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Open Pokemon Kalos Adventure!

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She pulls her hand away "Ya whatever, just don't tell me how to treat my pokemon, I'm its trainer. He just needs training, someday, he'll be so strong the whole world will bow before him... and me!"
"Mmf uh.. sorry for getting all ominous there, heh heh..." She akwardly walks over to Crash and sits down
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She pulls her hand away "Ya whatever, just don't tell me how to treat my pokemon, I'm its trainer. He just needs training, someday, he'll be so strong the whole world will bow before him... and me!"
"Mmf uh.. sorry for getting all ominous there, heh heh..." She akwardly walks over to Crash and sits down
"Alright then." Jag says "Well me and Spoofy are gonna get going to wherevER the wind takes us, who knows maybe the wind will even put us all together again one day. And that'll be the day that I can show you guys what I've caught on my journey. Good bye everyone!" Jag says as he and Spoofy walk away.
(Anyone can join at anytime no need to ask!)
How to make your name:
Backstory: (Optional)
Plot: In Kalos, Team Flare's leader Lysander has made a machine that turns nice Pokémon to shadow Pokemon. They then will capture them and use them to create the whole Pokémon world to shadow and chaos and will do anything to people and that stand in their way. But three trainers are setting out on their journey today and with the help of their friends and their Pokémon they will stop Lysander and Team Flare for good! They will be our only hope....

Name: Crash Green
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: Has pale skin with black and white spiky hair. Has black eyes with a green T-shirt that has a Pokeball on it. Also wears blue shorts and red and black sneakers.
Personality: Not much of a talker but when needs to he does. Nice to new people and only catches Pokémon that want to be on his team.
Backstory: He lives in Luminoise city and his big brother is a Team flare grunt and wants to have him be on the good side. His mom and dad work at a market and doesn't really earn much money but still has a apartment.
Goal: To be the Pokémon Champion!
Name: Jae arimano
Gender: male
Appearance: pale skin, blonde hair, wears a black t shirt with a red pokeball on it and a black and white hoodie overtop.
Personality: serious but will do anything for what he loves.
Backstory: his parents died in an accident with a shadow Aggron. Hates team flare for that reason. He only has his older brother who lives in the Kanto region.
Goal: take down team flare.
Rosa stops in her tracks and stares at the stranger "Get out my way unless you wanna get walked over." she spits on the ground in front of him. "Don't ya know who I am?"
"Nope, and I don't care." Jae could already tell he hated this person. "Are you trying to threaten me?" Jae sent out his frogadier and lairon "if it's a fight you're looking for I'd go for someone else." Jae walked off with frogadier by his side and took lairon back in his ball.
"Aye don't just walk away, if you gonna fight, we'z gonna fight!" She pulls out her pokeball and free her giant Zubat, Andre, "Or are you to chicken to fight me?" she asks mockingly
"Anyday, anytime!" Jae took out his ball for lairon and threw it onto the grass to bring out lairon. "Go ahead. Make your move." Jae could tell this person most likely didn't have very much experience and if they did, they didn't look it.
Name: David
Desc: (Basically Silver) He is very mysterious, red hair, and always is seeming to know everything there is to know. He is a powerful trainer. Indeed, his power can be used against him. He's very experienced in pokemon.
"Alright, go Andre, use astonish!" The zubat dives forward and smacks into the Lairon causing it to flinch for the turn (If astonish is used first it flinches the target pokemon)
"Alright you did something good for once! now use super sonic!" Andre lets out a loud ear splitting shreik which echoes throughout the landscape
"Lairon once you recover use Flash Cannon!" Jae would tell Lairon who had flinched. After recovering from the flinch Lairon started looking for the giant zubat and once it found it used flash cannon obeying its trainer.
The zubat takes the hit and shudders, but stays aloft, "Okay use super sonic again it should confuse it this time." Another shriek follows this time causing the Lairons eyes to unfocus "You're doing great Andre!, soon you'll be as mighty as me!" the pokemon cackles with delight at the praise
As Jag was walking down the first route he realized that it was around 5 or 6 pm and he needed to start setting up camp so he did and Spoofy helped with finding some firewood, rocks, and some grass, and they eventually started a fire, but then Spoofy began to tug on Jag's shirt, " Whats up buddy?" Jag asked as he turned around to see Spoofy rubbing his stomach. "Oh! I haven't given you your oran berry have I!" Jag reaches into his satchel and pulls out an oran berry, " you want it?" He asked Spoofy who then began to nod his head. " Then get it." He said as he began to tease Spoofy by moving the berry up and down as Spoofy jumped for it and then out of nowhere a loud screech followed by a flash and a loud boom sound through their camp and the berry falls into the fire. "...hehe.. do you like roasted berries by aNY chance?" Jag asked nervously *Spoofy slaps Jag* "*sigh* fine here" Jag says as he gives Spoofy an oran berry and smiles. "Alright we should probably go check out what's going on." Jag says as he and Spoofy talk a short walk onto route 1.
The Zubat nimbly dodges the move and shoots up into the sky flying out of sight, "Wait where did you go Andre?! Get back down here right now and fight! We were actually doing good!" Suddenly the pokemon dives down and hits the Lairon again, "Alright, another succesful astonish! That was genius!"
"..Wait.. how is that Zubat not a golbat? Because the only way he could be that good.. cause the Lairon has to be over level 32.." *He'd say to himself*
"Alright Lairon you can withstand many of these hits with your high defense and special defense stats. Use Ice Beam!" But instead of using ice beam Lairon simply hit itself.
The Zubat nimbly dodges the move and shoots up into the sky flying out of sight, "Wait where did you go Andre?! Get back down here right now and fight! We were actually doing good!" Suddenly the pokemon dives down and hits the Lairon again, "Alright, another succesful astonish! That was genius!"
"Woah Rosa's already started another battle?!" Jag says in confusion as he climbs the nearest tree to watch the battle between Rosa and a new trainer he hasn't seen before " this should be good."
"Alright try it one more time! Ice beam" this time Lairon actually used ice beam instead of hitting itself. It shot the Ice beam upwards where the zubat was not to far above Lairon.
"Zubat when did you get this goo...." the Zubat falls, it had been using will power to keep fighting on but the last move has taken to much out of it and it fell onto the ground "WHY ARE YOU SO WEAK!" Rosa screams as she stomps over to the weakened zubat, "You were doing so good and now you fall, get up now, I SAID GET UP!" the Zubat tries but is unable
"Alright Lairon its Time for the one move you haven't used yet! Stomp!" The Lairon marches over to the zubat ready for its stomp attack. "Wait no stop!" Jae says realizing he just won the battle.
"Zubat when did you get this goo...." the Zubat falls, it had been using will power to keep fighting on but the last move has taken to much out of it and it fell onto the ground "WHY ARE YOU SO WEAK!" Rosa screams as she stomps over to the weakened zubat, "You were doing so good and now you fall, get up now, I SAID GET UP!" the Zubat tries but is unable

"It seems Zubat just couldn't withstand the sheer strength of that lairon a mighty rival he would make indeed." Jag says to Spoofy. "What do you say you want a rival Spoofy?" The Ralts politely nods a yes "Alright then. *Jag jumps off the tree with Spoofy following . You there with the Lairon!" He yelled " me and my Ralts Spoofy would like to know who you are."
Rosa runs at the Lairon and grabs her pokemon. "My pokemon may be weak, but its my attitude that will make it strong, only the strong are allowed to live in this world, and that is why I and Andre must be strong!"
She heals her pokemon with a potion and puts him back in his pokeball. "We'll be strong in no time, just you wait and see, and we will take you all down... with the might of Poison!" She scampers off into the cover of the wood just out of sight, then climbs into a tree to watch the battle. "If we watch them maybe you can learn a thing or two, and maybe you won't be so weak but I guess that's to much to ask." she says to Andre. The Zubat looks away dejectedly
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