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Open Pokemon Nursery

Razi replied as he looked at Clay with a calm look, "Well, he's just so scared of it. It's almost like a bittersweet thing if I had to say something about it." He looked at the Helioptile who was now swaddled and asleep on a smaller bed, as he thought to himself, "I kinda feel better that I'm now being accepted by someone. On the other hand, Hector's asleep now, so I suppose I'll stay with Clay for a bit."
(Introducing a new character)
Name: Dun

Species: Deerling

Gender: Female

Reason for being at the nursery: Her trainer's too young to be able to own her so she drops her off at the daycare every day until she's old enough.

Dun had reached the outside of the Nursery with her trainer. She heard a considerably loud scream coming from inside the Nursery. She stood and listened frightened of what that was and what is happening. She looked up at her trainer with scared eyes. "Don't worry, a Pokemon probably fell over and hurt themselves," The trainer said to Dun in an attempt to calm her down. Dun walked towards the door of the playground and looked behind at her trainer before she entered but she had already entered her car. The trainer waved goodbye at Dun as her parents drove off. Dun slowly walked in. She slowly scoped around the playground in case there were any bullies around. She saw a Plusle, Espurr, Starly and some other Pokemon. She calmed down a little as it seemed that none of the seemed to be mean in any way. Then she saw a sad looking Phanpy and a Riolu talking to him. As soon as she saw the Riolu her eyes turned into hearts and she fell in love. She hesitantly approached the tow Pokemon.

Clay looked up at Raze and answered. "Yeah, that's exactly how to put it," Clay seemed to not feel sad anymore after Raze's remark. "H-i um... h-hello," Dun hesitantly said. Clay turned around to see where the voice was coming from. As soon as Clay saw Deerling, his jaw dropped and his eyes turned to hearts also. "hey..." Clay simply said whilst staring at Dun.
Razi looked at the Deerling that just came in, as he noticed that she had a crush on him, knowing that her aura was rather intense. He saw Hector still asleep in his bed, as he said to Clay, "I'm going to see how Hector's doing, I hope he's alright." He walked into the building while he went inside the room to check up on the Helioptile who was still asleep.
Clay didn't take any notice of Raze leaving and continued to focus on Dun. Dun was a bit disappointed that the Riolu had left already. "Hey there! My name's Clay, it's a pleasure to meet you! What's your name?"Clay said in a rather happy and loud tone. Dun was slightly startled about Clay talking loudly. "Oh, um... Hey, my name's Dun, nice to meet you, Clay," Dun had a very posh and proper accent when talking. "I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?" Clay asked. "Yeah, i just arrived a moment ago." Dun was talking to Clay but seemed a bit distracted, because she was looking at the entrance to see if the Riolu was gonna come back out again. "Okay cool, do you wanna play in the sandbox with me?" Cly asked Dun. "No thank you, the sandbox is very dirty," Dun said still looking at the door. "Oh okay..." Clay then pondered in thought, trying to think of an idea of what to say.
Razi noticed Hector was asleep on a small bed, as he saw him snoring quietly while the nurse watched him. He patted his back, trying to avoid his arms, as he said to him quietly, "Shh... just relax and sleep now." He saw him squirming in slight motions on the bed, as he pulled up the blanket up to his upper body in an attempt to comfort him. He sat down on another bed, watching him, as he thought to himself, "Well, at least he's fine now. Now we can finally relax before he has to take it again."
Dun didnt seem interested in talking to Clay since he wasnt speaking much and just staring. "I'm gonna go talk to some other people okay, I'll talk to you later, see ya," Dun said as she walked away from Clay. "B-bye!" Clay said as she walked away. He then sighed and thought, "she's way out of my league," Clay said to himself. Clay then followed where Razi went and found himself where he went when he hit his head yesterday. Clay went up to Raze and noticed Hector was asleep, fidgeting and squirming as if he was still scared of the needle even though he was asleep. "Hector I said similar to me when I get an anxiety attack, it feels like the worst thing ever. It's just a shame that Hector has to go through this frequently," Clay said.
With Hector's rather eventful injection over, Lola went to play by the wendyhouse, looking for other items that she could practice her heal pulse on.

Sparkle noticed a deerling walking away from an awe-struck Clay, the little phanpy's cheeks glowing brightly as she left him.

"Haven't seen her around here before," Sparkle remarked, "Whoever she is, looks like Clay's got it bad for her..."
Name: Daniel

Species: Bulbasaur

Gender: Male

Reason for being at the nursery: The starting Pokémon for a future child. However, since the kid is starting kindergarten and the kid's parents are working until she is off school, Daniel is put into daycare until it is time to pick him up.


Daniel didn't want to go to Pokémon Nursery. It sounded like a scary place. All he wanted to do was go back home and be with Mary. His big sister. Mary and he used to run around the backyard all day in the summer. All while Mom and Dad worked on the garden in front. They were never allowed to play in the front of the house with Mom or Dad watching.

But Mary and Mom took him to this strange building. Daniel didn't like it. Not one bit. All he wanted to do was be at home. It didn't help either when he went inside. Everything was so strange. There was no electronic box with the pictures. There were no toys. At least, none that were his. They were all ... different.

Mary gave him a tight hug. Admittedly, that did make him feel better. "You be good in nursery." Mary said with a smile.

"Come on, Mary. You'll be late for school."

School? Daniel wished he knew what that word meant. All that he really knew was that Mary was going away. He didn't know what to do. He hadn't been without Mary. He couldn't remember a time when there was no Mary. Now, there was none. He wanted to cry. He sat at the doorway, watching the six year old and her mother walking down the road going to... school. Sounded horrifying to him.

Just as tears were about to steam down his green face, a voice came from behind him. "Hello, Daniel." He looked up as a woman kneeled down to him. She was as tall as Mary's mother. "Don't you worry. They'll be back. In the meantime, why don't you go make some friends?"

Daniel didn't want friends. He wanted Mary. Even so, the women guided him to the back of the nursery. They passed the resting room where there seemed to be beds everywhere. And finally, to the playground, where he saw at least a dozen other Pokémon. But the harsh truth was... none of them were Mary.

"Why don't you go play with the other Pokémon?" The woman said as she gently patted Daniel's head. Reluctantly, Daniel slowly took his first steps onto the playground.
species:Shiny chespin
Reason for being at nursery:his family went on holiday which means Fraser has to go to nursery every day for 2 weeks

Fraser was very worried when he first had to go to nursery for the first time "what if the other Pokemon bully me?" he thought when he entered the play ground, then he saw a bulbasaur who looked very scared of everyone else Fraser decided to try and make early friend and greet them"Hi, My name is Fraser, what's yours?"He asked
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Name: Sparks
Species: Shiny Shinx
Reason for being at the nursery: He is taken care of by a boy around eleven but has to go to school during the day

Sparks entered the nursery confused 'where am I' he thought to himself. He turned around to look back at his trainer but he was gone. The sun hit his golden fur but he stepped aside 'well then let's have a little look around' Sparks thought to himself. He walked up to a riolu " hi what's your name I'm Sparks" He managed to say.
Daniel took a step back from Chespin who approached him. It wasn't that he was scared of him. It was that this Pokémon had caught him off guard. Daniel lowered his head and fiddled with the dirt under his foot. "I... I'm Daniel."
Name: Crush

Species: Larvitar

Gender: male

Reason for being here: his trainer is training with his stronger pokemon for the elite four

Woah, this place actually has a lot of people. Hopefully they won't be too mean or anything, I'm probably gonna be here until my trainer comes back. Can't wait till someone awkwardly talks to me and becomes my main friend here!
Clay decided to head back to the playground and leave Razi and Hector alone for now. He was caught off guard with the amount of new Pokemon that had arrived whilst he was inside. They all seemed to be new since they all didn't seem to know where to go and where just looking around and walking aimlessly. Clay walked towards the group but he started to feel his anxiety coming back as he got closer. So he hesitantly stopped walking.
Razi noticed a shiny Shinx that walked to a Phanpy, as he had dozed off with Hector. He got out of the bed and went to the Shinx, while deciding to let Hector sleep peacefully in the bed. He knew that he would be asleep for quite a while, as he went towards the playground to meet the new Pokémon that had arrived. He took a rest near the sandbox, as he thought to himself, "So I used to be depressed before, and now I'm happy and back to normal... this is one interesting time at the Nursery."
Fraser was very puzzled at why this bulbasaur named Daniel looked so scared, after all, Fraser didn't think he was scary."um, wanna be friends 'Daniel'?" Fraser asked the bulbasaur. He then added "Daniel is a very nice name you know."
"This place seems... socially awkward. I wonder how many pokemon are here because they were too nervous to fight? Well whatever. I might as weall try and make some friends. " crush yawned. He walked to a place where a phanpy seemed to take the center of attention. "Hey guys what's going on here?" Crush asked as calmly as ever
Clay took a deep breath and slipped away from people that were starting to crowd around him, clay fell to the ground dtill breathing heavily. He then noticed he ended up next to a Larvitar who seem to be a rather confident Pokemon who was checking out others here. "Hi, um... I'm Clay, a bunch of newcomers came along so they were greeting themselves. I guess it got a bit much for me," Clay said as he contuned to take deep breaths to calm himself down.
Crush blinked and looked at the ground type who was talking to him. "Yeah I can see that. It looks like everybody just seems to swarm around sights of interest." He said calmly. "My names crush by the way. Nice to meet another ground type around here."
Sparks walked over to a larvitar who was in a conversation.
"hello My name is Sparks whats your name?" he asked nervously pawing the ground because he was scared
"Likewise," Clay said as he put his foot up for a fist bump. "I have a bit off an anxiety issue, so that crowd wasn't very pleasant for me," Clay said looking back at the group of Pokemon.
Sparkle too bounded over to the newcomers, excited at the prospect of making new friends. She was particularly surprised by the sight of a shiny shinx. Ella had a toy shinx at home, but it was blue instead of yellow, and it was all soft and cuddly.

"I'm Sparkle," the plusle greeted, putting emphasis on her name. Would they notice that she was shiny? "Are you guys new here?"
"oh hi i am Sparks" Sparks said pawing the ground nervously
he looked up and his eyes widened
"whoa your a shiny too!" he got excited at this and stopped pawing the ground
"wait we should be friends" then looked away embarrassed "i am not really good at making friends"
Sparkle stepped forward, "It's okay, most people find me to hard to handle as well," she answered, "Just one thing I've gotta tell you all," she continued, signalling to the rest of the group, "There's a really mean happiny here. She says that battling is for ruffians and she thinks she's better than us because she's gonna care for someone with a..." what was the word again? "Chronic illness when she grows up."
Crush looked at the peculiarly colored pokemon in front of him. "Oh, my names crush. Also there's a mean happiny? I didn't think that a pokemon like happiny could be mean" crush yawned(man this guy needs some sleep)
"She says I'm gonna inflict terrible wounds on people in battle," the plusle added, "And that pokemon who battle are ruffians... Whatever that means. Anyway, I'd stay away from her if I were you."

Sparkle scanned the area. Fortunately there were no happinies within her line of sight...
Sparkle came bounding over, her tiny ears bobbing with every step, "We don't really have one here," the plusle answered, "Except for snack time, which is at half-ten, and then we get given lunch at eleven."
"It's another hour until lunch, so, I'm gonna go practice my moves over by the trees again," Sparkle continued, "I need to learn powerful moves for when my trainer can take me on a journey, because she's gonna rhe Kalos champion!"
Name: Nora
Species: Shiny Eevee
Gender: Female
Reason for being at the nursery: Was Originally sent here because her trainer had to go to school but he died in a car accident,So she became a helper at the nursery.

::Flash back::
Her trainer putted her on the floor,she whimpered ran to his leg while holding it,"Please don't leave me!Let me go with you!",Her trainer sighed and knelled down and petted her head,"It's ok girl,i'm only going to school for a while,i will pick you up in the evening ok?",Her trainer picked her up and hugged her,"Promise you will be brave for me until then?",Nora nodded and her trainer putted her down,"See you in the evening!".
(In the evening)
Nora looked at the sky and realised it was evening,she went inside the building to wait for her trainer,But he never came the breeder then suddenly knelled down and said her trainer died in a car accident while going to pick her up.She cried and whimpered,sad that her trainer died,but she will never forget the promise he gave her,she will try to be brave and soon she became a helper at the nursery.

Nora sighed and looked after the other pokemon outside and made sure that everyone did not bully anyone.She would also help them if they were injured,hungry,tired,bored or having problems socializing.
Name: Zailia

Species: Zorua

Gender: F

Reason for being at the nursery: Trainer has to work during the day, and dark-type Pokemon aren't allowed in the building, so she has to stay here
Sparkle nodded and bounded on over to a clearing filled with huge, thick oak trees. One of the zangoose that she'd seen earlier was there, attempting to shred a bush with his newly-learned fury swipes attack.

Instead of going to the tree she had trained at earlier, which had been slightly singed by her spark, the plusle went to a less damaged tree, and charged up another electric impulse to throw at it.
(It's not, it's just a clearing of trees in the nursery's outside area.)

Sparkle's spark attack worked once again, singing the once unscathed tree's lowest branch with a red jolt of pulsing electricity. So she'd really mastered it! She could use the attack, spark now, in battle!

The plusle thought about the other attacks that she'd like to learn, as the branch fell to the floor... Ella's ninth birthday was coming up soon, so she'd only have a year left to become strong enough for their journey. Ella was already planning her team. She wanted a manectric, a magnezone, a mudsdale, and a lilligant... If Sparkle wanted to keep up with them, then she had to learn better moves!

The plusle thought about her next move. She really wanted to learn thunderpunch, like that electivire! So she tried to charge her fist up with electrical impulses and smash it into a tree... It didn't quite work.

"Owie!" she complained as she tended to her paw.
Razi got up and gathered in his aura that he dispersed around the sandbox, as he got up and lightly stretched out his body. He quietly walked over to a clearing of oak trees, as he felt rather confused at the thickness of each tree that filled around the clearing. He noticed a red jolt of electricity that was coming from a tree in the direction he faced, as he quickly walked over to the noise.

The noise seemed to have gotten his attention, as he thought to himself while his aura scattered about around his body, "Well, Hector is still asleep at the Nursery... so I suppose that I'll be alone until he gets back up." He walked over to the Plusle while he saw her jab her fist into a tree with an electrical charge. He briefly heard her complaint while he noticed that she was focused on her paw. He quietly walked up to her and said in a concerned tone, "Hey, are you alright? Your paw looks a little beat up there..."
Sparkle's lip wobbled, her eyes were threatening to overflow, and her paw really hurt... But she wouldn't let it show. Big, tough pokemon didn't cry when they got hurt in battle, and she wouldn't either. Well, because of her species, Sparkle would never get to be very big anyway, but she was tougher than this.

She plastered a false smile to her face as she turned to face Razi. "Yep! Just attempted thunderpunch!" she assured him through gritted teeth
Razi looked over at Sparkle, while his eyes were mainly focused on her feigned smile, as he said, "Okay... but you don't seem okay to me here. You sound a bit like you're trying to hide something..." He slowly walked towards her while he thought to himself as his aura clumped around his backside, "She doesn't sound right, is she sick? Or is she like hurt and wants to look tough? I'd better probably be careful with this... she doesn't look too well."

Hector was still asleep in the Nursery, as he curled up with the bluish blanket, while he quietly snored on the bed still. His frills gently shook with the warm, humid air that surrounded his body, as a Nurse kept watch of him while he still slept.
Sparkle backtracked immediately, hurrying to hide her damaged paw behind her back. It wasn't bloody, or anything, it just hurt. The aftershock of the electrical impulse she had built up in her thunderpunch attempt wasn't helping either. But she still wouldn't let the fact that she was in pain show. A future champion's pokemon could not afford to display such weakness.

"Yup, just fine!" She said quickly, as she noticed the happiny from earlier walking by behind Razi. She stopped and shook her head disapprovingly at Sparkle.