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Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

Salama looked at the strange Galvantula. "Is that so then? I'll be on my way then, just going to find some food" He said to the strange Galvantula.

He starts to head away towards the forest, slightly suspicious.
Nox bursted into laughter,
he was thrown to the forest floor by his laughing fit. He looked at his hands as his illusion faded and he returned to his usual Zoroark form. " I'm sorry, I just can't keep a straight face when I do that." He said, letting out a giggle. "Are you mad?" Nox asked, pulling himself up to his feet.
Salama looks back at the now undisguised Zoroark. "I'd be careful if I were you...Theres a Lucario nearby...and I don't think he'll take too kindly in loud noises right now" He said as he looked in the direction of the Lucario. "But I will have to admit, you got me, but, you should know that not many Galvantulas go near others nests without warning.
Name: Blu
Species: Meowstic
Gender: Male
Age: 15

Blu jumped from tree to tree searching for the sacred Oran Tree. He climbed a tree to see over the forest. There was a Giant Tree standing out. He ran toward it in haste.
Nox wiped a single tear from his eye. " Ah, okay thanks for the warning. I'll just leave it be." He replied, Nox followed the galvantula's gaze into the forest were this lucario must lurk. "And thanks for the info I'll keep that in mind." Nox replied, the Zoroark headed for the trees, nodding at the galvantula. "I'll be seeing you." He said as he merged with the shadows.
Blu fell over trying to jump on the tree that has been knocked over. He landed head first to the ground. He jumped up, dusting the dirt off. "Hey! Do you mind!?" He yelled.
Salama headed deeper into the forest until he came across two Meowstics. What is going on here? He thought to himself. Obviously, trying to get over the tree that the Female Meowstic knocked over for some reason He thought.
The Lucario was now walking around the forest for some food, whether it be human, pokemon, etc. He didn't care what he got, though he wondered if he is still around, he doubted it knowing his age but could he still be living in these parts?
"Hey!" Jenna said happily and jumped from tree and made somersaults. "What are you doing?" Jenna asked female Meowstic. "And btw I don't know your name." Jenna said.
The Lucario would hear the two talk but just leave them be, not wanting to interact with them at all knowing he's still being that "Solo" type of pokemon, which is honestly stupid of him.
Salama climbed up the tree to see an Absol heading towards him. He decided to stay in his tree and observe from above. "Now...what are those Meowstics up to?" He said mainly to himself.
"Well if you know Phychic, why dont you use it to lift it." Blu said rashly. Blu looked back to the tree. "Wait. Why were you trying to move the tree?" Blu asked.
Sato continued to walk, collecting as much berries as he needed, not wanting to hog them all up. He wanted to keep it where other pokemon can at least have their own berries.
"The tree, Is going to be a home, I convert old and unimhabited large bushes and tree's into homes and resting places for pokemon," They looked at the tree with frustration
Nox the Zoroark found a comfy spot In a berry tree. He laid down on a branch, picked a handful of berries and began poping them in his mouth one by one. After his meal, Nox tucked his arms behind his head.
Salama looked down from the trees overhearing what the Meowstics said. Homes and resting places huh? I'd vouch for that He thought. He continued to observe from above in the trees.
"Oh." Blu said. He looked between the tree, and the Gigantic Oran Tree. The tree seemed deserted. "Ok. How bout this. Ill help you move your tree." Blu said.
Salama gets hit with the Shadow ball and falls out the tree and landed with a loud thud. "Ow...well...that could have gone better..." He said.
He stood back up and looked at the Meowstic that sent out the Shadow Ball. "Normally I would question why you'd attack me, but I guess I did deserve that..." He said sheepishly. "So anyways, perhaps I can assist too?" He then quickly added.
"Ok. Lets hurry up then!" Blu said. Blu opened his ears wide, and started using Phychic. He lifted up the tree but not high enough. In a second he was struggling to keep the tree levitated. "A little help here!" Blu called out.
"If you can asist, Go fetch my toolkit, It's inside my tree, It;s the thrid one, They pointerd at one of the large tree's behind her. as she helped move the tree into one of the predug holes,
"Yes. This is the biggest tree i've dealt with, I'd suspect it's around 250 years old, Having a trunk witch of 1.45 meters, Suitible for small bird type pokemon or some small ground dwelling pokemon like espur or eevee.
Salama heads into the tree the Meowstic pointed at. He saw a strange toolkit nearby. I assume this is it? The Galvantula thought to himself.

He picked it up and hurried outside. "Is this the toolkit you needed?" He asked as he showed her the toolkit.
"Okay," They'd place it in the hole,"I CAN USE MY KIT NOW, Absol honey, Can you trim the small branches off?" They'd begin examining the tree

"And yes," They'd quickly take the kit, taking out a carving untensil and a chissel. "With this tree being so big, i can make this a double home.... and make it quicker with so many hands."
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"Okay," They'd place it in the hole,"I CAN USE MY KIT NOW, Absol honey, Can you trim the small branches off?" They'd begin examining the tree
"Sure!" Jenna exclaimed and go to the nearest tree. Ok, I can do this. Jenna thought and bite one of the tree's branches. Branch broke and Jenna made backflip and took branch into her mouth. Oh yeah! Jenna thought and smiled. I can do this one more. Jenna thought and repeat her special move.
They'd have been carving what appeared to be a door, "Galvantua, Can you remove the fungus and webs, Being a spider and all being able to climb over surfaces will help greatly"
Salama nodded at the Meowstic. "You can count on me" He said.

He climbs on the tree and started to remove the fungus and webs that are over it. He then put the web and fungus on his back to take them back. He continued to do this in the process.
"All of the small ones, Good. Unfortunately, I Cannot find you another job due to me having to carve out the inside and make it suitible, Although, Deep in the forest there is a Special plant known as "Vermillious Rootarious" It creates a warming scent, That's what i infuse the tree with, I'll need 3 bags of that, You can find the bags in my tree."