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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

"Adieu, children." Pandora mused. She then dissolved into the shadows and vanished. Sun let out a sigh as he made his way down the bleachers to join the others.

"Sorry about her..." he said. "She's quite annoying, isn't she?" he then put his comic book into his bag and slung the strap over his shoulder. "See you in our next class, fellas." He then made his way to the art room and took a moment to relax in the empty, quiet classroom.
There was a smeargle teaching the class how to draw realistic drawings once they entered
"Ah yes come in come in the lesson has just started" said the smeargle
Kyu sighed and sat down near the back and middle with her friends and got some art products and began following the teacher
Sun thought carefully about the sketch he was working on, looking at each detail. "So I heard Jack asked you out." he told Kyu. "What're you gonna tell him?" he nodded at the completed sketch and got out a water color set. "Let's see..." He dabbed his brush onto a color and began coloring in the creek of the sketch.
Kyu had been drawing intensely and nearly didn't hear what sun said but she did......
She sighed
"Yeah yeah I know...." she whispered to sun so that the other two won't hear "I can't......I literally can't.....he won't be able to take what happened to me.....who I am.......I don't want that stress on him yet at the same time I'll feel awful denying him....."she went back to drawing a few things as she dabbed it with black and green paint
"I'm sure he'll understand." Sun said. "And it's kind of you to worry about him. But remember, me, Jack, Hydri...we're all willing to help you with any burdens you might have. After all...you helped me with mine, so it's only fair."

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Does no one read the rules around here?
Alright. All posts made by MLGastly (who is clearly incapable of following the RP forum rules) have been removed and their ability to post in this thread has been removed as well. Other posts interacting with their spam have been removed as well - and once more, I must refer you people to the rules, specifically to the ones about one-liners (PARAGRAPHS, CHILDREN. Is that so hard?) and format (THIRD PERSON, PAST TENSE. Be mindful of your writing, please).

Also, if someone is being a pain/violating rules, please don't minimod. Report. We'll deal with it.

Don't make me shut this down, please.
Ooc ( the administrator simply made this rp an ask to rp RP so that we can avoid another one of these incidents from happening again sorry about this you can start it from here whenever you please)
Little Cup.png
Check this out!
She looked at it and giggled
"Well at least you can tell what you were drawing and it's not bad for a start so good job"
She showed him a anime drawing of her with black hair and having a sword
"I draw things that are a bit nerdy sorry hehe"she rubbed the back of her head
"Hey no fair! I actually like your drawing Kyu, it really says something about your personality that is not in most Pokemon." He snapped his own painting in half and threw it away. "So are you going to date Jack?"
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Ken shows Kyu and Hydri his drawing of a squad of Greninja running through a bamboo forest. "I know, it's bad..." he says. "It's actually something I worked on for a week."
Jack worked on his drawing of himself kinda hating it but his persisted fixing the errors jack turned his head and looked at kyus painting he felt jealous but he fixed the errors and was done he let out a sigh and smiled
"Heh thanks hydri and don't worry you'll get better" she first looked at kens drawing
"It's actually pretty cool I like it! And what did you draw jack?" She turned to jack
School is over in 5 minutes
"Oh ok" she got up with both of them and started walking and She blushed slightly and is stuttering since she still has that secret and if he finds out he'll never want to even be her friend yet she can't break his heart either "w-w-well I u-uh i-it's umm" she smacked her head for stuttering stupidly
"No no I I understand" jack said trying keep smiling "this this isn't the first time I've been rejected" a single tear rolled down his cheek "I'll go" he got out of ear shot and started crying his heart out
"I wish I'd find a special someone..." Ken said while beside Kyu. "I mean... Uugh. I'm unattractive." He said depressingly. He started walking away.
She sighed angry at herself for being so stupid
"I'm sorry aqui I'll catch up with you later please calm ken down as well"she ran to jack and took him to a secluded location and she sighed "look I didn't reject you you didn't let me finish I CANT be with you jack......for you see......I'm not an average gardevoir.........and I don't want you to deal with my stress and worries....."
"Ah well. I'll become great someday. Whether tomorrow or not, I will become a Greninja." Ken said, walking back to Hydri. "Why isn't Kyu average?" Ken asked Hydri.
He looked down at the ground. He didn't want to talk about it, he took a different path than Ken going to the berry farm.
"I don't care if you have so much stress and worries i love you and your amazing if something is wrong you can talk to me" jack got on his back legs and kissed kyu "and if that's not prof I love you so much I don't know what is" he smiled sadly and started to walk away
She blushed as a rush of emotions filled her heart and she grabbed his shoulder
"Look.........I'm not actually a real gardevoir...........Adrian he......he.......created me........."she sighs "a-and I'm not stable and you'll have to deal with all that so.......that's why it's diffucult....."she made sure no one could hear this
Ken was on a nearby building dashing when he heard "not a real Gardevoir." He decided to keep it a secret to himself and run to the berry farm.
Jack was amazed at what he heard "I I still love you just remember that" he kissed her again and walked home he was on his balcony and he tried to digest what he heard "so kyu is a robot an unstable one" he thought "but I still love her"
"Look hydri or whatever your name was,I came here because I thought you knew whwere she was you could have just said you don't know and not attack me!! This tv costed 10,000$ to make"
Meanwhile with kyu
She sighs
"I don't like him like that..............and he doesn't understand......I'm not a robot.....I'm a genetic experiment....." she goes back to the house and sees hydri and Adrian
"Umm what are you two doing?"
"You accepted Jack, didn't you Kyu?" He seemed sad despite not having an answer yet. "Please tell me that you did not."
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