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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

"Adrian Corona..." Lucius stood up, turning that name about in his head. He knew he heard it somewhere, but WHERE? A book, perhaps? A news stream he was watching? Then a thought popped into his head. "Yes, I believe I did meet him before. Quite the talented young genius, I must say, even if his methods were...questionable in that time."
She chuckled "he wasn't always like that but yeah he really was.....I came here to see what you know about him,so I can get an outside perspective on him"
Lucius nodded and went on. "Well, when I met him a few years back, he seemed rather friendly, if a little excitable with his work. I didn't really see much of it, but the way he went on and on about it..." He snickered. "He was like a little kid on Christmas day. However, looking at the details of some of his works, it seemed that he may have had good intentions, but tended to be secretive about exactly what his work is supposed to accomplish." He stood up and rubbed the stubble on his chin. "Aside from that though, he was a nice guy. And I can understand him valuing privacy. When you get as much attention as the head of a global phenomenon, you start to wish the interviewers weren't at your front door, waiting to pounce on you with questions."
She nodded knowing little about her trainers past
"Yeah I guess your right usually when we get reporters he hides in his lab that's all he's been doing recently.......except for a few conversations here and there but nothing too social" she shrugged "I don't know what he's even building or doing.....but I trust him"
"Did you two use to battle? He had another gardevoir,a gallade,a lucario and a Charizard so how was the battle between you two if you had any" she asked curious since her trainer also used to be a champion of another region before giving that up to become a scientist
"Oh yes, he actually challenged me when I was the champion." he chuckled. "It was the closest match I'd had since I claimed the title, and the one just before I lost said title." He thought back to that intense battle with a smile. "Any other questions?" he asked.
"Oh just one more ummm.....when you two parted ways how was he? Like mentally and emotionally? Because I believe that was before he had......the incident and he's changed since then so how was he when you two parted ways?" She asked curious and happy that he is acting kindly
"Well, we kept in touch for a while, but since we've both been busy with our careers, him with technology and me with my storylines and scripts, we sorta just quietly drifted apart. Regardless of this, we both understood each other and stayed close friends." He explained. "But what is this incident you're referring to? I don't believe I heard of it."
She sighed as she really hates remembering that
"Well his gallade because furious with him and destroyed his life's work,his lab,........and he also killed the person he loved most.....his girlfriend.......after defeating gallade since he became insane with power Adrian banished him to the mountains and we haven't seen him since...but even still Adrian never lost his enthusiastic attitude and still loved us and I was so happy that I thought he could move on....." she sighs "then.....he experimented on time travel.....to try to redo what happened but instead he went to another dimension.........probably saw giratina........and after he came out he changed entirely....."
"Oh yes...that gave the news streams a lot to talk about, didn't it?" Lucius sighed. "I suppose he's become more distant now, more obsessed with his work, trying to make things right..." he paused a moment. "If you'd like, I could try to talk with him." he suggested. "Or if not, perhaps I could think of a way to reach out to him?"
She is genuinely happy "yes please may you do that! Thank you so much,I'm tired of him ignoring me and I figure since your one of his oldest friends,he would listen to yo-" suddenly Adrian opened the door and walked in slowly "sorry to interrupt your gengar let me in once I told her I was kyus trainer" he looked at Lucius and rubs his chin trying to remember where he last seen him before
"Well well...Adrian Corona himself!" Lucius said with a smile. "It's been too long, old friend. Perhaps you'd recognize me as the Pokémon League Champion. Although, I no longer hold that title." he added with a chuckle.
He actually genuinely smiled.......something he hasn't done in a year
"Ah if it isn't the man Lucius himself,I've heard quite a bit about you in your championship" he walked around a bit slowly examining a few things in the room "you have quite the house I must say I'm impressed" he smirks a smirk that seems a bit.......dark but is very hardly noticeable
"Thank you. It and it's residents are my pride and joy." Lucius said with a smile. The young man stood up. "Your arrival is actually quite convenient. I was wondering if I may have a word with you?" he pondered. "I promise I'll try not to eat up too much time." he added.
He smirked "oh no no my creations can wait a moment like this doesn't present itself all the time" he sat in a chair "so what would you like to discuss about my friend?"
"Well, you see..." Lucius began. "Kyu here mentioned that you've become...distant since your return from the other world you visited." he sat at his desk and sighed. "And this worries her to no end, it seems. She loves you with all her heart, but lately she's felt like you've been more obsessed with your work than is good for you." he paused. "This worries me too, Adrian. And as your friend, I'd like to ask you if there's anything troubling you."
He looks down and sighs "nothing will be the same you guys.......I've been working so hard to bring her back she didn't NEED to die Lucius........"
Kyu gets slightly annoyed "so you abandond me and the rest of your Pokémon just so you could do something pointless?! Why couldn't you ask for my help?" She said
Adrian chuckled.......darkly "I'm not only working on that I've also done a few other things as well.....I WOULD let you help but you don't need to see the other creation...it would hurt you too much so I might as well give a hint.....it's the joy of creation" he created a weird...tension around the room
Ooc ( gtg for half an hour I'll be right back)
He avoided the first room and moved onto the one on the other side of the hallway. He slowly opened the door and quickly looked in.
"You're not trying to play god, are you?" Lucius asked, rather unnerved. "There are things in the universe best left to the legendaries, Adrian. To try and alter or manipulate them in any way could lead to catastrophic results!" he leaned forward. "What is this 'joy of creation'?" he asked, the reflection of light off his glasses hiding his eyes from view.
Adrian chuckled darkly "ah don't worry I don't want to mess with the legendaries jobs....yet" he coughed "anyways what is it? I can't say for now"he smiled strangely......almost like a genuine smile "it's still in the making sooooo I don't want any spoilers for now but it's MY joy of creation........"
Kyu actually seems genuinely scared
Lucius exhaled and let his nerves rest. "I don't want any harm to come to you, Adrian." he said. "I know I can't stop you, but don't do anything reckless. And be sure to take a break now and then, not just to give your Pokémon some attention, but also to keep your own health in good order." He pushed his glasses back up his nose. "Alright?"
Name:Kristina Age:15 Species:Gardevoir Grade:10th Likes:The Ralts Lines,Sweet Food, Dislikes: Sour food,Perves,Bullies Personality:Nice,Cheerful,Pretty much full of Sass Abilities:pPyschic,Teleport,Draining Kiss,Confusion,Shadow Ball
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Ooc ( Kristina you might have to wait a bit as it's not school time yet)
Adrian sighed as he actually went back to normal "m-maybe your right this sickness it's.....c-controlling me....."
Kyu is holding back her tears rather well but is shaking
Adrian is dissapointed "I just.....I don't even know......"
(OOC: Hey, great to have you here. But a couple of things you should know at the moment:
1) the school day's currently over. It's late at night. So as an alternative, you could probably have Kristina preparing for school tomorrow instead.
2) It's for this thread's sake I should tell you that admins don't really take kindly to one-line posts, such as the ones you've been posting, and we've already got our one warning. So please try to add a bit more into your posts.
3) I know this might come off as rude, but it's important I ask: did you get approval from Adrian to RP here? As you see, this is an ask to join RP. I don't want to be a bother, really, but it's important you know this.

Thank you for your understanding and welcome to the RP)
(OOC: Hey, great to have you here. But a couple of things you should know at the moment:
1) the school day's currently over. It's late at night. So as an alternative, you could probably have Kristina preparing for school tomorrow instead.
2) It's for this thread's sake I should tell you that admins don't really take kindly to one-line posts, such as the ones you've been posting, and we've already got our one warning. So please try to add a bit more into your posts.
3) I know this might come off as rude, but it's important I ask: did you get approval from Adrian to RP here? As you see, this is an ask to join RP. I don't want to be a bother, really, but it's important you know this.

Thank you for your understanding and welcome to the RP)
Thanks for telling me and Yes i did have Adrian's approval
"Well, we've both got more than enough time on our hands to accomplish our goals. We're not kids anymore, but we're not THAT old yet." Lucius laughed. He walked over to Adrian and patted his shoulder. "Just slow down a bit on your work. Take some time to see the other things, people, and Pokémon for what they really are. Okay? If you ever have any other issues, just come to me and we can talk about it." He smiled at his old friend as he said this.
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Adrian started twitching as his sickness came back again
"Look old freind I may have to care for my Pokémon more but....I'm so close to finishing my project......but your right.....I will spend more time with my Pokémon....I haven't been giving them much attention since the incident so I mean.......yeah......" he sighs and gets up "well me and kyu gotta go I have a few things I'd like to discuss with her"he hugs his old pal "I hope we can talk more often" Adrian is giving off a.......weird aura.......a lot of weird tension is around him....
Kyus eyes open as she studies her trainers face,.......she really does need to talk to him but they need some rest for tonight
He started ripping apart the room with its advanced technology, looking from front to back for a certain stone in the room and getting angrier by every second that he could not find it.
D E F E N S E. M E C H A N I S M S E N G A G E D
All of a sudden the rooms closed around hydri and a few robots came out as they were human size and had micro blades on there arms and were extremely agile and were painted black
Meanwhile with Adrian and kyu and Lucius
All of a sudden Adrian got a report from his watch saying his house has been broken in to
"Son of a-grrrr I need to handle this sorry Lucius"he quickly ran outside
Kyu hugs Lucius one last time "thank you so much I'll find a way to repay you" she quickly ran off with Adrian "wanna come along sun for a bit? This won't take long"
He stood still and silent as he was surrounded by the robots. He was ready to put up a fight if any of them tried to attack him.
"It's late enough as it is, and to be frank, I'm exhausted. Sorry, Kyu." Sun replied. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, 'kay?" he added with a smile before heading to his bedroom. He climbed into the hammock and promptly fell asleep.

"You've already paid me enough by helping Sun." Lucius said warmly. "Come back any time, the both of you."
She sighed and ran off toward Adrian
meanwhile with hydro
The robots were surrounding him as there were 5 in total each human sized and they each quickly flipped to him doing many complex and flip turns and all 5 of them swinger there blades at once at hydri
He was able to block two of them but he had been hit by the others and let out a loud cry of pain. Blood lightly trickled from his back and sides.
The three on the black flipped and swinger at him as did the other two and they each mimick each other's actions perfectly
Kyu is teleporting multiple times to find the lab "hold on hydro"she's thinking as she knows it's him and he can't handle Adrian's defense systems
Ken heard the cries and ran to the point, only to find Kyu's house. He ran into the house and found the bots. He threw water shuriken at them, as a distraction. " Run!" Ken yelled.