I am glad to see the quick growth of Weathered Paths! This thread is for the use of any members of the roleplay or anyone with any questions about it. Using this thread, I can make improvements to the roleplay overall. All admin-created thread rules apply here, and there's a couple here I must place myself due to me being picky about some things.
1. Starting in December of 2018, I would prefer that everyone starts using... proper punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. I know, it's hard on the internet, but it gets people into a better habit of doing these things.
2. Also starting in December, Weathered Paths will become an Ask to Join roleplay, and once we have about 20+ members, possibly Private to prevent mass crowding while keeping enough room for 5 exploration teams.
3. Even I'm still learning, so this isn't much of a rule as it is a request. I want you guys to help me with some stuff involving Super Mystery Dungeon, as even though we're in Lively Town, I haven't played SMD yet, so helping me understand some things so I don't have to use Serebii or Bulbapedia constantly would be nice.
4. You may have more than one character, but you are limited to three. If more than one of your characters is in the same place, please specify with great detail, like making sure you mention their name at least once when performing an action.
...And that's it. Keep trekking, fellow Pokemon!