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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

Kyu really hoped that this would work sincesheisunsirethat even her........trick could beat this thing but it's too much of a risk
"W H A T. I S Y O U R O C C U P A T I O N?" It seems to barley be buying it
"Hngh..." Ken was struggling to break free, eventually fainting due to stress. "No..." He moaned while fainting. The robot let him go once he fainted.
"There are signs of shaking within you you are lieing now you will be exterminated" it spoke normally as it glowed red and powered up its mechanics
Kyu ran and got ken and woke him up "come on ken just stay here and be safe we'll handle the robot" kyu got up "hydri you could choose not to fight it if you want" kyu said staring at the robot
"Please stop this." He attempted to change his vocals to sound like the female trainer. "You do not have to fight us robot." He shook more.
"Hngh. N-no... I can't." Ken said while fire in his eyes is ignited. "I will fight. I will succeed." Ken was then glowing, changing into a Greninja. "I will not be destroyed that easily." Ken fired off 5 Water Shuriken at the robot. "Hey you! I won't be taken down so easily!"
Kyu is surprised that ken turned into a greninja
The robot caught the water shurikens and threw them back at ken
"Ummm hydri distract it so that way we can hit it on the back, it won't be able to catch our attacks from the back" kyu yelled
He put his hands together and started to hug a large aura sphere as it formed before picking it up with both hands and throwing it at the front of the robot. It moved slowly but the energy it held was immense.
The robot knew that the aura sphere would eat up most of its power and attempts to back away from it
Kyu shoots a massive shadow ball from behind and the robot is holding it in place getting slightly pushed back toward the aurasphere
"Ken shoot a few moves from the front and push it to the aura spher!!"she said putting more power into it pushing it back slowly
"Move away from its back guys right now! I can finish this." He kept putting energy into his aura sphere as his blades charged up.
The robot actually began pushing the shadow ball back moving away from the aura sphere
"KEN!! Shoot a move in the front and push the robot to the aura sphere!" She put more force into it
He ran and jumped, hitting the aura sphere with his blades and redirecting it towards the robot at a quicker speed. He fell to the ground after hitting it, the energy too strong for his body to handle.
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Kyu forced even more energy into the shadow ball and the robot got pushed into the aura sphere and both sides hit it and the shields are down and it's severely weakened
Adrian ran in here and disactivated the robot with an electrical control panel and he had an electrical arm on and he quickly caught all three of us in a stasis field with his finger "WOAH WOAH WOAH hey time out!!" He held us up with the robotic hand field "what the hell are you three doing down here?"
Sun watched the conversation from afar, feeling bad for Jack and Kyu's unfortunately strained relationship. He wanted to help them, but he didn't quite know what to do. After the commotion settled down, He left the classroom after leaving his painting on the rack to dry. Along the hallway, he came across a familiar trio, who cowered away from him upon being looked at. Before leaving the school lawn, however, he stopped by the stone marker and left a fresh bouquet of Flowers there. After a moment of silence, he made his way home, somewhat tired out after a long day.
"H-hey dad"kyu said seeming for once actually scared
"What the-you know what I don't have time for this" he carried all three of us to the front door and placed us outside "don't go down there again I have defense mechanisms and I don't want you kids hurt......I'll see you later kyu"he closed the door
Kyu sighed "wanna go meet up with sun you guys?"
"I have nothing better to do, you should know that Kyu. We could always make a plan to find out what Adrian is up to with P-Pandora." He shivered when he said the gengars name.
She rubbed her chin and she sighs "we need to go see sun it's almost night anyways and today was a long day" she gets up and walks off with harder and ken looking for sun
Sun swung on the hammock on his front porch, watching the sunset with a peaceful look on his face. Whenever he wasn't working on his comic or training to get stronger, he was laying in that hammock thinking about life and his past. Noticing Kyu and Hydri, he welcomed them over with a wave of his hand. "What brings you fellas here?" he asked.
Sun raised an eyebrow. Why did they need to talk to Pandora? "Er...sure, I'll go get her." he replied, as he went into the house for a moment before coming out with Pandora.

"Hello again, darlings." Pandora greeted with a smile as she took a puff of her pipe. "What can I do for you this evening?"
Jack walked inside said hi to his trainer(who to him was his mum) he got to his room and cried that he couldn't do anything right. he sat there and relised that kyu wasn't a robot she was a experimental gardoivor like hydri. He figured that avoiding the group would be better for him and then he fell into a deep slumber
Kyu sighed in relief "we got attacked by Adrian's robot when we were snooping around in his lab,if you were there we could have won faster and not get caught but your a busy guy so it's alright" she shrugged "oh and hi pandora hydri wanted to see you to ask for something apparently"
He blushed a bright red when Kyu told Pandora that he wanted to talk to her. He froze up and could no longer talk. He looked to the ground trying to hide his face.
"What's the matter, darling? Meowth got your tongue?" she chuckled. "If you wish we can discuss the subject over some tea."

"If I'd known you were in a fight, I would've rushed over right away, but sadly I'm not telepathic." Sun said to Kyu, meanwhile. "Regardless, it's always a pleasure to see you all here." Then a third voice came from the house.

"Sun! Pandora! come on inside, it's getting dark out!" it called. "And you can invite your friends in too!" Sun paused a moment to listen, then turned to Kyu and Hydri.

"So, would you two care to join us for dinner?" he asked.
The house was much bigger on the outside than it seemed on the inside, and was decorated with a Victorian England style. Along the front hall, there were many portraits of Sun and his trainer, along with the rest of the team, Pandora included. The hallway branched out into several rooms, such as a dining room and kitchen, many bedrooms, a living room, and a staircase that led upstairs or down.

Inside the living room, many regional gym badges were displayed along with many more pictures of trainers and Pokemon. And sitting at the piano was a man, playing a lively tune. When the door closed, the man turned around with a warm smile.. "Greetings. You must be Sun's friends. My name is Lucius Pine. Pleased to meet you all."
She smiled and waved"hi my name is kyu faraday but you can call me kyu and uhhh my buddy behind me is named hydri it's nice to meet you"she said looking around admiring the house
Lucius chuckled as he pushed the rim of his glasses back up his nose. "Please make yourselves at home. Dinner will be ready shortly." he said. He then glanced down at Hydri. "You needn't worry about a thing, my friend. You're safe here, I assure you."

"Lucius is our trainer, you see." Pandora said, pouring some tea into a cup before handing it to Hydri. "And a very fine one at that, given he used to be a champion of this Region." She added. "He's retired now, but he still cares about us Pokémon as much as ever." As she said this, she pointed to a picture above the fireplace. It was a picture of a teenage Lucius, and around him were Sun, a lopunny with a beret, Pandora, a donphan, a klefki, and a lapras.
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He blushed as he took the tea from Pandora and came out from under Kyu's dress, his claws slightly bloody. He stayed quiet as he drank.
Kyu looked at the picture and smiled "it reminds me of the good old days....when my trainer actually paid attention to me.....and loved me....." she coughs "never mind that sorry bad memories "she drinked the tea that was given to her