"Why I just love you're name it rings a bell to me. I am Jag and this here is Spoofy my partner." *Spoofy poses* "I'm not looking to battle, mainly becuase I saw what you just did to Andre. Me and Spoofy were wondering if we could maybe set up a future place to meet, for when we are stronger.""My name is Jae" Jae said confused why someone even cared. "You looking to battle?" Jae started slightly snickering at the choice of nickname.
"Well maybe Victory road? Nah that will take you to long. You don't have a badge yet. Maybe lumiose city once you get four badges, same as me.""Why I just love you're name it rings a bell to me. I am Jag and this here is Spoofy my partner." *Spoofy poses* "I'm not looking to battle, mainly becuase I saw what you just did to Andre. Me and Spoofy were wondering if we could maybe set up a future place to meet, for when we are stronger."
"Then it's settled. Lumiouse city I'll see you there, Jae" Jag said as he reached out to shake his hand *Ralts also sticks his hand out to Lairon*"Well maybe Victory road? Nah that will take you to long. You don't have a badge yet. Maybe lumiose city once you get four badges, same as me."
"Agh!" Jag yells "Rosa! Don't scare me like that I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Spoofy apoligize right now!" Spoofy begins to slowly say Ralts as if saying sorry. "Cmon Rosa you're staying at the camp for tonight you can have food water and whatever you need as an apology from me same goes for Andre, he can also have some berries if he needs them.." The Zorua from Jag's bag also pops its little head out of the bag and whimpers as to say sorry and then touches the button on one of Jag's pokeballs in his satchel and let itself get caught without Jag knowing."AHH! Frick what was that for, I ain't no stupid pokemon!" Rosa walks forward into the light nursing a cut on her arm, and a slight wobble to her step. Andre lets go of her back and flies forward using his wings as a shield "Get out of my way Andre, I don't need protecting." She shoves him out of the way and falls down.