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Open Pokemon: The Origins

Hey, welcome to my Roleplay Thread! Here, you can be a Pokemon, a Fakemon or a fan character which is based off of a Pokemon!

Here are the things you have to write if you want to introduce your fan character...

Pokemon Sort:
Other Information:

Have fun!
Name: Aqua
Pokemon Sort: Froakie
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Moves: Pound, Growl, Bubble, Quick Attack
Level: 10
Personality/Nature: Loves to have adventures
Other Information: Can be quite annoying, but can also have a great heart.
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Name: Bolt
Pokemon Sort: Jolteon
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Level: 22
Moves: Thunder Shock, Bite, Quick Attack, Swift.
Personality/Nature: Always making new friends.
Other Information: When overjoyed, he tends to shock people.
Aqua was walking in Gale Forest, a very peaceful place. "Ahhh.... Isn't this just the most peaceful day ever?" he said, but only Pokemon could understand him. "No trainers... No, noppes, nada!"
Bolt was running through the forest, dodging multiple Mud Shots from a pokemon behind him. Soon he bumped into a Froakie! "Get down!" Bolt said seriously, pushing the Froakie behind a tree. The rampaging pokemon ran past them, not knowing they were there. "That was a close one. You ok?" Bolt asked.
"Ow...... What was that for? Were those Mud Shots?" Aqua said in a worried but also an angry way. "Wait... I thought Jolteons didn't live in Gale Forest, I thought they lived somewhere else!"
"I know" Bolt said. "That Diggersby chased me here. Not really sure how to get back to where I live though." Bolt looked around, wondering if he could find a way home.
"Your lost...? Oh, that's sad... I wonder where your home is?" Aqua seemed concerned. "I heard most electric types live in Route 23 in this region..... Oh yeah, this is the Anchoria region!"
"Route 23?" Bolt asked. "Never heard of it. In fact, I don't even know the name of where I live!" Bolt was still looking at his surroundings. "Hey, you think I could stay with you?" Bolt asked.
"Really!?" Bolt asked excitedly. "Oh yes oh yes oh yes!!" Bolt gave Aqua a little celebration shock. "Oh, sorry. I sometimes shock people when I'm overjoyed.." Bolt explained.
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"I think we should head out of the forest, then KEEP AWAY FROM THE TRAINERS IN SILVENT TOWN, aaaaaaand then we're in Route 22. ALMOST in Route 23." Aqua said, tapping his head.
"Alrighty, but promise me to NOT give me any shocks when I'm on your back. Electric type is effective against Water type." Aqua laughed, and quickly led Bolt to a part of the forest full of wild Pokemon. "You never told me your name" said Aqua. "what is it, anyway? Mine is Aqua."
"Mine? Mine is Bolt!" Bolt said eagerly. "A fitting name for an electric type like myself." Bolt was looking around, seeing all the pokemon around him. "Wow. There are so many new pokemon I've never seen by my home!" Bolt wanted to start conversing with the other pokemon but he knew he could come back anytime.
"Bolt, are you used to seeing new Pokemon? Because I know an ancient one who was spawned a few days back by an evil team named Team Asteroid. They WANTED to use the ancient Pokemon, named Hoopa, so that they could get what they wanted for world domination: The... Uh.... I forgot what it was called" Aqua explained to Bolt, while a few Fletchling were just watching the two Pokemon
"Wow!" Bolt exclaimed, very impressed. "It would be so cool to see it for ourselves!" Bolt saw the edge of the forest. "Come on Aqua! I can see the town!"
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(I'm back from sleeping)
Aqua quickly ran to the edge of the forest, but stopped when they arrived in Silvent Town. "Shhhh.. Maybe the trainers will hear you!" he whispered. "Are you really gonna be that fast? I can see, like, 50 people in that town!"
"Oh........ OVER the town, I guess that's a thing now...?" Aqua then used his light and fast body to jump up to the rooftop of the house where Bolt was. "I can see the whole town in here!" Aqua was getting a bit worried about the trainers.
"3... 2... 1!" Bolt said, then he dashed across the rooftops with Aqua on his back. He finally reached the other side of town and jumped off the rooftops. He looked over to one side, and then to the other. "Oh no..." Bolt said, a little frightened
Aqua ran after Bolt. "I can't change it! But I can do THIS!" Aqua then used the sort-of white "pillows" on his neck to let all of the Tauros get stuck in it. "YEAH! My dad taught me that, heh heh" He then started shining "Huh?"
Bolt stopped and looked at Aqua. He gasped. "Your..... evolving.." Bolt said slowly. "This is when you change form! You may even change a type!" Bolt explained excitedly.
"Yay!" He jumped up and down while shining, a bright light then appeared, and he turned into.... Frogadier! "Oh yeah!" Aqua then looked forward, and pointed to a sign saying "Route 23"
"Oh sweet!" Bolt said excitedly. "We found Route 23 and you evolved!" Jolteon walked over to Route 23. But then, the Diggersby appeared! "Why?" Bolt asked, backing up. Diggersby shot some Mud Shots and Bolt jumped behind Aqua, dodging the Mud Shots. "You.. Your a water type! Do something about this Diggersby!" Bolt stuttered.
"I.... I'll try!" Aqua then jumped forward, walked towards the Diggersby and then used Water Shuriken! "Take THAT, you Diggersby!" Aqua then stood bravely, thinking in his mind "I DO have some fight in me!"
The Diggersby got major injuries and retreated into a hole. "Oh thank goodness he's gone." sighed Bolt. Bolt continued walking into Route 23, having flashbacks in his head. "some... somethings coming to me... in my head." Bolt strangely said. "Like... something.. bad happened.... here.... that...... I saw..." Bolt kept stuttering.
"W-Why? We're at Route 23.... Is something wrong?" Then, the two Pokemon heard footsteps. Two men in blue shirts with an asteroid on both their shirts walked up to them. "A Frogadier and a Jolteon? Ha! A new bait!" said the first man. "The boss will be happy with strong Pokemon" said the second. "Oh, heck no! I'm not going with you two!" Said Aqua angrily.
"It's not them but, I'm still gonna fight!" Bolt eagerly said. He shocked one of the grunts before he sent out his pokemon. "Ha! Is that all you got?" Bolt asked sarcastically.
One of the grunts then send out Gogoat. "Gogoat, use Bulldoze!" The Gogoat then ran up to Bolt, but Aqua pushed Bolt aside, and he got hit. "Owww.." Aqua fainted. "Heh! We got 'em!" The two grunts ran off with Aqua.
"No!" Bolt screamed, running up to the two grunts ready to shock them. But then suddenly, he fell down a hole! "Ahhhh!!!" Bolt screamed as he fell. He soon hit the ground and feel unconscious.
"Boss, we got a new Pokemon!" The two grunts arrived at their base. "Hmmm... Good" said the boss. "We shall be continuing our plans now. GO TO WORK!" The two grunts ran off with Aqua, and put him in a cage
Bolt woke up, finding himself in a web. "Oh no..." Bolt thought "Its happenning." Bolt tried getting out of the web but he was helpless. "Struggle all you want, your not gonna escape." A voice echoed through some caves. "I know what you did. And your not getting away with it!" Bolt kept on struggling. "Oh, well I love getting away with things. It's very easy you know?" Then a pokemon pounced onto Bolt, but not hurting him. It was an Ariados. "Don't think I'll be easy prey." Bolt said while growling at the Ariados. "That's what I like." The Ariados responded. Bolt knew he had to make a move.
A shining light then appeared BEHIND the Ariados. "Let the Jolteon go, Ariados." the voice said, it was a shadow looking very similar to an ancient Pokemon. "Wild Pokemon don't threaten other wild Pokemon." The shadow then walked up to the Ariados.