"I really feel like punching you right now, but. I'm to nice to." Said Delaine, grinning a "I-Really-Want-To-Kill-You-But-I-Can't-Due-To-School-Rules-Your-Lucky." Face. "Well, I could say Pyroardors suck but my awesome big bro's in Pyroardor." She continued, she was lucky she didn't have any family issues with her older brother and sister. Delaine walked to the Sevirperin common room in the dungeons and said the code "Chocolate Froakies" to the painting and came in to see her sister just waking up.(Guess i'll make Molloy and Aidan.)
Aidan woke up in her green Sevirperin bed and yawned deeply, since no one was in the room, besides Delaine who just came in. The shiny Ninetales took out her muggle phone and started texting her friends. Her family had sneaked a lot of items that weren't aloud at Hogwarts with them, you only had to spray them with strong perfume and it would easily go threw the sensors. So Delaine and Molloy had plenty of pranking items and Aidan had her phone. "Hey sis!" Delaine said cheerfully. "Hey Del." Responded Aidan lazily, then their brother came in, Aidan had always kept him on track of the code for the Sevirperin common room.
Molloy the Ninetales walked into the Sevirperin common room with ease, he had gotten to be friends with the portrait of a Dragonite knight. "Wuzzup?" He asked his two siblings younger siblings. Delaine had just came to Hogwarts, so they were probably planning plenty of pranks for other people later. "Wait, have to go to Potions, I heard the teacher talking bout what you Del." He grinned with the same grin Delaine had, you could tell they were related and he reached out for a high five, which was so perfectly awesome (As Delaine and Molloy would say) that it made the loudest clapping sound. "Well gotta go, see ya!" He said as the Ninetales headed of to Potions.