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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

"If you would have accepted him then I was afraid that we would no longer have time to spend together as friends." He looked at the ground and twitled his fingers.
Kyu chuckled and hugged him
"No matter what I'll always have time for my freinds" she smiles "unless if I'm doing chores or fighting theeeeennnnn hehehe"
"W-What about those berries that you promised me? Do you have them on you?" He took out the blank canvas from under his hoodie. "I really wanted to try painting outside of class."
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"Huh? Oh yeah I do"she handed him the berries "and good job stealing that canvas heh"
Adrian is still floating there "well I see you two are busy I'll give you your alone time but after your done I need to talk to you kyu" he said
"Ok dad thanks"
"Th-That is alright, I can still use them to paint. Thank you Kyu." He hugged her right leg. "I never want you to change Kyu."
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She hugged him as well
"Well today was quite insane wasn't it?" She said
Adrian's tv floated back in the house and for some reason before he left he had a......dark presence....on his face....weird
"Y-Yeah it was." He laughed. "But I did enjoy every second of the suspense when you let off all of that energy, it made me feel weak." "Adrian has been acting weird lately hasn't he? He is starting to creep me out."
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"Heh thanks it's a trick I learnt from my master that....actually I'll leave that as a secret for now"she winked "and with Adrian.......I don't know......he's never acted like this before.....you wanna spy on him with me or something else?" She asked
Ken jumps down and sees Kyu, runs up to her, and whispers, "Don't worry, I won't tell." Ken is walking beside Kyu and tells her, "Yes, I know, and no, I won't leak it."
"I'm not one for stalking but this is a moment when I would worry about everything and say yes, so lets go do this." He carefully set down the berries and the canvas ready to go on an adventure.
She whispered to men "I was gonna tell you guys anyways"
She got up "ok let's go spy on him for a bit, we need to get on the roof first here hold on to me guys"
She teleported to the top of the house
"I usually don't like to teleport it takes too much out of me" she led them down to a hatch on the roof that opened up to there attic and the attic is very dark "okwatch your step guys" she said with caution
"I-I don't know if I want to go down there without a light." He shivered as he looked into the darkness as it reminded him of Pandora. "Yeah I am not going down there."
She formed an energy ball in her hands and it created a light source
"I made it a bit brighter so that it won't be too dark for you hydri" she smiled "well come on we don't want to miss anything"
He jumped down into the attic. "Why is it so dusty in here?" He coughed. "It's like this place hasn't been cleaned in months."
She coughed as well "well I mean we haven't BEEN up here in months so I guess that's why it's so dusty...." you see a couple test tubes and a few abondened items giving off an impression that they shouldn't be here.....
"There's another hatch here that leads straight to his lab......ah here it is" she opened up another hatch and you see a light green hallway that looks highly advanced with a lot of advanced lights
"Ah here it is he should be somewhere in one of these rooms we just have to be careful"
"N-No, we will do this now when he does not suspect it. I want to know what is wrong with him now." He carefully checked the first door on the left. He slowly looked in.
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Ken looked at it. "Looks like a dusk stone, but its shape is...different...." Ken said fearfully. "What if we get caught...? I can't carry both of you, just one..."
The object suddenly went down into another hatch and closed and a large red light fills the room
"I N T R U D E R A L E R T A C T I V A T I N G D E F E N S E P R O T O C O L" said a large mechanical voice as a large door opened up and there's a 15 foot robot walking towards them and it has a green shield around it and many weapons on its body
"Ummmmm, this is bad guys" said kyu
"I'm afraid that the door locked behind us Ken." He seemed very calm about what was happening despite how scared he actually was. "Just do not move guys."
"We have no choice but to take it down." Ken said while noticing a hole in the back of the shields. "Over there! Hit it with everything you got!" Ken dashed to the back and started firing Dark pulses at a rapid pace into the hole.
The robot walked toward and is not affected by the dark pulse
" S T A T E. Y O U R N A M E S" obviously not affected as its shield is around its entire body