, probably loosing her by now, he started heading back to his meditation zone and just wanting to hope no one else finds him.
Nox the Zoroark emerged from his den located deep within a system of caves. He took a moment to stretch and yawn. "Let's see what goes bump in the night" The Zoroark said to himself with a chuckle.
The Lucario finally managed to get to his little meditation spot as he sat down and began to focus on just himself and his surroundings, ignoring anyone who talks, but will retaliate to anyone who attacks.
The Galvantula looked up from his electrified nest peacefully. He sees a Lucario has returned, but was minding his own business. If what I think is true, then if I leave that Lucario alone, then it'll leave me alone He thought to himself.

The Galvantula finally decided to emerge from his nest. He decided to head the opposite way of the Lucario, deeper towards the forest.
Nox slowly walked through the forest, wandering aimlessly keeping to the shadows. He spotted a galvantula and quickly changed forms, making himself appear as one. Nox approached the Pokemon trying to hold in a chuckle. "Hey" He managed.
Salama turned around to see another Galvantula behind him. "Oh hey..." He said. Hmm...thats odd, I've could've sworn that I've nested away from other Galvantula He thought to himself. He brushed his suspicions aside and decided to converse with he other Galvantula. "What brings you all the way out here?" He asked.