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Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

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Hi! You have been accepted at Pokemon High! A school where your dreams are capable of coming true. There are some rules but, in this roleplay you are a Pokemon, as many sisters or brothers as you like. Now onto the rules. All the pokecharm roleplay rules. If you don't know them, then you should read them. No legends or shinies. I'll show you my introduction as a example.

Name: Trinity
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Sylveon
Sisters or brothers: Espeon (Sister)

Trinity walked into the school, breathing in the fresh air, it was about to clear up after the heavy rain.
She looks around to see no one. "I guess I'm early" Trinity thought. She wasn't really carrying a bag. She had not only come to learn, but to find a mate too. It was so quiet, all Trinity heard was the last raindrops dripping from the roof to the floor.
Name: Kagura
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Skuntank
Sisters or Brothers: None
Orientation: Lesbian

Kagura hadn't wanted to go to public school at all.

She'd have happily continued homeschooling right up until she went to college, but due to her father taking a new job, she simply couldn't be taught at home anymore. So, here she was, ready to once again face the hell that was high school. Ready for another year of teasing, and bullying, and all of the other delights that came with school.

Kagura dragged her feet inside, sitting in an unoccupied corner as she got out a book she'd been meaning to finish.
Name: Comet
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Rockruff
Brothers and sisters: An older
brother who is a midday Lycanroc
Orientation: Bisexual

Comet was nervous for a new year at a new school. Her mother said that this was a great new opportunity to make new friends, but Comet wasn't so sure about that. As she past the gates of the school, she noticed that no one was outside, which she was glad about. She didn't like large crowds.
However, it was raining, so the Rockruff quickly got into the school. She noticed a Sylveon near her and decided if she was to try and make friends, she might as well try now. " H-Hello! I'm Comet. May I ask of your name? "
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Kagura's ears pricked up at the sound of the husky tone of a rockruff. She was talking to a...Sylveon.

Kagura's blood froze. A sylveon had lead the group who tormented her back before she was homeschooled. She hated them. All eeveelutions, in fact. But mainly sylveons.

"She'd better not come over here," she cursed to herself, "If she does, she'll taste the end of my poison gas attack..."
Name: Espy
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Espeon
Sisters or brothers: None

Espy wandered around the school, trying to find the library as her red gem glowed brightly, the Espeon grinning cheerfully as she stumbled into a room filled with books. "Finally!" She whispered, wandering over to a shelf and picking out a book before flopping into an armchair to read. She wanted to make friends, but she didn't want to approach anybody. So she sat in the library reading, waiting for class to begin.
Name: Midnight
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Umbreon (Shiny)
Siblings: Také (Sister), Red (Brother)

Midnight yawned, taking a sip of his Coffee, his items orbiting his tail, a blue Aura surrounded the items, which signaled he was using Psychic. He drank the rest, then tossing the cup into a trash bin. Doing so he spotted a Skuntank. He shrugged, walking past her only to see two other females in the mist of a conversation. He walked around them as well, walking into an empty elevator and starting at the three before the doors closed and he was wished upwards towards the second floor.

As soon as the doors opened, he walked out, allowing other Pokemon to enter. He walked into the library, one of the books orbiting his tail was dropped into a small bin, labeled: "RETURN", in bold letters. He spotted an Espeon sitting in a chair across the library, although he didn't pay any mind towards it, only walking out of the library, the doors making a squeaking noise as they opened once again.
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Name: Stevie
Sister or brother: Feraligatr (not really family just close...)

Stevie yawned while entering the school "ugh still sleepy and I hate coffee why maybe...." Stevie scratched himself "that feels way better" then he saw a umbreon he tried to avoid the pokemon because he didnt want to be recognized
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Midnight saw the Litten from the corner of his eye. He shrugged, seeing him walk past him, not even a glance towards his direction. "Well, at least I have the dignity to stare in the direction of others. But walking past me without even a little stare is a bit rude, especially with such little population in the School." Midnight said. He was bold enough to say out loud, not giving such thought into the fact that others, even teachers could be listening.
*Casually shoves some information*

(OOC: I do NOT want people to be saying that my character is a Ditto when they interact with him because there would be absolutely no way for someone to normally identify them within seconds of encountering it. There's a REASON why I make his transformations with details and vague mentions, instead of just outright revealing who he is to actually force people to read instead of just passing over vital details. I also have balanced him out for RPing purposes.)

His name is Daniel.
Age: His age is currently unknown, though he appears to be in his teen years.
Species: He is a Ditto.
Gender: Although he is genderless, he is referred with male pronouns.
Ability: Limber (Grants the Pokémon immunity against the effects of paralysis.)
Appearance: Even though Daniel may not have any special clothing or accessories due to his body constantly shifting around, he can often be seen as a small or starter Pokémon when transformed. In his true form however, he does not have anything too special or dramatic.
Personality: Daniel tends to have a rather calm outlook, as he is patient and observant when it comes to dealing with encounters. He tends to pretend to be like the Pokémon that he is transformed to based upon how he wants to act as their age, since he likes to make others off guard in order to escape or even gain an advantage in battle when the situation presents itself. Although he can be a bit silly at times, Daniel can still get the job done with some dedication involved.
Special Features: Unfortunately, Daniel cannot transform into evolved or legendary Pokémon due to the fact that his genetic disorder inhibits his ability to grow past a certain limit as a result of a DNA fragmentation within his body. (And also for balancing purposes.)
Family: Most of his family is currently unknown.
Other: He does not have any siblings.

Daniel silently hopped into the school's entryway after managing to endure the earlier raindrops hailing on his tiny, bluish body like aerial gunfire. He wiped the last pool of water off of the mane of his soft, cloud white bubbles on his chest. He overheard some chatter coming from the library, as he gave a light croak towards the masculine voice after concluding that the source of the daring voice was likely older than him. The pupils on his big eyes dilated with a significant manner after the solar rays smacked his eyes as hard as a rushing train in the underground railroads of Manhattan. The mane of bubbles on his back and chest expanded to cover most of his face in response towards the intolerance of the dazzling lights of the forenoon sunshine.

He noiselessly made his way towards the library while taking out a book from the back area of his mane of delicate bubbles that was titled: Shapeshifting 101: Vol. II. He calmly placed the book in the returning bin after reading its bold label. He observed an Umbreon that was outside the library from a considerable distance after managing to find his way up on the bookshelves without detection, as its likely smooth, nighttime black body was more than enough to strike fear into his heart. His body quaked, as it avoided a brief, first class trip towards the hardwood floor body first thanks to some quick thinking. He threw some parts of the whitish bubbles on the floor and used it to cushion the fall like pillow made from cloud nine. The bubbles interlocked soon after he got off of them, as they were one whole after some intense seconds.

He quietly made his way towards a table after grabbing a book titled: The Social Triangle and You: Youngling's Edition. He sat under the table while hoping that his tiny, bluish body would not stand out from the overhead shadows the table gave off from the solar rays. He took another gulp of air after taking extreme notice of a nearby Espeon sitting on an armchair also reading and patiently waiting for school to start. He took several inaudible, lengthy breaths, opened his light, hardcover book and began reading the first few pages with a rather hurried fashion.
With nothing else to do, Kagura decided to head to class. Her first lesson of the day was English, which she expected to like. Back home, she'd loved learning about old literature, particularly the works of Miguel De Cervantes. Don Quixote was her favourite book...

She took a seat near the back, keeping her head down.
Stevie saw the umbreon staring at him ".....uh..what do you want....!" Meowed Stevie "g...g...go away!" Stevie then ran off not noticing a wall and hit his head
Stevie turned around seeing a rockruff coming at him "g-get away from me im fine!" Stevie then tried to stand up but couldn't "no im not fine i cant stand on it" he sighed he trield to walk away but then asked while blushing "c-c-can you please help me" laying on the ground
Midnight sighed. "And it's now when you notice me? You know what, forget it". He sighed, watching the Litten run off, hitting a wall in his stead. "The nerve of some people, lemme tell you!" Midnight groaned, walking off, heading to his first class.

Upon approaching the room, the items orbiting his tail fell down onto the floor. Midnight frowned, trying to pick his books back up with Psychic, he was unable to. "What? I can't use my powers once I'm in the classroom? Dang it..." He sighed. He bent down, picking his books up and placing them in his bag, hanging around his neck. He shoved his papers in his folders with haste, not wanting to be called out, although the class was near to empty. With that, he walked to a random seat and sat down.
Name: Beep
Species: Joltik
Age: 13 or something, i lost count.
Appearance: Looks like a normal Joltik, spare for the purple eyes and Swadloon-like cloak.
Personality: Memelord, usually very friendly. lowkey depression, highkey irony. can and will start crying. very jittery.
Siblings: Another Joltik around somewhere, named Boop.

Beep had scuttled in the scool, looking for some companions/pokemon to latch on to. He saw a Rockruff hovering over a Litten, so he decided to go over there. the Litten looked injured, and he had an approximate knowledge of veterinary practice anyway. "Hey," he said, trying to get across the long hallway, but failing due to his tiny limbs. "need some help?". He noticed some static electricity on the Rockruffs fur. "nice," he muttered to himself, and when he got there, he started with "what happened?".
"wow. uhhhhhhhhhhh....." Beep inspected the injured leg. it was hard being this small, but he felt he had to do it. All of a sudden, he had a shocked look on his face. "I'm pretty sure you just dislocated a bone somewhere, somehow." "I'm gonna need some help here." he said to the rockruff, with a smile on his face. "Oh, yeah. see where somethings kinda poking out? we gotta push that in," he said with his small, soft voice. "and i'm too tiny to do that. and thats where you come in." He looked at the rockruff with starry eyes.
Stevie looked with a shocked face "wait what! Push what in!? Stevie became worried "if only he was here" Stevie thought to himself and sighed "go ahead ruin me why not" Stevie looked at the two pokemon
"Nonono, its just... one of your bones somehow got out of place, so were just gonna do a lil bit of pushin'." he said with a smile. "you probably wont even feel a thing.". oh crap. he thought, are we even allowed to do this? A small crowd has already gathered, so he decided to just do it anyway. it'll most likely end out okay. he sighed. "i'm not even sure how that could happen." "I'll have to put a bit of web where it popped out so it won't do that again." how the HECK did i get myself into this?
Stevie didn't feel anything at all "ok thanks I think......." Stevie sighed and said "im Stevie h-hi........" he then tried to stand up he felt a bit weird for a second but then ok "sowhat now" he felt a bit uncomfortable just sitting there
"well, hi. my name is Beep." he replied. "let me just......." he reached into his cloak, and pulled out a bit of web. "let me just wrap this around your leg, so it doesn't get dislodged again." He wrapped the web around Stevie's leg, and stepped back. "welp, i hope we could be friends. anyway, as someone that was really jerky said; smell ya later." He paused. "i'm not a jerk, i swear."
Stevie said "f-friends I ......I dont know .....about that........" Stevie sighed an asked "have you ever met a human? sure you have right?" Stevie then sniffed at the cloak"so you where clothes?.......hahahahahaha" Stevie laughed but stopped "I think its not meant for pokemon but I think im wrong" he then licking his paws while swinging with his tail.
He shrugged. "I just get cold easily." He paused. "Hey, do you know if we share dorms? like, in general?" he asked. "Oh, yeah I've met humans. heh, I've actually sucked the power out of one of their communication devices. they then proceeded to kick me." He paused again. "that hurt."
Name: Aeon
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Salandit
Sisters or brothers: None

Aeon stood outside of the school, amazed at the building. He headed inside toward his first class, picking up his satchel and a dragging it along with him. As he arrived, he hopped into a seat in the middle, and yawned. "The teacher isn't here yet, I guess, considering the bell hasn't rung yet.." he mumbled, and then began to wait patiently.
Stevie stared at Beep "so are you the one they've said I will be sharing it with someone and I didnt know who I dont reall y like company" he just sat there "wanna get something to eat my belly needs food!" He then walked away
"Oh, yeah! lets do that, i guess!" Beep said, and then quickly ran over and attached himself to the back of Stevie's head. "a new addition to the cast." he said to himself.
Comet looked worriedly at the Litten are you sure you’re okay now, Stevie? Thanks for helping Beep! I’m Comet! “ Comet’s tail swished back and forth, had to know she was learning a few names.
"stevie, wait a sec. i'm getting this feeling that i should break the fourth wall and say that we should actually go to class instead of getting some food." Beep then took a small plushie of a small, carrot-like creature, stared it in the eyes, and then put it back. "yeah. soooo.... we should actually go to class right now, probably. instead of getting food."

ClockWork Breezy

Formerly VaporeonPlayz
Name: Jolty (Nicknames: Jolts, Sparkplug.)
Age: 15
Species: Jolteon
Romantic Interests: None, but has affections for females, particularly Flareons, and other Jolteons.
Siblings: N/A
Bio: Jolty is a pokemon with not much to say for himself. He hates going to school, and feels it is not a place for smart people, and that school should be a unique experience for everyone, not just having lessons drone on. Thus, he often skips. Nevertheless, he does his work, as he really cares about studying, and school. Jolty is a Science-Fiction geek, and his obsession with the supernatural, UFO´s, and monsters often feeds this love. He perfers to be alone, and has a hard time trusting others. Oh, also, he has a hatred for romance, so good luck trying to get him to fall for you. He is a ordinary Jolteon, with a blue star necklace, cracked glasses, and a strange mark on his cheek.

ClockWork Breezy

Formerly VaporeonPlayz
As per usual, Jolty trudged into class, late. He put his homework on the table, as per usual, and went over to his assigned seat, and sat down. He began to tune out the lecture of the teacher, opening his book, adjusting his glasses, and, squinting through the cracks on the left lens, began to read his book. I just have to play it cool, He thought, glancing up. Looking around to see if no one was watching him, he buried his snout deeper into the book.
"wait. heh, i don't even know my first class!" Beep grinned. "do any of us even know what we're supposed to be doing? i mean, i didn't even get a word from the staff yet." He paused. "and the RP maker hasn't said anything about our schedule or anything." He muttered to himself. "maybe there's some sort of...... thing we all are supposed to meet at? or something? or should we just know, for the sake of the rp?" He paused again. "maybe we should just do the last one." He finished.
“ No idea, but I might just pretend I have English first....sooo.... I’ll go to English I guess. “ Comet awkwardly turned around, having no clue what to do.
Aeon sighed as he saw a Jolteon walk into class, they were late too. He began to ignore the teacher for a moment and became immersed in his book. "This has to be the most boring class so far.." Aeon mumbled.
Stevie followed Comet "yeah.....english why not........i don't... .......care" Stevie smelled something weird something......and it came from..............Comet's tail! "Uhh C-Comet your tail..
." Stevie then stopped moving "do you always have this smell?" Stevie knew something was up
Comet turned around confused. “ My tail? What about it? “ She tried to grab her tail to get a better look of it, but she ended up chasing it in circles. She eventually got to dizzy and almost fell. She blushed. “ I-I’m not usually like this! S-Sorry! “
Stevie said "it's ok I've seen many do that" Stevie blushed too "it's something weird I smell something....." Stevie began taking a look at the tail and sniffed "wait a second...Comet don't you feel something weird on your tale?" Stevie asked
Comet shook her tail a bit. “ Now that you mention it, yeah, I feel SOMETHING. “ Comet knew better than to try and get a better look now, so she kept shaking her tail.
Stevie saw the tail shaking he stared at the tail while his tail began shaking too he didn't notice it "that tail..i feeel....wwweeeiiirrrddd" Stevie began drooling and passed out
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