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Open Pokemon: The Origins

"Don't get to angry bud." Bolt said to Rowlet, while also taking breaths. "Well, gotta get my buddy here into Gale Forest." He then put Aqua on his back. "Well see you later little guy." Bolt said to the Rowlet. He took a few steps, then stopped. He looked back at Rowl. "Unless you wanna come with?"
Bolt then ran into the forest and found a nice spot to sleep for the night. He then set Aqua on the ground and then sat down beside him. "You find where your gonna sleep." Bolt said to Rowl, closing his eyes.
Name: Iggy
Pokemon sort: Togepi
Age: 9
Level: 5
Personality/nature: playful,very naive
Other information: Often attempts to fly by jumping off of high places
Iggy is looking down from a high tree. "Should I really do this?" He asks himself. He slips off of a branch and starts rolling. He stops right in front of Rowl.
"I was going to ask... If I could join you... I may not be strong, but I am a huge key into defeating Team Meteorite or whatever." The litten meowed.
"Really?" Bolt asked, surprisingly full of energy now. "Well that would be useful! But first we gotta wait for Aqua to heal up. Also, It's Team Asteroid. I'll keep guard for the night." Bolt walked around the pokemon, looking around for anything dangerous.
"After my training was completed when I was twelve, they.... Did something... Bad to Torchic..... I ran away from them, afraid they would kill me too!" Suddenly, there were tears falling from the litten's eyes.