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Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

"Vermillious Rootarious?" Blu questioned. "You mean the Giant Green/Blue Plant. Good Luck! Its like Sweet Scent! There will be hoards of Pokemon there crounding it." Blu finished.
"Its like a barricade there! Last time I went there I couldent even get a whiff of the plant." Blu yelled. "Good Luck, umm. Whats your name?" Blu asked the Absol.
Salama finished picking the fungus and webs off the tree. "Perhaps I should go with her since I finished? The chances of getting it might be significantly higher if she has help" he advised.
The Lucario had his berries already, eating away at them but not all of them, leaving them open for any pokemon who was quick enough to swipe them. If they dare, that is.
Nox climbed down from his perch, he let out a sigh as he headed deeper into the forest. He began humming a tune as he slowly walked through the underbrush.
The Lucario would just lay on the ground, hands behind his head, smiling as he sun bathed in the opening of the trees. He loved the warmth the sun provided him and so he stayed under it for as long as he could.
As Nox traveled through the forest he began hearing voices. The Zoroark crouched down in the bushes as he followed the voices in the direction they were coming from. As he grew closer he finally found the Pokemon the voices belonged to.

Shrouded in the brush and bushes he observed them. An Absol and a Meowstic it seemed. They were at a berry tree but they were empty handed. Nox dashed towards them stopping a few feet away from them. "Hey you two what's going on?" He asked, the Zoroark spotted the disappointment on their faces. "Wait, are you two looking for berries?" He asked.
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Name: Penelope
PKMN: Roserade
Gender: Female

Penelope walked around, holding an Oran berry in her hand, she didn't need much of it because of photosynthesis. " hm? What's going on over here?" She said.
The Lucario is now asleep on the ground which has an opening letting sunlight come towards him which just made it easier for him to sleep, he was pretty defenceless.
--On this island off the Hoenn, Pokemon live on harmony Free from the possabiltiy of capture, There are no real protectors due to the Large Barrier protecting the island, Although. Storms loom dangergously close and strange cries and weather patterns come close to bring it to destruction, Is something going on--
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Age:Maximum 16)

Myandra Would of Stood on a sturdy branch The Silk Scarf around their neck blending with the white on their fur, Gazing against the horizon of Jade green leaves and the deep Sapphire oceans that surrounded Eternal Island.
Name: Inu
PKMN: Zoroark
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Inu would meditate on a branch of a tree. Taking in the surroundings around her. She looked at the others and rolled her eyes.
Blu sighed. "Well see ya. I have to go." Blu sighed. He waved and walked away. "Ugh. Note to self. Never help others before yourself." He gave another sigh.

(Too much Sighing. Sigh.)
The Lucario woke up and looked around, not sure if anyone is even around his space. He'd just go for another walk, now wanting to talk to someone as he was now on his break from Meditation which is going to last for awhile until he feels like it is needed.
Blu walked to his Den, in a mountain side. It was a small hole leading to a giant room. Not many pokemon could fit, which was good for caterpie, and weedle hiding from pidgey, and other pray predater, things. Blu layed down on a red worn, blanket. The den had been there for 5 years. Blu never decided to fix up, since nobody ever came. "Ahhh. Atleast I have a home." Blu said. As soon as he said that an earthquake started.
It had begun raining heavily where Myandra was, Unusual since the island never got more than needed, The ground was already waterlogged as she ran fir her tree, Taking her kit with her
Blu rushed out of his den. He shot out into rain, and the den had collapsed. "Figures, I didnt even put up suspension beams, or anything." Blu said. He ran out the rain and up a tree where he would stay untill the rain settled down.
"Holy Smokes." Blu yelled. He looked down the tree to see water flooding. The water was almost half way up the tree. There were bug and flying Pokemon trying to get up the the highest point possible. "Jeez." Blu yelled, climing the tree.
It got to the point that Blu had to use Phychic to hover himself over the water. He looked around to see Myandra using Phychic. He hovered over. "Hi." He teased.
Blu looked down. There was still water everywhere. "Heh no Im good, Id rather stay dry than wet." Blu smiled. He was already soaked because of the rain.
Blu sighed. He floated around. "Well the Pokemon are safe. Thats a sign." Blu sighed.

(Guys if youre gonna talk make sure you bubble it. () Also consider it as OOC.)

Example: (OOC: Omg I made Blu a jock! Lol.)
Salama climbed up a tree. "Jeez, I don't think this is normal weather" He said. He used Spider Web to attempt to block out some of the rain, but the heavy rain merely broke through the web. "Thats not good" he said.
The Lucario managed to find some shelter as he sighed and relax, he hoped that some pokemon, or anyone in general, would come by and maybe have a conversation with him.
On his way back to his den Nox spotted a Lucario taking shelter from the rain. "I wonder if this is the same Lucario the galvantula spoke about." He thought, Nox was now soaking wet and cold. He knelt next to the Lucario and rung out his crimson locks. " Hey, you need a place to stay? My den isn't to far away." He said offering a smile
"This is a good spot, it usually doesn't get soaked wet unless flooding happens." The lucario says, drying off from the rain as he was smiling warmly looking at Nox. He'd then lay back on the little shelter that is inwards on the side of a cliff and breath out as he then continued to speak, "So what's your name?"
"Oh I see, this does seem like a nice place to take a load off." The Zoroark said smiling, Nox looked at the rain clouds swirling around, they reminded him of a school of fish.

He was almost hypnotized by the clouds when the Lucario's voice snapped him out of it. " Oh my name? You can call me Nox, what is yours?" He asked, Nox used his paws to wipe back some of the hair from his face as he began to gaze at the clouds one more time.