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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

He kept the door blocked so that Adrian could not go anywhere. "I specifically remember that she was gone when I woke up this morning Adrian. I still do not trust you and will keep an eye on Kyu for the rest of my life if necessary alright Adrian?"
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Kristina Hurried to School Using Teleport too She Ended up in School Looking at all the Pokemon a Little Nervous She was Holding onto her Bag she Walked around looking for her Locker (I'm Back Guys :D)
Ooc (actually yeah school started but it's a Friday,)
Kyu opened the hatch and saw hydri is there blocking the entrance "huh? Hydri what are you doing here?" She said confused
Adrian smiles "ah kyu yes yes come in me and hydri were having a lil chat,he appears to show hostility towards me over some dream he had"he rolls his eyes "such a childish impulse,he merely had a dream,nothing more"he said crossing his arms
"Your words are full of it Adrian. But I will stay with Kyu from now on." He crossed his own arms, irritated by the trainer. "After all, I must make sure that you do not try anything stupid that will harm my friends."
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Kyu sighs "whatever break it up you tow we have to get to class,I love you dad" "I've you too kyu"
Kyu teleported to the school and went to her first period class walking by a few people who she nodded to
The sound of clicking claws got louder and louder every second until Hydri burst out around the corner of the hall and slid hard into a group of lockers.
Ari saw the Totodile slam into the lockers. She could feel his pain. Literally, it was coming off of him in waves via his aura. She rushed over to him, not even asking if he was okay. She just picked him up. "You're hurt," She said, knowing that she was stating the obvious. Ari wondered if he had a concussion or not, he had hit those lockers pretty hard. She began to head to the Pokemon Center.
"I-I do not need medical help for that, it only gave me a scratch. So I would appreciate it if you were to put me down." He attempted to wiggle out of the Lucario's grip. There was a large welt from the lockers on his right side. "I am still in perfect condition."
She smiled "it's ok don't worry about it" she saw ari carrying aqui "yeah it's ok I can just heal him,no need for that he's a tough guys"she chuckles carrying hydri on her shoulder
"Alright," Ari said. Then she realized something. "Crap, we're way late!" The Lucario exclaimed. She turned around and headed to her designated locker, threw her backpack inside, and headed to her class. "Sorry I'm late," She told the teacher. "I got caught up with something."
She shrugged and carried hydri to there art class,hoping she can meet sun and jack there"let's go to art hydri,don't worry it won't last long and since it's a Friday it's tournament time! First place gets some really rare berries apparently? So want me to win it for ya later at the end of the day?"she smiled at hydri
"Y-You don't have to do that for me Kyu, I am not that special that I need them urgently but we might be able to grow more of them if we give them to that farmer. What do you say about that? Because then we can share them with everyone." He smiled at her, slightly blushing. "Then again it would be nice to have paint."
She smiled brightly "sounds like a plan! I never would have thought of that good job hydri"she hugs him softly "there will be some hard competition but I'll win!" Her eyes sparkle like a little kid and it looks beyond adorable
Jack was still sleeping and still angry with ken he woke looked at his clock and said one world "crap" he got up ate an apple and ran to school he got there and rush into class "sorry I'm late slept in" he said to the teacher as he sat down
Jack was still sleeping and still angry with ken he woke looked at his clock and said one world "crap" he got up ate an apple and ran to school he got there and rush into class "sorry I'm late slept in" he said to the teacher as he sat down
Ooc (jack you posted like three or four times ummm don't do that or was it a glitch?)
They enter art class where they are supposed to put there finishing touches on there realistic drawing and turn them in at the end of class
"I will be cheering for you through the entire thing, hey I might even try and fight in it myself. Would you even let me do that?" He started drawing a Wurmple but it ended up into a ton of scribbles.
She rubbed her chin" I don't know because we are gonna fight each other and I don't want to kill you or anything so is ok you don't HAVE to join in not forcing you to"she smiles as she continues her drawing of herself with black hair and a sword
"I want to test my strength against others so I will try my best to get to you." He pushed his terrible drawing onto Kyu's desk. "What do you think?"
Jack started working on his graphic novel he had been working on a bit before he went to bed each night " I might join the comp" he thought but he hoped kyu didn't here it
She shrugged "it looks pretty good just try to put less force on the shaded areas don't be so rough on the color pencil mmkay?" She giggles and has a light pink blush which is maximum cuteness.......how could she be strong yet cute.....clearly not natural
"My trainer used to draw with me when she had time. I actually did better than her most of those times but when I couldn't find her I stopped drawing, that was before I broke my pokeball of course. I promised that I would start again, for her." He looked at his drawing, not noticing her blushing.
She smiled "well I'm sure she would want you to be better! And I'm sure you will be better"she then finished her drawing "Done! It's not that good heh I could've done better"
Ari had finished her drawing. It was of her and Disaster. The two friends were laughing, leaning against the trunk of large willow tree. Its wisplike tendrils were being blown by the wind. The scene was appearing as if the viewer was observing from the middle of a small pond, lilies and other aquatic life dotting the water. There was a sense of freedom in the picture, from the Magikarp leaping in the water to the Swablu flying above in the distance. One thing that could also be noted was that Ari wasn't wearing her restraints. She looked her piece over, checking for mistakes or anything she could make better. In realism, every little detail counted. She began to work tediously on the grass and leaves of the plants in the pond.
She used Teleport to Class,She Brushed off her Dress,She was still thinking of Kyu,After Finishing Her work,She used Teleport,She ended up in front of Kyu ''.....'' She Grabbed her Phone from her Bag and Took a Picture of Kyu