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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

The robots chopped up the water shurikens and blocked the entrance
Kyu got there as well as Adrian
"Guys your gonna have to beat them! I can't disactivate those robots" says Adrian
Kyu cracks her knuckles "with pleasure as she got with hydri and ken and the 5 robots got in a sword fighting position
"I-I am sorry mother, I could not find it f-for you." His hoodie had been ripped which made him very pissed but he could not do anything besides lift his left hand and created small aura spheres which he used to cut through multiple parts on a single robot.
There are only three robots left and they each charged at them extremely fast and flipping and began fist fighting them really fast
Kyu is talking while fighting "if your after the dark thing you could have asked Adrian instead of risking being here" she said dodging
Sun lay in his hammock, wondering if he made the right choice. After pondering for seconds that felt more like hours, he let out a sigh and leaped out his bedroom window, making his way toward Adrian's house by following the scent of machine oil, praying he wasn't too late. When he got there, he leaped in through the attic window and saw the commotion. "HEY RUST BUCKET!" he shouted to one as he used Blaze Kick to knock it into a wall.
"That is not what I am here for!" He yelled as he charged another robot into the wall and dug his blades deep into its body.
The robot disactivated where hydri was
The Other one with sun shakes its head and quickly flipped and did a lot of complex turns and kept up and attempted to roundhouse kick sun
Kyu was busy facing the second and final one
Sun watched his opponent's movement carefully, and blocked the attack with some effort using his leg. He then did a low, sweeping blaze kick, knocking the robot off it's feet before giving it a fiery flurry of kicks. His blows left scorch marks on the robot's exterior, perhaps a dent or two. Then, Sun raced at him with blazing speed, hurling a stone edge attack at it.
He limped over to Kyu and stabbed the robot she was facing from behind, dragging the blade down its body as he fell onto his other hand.
All the robots have been beaten
"Y-yeah sorry guys I think it's best we take a break from all this insane stuff it's late.."said kyu tiredly as she fell down and passed out and went into a deep sleep
Adrian stretched and picked up kyu on his shoulders "nice work kids but I think it's best if you three sleep at your houses thank you all you've done good"he smiled
Sun gave a nod and went home. Climbing through the tree branches in his bedroom, he made his way to his hammock and slept. Meanwhile, Lucius had finished writing for the day, and turned off his computer. Leaving his office, he went into his bedroom and went to sleep as well.
Ooc (have to sleep early for tommorow if you guys want to continue while I sleep you could start from your homes in the morning getting ready for school)
It had now become a hobby of Sun's to wake up early for school. He always wanted to be early to fit in some training before class. Swinging down from his hammock and making his way to the kitchen, the infernape packed his books and something for lunch, scarfed down the breakfast Phantom left him, put on his jacket, and left the house before Pandora could wake up and annoy him. The crisp autumn air greeted him with it's slight chill as he walked to school, leaves crunching under his feet. When he found the parking lot empty, as it always was at that time, he put his backpack down and took off his jacket before getting into a stance.

This was nothing new to Sun. Whenever there weren't any opponents, his father had said, you could always imagine them. Sun closed his eyes, visualizing his "enemies" before opening them and letting out a fiery kick at the imaginary foe. The air rippled around his leg from the heat, and Sun turned the momentum from the kick into a jumping hook, his foot slicing through the air at a high speed. He resumed his shadow sparring routine, making sure to follow the flow of his own momentum and movement to link one move into another.
*Kristina Woke up Still Tired from the Hard work Yesterday She put on a White and Green Dress Looking like the Things on Her Body She put on her Little Black Shoes And Grabbed her Crossbody Bag,Racing to the Kitchen Her Mom was Making Breakfast Kristina Sat down and Ate After Finishing She Gave her Mom a Kiss and raced out the door to School
Jack got up and headed for school he saw sun he frowned and stayed away and hoped he wouldn't be noticed on the inside he cried about how ashamed he was about himself and what he had done the day before
Kyu slowly woke up and looked at her alarm clock and quickly got up "shit shit shit" she was thinking to herself as she ran and got her things read
5 minutes later
"Ok I gotta go dad love you"she quickly kisses him bye and ran out
She quickly caught up with a few of her freinds "hey jack do you know where hydri is? Or is he still asleep?"
"Pretty good considering I couldn't even get on the bed. But yesterday was alright, I trespassed and deserved to be hit by those blades. I was looking for something I had lost." He sat down in a chair.
Tears swelled in his eyes. "I-I was looking for information on my old trainer, she has been gone for years and I am starting to worry that she may be hurt. I'm not sure you can help me with that though."
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He rubbed his chin something he and kyu have in common "well I mean if you had any DNA sample of her like boood or a piece of hair or something I have something that COULD determine if she's dead and where she is located" he smiled "maybe I could help after all
Meanwhile with the others
Kyu walked by and saw ken with a new girl,who was Kristina,and she walked over there "hey ken who's your freind?"
"I-I don't have any of those things but I do have her name, would that work at all Adrian?" He wasn't wearing his hoodie because of the cuts on it.
"Oh, erm she hasn't said anything. I was hoping to introduce her and show her around." Ken said. She IS pretty cute...Oh crap what if Kyu can read my mind ohcrapcrapcrap. "Anyways Kyu, could you help me show her around?" Ken said. I'm an idiot.
"What is that favor exactly Adrian?" He looked at him with questioning eyes. "I can only do so much for others. But I will do my best for whatever you need."
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Sun finished up his training routine with a final punch to his imaginary foe. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he heard heavy footsteps behind him and turned to face the approaching Feraligatr. "Sup, banana breath." he said. "Didja miss me?" A wide, toothy grin was plastered on his face. Sun didn't reply. "You know, it wasn't very nice of you to throw a buncha lockers at me just for joking around." the larger reptile growled. "I spent two whole days in the hospital because of that! And now...it's YOUR turn to see what it's like."

"...I'm sorry, who are you?" Sun asked, clearly uninterested by Feraligatr's monologue. "I haven't seen you before in my life."

"Why you..." The water type glared at him as he walked toward the school. "Fine...YOU ASKED FOR IT!" Letting out a roar, Feraligatr charged at Sun with a waterfall attack. His target, however, simply sidestepped, and the attack wound up putting a dent in the parking lot instead.

"You wanna battle, then? Fine." Sun said, an intimidating look on his face. He then proceeded to deliver a powerful kick to his opponent's jaw.
She looked at him like he was stupid "ok one I'm more than just a creation,two yes I could read your mind" she smirks playfully "I think it's cute"
Meanwhile with Adrian
"I just need some....blood.....from kyu" he's smiling evilly "since your her freind you could just battle her since she loves battles and if you get some of her blood during the fight in your claws,she'll never know,if I do it it'll be too risky"he shrugs "just a small favor in exchange for seeing your trainer again" he raises his eyebrows smiling dark
Feraligatr stumbled back with a roar of pain, a tooth flying out of his mouth with a bit of blood. Snarling, he stomped the ground, triggering an earthquake attack in an attempt to pay Sun back. Sun grunted as chunks of the earth slammed into his chest, knocking him back. With a quick recovery, Sun used Stone edge, flinging sharp stones at Feraligatr and staying behind the stones. Feraligatr roared as he blasted through the stone edge attack with waterfall and lashed out at the Infernape, who ducked and delivered a powerful Blaze kick to the Feraligatr's jaw. He was sent flying upward a few feet, and when he fell, Sun was ready for him. The second his opponent was in range, the fire-fighting type let loose a barrage of punches, pelting his enemy with powerful blows before finishing with an uppercut. Feraligatr landed on his back about ten feet from Sun, growling lowly as his injuries ached and burned. "I...won't...lose to you...again...!" he roared loudly, throwing a temper tantrum. Sun simply replied by walking toward the nearest car that wasn't Adrian's and lifting it up. He then flung it at the Feraligatr, who let out a Wilhelm scream as he flew across the parking lot and into a street sign, the car landing on top of him.
"Does Karylin Joice sound at all familiar to you? She always believed in the conservation of Pokemon on this world and it would be against my nature to go against my trainers thoughts Adrian so I cannot accept that task of yours."