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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

"You should be a bit more careful with those claws of yours." Pandora said, blowing out a thin trail of smoke, which drifted upward and dissipated. "Kyu, if you want, I can fetch Audino to heal that leg. Meanwhile, Sun glanced up at another picture of him and the Lopunny, smiling together at the camera. He didn't look for more then a few seconds before sighing and turning back to face the guests. "So, you said something about a giant robot..." he began, trying to turn his attention to something else.
Kyu waved her off "its fine it'll naturally heal fast anyways and yeah sun a robot from his lab attacked us" she rubbed the back of her head "we kind of broke into his lab,and then his defense systems engaged and it attacked us,it took a lot just to even bring the shield of it down" she sighed "then Adrian came in,used his zero point energy gauntlet thing and threw us out,he says he wants to talk to me once I go back to the house so I'm just gonna stay here for a bit"
He looked down at his claws and saw the blood but held back a terrified look. "That robot was a pain, it asked me too many personal questions."
"No need to worry, Hydri. It wasn't intentional." Pandora said smoothly. "We all do things we don't mean to when we're frightened or angry. It doesn't necessarily make us bad people or Pokémon."

"Zero point energy? What, does he think he's Syndrome?" Sun said, letting out a slight laugh. Then, a bell chimed as a Dusknoir entered the room.

"Dinner is served." he said. He then made his way to Pandora and took her hand into his, kissing it. "Milady." he said, with Pandora giving a slight blush and chuckle. He led the Pokémon into the dining hall, where Lucius, four other Pokémon, and a massive banquet was waiting.
He growled quietly at the Dusknoir as he watched this moment unfurl. A crack formed down the cup of tea in his hand, feeling slightly jealous.
Kyu actually genuinely laughed at suns remark on syndrome "ok that was a good one sun,yeah I guess he does think that,he creates a lot of inventions,some of which look like there from cartoons" she chuckled and noticed hydri feeling jealous and she smirks knowing exactly why he's feeling like that
"Oooo this is quite a big banquet" kyu said as her eyes sparkled like a child
Lucius chuckled. "I garuntee you'll enjoy this meal. Phantom, my Dusknoir, is an incredible cook." He then stood up. "Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Kyu and Hydri, our guests, and school friends of Sun." Everyone welcomed them with a friendly smile. "Without further ado, let us enjoy." With that, the Pokémon began to eat and chat among one another.

"So, Kyu, Hydri, how'd you meet Sun, anyways?" Pandora asked. "I mean, he seems to have opened up a bit more since...THAT day, but before he met you, he was a stubborn grouch."
She smiled "to be honest we all met over some very strange circumstances,sun here threw a locker at some bullies and that commotion brought us together so that's kinda how we met" she sighed and started eating
He just looked at his food, no longer feeling like eating. "Kyu, I think I will just go back home and eat something different than this."
"I see...that explains the bill I received yesterday..." he chuckled. "Well, we're all grateful you two met and supported him, because he really seems happier now." Lucius said with a smile. He then took a bite of berry salad and savored the different flavors. "He might seem a bit quiet and introverted, but he has a good heart deep down." He turned to Hydri. "Is something bothering you, my friend?" he asked, a hint of concern on his face.
She thanked Lucius and turned to hydro "I have your bag of berries here if you want I'll take you back home once we're done" she smiled "and you know yeah he seemed misunderstood so I thought I might as well become his freind"
"What is it you have against my husband, Hydri?" Pandora asked, beginning to look rather irritated at the water type's lack of manners. "He did nothing to you." The other Pokémon tensed when they saw Pandora's glare. Phantom shifted uncomfortably in his seat before beginning to clear the table, and taking the dishes into the kitchen.
She sighed knowing exactly why he's feeling like that but decided to not talk about it
"well you could just eat the berries and let me eat your share since I eat a lot"they see that kyu is eating quite a lot extremely fast and has quite a stack of plates
He hopped off of the chair and started to walk towards the door with his hands in his hoodie pockets. His tears left a trail on the way out of the house.
Sun looked over his seat at Hydri, and let out a sigh as he followed him out. He understood why Hydri was upset, but he also understood why Pandora had gotten mad at him. If there was one thing that Gengar didn't tolerate, it was anyone who would hurt Phantom in any way. "What's up?" he asked when he caught up to Hydri.
She looked up and saw hydri and sun leaving and she sighed
"I'm sorry for this I have to go comfort him and see what's wrong I'll be back" she walked out and took hydro to a secluded area "ok what happened? I know WHY your like this but.......tell me you do huh?"she sighed as she looked at sun " I have a pretty good idea to why he's upset"
"I-I really liked her but I didn't know about the Dusknoir." His tears were now wetting his hoodie. "I just want to go home now, go back, the both of you and enjoy your food."
"Ohhh..." Sun groaned. "Yeah, I see how that would be heartbreaking. But Pandora's older than me, you, and Kyu combined, well beyond school age. I probably shoulda told you she was married earlier, so I guess some of the blame might be on me." He gave a nervous chuckle as he scratched the back of his head. Then his face became serious. "Regardless, that comment of yours really hurt Phantom. And Pandora isn't really one to tolerate that. You might want to apologize to them."
She sighed as she knew she was right about what her assumptions were
"Yeah that was really disrespectful just go apologize and sun please pay more attention"
She went and comforted hydri
"I am not apologizing for some stupid comment I made about the food because my own feelings had been broken before that." There was a dark energy inside of him pulsating as he talked. "If anything she needs to apologize to me." He kept walking to his house.
Ken was going for a run and saw Hydri and Kyu. Ken ran up to them and said, "Hi Kyu. Is Hydri okay?" Ken noticed Hydri's dark energy. "I have the same energy inside of me..." Ken told Hydri.
"What is it Pandora should apologize for, Hydri? Not telling you she was married?" Sun retorted. "How could SHE know you had feelings for her?! She can't read minds!" he growled as Hydri kept walking. "So quit throwing a temper tantrum and get over it. You only met her today, and you're acting like she cheated on you or something!"
She looked at him and sighs knowing the path he is taking
"Sun just go back inside or follow me if you want,....I sense the same dark energy in him as I have before....hatred......" she sighs "Getting angry at him will only fuel it and ignite it so don't do anything rash.....and your right he just can't cope with his feelings"
She teleports to hydri "I sense your dark energy and I can't let you go on this path....you don't have to apoligise but you have to come with me so I can purge that darkness"she looks serious......"I'm sorry"
"Leave him be. He needs to learn to control the darkness. Clearing the power will make him weak. I was born with the darkness, and I'm powerful." Ken tells Kyu.
She glares at ken "you have no say in this,I will let him go but not because you told me,the only reason your able to handle it is because your a dark type so it comes naturally to you,so don't act like you two are the same " she looked off to hydri "him this is unnatural so I'm afraid he would do something rash...I'll be making sure he won't hurt anyone and I'll let this run it's course" she sighs "let's just go back inside sun"
It started to rain as he layed on his owners porch and fell into a deep sleep, the darkness covering the color of his body.
"I was born a pure water type. I was born with this power. He has to learn to bond with the power, not try to supress it. Supressing the power will cause control to be lost." Ken tells Kyu.
Sun sighed and nodded. "It's best we let him cool off anyways. Still, I'd better explain this to Lucius and Pandora..." he said. He began to walk back to the house, but paused. "You know, I kind of understand how he feels. Love can stir powerful emotions in living things. But not all of those emotions are good ones, unfortunately." He then walked into the house to explain the situation to Pandora, Phantom and Lucius.
She chuckles "you really think I don't know this? I was born with the same energy and he is not meant for this,his came from hatred,it'll run its course but if it changes the way how he is,no matter what you say I WILL purge it from him,are we clear? I'll allow it to run its course for now"
She walks back in with sun "just because you eavesdropped on me and jack doesn't mean you know me"
"Sorry about that, by the way..." Sun sighed. "Didn't mean to come off as nosy." He went into the house, where Pandora was comforting Phantom.

"Where's your friend?" she asked them. Sun just shook his head, but his body language was enough for Pandora to understand. "Did you at least find out what made him behave so dreadfully?" she asked.
She sighs "just some personal issues it's nothing too much"she shrugs
"Oh and by the way may I speak with your trainer alone? I need to ask him something"
Ken walked and saw Jack. Ken told Jack, "He's going through a lot." He then walked away, searching for food. "Hey Jack, you got some food i can have?"
Lucius nodded and led her into another room to chat. It was an office of some sort, with a desk in the middle, with two chairs in front of it, and one behind. Posters all over the walls filled the room with color and images seeming to tease at various products of a media. "Now then," Lucius began, sitting at his desk. "What is it you wanted to talk about?"
"Ok straight to the point,do you know Adrian Corona? Head scientist of the Corona science company? There known worldwide and I wanted to ask if you have any relations with him,like anything at all or have you met him in the past?" She asked looking around in the room as she was curious to know her trainers past before the.....incident