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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

She walks over here having a really face and carried ken
"Ok look don't make me knock you out Jen so just calm down bro@
"Ok look first off I really would have gone out with you jack but you barley know me or my past,same goes for you ken,like get to know me better and I'll get to know you better,love takes some time,like days,not just in one day,so just be patient and get to know me,and no I won't choose between you two,that's too cruel and it makes me look like a jerk so
Ari looked at the Gardevoir. "Uhm..." She said. The awkward teenager within was starting to come out. "What..." Ari tugged at her brace awkwardly. That was probably going to be her next habit. Oh well. At least it wasn't something stupid like doing Rare Candies or White Herbs. She then pulled her schedule out of a pocket in her backpack.
Jack turned his head and looked at ari " just stay out of it the high school is over that way" he looked at kyu "and I understand that I've backed down and just yeah but i just hate myself it's not you it's nobody's fault and there's nothing we can do about it" jack headed back to school kinda happy but not really
Ken woke up, and saw that he was being carried by Kyu. "What the... Please put me down." Ken didn't remember his conflict with Jack. "What happened? Why are you carrying me, Kyu?"
She looked at him like he was really dum and he put ken down "ok first off he's lying second I was just keeping him from making you a rest stain on the ground so your welcome"she smirks at him and looks at ari "oh hi!"
(OOC: Welcome to the Rp, Aspen. Also, fellas, i'm not feeling well tonight, so this will be my last post tonight.)

The gym had emptied out quickly, and Sun was soon moving on to his next class. He arrived early and decided to resume working on his comic. He looked over his artwork and nodded, feeling quite proud of himself for his magnum opus.
Ken felt the taunt. What is that guy's problem? I mean, I didn't cross a boundary, I didn't ask ou- It came back to Ken. Prick. He walked past Jack and felt a bit of anger, and saw Ari and said, "Hi there. I don't know what you just witnessed, but welcome." Ken gave a death stare at Jack and walked to his den.
Of course now she reads my mind... Ken sighed and walked to the berry farm. Maybe I DO have a chance... Ken smiled while he walked to the farm.
Ari smiled at their welcomes. At least she wasn't some feared jerk. "Thanks! I'm Aralie, but call me Ari. Or Lee," She introduced herself. She could sense annoyance at the two Pokemon that had been arguing. Huh. Wonder what's up with that, She thought. But Ari decided not to voice her question. Her mind wandered back to the good times, back at her old school. She shook her head, clearing the memories for now. This wasn't the time for nostalgia.
Ken walked back to the school and started eating, sensing a faint sense of anger. Kyu's not his, she's free to choose. Of course, it'll probably be me, my beautiful self. Why did I feel a faint voice while I was passed out? It sounded like Kyu... Ken got a massive headache and one of his berries started floating. "Whaaat?"
She sighs "don't mind them,there angry for now,anyways wanna hang out?" She wondered since she found the new ari very interesting and who knows maybe will be a really great freind
Meanwhile with Adrian Corona
He rubs his chin as he is using a survalince camera to spy on kyu and sees a female lucario
"Hmmm she seems like another goody two shoes....disgusting...this isn't kyus original pourpose....then again....if I act friendly and give a lot of gifts and many things to that lucario,she can give me what I need...yes....yes she will be VERRRRRYYYY helpful" he chuckles and laughs evilly as his echos are heard all around his lab
Ari didn't even notice the camera. "Sure, but we should probably get to class first. I was already late, I don't want to be even later or make you late too," She told Kyu.
She seems confused "wow umm maybe your getting psychic moves?" She sighed "school ended don't worry,this high schools classes feel like forever but don't last long" she shrugged "so where would or what would you like to do or go to ari?"she decided to let her pick
Meanwhile with Adrian
He suddenly went quiet and locked every thing in his lab as he just remembered the little water alligator is in his upper house "don't want him messing up anything"
Ari laughed a little at the Pokemon(OOC: Don't know/remember what kind...)'s enthusiasm. "Congratulations," She told him. She felt a pang of sadness, remembering that she still couldn't fully control her powers yet. Soon, though, She thought. Ari had come up with somewhat of a training plan. After school, she would hit the woods between this town and the one where she used to go to school, and train her aura abilities there.
"Umm it mmigggghhhtttt be good if you try turning it off,imagine a closing door and it'll shut it off,"she shrugged "oh yeah just so you know ari,my dad prrrrettttyyy much creates a lot of cool inventions and if you ever need a training robot to test any of your abilities you could just come with me and I'll tell him"she winked "sorry I read your mind a bit,I'm a bit nosy"
Ari blinked in surprise, then shrugged. "Psychic type. Should've guessed you could read minds," She said. The Lucario mentally facepalmed at her own stupidity. If she could have hair, it would be blond. "Anyways, that'd actually be pretty cool. I could...Probably use some training," She told Kyu.
She smiled brightly "normally I would fight you one on one right now since I LOVE battles buuuut not now hehe" she then lead her to her house "you wanna get the robot thing now? He could give you one of his prototypes,don't worry it won't cost anything if you know me since normally it would cost 19,000$ each but don't worry he'll give ya one" "if your wondering why I'm so friendly I don't know,my mood feels happy right now"
Ari nodded. "That'd be great, and thanks!" She said. "I just hope I don't smash it to bits. I can...Lose control sometimes. I doubt it'd happen while I'm training with the robot, buuuut you never know."
She shrugs "he says it could withstand hyper beams and a lot of strong attacks so it has to be strong enough for ya,"she chuckles
Meanwhile with Adrian
Ok time to let the good side out for a bit he looks at him confused "laughing? It was probably a neighbor or your imagination,I heard you hit your head pretty hard so it's maybe some side effects" he shrugged
Ari chuckled too. "Yeah, probably. Before we go in, should I prepare for a younger sibling to come crashing in and knock us over or something?" She asked humorously.
She chuckles "nah nah nah I don't have any siblings,it's just me Andy dad,kinda lonely but ehhh he's fun......used to anyways"she shrugs
Adrian actually looks genuinely confused "huh? No kyu told me your head got injured by a dodgeball? Or something I don't really know I was too busy working" he shrugs "I don't know what to tell ya I've been right here the whole time maybe you dreamt something since you think of me like a jerk,like how kyu does"
"B-But Kyu left without me early this morning, how would she have known that I hit my head? All of this is confusing." He tried to look at Adrian's computer screen, seeing some kind of camera system in the school. "What are you up to Adrian?"
Ari lifted an eyebrow. "Used to be?" She asked. That was something she hadn't heard of before. "What do you mean?" Curiosity shone in her red-brown eyes.
He quickly turned around "I mean this is the survalence camera to my front house and I just happened to see you kids,I think a a leaf or something got on it and I had to shake it off with the camera"he shrugs "if your a multi billionaire you have to be careful for assasins and all that jazz" he smiles genuine "I don't know why your so worked up,I know we have some rough tensions due to my orbits but I'm trying to make the world a better place with medicine and new technology I'm just trying to fulfill my girlfriends dream for me to be a savior to many people"smiles
Meanwhile with kyu and ari
"He's just so into his work he barley has time for me,being a multi billionaire makes you like that plus he's a genius so he's always making inventions"
Ari put a paw on Kyu's shoulder as a gesture of sympathy. "I'm sure sometime he'll figure out what he's missing. It's not like he's insane or anything, right?" She tried to cheer her new friend up. "I didn't mean to make you upset. If you don't want to, we don't have to pick up the robot right now. Would you rather do something else for the time being?" Ari offered.
She sighed "no no it's ok I love him from the bottom of my heart,he's a good man he's helped a lot of people,and the moments he's not busy it's...amazing"her eyes sparkle remembering those times "ok let's go " she leads her to a basement hatch
Ooc ( I gotta go sleep I'll continue tommorow,if you guys wanna continue,don't continue in adrians house)
Jack headed home past kyu house and saw the group talking he walked past without a second thought "my life is shit" he thought he got to the place where he asked kyu out "just... why" he got to the berry farm and bought some berries he ate them on the way back home
Adrian is chuckling as he realizes that jack has some anger in him "sorry I just remembered something funny"
Kyu is knocking on the hatch so that he can open it