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Open Pokemon High (Romance Roleplay)

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Previously Swirled
"Sorry for the wait Zak I zoned out there." The ivysaur said sheepishly following the Gallade to his the Zoroark's dorm.We can talk in your dorm i guess and I think it's something you should hear." Sythn then turned his attention to the Zoroark, "Hi Im Sythn whats your name?" He liked having the knowledge that he was still part of a larger world.
"Hi, My name is Shadow, That dragonair was me." Shadow said. " I'm Sorry if I confused you, it's just that I can't contol what I transform into, I can only change myself back." Shadow Explained.
Beep decided to go with Sythn and Zak, because he had nothing else to do. Anywhere. Even in the freakin Eveefree Forest thing. Nothing. Seriously. "Hi Shadow." He said, *filler*. "I go by Beep." He explained. "Also," Beep added, dissolving into pure stardust. "See ya later!"
"So, what do you want to talk about Sythn" Zak said. Then he realized. "Ooooohhhh, I get it!" Zak then made his post a bit short to read Beep's post.
"What the!" Shadow screamed. He was surprised that Beep disolved in thin air. "How do you do that?" Shadow said as he examined The stardust on the floor.


Previously Swirled
"What the heck how can he do that?" Sythn asked, outraged and confused,"But then agan I'm learning how to teleport short distances by using a book so screw logic. Also Zak if we are going to talk now, can Shadow not be here, it's kind of private." He said this with a polite tone as he didn't wish to offend Shadow.
"I decided to stop replying to the thread for the night, and gave a good excuse so i can't even do anything if i wanted to." Beep said, stardust swirling and glowing with every word. "So..... Bye." He said, flying out the window. "I'll just read the thread, lol. Friendly reminder, i know all. There is no privacy. Have fun in your private convo!"
"Sythn, I think he is ok with that. Shadow?" Zak was anticipating to hear what Sythn would say so he was in kind of a rush. He headed into his dorm hoping Sythn would follow.
"Yeah, It's okay, besides, I did stop the battle, I hope this can help me repay you?" Shadow asked as he layed down on his bed and went to sleep. Then Shadow added "You can talk in my spare bedroom, it's empty in there".


Previously Swirled
"Thanks but we were going to talk in Zak's dorm, but the offer isn' unappreceated." Sythn said this while waving with his vines. He started to follow Zak to his dorm, knowing that the Gallade would know where his own dorm was.
"Alright" Zak said after they had entered his dorm. "So I need to know. Do you have a crush on Kyra?" Zak was so excited for Sythn for finding someone even though he had not found one himself. "C'mon, Sythn, tell me!"

(anyone going to respond?)
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Previously Swirled
"Well maybe, I don't know. What if I did." Sythn was blushing as soon as he heard the words come out of Zak's mouth. He did show some of the standard signs of having a crush and he may even have a chance with Kyra, "Firstly, don't tell anyone yet, secondly, what do I do since I do have a crush on Kyra." He would be pretty embarrassed if anyone else found out so he wanted to have this conversation in private.
"Oooooohhhhhh!" Beep exclaimed, particles flying through the window. He materialized, saying "Someone has a-" before experiencing astral lag. "I'm gonna be right back." Beep said, running t the bathroom. He then noticed no one has even talked about eating or using the bathroom this entire time. Strange.
"Ok, we'll figure this out" Zak said calmly. "Let's just see what you like about her, and how we could make her like you..." Zac was overwhelmed with joy for his friend, yet sad at the same time. He hadn't found anyone that could be his girlfriend, let alone have one! Zac tried practicing teleportation, while waiting for Beep to come back, and for Sythn to respond.
Name: Ribbons
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Sylveon
Sisters or brothers: Eevee (Brother) and a Vaporeon (Sister)

Ribbons went to her new dorm room. She was very smart and skipped a few grades in middle school. She knew high school wouldn't have anything to teach her. She didn't talk about it though. When she was little, she loved to look at the stars at look at the shapes they made.
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Beep sang and played the first note of All Star, before busting out of the bathroom singing "-BODY ONCE TOLD ME," and walking casually back over to Zak. "That the world was gonna roll me." He said, sitting down on some books.
Ribbons heard the song and ended it with "I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed." She then walked over to a bookshelf and took out a book. Ribbons smiled, but she wondered who was in the room beside her. She made her mind up that she would go over there. Ribbons knocked on the door of the dorm. "Hello?"
"OwO, What's this?" Beep said, walking over to the door. He looked through the peephole. "Oh hey!" Beep said, as if she was an old friend. "Yo Zak, can we let a fellow RPer in here? Of course, we'll have to introduce everyone. There's like, what, 5 of us?"


Previously Swirled
"Oh hey Beep, how are you?" Sythn said casually as he stacked a pile of books so he go get to Zak's ear and whisper something, "For one, she is kind and is nice to be around, second she is levelheaded thirdly, she cares about her friends and lastly, she is kind of beautiful, but that's an added bonus." The Ivysaur didn't want anyone else to hear and now it may be a little more than private.
"My name's Beep," He said, through the peephole. "I have no idea whether i can let you in or not, so i'm just gonna let you stay there for the moment.". Beep said. He thought about what his dorm looked like. He imagined a shabby-looking room shared with a pissy Roggenrola. Beep winced, before projecting to the library to maybe wake up Kyra. "Psssst. Kyra. Kyra. You've been out for a bit." He said, before going to his original position just inside the door.

Shadow was looking around the corner seeing Sythn and a Silveon he had never seen before, he tryed to get a closer look but he triped, he had changed into a Scizor. "Ouch! That hurt!". He quickly relized that everyone was staring at him, Shadow quickly ducked, undercover
The Leafeon jerked awake from her nap, falling onto the ground, confused. She'd had the weirdest dream that she'd stopped getting notifications for the thread.
Weird, she thought, getting up and dusting herself off with her tail, looking around.
"Oh, Arceus. Hey- Beep? Quick question. Um.. where did everyone go?" she mumbled, cheeks flaring. It always was an embarrassment for her, waking up around friends, mainly because she knew that she was not a pretty sleeper.
Shadow found a vent leading to where Beep was, he found the exit vent and lept out of it, and triped, he fell ontop of a book shelf and he acedently fell and landed hard on his head, he looked around, he was in the middle of Beep and a Leafeon
"Oh, hey Shadow." Beep said, watching the Zoruark trip and turn into a Scyther. "See ya." He had known Kyra was talking to him, but she was in the library with Shadow apparently, while he had only projected his mental form to there for a short while. He really wished people would listen to the specific words he'd say when travelling, but whatever man. Should've used an Awakening.
"Sorry" Shadow said as he changed back to his origanal form as a Zoroark, "Why does this kind of thing keep happening to me?" He said as he just walked around looking for some book that could solve his problem.
The Leafeon had looked around curiously when she got no answer. Naturally she just assumed Beep was listening somehow, but she shrugged, and was about to go find them herself, when WHOP, a Scizor flopped in front of her from... the ceiling. She backed up a tiny bit, rather startled, but easily recovered her calm demeanor.
"Wow. Um, are you okay-?" she started, when he changed into a Zoroark.
This kid's just full of surprises, hm?
Then Shadow put his attension on the Leafeon. "What's your name?" Shadow asked. he was curious and wanted to learn about what happens or happened in this school, he looked back at Beep, He Thought "Beep seems to know a lot, mabye I could ask him?"
She offered a friendly smile, tilting her head slightly to the side as she did so. She never really noticed that she did this until now.
"The name's Kyra. You're new here, right? I don't think I've seen you around," she stated curiously. Then again, she realized, there was a chance she had seen him around, but he was just disguised. Regardless.
"Yeah, I'm new here" he replied, "The dragonair that was in the battle field was me, But i didn't purposliy do it, i just randomlly change form."
He started looking in the non-ficionanal section of the libary.
After a little while of standing at the door, Ribbons decided to leave. She wasn't tired, but it was midnight. She took her bags, which were laying on the floor, and hung them up. She then sat on the couch, reading a book.
Kyra tilted her head, watching him browse the shelves.
"If you don't mind me asking- what exactly are you looking for?" she asked curiously.
"I'm trying to look for something that can make me control what I can transform into, because it's at random right now, but i can turn back with ease." he replied with his eyes still scaning the book shelfs.
Beep had nothing else to do, so he dissembled himself, and flew through the hallways down to the librarby. He reassembled into a book Shadow was bout to open, preparing to play the 'Bring Me To Life' KidzBop cover, at full blast.
Now, the Leafeon was good with libraries. Not because she had some insane gift, but because she happened to spend a lot of her time in libraries.
She got up and looked around, straying further from him. A moment later, she walked back with a somewhat dusty purple book.
"A Zoroark's Guide to Transformation," she said, reading off the label. She was about to speak again when something... horrific... interrupted her.
"HOWWWW CAN YOU SEEEEE INTOOO MY EYYYESSS LIKE OPEN DOOORRRRSSSSS" filled the room in a child's voice, and she staggered, dropping the book, flattening her ears against her head, scrunching up her nose. It probably wouldn't have even bothered her as much if it weren't Kidzbop.
Heccin' Kidzbop..
Kyra scrapped the book from the floor. "Would this work?" she asked, her cringe evident in her voice.
Shadow picked up the book and heard music blasting through his ears. he put his hands over his ears and tryed to block the sound out but he still heard it and he fainted ( i am going to sign off now).
"Great." Beep said, stopping the 'music'. "I killed him." Of course, he knew he didn't kill him, but whatever man. He picked up the book, and flipped through it. "Oh hey," He exclaimed. "There's a chapter about rando transformations." He showed the book to Kyra.
Kyra glanced at the fainted body of the Zoroark, shrugging nonchalantly, as though she'd seen that sort of thing every day.
"Yep. He is completely and utterly dead," she agreed, in a joking voice that she managed a grim edge on. The book was brought to her attention, and she looked at it. "When nervous, Zoroarks, especially young ones, tend to shift between random Pokemon, usually the species of their peers. However, in extreme cases of anxiety, the Zoroark will change to a Pokemon that they probably haven't even seen before," she read, glancing back at Shadow. "Guess he's just nervous?"
"I have no idea." Beep said, shrugging. "It also says here transformations can be caused by certain physical tensions." He quoted. Beep then scuttled towards Shadow's face. He pinched an area above his right eyeball, stepped back, and watched what pokemon that he would transform into. "Heh. Imagine our conversation, but from anyone else's perspective."
"Estoy muy emocionado por la escuela mañana". Ribbons dijo. "Me pregunto a quién conoceré". Pensó en cómo sería la escuela. Ella no había mirado la escuela en su camino hacia allí, pero imaginaba que sería hermoso
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