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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

He started to laugh as he looked down and saw his claws covered in the blood of his trainer, the darkness expanding through his mind at a heavy rate.
Kyu got 4 balls with psychic and launched them at roserade extremely fast and there tracking as well
Meanwhile with Adrian
He's in his lab getting something ready and chuckling "I know what to do.."
He shook out of the nightmare. "No, I would have never hurt her in my life. I-I know it isn't true." He got up and slowly walked to Kyu's side of the gym. "I-I still have all of my friends." He smiled as the darkness left his body and faced the opposing team. It was obvious that his head was still in pain.
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Roserade got pelted by the dodgeballs, but the illusion of nightmares was still up. A flamethrower propelled dodgeball flew at Jolteon as his mind was infested with horrors beyond imagining.

Sun was alone in a void of darkness. He couldn't see where it began or where it ended. Then, he saw something that made his heart skip a beat. It was the Lopunny from the picture, standing there with a sweet smile on her face. Sun rushed up to her, but she disappeared into smoke. "Are you ashamed of yourself because you couldn't save me...?" echoed a female voice. Sun looked around frantically for the speaker, recognizing the voice. But when he saw what was behind him, he almost screamed. The Lopunny had several claw marks on her now, and she was a torn-up wreck. Then, she fell over, disappearing into smoke, and then forming a new image. One by one, Sun saw himself losing those he held dear to him. He sank to his knees, alone in the void again.

"C-come back...d-don't leave me here...!" he whimpered.
He rushed over to Sun as he screamed and tugged on his leg quickly, hoping to break the illusion so that he could play properly. "Sun, you need to snap out of it! What you are seeing is not true! Please, you must fight through the false thoughts."
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Kyu saw her trainer beating her with his zero point energy "you fucking disgrace! I should have never made you"
Kyus eyes are watery then she snaps and breaks out of the illusion extremely pissed "how dare you!!" She got a lot of the balls with psychic and launched them at the zoarak
Ken launched a ball with the force of a dark pulse. "HA!" Ken launched the ball at the zoroark, hitting it before the psychic balls. "Don't mess with my friends..."
Zoroark acrobatically leaped from one side of his team's boundaries to the other, laughing his head off as his illusions played all kinds of tricks on them. Sun stood up upon hearing Hydri's cries, still trying to fight off the illusion fox's mirage. "Get...GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" he roared, blaze kicking a ball away. It hammered into Ferrothorn and knocked him off the walls and sent him flying back out of bounds. Now all that was left was Zoroark. He let out a laugh as he cast another illusion, forming copies of himself and hiding among the crowd. "Which is the real me? I wonder...Am I here? Or there, perhaps? Maybe I'm right behind you!" he laughed. "Which one, which one..."
Kyu closed her eyes as she sensed for his life force since the illusions didn't have any....
"Found you!" She used power up punch as hard as she can toward where he was
Jack ran back into the gym and shouted at the jerk of a zorack "Get out of here. Now"he sent a flamethrower at zorack aiming for the chest not noticing that kyu was in the way but when noticed it was to late he had unleashed his full power in the flamethrower that was sent directly at kyu
Zoroark's eyes bulged out of it's sockets as the ball hit him directly between the legs. He let out a yelp as he rolled to the ground, curled up and trying to make the pain go away. "GAME!" Machamp called out. "Great work, everyone! Class dismissed!" He dismissed his students with a proud grin. Then he Stomped on the ground, forming a rock slide that stacked into a wall in front of the flamethrower attack, blocking it.
She turned around and saw that the flamethrower almost got her but a stone wall got in the way and she sighs in relief "thanks coach and jack did you do that in pourpose?" She doesn't look mad,just confused
"I I don't know what I was just" he shut up before he screwed up anymore he just sat down by the wall "I just don't know anymore" he sat there quietly not knowing what to say to kyu
"No" he said dryly "no there is nothing you can do just don't worry about me" he said just sitting there "I'll be ok you can go" he just sat there looking down at the ground "I I just need some time"
"Can we go to the poke center now Kyu?" He was sitting down, still holding his head up despite how much it hurt. "I-I have been waiting patiently during the game but felt as if I needed to help you guys."
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"Oh yeah ok guys we will be right back"she carried hydri "we're gonna teleport get ready!"she waits a second for him to be ready then teleports
Meanwhile with Adrian
Evil chuckle "my final project is almost ready but maybe I should send em a lil greeting" he presses a buttom
"Th-Thank you for taking me here, I really needed to figure why I have a headache. Then we can go back to the school and finish our day up alright?" He smiled at her as he covered his eyes with his arms.
She smiles and takes him there and a nurse is there "yes may I help you?" She asks smiling and kyu smiles back "yeah my freind here is having headaches and could you guys help him?"
He looked at the nurse with a single eye. "It has been bothering me a lot today miss. I can barely even think with it like this." He covered both of his eyes.
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Kyu... Please teleport me. Ken thought as a massive headache hit him, causing Kyu to recieve the message. Ken was cornered now by the Zoroark. "Not so powerful now, huh?" the Zoroark said.
She looked at him and examined him thinking "mmmnn has there been any injury or sickness that you can remember that could have made you like this?"she asks as she gets something from her drawer
Ooc (jack we already won the dodgeball tournament)
Ken used water shuriken on the Zoroark, as the Zoroark fainted, he ran. Come on Kyu, where are you? Ken ran to the Pokemon center and found Kyu. "There you are. Hydri? You okay, man?" Ken asked.
She sighs and has a pill "we'll take this and take a nap and when you wake up,you should feel all better,it helps fix any brain injuries and pain and can only work if you sleep"she smiles "you could only sleep for like half an hour or so so don't worry about sleeping ALL day"
Ooc (ken,the fight already ended a while ago ._.)
"So anyways, Kyu, would you like to...erm...go out sometime...?" Ken asks Kyu. Stupid! I can't even be confident when asking out someone... "I'll pay for the date, if you're interested...?"
Jack gave ken the death stare for asking kyu out "you are a idiot" he thought looking at ken the anger going though his head made him want to kill ken for asking kyu out but he held himself back and just kept sitting there
She sighed "I gotta take care of the lil guy first heh and maayyyybbbbeeeee I'll consider it"she smirks and teleports him to her house and puts him on the spare bed and teleports off making sure he's ok
She teleports back to ken and jack "well here's the thing I can't just say yes,you kinda need to get to know me better and all that jazz sooooo no for now I guess"she shrugs
"Okay." Ken said while gritting his teeth. You are ON. Ken walked out of the Center, and charged his power. Can't be too prepared. "So anyways, what?"
"She not gonna go out with you she's not gonna go out with me accept that move on and just back off" he said as calmly as he could he turned his back and started to walk off "life is full of disappointments we just have to live with it"
Hiya! I sent my bio to @Adrian corona via Conversations and he accepted me. Here it is! ^^
Name: Aralie(Prefers Ari or Lee)
Age: 15
Who Pokémon there are: Lucario
What grade they are in: 9th
Likes: Videogames, art, music.
Dislikes: Jerks, people that hurt her friends.
Personality: Loyal
Abilities: Very good with aura(Have you seen Lucario and the Mystery of Mew? Like Sir Aaron's Lucario)
Ari's paws pounded against the road. She was already over an hour late for her first day of school! The Lucario growled, hating the way her dark maroon-and-silver aura braces felt against her front paws. They were supposed to help her control her inner demon, as she liked to call it. There had been an incident at her previous school. A Zebstrika had decided to bully her best friend, Disaster. Disaster was an Absol that was rather...weird. He had just made a remark about a joke Aralie had made, and Zeb, the Zebstrika, barged in and remarked to Disaster's remark. This sparked an argument, and Zeb decided it'd be funny to Rai, his Rapidash girlfriend, to attack Disaster. But he didn't just one-and-done, oh no, he kept Stomping on the poor Absol. Even after Disaster had been knocked out, Zeb kept going. Ari had lost control completely, and severely hurt the Zebstrika for hurting her friend so badly. She didn't remember any of it, and had passed out after she was done with Zeb. All three Pokemon were rushed to the Pokemon Center. Zeb and Disaster were taken to an actual hospital, both in critical condition. Ari had been expelled for her outburst and sent to the new school with her 'Power Braces'.

She ran by the Pokecenter and noticed two male Pokemon...'Talking'. Both looked like they could kill the other without a second thought. Ari ran up to the duo. "Hi, I'm new, could you tell me where the highschool is?" She asked hurriedly. She could feel the hatred in their auras. "And what's with all the," She moved her paws around, signifying that she could feel their negativity, "Murderousness? Something up?"
"Oh trust me, I would know. I was abandoned, a 'breedject' by my trainer." Ken's body was becoming enveloped by darkness. "You don't know a life of SOLITARY, now would YOU?!" Ken's power was skyrocketing. "I HAD NOWHERE TO CALL HOME. JUST A DEN!!!" Ken's power was at the maximum.