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Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

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Stevie heard Court's voice and woke up "ugh...yeah I'm alright I think" Stevie paused and said "it's just your tail it made me pass out it was like an illusion or something" Stevie blushed "uhhmm I got a question" Stevie began to take a deep breath "how about we....c-c-can......................hang out sometime?"
"S-s-so when and where can we meet?" Stevie asked and began swinging his tail "we can skip school now hahaha...hmmm" he then looked at Comet with a face that she should knew


Previously Swirled
Romantic Intrests: girls, especially hot ones or kind ones
Personality: a slacker, tries to do good, but is too lazy to do so,
Bio: Sythn doesn't care for school at all, whatsoever, he only goes so he can get some approval from his parents who have deemed him a failure. Sythn looks like a normal Ivysaur except he wears shades that used to get him sent to the principal's office, but now no one cares.

Sythn was walking around the halls, not having a care in the world for this school. Then he decided that he should get to class or someone would probably get him a detention. While he was walking to his English class he saw a Rockruff shaking her tail for some reason, so he put on his shades and asked, "Hey what's going on, here?" Sythn asked, "Do you need some help?"
"uhhhhhh..... yeah, i guess so." Beep said, sort of trailing off at the sight of the ivysaur's shades, "We seem to have a problem with Comet here's tail. for some reason. uhhhh.... Stevie said that there was something on it or in it, so now we're trying to do something about it." Beep then looked at Comets tail. Seeing nothing, he sighed.


Previously Swirled
"Let me see," Sythn removed his shades so he could get a better look at the Rockruff's tail, "It's kind of hard to get a close look when she is shaking her tail like that. Luckily, I know someone who might be able to fix this." Sythn put his shades back on and looked at the group, "By the way what are your names?"
"Oh!! Well, i'm Beep." He said, questioning the ivysaur's soup eating capabilities. "I'm not sure if i should let the other two introduce themselves, or if i should introduce them myself, for the sake of the rp. But, if it's the latter, this rockruff is Comet, and the litten is Stevie." he paused. "if it's the former, then.... crap."
As class ended, Aeon snatched his satchel and began to walk out of the classroom. As he was heading to his next class, he saw a group consisting of an Ivysaur, a Rockruff, and a Litten. He walked closer to the group, attempting to eavesdrop on whatever they had been talking about.
Comet nodded her head. “ Hello, I’m Comet! Uh......yeah, Stevie said there was something in my tail, but I have no idea what it is. Can ya help? “ Comet stopped shaking her tail so they could get out whatever was on her tail.
“ Why are you biting my tail?! Just get whatever’s on it off! “ Comet was very, very confused, why couldn’t they just get whatever was on her tail, off?!
Stevie awnsered "I bit your tail because you got this" Stevie showed like a potion thing in his mouth and spit it out "blegh I dont want that in my mouth anymore do you know what this is Comet?" Stevie asked at the rockruff


Previously Swirled
"What is that?" Sythn asked while looking at the thing Stevie spat out,"I have many experiences with potions and I've never seen one like that." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a salandit walking towards them, "Who are you?" Sythn asked while putting on his shades.
Stevige sniffen at the lotion "hm.m well I don't really.........wait one second..........nope don't know" Stevie smiled and said "well we don't need to worry anymore right?" Stevie then walked to english class


Previously Swirled
"Well, I guess we can go to class now," Sythn reasoned, unhappy that he would have to continue his regular boring school day, "I have English so, if you also have it we could walk together." Sythn began to stroll to class and hoped that he wouldn't be called home due to him being late.
Stevie said to Sythn "im not that person that talk to people I dont like....doesnt mean I dont like you its I just met you and im egoistic...yeah why not" Stevie began heading I class shouting "im back bi-....I cant swear he...he..." Stevie just sat somewhere and did nothing


Previously Swirled
Sythn was used to being pushed away so he honestly didn't care. He began to read a book about different kinds of potions to see if he could find the one that was on Comet's tail. Eventually, he gave up and shut his book, he looked around the class to see if they were doing anything important. Waiting for the class to begin, he began to doze off as he usually does.
Comet nodded and also went to English. “ I guess we all have English first period? Cool! “ Comet sat in the back of the class, so she could read her adventure books without being disturbed.
Stevie grabbed something out of nowhere and held some snacks "ppsst Sythn Comet here a have some snacks if your hungry to nibble on but be careful" Stevie gave some snacks at the two and ate his snacks
Comet happily took the snacks. “ Thanks, Stevie! “ She whispered. She ducked her head into the rock lined fur around her neck and started to eat the food.
Stevie blushed and said "yeah no problem.....when is school gonna begin?" Stevie didnt know what to do because class didnt begin and he was bored (for the love of god this rp creator did you forget about this?)
Beep sat at the back of the class, next to Comet, to figure out that potion. while eating the S NA C C, he decided to spray the potion on one of the snacks. To his surprise, the snacks started to bubble and melt at the touch of the potion. Eyes widened, he turned to Comet. "C- Comet?" he asked, in shock. "I think you might wanna look at this."


Previously Swirled
Sythn was woken up by Stevie's whisper, Be careful he said, like this was his first time sneak eating, he saw that the teacher was not paying attention to the class, he ate them quickly. When he heard that the potion on Comet's tail could have killed her he was confused, "So wait, this potion that you poured on your snacks proves that Comet could have died?" Sythn was a little concerned but he kept a cool head, he told himself, could have died, good thing she is alive and well.
Stevie then looked with shocked eyes "what if I bit her tail and my tongue" Stevie ran to the nearest mirror and saw a dark/purple thing in his mouth but didn't saw his tongue "g-guys uhm help?"
Comet snapped her head over to Stevie. “ Ummm.....that’s not good. That.....that is the opposite of good! Guys, what do we do?! “
"Well, i say Stevie should go to the nurse." Beep said, sort of panic-stricken."Right now. Probably." He looked at the snack. "that was the last one too." he sniffed.
Stevie sighed "well time to get to the nurse" he walked out of classto the nurse and said there was something wrong with his tongue (if it's still there)
Comet gave Beep one of her last snacks. “ Here, I’m not super hungry. “ She stuffed the rest of her snacks into her bag, to eat later.
"Thanks for the unidentified snack." He said to comet, and started staring off into space. how and why would an acidic potion be in Comet's tail? He thought, Well, since this this is technically a romance rp, someone is probs really into comet, and is jealous of Stevie maybe? Beep shrugged to himself, and started questioning how he could hold the pencil.
Stevie got back In class and said "maybe I need another tongue or someone must use something with their magic like idk" Stevie sat down "but it doesnt do anything more so im safe" he waited for the ring and waited and waited
Comet nodded to Beep. “ You’re welcome. So...you’re tongue is alright, Stevie? That’s good. “ Comet heard the bell ring and got up from her chair. “ Well, I think I have gym next period! “
"I have something about sience stuff and yeah" Stevie then walked to sience class and began looking around "oh and comet I dont really have a tongue its just a weird thing in my mouth like a bubble" Stevie then headed in science class
Comet just kinda tilted her head in confusion. “ Okay....not weird at all...” Once she made it to gym she stood off to the side, waiting for the teacher to give instructions on what the activity was today.
"According to no one, i do too. and no rp master can tell me otherwise." On the way down to the gym, Beep questioned to Comet, "I think theres some reason behind this, Comet. Since this is a romance RP, my thought is that someone wants you, but is mighty jealous of Stevie for trying to get a date or sumthin, but didn't get the whole story and tried to get rid of Stevie. Or something." "But i have no idea."
Comet stared at Beep like he was just a tad bit crazy. “ Why would anyone be jealous? I don’t know a lot of people here, so that just seems a bit weird. But, alright...” The teacher explained that we were to get into pairs and practice defensive moves that weren’t Protect. “ Hey, you wanna team up? “
Upon seeing Comet's facial expression, Beep replied with "Yeah, pretty much." "You know love at first sight, right?" After the teacher explained something not important, Comet asked Beep to team up, and he replied with "Sure, why not?"
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