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Open Pokemon Kalos Adventure!

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"My name is Jae" Jae said confused why someone even cared. "You looking to battle?" Jae started slightly snickering at the choice of nickname.
"Why I just love you're name it rings a bell to me. I am Jag and this here is Spoofy my partner." *Spoofy poses* "I'm not looking to battle, mainly becuase I saw what you just did to Andre. Me and Spoofy were wondering if we could maybe set up a future place to meet, for when we are stronger."
She listens intently from the trees "A place to meet huh, maybe I should crash there little party... hows that sound Andre." The pokemon doesn't reply
"Why I just love you're name it rings a bell to me. I am Jag and this here is Spoofy my partner." *Spoofy poses* "I'm not looking to battle, mainly becuase I saw what you just did to Andre. Me and Spoofy were wondering if we could maybe set up a future place to meet, for when we are stronger."
"Well maybe Victory road? Nah that will take you to long. You don't have a badge yet. Maybe lumiose city once you get four badges, same as me."
Rosa hops down from her tree and begins walking through the forest, "We'll have to get to the bug gym first, to prove our strength, you got that?" Andre nods and follows after his trainer, looking slightly sad "Aww come on cheer up, we'll destory them some other time buddy, you just need to train a bit." She pats his head and they continue on through the forest battling every trainer and pokemon they see.
Jag begins to walk back to his camp, it's around *7 or 8 right now* " Alright Spoofy, we'll sleep for 7 hours, wake up at 3 train for 2 hours, and then make our way to the forst gym to meet gym leader. Got it?" Spoofy nods and they go to sleep.
As Jag was barely falling asleep he heard a weird sound, like rummaging, "who's there?" He asked in a drowsy voice as sat up flashlight in hand. He turned on hi flaslight to find that his bag had been moved from being next to the fire to being directly next to him, "That's weird. How'd? Oh forget it it was probably Spoofy he said as he put the flashlight back and went back to sleep. "One Mareep... two Mareep, three Mareep... four.... Maree....."
Rosa continues to go throughout the forest before seeing a fire light in the distance "Andre, I know you're nocturnal but I'm not, lets go steal that idiots stuff and use it to make a camp in the trees okay, cause this night training thing is not working for me." Andre nods silently and they slowly start to creep in on the camp
Jag begins to hear more noises coming from his bag and he violently jerks out of his sleeping bag scaring Spoofy "Alright last chance! Who's there?" He yells looking around with his flashlight he picks up his bag only to realize it's heavier than usual and sees a human like figure. "Who's there?" He asks the figure. Ralts begins to search the perimeter of their camp and sees Andre lurking "RALTS!" Spoofy yelled and Jag raced over to see Rosa standing near his camp. "You've got some explain to do." He says.
She whispers to Andre "Get on my back and spread your wings." the pokemon does as its told and spreads its wings, this causes the form of Rosa to appear to have grown wings. "Now flap, we need to really scare them." She snaps and Andre starts to shreik as she begins to talk in the lowest voice she can "Give me everything you got and know one will get hurt!"
Ralts shrieks and uses Confusion at the creature he sees but out of nowhere a slight howl or some sort of wimpering can be heard from Jag's bag and out from it jumps a Zorua who scratches the creature. "Woah!" Exclaims Jag "So that's why my bag was heavier than usual!" After scatching the Zorua retreats back into the safety of Jag's satchel.
"AHH! Frick what was that for, I ain't no stupid pokemon!" Rosa walks forward into the light nursing a cut on her arm, and a slight wobble to her step. Andre lets go of her back and flies forward using his wings as a shield "Get out of my way Andre, I don't need protecting." She shoves him out of the way and falls down.
"AHH! Frick what was that for, I ain't no stupid pokemon!" Rosa walks forward into the light nursing a cut on her arm, and a slight wobble to her step. Andre lets go of her back and flies forward using his wings as a shield "Get out of my way Andre, I don't need protecting." She shoves him out of the way and falls down.
"Agh!" Jag yells "Rosa! Don't scare me like that I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Spoofy apoligize right now!" Spoofy begins to slowly say Ralts as if saying sorry. "Cmon Rosa you're staying at the camp for tonight you can have food water and whatever you need as an apology from me same goes for Andre, he can also have some berries if he needs them.." The Zorua from Jag's bag also pops its little head out of the bag and whimpers as to say sorry and then touches the button on one of Jag's pokeballs in his satchel and let itself get caught without Jag knowing.
"Yah, whatever you say, but I ain't staying here cause I want to, I just need some food and don't think otherwise." She says before taking a seat beside the fire with Andre resting on her head, poised and ready. "You can stop now Andre" She picks him up and tosses him in the air, "Go uh.. do Zubat stuff or whatever." But Andre doesn't go anywhere he just lands a few feet away and watches the fire.
"This one's for Spoofy and this one's for Andre." Jag says as he gives a bowl of food to both pokemon. "Enjoy guys." Then Jag sees a light in his bag and his bag then gets heavier and he then remembered the Zorua and as he pulled him out of his bag he realized it let itself get caught. "Cool a new pokemon!" Jag exclaimed bringing another bowl of food to the Zorua. He gets off the ground as the Zorua begins to eat and sits across from Rosa at the fire. "So. What do you want to eat." He asks as he pulls a variety of berries, sandwiches, water bottles, and some moo moo milk out of his bag. "My dad really worries about my health so I've got some food to spare at all times." He says as he begins eating a magikarp sandwich (basically tuna).
She grabs a slowpoke tail and bites into it "Eh, my dad probably still hasn't realized I didn't show up for work at the cafe today."
After they both ate and talked a bit more Jag eventually realized that both Spoofy and Zorua were asleep. "So I guess I should probably get to bed now. Feel free to stay the whole night at the camp if you'd like, and take whatever you want as long as you don't take half the satchel. I'll be up at 3 and it's currently 11 so you can stay up and leave or sleep in the extra sleeping bag in the satchel for as long as you want." Jag said as he walked over to his sleeping bag.
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