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Private/Closed Pokémon Titanium

Link to the Discussion Thread

Date: ???
Time: ???
Location: ???

Cassandra couldn't tell whether she was drowning or flying. It was one of those dreams where her head felt like was underwater, but she could still breathe fine. Her body tossed around like a leaf in the wind. She was surrounded by darkness. It should have frightened her, yet for some strange reason, she was calm. It was as if the darkness was calling out to her. It was saying, I am here, do not be afraid.

"I'm not afraid," Cassandra said even though no one had spoken. Somehow saying it made it true. "I'm not afraid."


The darkness was illuminated. Cassandra suddenly became the aware that there were thousands of fishes. She swam towards them. As she got closer, the fishes grew smaller. Their silver scales flashed in her eyes.

"No," Cassandra realized. "Not fish. Stars."

Stars! The darkness sang. The stars swirled around Cassandra, enveloping her in tiny bursts of light. Cassandra looked up. The stars appeared to be taking on some sort of shape. It appeared to be a creature with three fins: one for each side, the other on its back. It's body was shaped like a torpedo. Its nose was like a bottle rocket. The creature circled Cassandra making a series of eerie whistles and clicks.

"Are you a Pokémon?"

The creature continued to make clicking sounds. All of a sudden, Cassandra got a weird feeling, like words were being printed on the inside of her brain.

Your home is in danger.

Cassandra stared at the creature. It gave her a knowing nod.

"Who are you?"

The scene melted before Cassandra's eyes. She saw a flash of images. A trident. A tentacle. Things that didn't make sense. The creature that had been floating in front of her disappeared.

"Wait!" Cassandra called. "Come back!"
Date: July 20th
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Location: Chaplet Town

"Cass! Wake up, Cass!"

"Hmm? Wha?"

Cassandra sat up. She was sitting under the tree in her father's front yard. Her Pokémon, Shade, was sitting on her lap, curled up on top of her open copy of The History and Legends of Mithos.

"Must have dozed off," she muttered.

"How can you be sleeping on a day like today?"

Cassandra rubbed her eyes and stared at the person who had spoken. He was an eleven year old boy with flax blond hair and eyes as blue as Gyarados scales.

"Oh. Hi, Sedge."

"Hi Sedge." The boy sighed. "Is that all you can say? Come on! Get up."

"Hey! Quit yanking on me," Cassandra exclaimed.

Shade opened one eye and yawned. The black feline jumped off Cassandra's lap, allowing her to stand.

"I can't believe you two," Sedge lamented. "Sleeping on the most important day of your lives. Mom and Dad are waiting."

"What time is it?" Cassandra asked, checking her wrist watch. It was 10:30. "Sedge, the starters ceremony doesn't begin for another half-hour. Are the other trainers even there yet?"

Sedge's face fell. "Well, no."

"I knew it."

"But you promised you'd come early," Sedge wailed. "Besides, if we wait, somebody's going to take the best Pokémon for themselves."

"You're their son," Cassandra reminded him. "They'll probably let you pick first anyway."

"Please?" Sedge stressed the "eez" part until he was blue in the face.

Cassandra tittered. "Oh, all right!" She grabbed her stuff, put her book inside of her bag, and slung it over her shoulders.

"It's probably good I didn't sleep anyway. I was having a really weird dream."

"Do me a favor," Sedge said. "Tell me after we get our Pokémon."

Date: July 20th
Time: 8:45 a.m.
Location: Coronet City

Hector was in the kitchen checking his cellphone for messages. His parents were already at work. They left a note on the table, explaining that they had to leave early, but they'd try to be back in time to see him off. The note was signed with six x's and o's, probably his mother's doing.

Hector had sent them both a text, saying that he'd stick around the house until 9:30. The ceremony was being held from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. However, he wanted to get their early so that he'd have a chance at first pick. The Skitty clock on the wall told him that it was presently 8:45 a.m. He had less than an hour to go.

Hector put his phone down and sighed. He felt a tug on his jean. A blue bipedal canine with black mask-like markings and ears barked at him. Hector smiled and picked the Pokémon up. Luk had been his partner ever since he turned ten years old. His parents had handed him a large present with blue and yellow wrapping paper. He tore it open and was a little disheartened when the gift proved to be nothing more than a red and white ball, but his mother pointed out the button on the front.

"Go ahead," she said. "Open it."

So Hector picked up the ball and pressed the round little white button with his finger. The ball cracked open and spilled out a ray of light that transformed, as if by magic, into a baby Riolu. He named him Luk, meaning "bright light" and the two of them of them had been pals ever since. It was thanks to Luk that Hector caught his second Pokémon, a Bronzor named Tong. His parent's also owned Pokémon. A Shinx called Flash, which belonged to Hector's father, was presently stuffing his face with dry food. Hector's mom owned two Pokémon: Jigglypuff named Jam and a Clefairy she called Wish. Both were resting comfortably in the living room.

As a boy who lived with Pokémon pretty much his whole life, Hector couldn't call the ceremony his "starter ceremony". That happened the day he got Luk. Still, receiving a Pokémon from Professor Zanzibar was an honor in itself. It meant that he was finally ready to walk his own path. That his parents were trusting him to venture beyond the city. To blaze a trail unlike anyone who had come before him or anyone who would come after. It might sound corny, but to him, it was a heck of a big deal.

"Just image it," he told Luz. "You, Tong, and I are going to be out there meeting new friends, honing our skills, having the adventure of the life time."

"Yipe! Yipe!" Luz cheered, raising his paws in the air.

Hector laughed. He was happy. He should be happy. Shouldn't he? He starred at the pictures on the refrigerator. They were mostly family photos, various snapshots of Hector and other relatives at various stages of their childhoods. While most of these photographs blurred together, one was impossible to miss. It was the largest one by far, tapped to the center of the fridge. It was taken roughly four years ago. His father stood on the right, wearing a grey suit and black tie. His mother wore a white blouse with black specks all over it. His mom called it a Liepard pattern. Hector thought it looked more like Smeargle splatters. Hector was also in the picture. By the looks of his smile, he must have just lost a tooth. What made this photograph stand out, however, was not the paint splatter shirt or his toothless grin, it was the smiling figure resting a hand on Hector's left shoulder. Looking at him, you might think he was hectors twin. He had the same complexion, the same greasy hair, the only difference was that the figure was at least a foot taller.

This was Hector's brother Jason. He no longer shared the apartment. In fact, Hector had not seen him in over a year. One morning, the newspaper on their doorstep came with the headline: BRONZE NAME TARNISHED: A SCANDAL EXPOSED! The day afterwards, Jason packed up his things and announced that he was leaving for good. That was how Hector found out his brother cheated had his way through the Pokémon League. He still felt betrayed. When he was younger, people might look at him and say, "Hey look! That's Jason's little brother. You know? The Rising Star." Now those people looked at Hector and whispered. "Did you see that boy? That's Jason's little brother. You know? The disgrace to Pokémon trainers." His brothers infamy followed him like a shadow.

Was this why his parents had not bothered to see him off? Because they were afraid he would turn out like Jason? Hector shook his head. No, his mom and dad loved him. His mom was probably asked to cover a shift at the hospital, and dad had to handle more calls ever since the office laid some people off. He stared once more at his phone. It was now 9:15. He pulled up his list of contacts, scrolled down to z, and pressed call. His screen went black. A few seconds later, a base pitch roughly thirty-four year old masculine voice answered the line.


"Hi, professor. This is Hector."

Luk jumped up on Hector's lap and barked into the phone.

Oh. Hey, bud. How are you and your Riolu doing?

"Fine, thanks. Listen," Hector said, "I know the ceremony doesn't start until ten, but could I come a little early?"

Hector instantly regretted asking.

"It's just that my folks aren't home right now, and seeing as I have nothing to do---"

Of course! The Professor said. I'm just setting up right now. Come by whenever you like.

"Really?" Hector said. "Thanks! I'll be over in five."

'Kay. See you soon, bud.

Hector hung up. He liked that Professor Zanzibar called him bud. Actually, he rather liked the professor in general. Maybe it was the fact that he always answered Hector's calls, no matter what he was working on. Or maybe it was just his love for Pokémon. Either way, Hector was glad to know that he and the Professor were on good terms. Professor Zanzibar even let people call him by his first name. Hector didn't only because it felt weird to him. He grabbed Tong's Poké Ball and Luk's too, though he decided it couldn't hurt to have someone to walk with. He stared at the refrigerator one last time before heading out the door.

Just you wait, he thought. I'm going to prove you wrong.

Date: July 20th
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Location: Crest Island

The Gorgeon was watching. Her trainer stood outside of the Crest Island laboratory, tucking her hair behind her ears. The Gorgeon had been with this trainer along time. She knew that she wasn't the type to mess around. Whatever they were here for must be very important.

"You wait outside," her trainer told her. Her voice was cold and calculating. It was hard to tell what she was thinking with the dark sunglasses she wore over her eyes.

"If things get ugly, I'll call you."

The Gorgeon could only nod. Very few Pokémon were capable of mastering the art of human speech. Some could mimic sounds. Others, such as Psychic-types, were capable of forming telepathic connections with their trainers. However, the Gorgeon did not know of any Pokémon that could truly speak human.

Her trainer was called Athena.

The Gorgeon had wanted to give her a different name, the way humans sometimes called Pokémon by different names. "Athena" had a unique sound, but it said nothing about the kind of person her trainer was. The way she walked, swiftly yet silently, like she had something to prove. The way she talked to others. Measured. Calm. Restrictive. The way she carried herself. Her head always held high, but her shoulders were stiff and rigid. Almost as if she was made of stone. No. "Athena" just wasn't enough to describe that sort of person.

She knocked on the door. Without waiting for a reply, her trainer entered the building. The door closed behind her. The Gorgeon could not see what was happening, but the sounds painted a picture.

"Professor Elani Rhoa?"

Footsteps. The shuffling of papers.

"Who are you?" The voice that answered was lighthearted, yet concerned.

"My name is unimportant." Her trainer spoke. "You may call me, 'The Director'."

The Director, the Gorgeon mused. A fitting name, but perhaps not perfect.

“What do you want?”

"You are a researcher of Mithosian myths and folklore, correct?"

Something shattering. A creature skittering away.

"Only as a hobby," the light voice answered. "My real work is with Pokémon. I'm actually expecting some trainers soon, so if you'll come back--"

A slight rustling of cloth. A hand raised?

"I'm afraid my business is quite urgent."

A pause for silence. A click.

"You have an assistant who is coming by in an hour."

The Gorgeon could picture the woman's gasp. "How did you--"

"Know?" A light chuckle. "It is my business to know. Let your assistant tend to these trainers. I'm sure we can come to an understanding."

"Stay back! I'm warning y--"

The Gorgeon suddenly felt her body being sucked into a vortex. The laboratory disappeared and, for a moment, she heard nothing but a soft click, like a case being shut. She saw a red flash and felt her body being pulled back into shape. She stood in a room, presumably the inside of the laboratory. She saw a young woman wearing a white coat with brown hair tied back in a ponytail. She sensed the presence of other Pokémon.


Her human was calling her name. The Gorgeon glanced over her shoulder and saw Athena, The Director, snap her fingers. The Pokémon sighed. She slid up to the white coat woman, who was cowering on the floor.

"Please," she said. "I beg you."

The Gorgeon sighed. Pulling back her own "hair", the Pokémon stared at the professor. There was a brief croak, before the professor's body was encased in stone. The Gorgeon's trainer tsked.

"She won't be easy to move like this," she said, "but at least she won't give us so much trouble."

Athena took out the black box she kept in her pocket and talked into it.

"I have the professor. Have a Sirenade pick us up pronto."

When the lab assistant arrived half an hour later, he wondered two things. Where had the professor gone and how could she leave the laboratory in such a mess?
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Date: July 20th
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Location: Coronet City

Jake stared out of the window of his studio above The Quiet Place. The starter ceremony was taking place nearby and their were people downstairs who had come in for their morning coffee, and pretty much all of them were talking about the ceremony. He remembered his own starter ceremony fondly and wondered what new trainers would be about. Just as he was about to turn back to his painting, a voice called out from downstairs "oi Jake, get your ass down here, I need my business partner, its getting busy", Jake sighed "come on Tsuki, come on Cerbie" he said giving the two sleeping pokemon a nudge with his foot, as they awoke he put his kit away and made his way downstairs "Yeah I'm coming Hettie" he called out to his housemate and business partner Hettie Kilton. He entered the Cafe and put his apron on to start serving Customers.

Date: July 20th
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Location: Chaplet Town

Professor Rose had only arrived in Mithos a few days ago and decided to research some of the many grass type pokemon that appeared around Chaplet Town. She arrived in the area around the town early in the morning and research a few pokemon before deciding to go into town. Professor Rose wondered around Chaplet Town with Bellamy and Aeris out, Bellamy strolling beside her and Aeris resting on her shoulder. As she walked she noticed the commotion going on and she figured she would enquire with a local, she spotted a young pair and walked over "Hello there, excuse me for asking, I'm relatively new to the region and I was in town researching the Grass pokemon and noticed something seems to be going on, what is happening exactly" she asked politely with a soft smile.
@Charlotte Pryce


Previously Airslashz
Madison Grace Stallings
around 10:30 am
July 20th
Chaplet Town, Mithos Region


A young Madison Stallings had just arrived in Chaplet Town, walking towards what was known as the starter ceremony. She heard about the ceremony not too long ago while on a ferry toward the town, and she knew it was the perfect way to start the new journey she'd recently dreamed of, away with that stupid old journey.

Madison sighed deeply. That journey was still in her head and wasn't going away.

Kind of a Flashback

That journey was Madison's performing career. She hated doing it, the immense pressure and demanding parents who fueled it, which happened in the most chaotic way possible. Despite Madison's hatred towards her profession, it didn't stop her from being one of the top performers in Hoenn at one point, and she was in the championships consistently.

She wanted to leave, but she felt like she couldn't. She didn't feel brave enough to leave.

But then she had the most chaotic end to her career. As she did her performance in the championship round, she unfortunately tripped and caused a unanimous victory for her opponent. Despite not liking performing, it still hurt her a lot as she received insults and boos from crowds and scolding from her parents, which made her finally realize she had to leave.

Sneaking out of her house, she quickly ran to the nearby port and went to the next ferry leaving the region.

And just by fate, she left for Chaplet Town in the Mithos Region.

Madison had heard about the region and some legends but nothing more.

To Present

Madison strolled around Chaplet Town for a while, looking for the lab where the starter ceremony would occur. She glanced around at the town; it felt quieter than the usual business in her hometown, Slateport City. It was indeed way quieter, a contrast from the markets and the occasional fans of Slateport City. It was a relief.

Soon, after some backtracking and asking some locals, Madison managed to reach the lab. She noticed three people already there and assumed they were talking, so she waited outside, allowing them to continue their conversation respectfully, though she remained nearby.

Alexander Castor Aetos
around 10:30 am
July 20th
Crest Island, Mithos Region

Unaware of the situation in the lab, a young Alexander Aetos sprinted very fast toward the Crest Island laboratory, panting very little. Alexander loved sprinting, and he never seemed to exhaust himself so quickly.

Alexander had arrived a day prior, staying at the local Pokemon Center for the night. He lived in Kanto, not Crest Island, although "apparently" he was born there. His parents left vague details about why they left, leaving Alexander curious. Despite numerous protests, he left Kanto to start a brand new journey.

And now he was close to the lab and right there! He kept sprinting... until... he crashed into the lab? He didn't realize the lab was right before him by the time he arrived, which made him unable to slow down. Clearly, Alexander had no idea what was happening before him.

"Augh... figures," Alexander recovered quickly, rubbing his face to ensure he wasn't seriously hurt. He was fine, it just shocked him just a touch.

Draven Davidson​

Date: July 20
Location: Crest Island, Mithos
Pokemon Team: Ma'a the Hoothoot

Interactions: Alexander Aetos (~Aura~Slashz~)

8:00 AM

A young man had just arrived to town, his eyes scanning the buildings for anything that looked remotely like a library. As soon as he found one after leaving the coast, he walked towards it, walking inside and perusing through the books until he finally got to the one he wanted.

Mithos' Starters.

Grabbing a book and settling down to read, he was surprised to see the region had three sets of starters. Likely due to some kind of war long ago that split the region apart before it was brought back together, if it was as one before the war. Either way, looked through what he wanted to pick from. Being on Crest Island, he knew that if he wanted another starter from another area, he'd miss out. He had heard from others and read from brochures that the Starter Ceremony in each of these areas were to start at the same time later today, around noon. He didn't know exactly what time it would start, but that was fine.

Scanning over each illustration, entries, abilities, moves, and battle capability of each Pokemon, he was leaning more towards this Chickapea and Aloeghar. The Peercock, a peacock-like Pokemon, had the ability to sense in any direction, which was a boon, but it was double weak to Bug. The bear-like Pokemon - Dynabear - was interesting. He was fascinated by it, but it did remind him of Pangoro. Platytide, the platypus-like Pokemon, he couldn't care for, but it was good thing to read that it was a part Poison-Type. The Chaplet Town's Pokemon were rather interesting, but Coronet City's Pokemon weren't that interesting to him. Lichenthrope, the wolf-like Pokemon, was cool, but it was also double weak to Poison. Terosene, a turtle-like Pokemon, was also rather interesting and looked like a tank and reminded him of a Turtonator and Bastiodon, but it was double weak to Ground. Tigeyser, a tiger-like Pokemon, was the only one that had Draven remotely consider taking. Dripurr was adorable and it became a serene and calm, yet ferocious beast.

Now, the Crest Island starters had him eyeing the page, more specifically Aloeghar and its last evolution, Orchidylian. It was double weak to Ice like Torterra, but this thing was awesome looking. Strange, yet regal and antique-looking headdress and collar, ankh symbols he had seen in history books...

This was his. It had to be.

The other Pokemon, Bullforge the frog-like Pokemon, and Kongsoon the primate-like Pokemon were interesting, but Bullforge was double weak to Ground and Kongsoon was double weak to Electric. Being double weak to Ice would be preferable to those two extremely common types, and he could always get another Fire-Type - like Sizzly or a different Pokemon - protect his two Pokemon from Ice-Types.

He didn't know what other Pokemon he wanted to get here in Mithos however. He'd just have to figure it out as he went along.

Looking at the time, he realized he spent a couple hours reading and lost track of time. Huh, as usual.

10:30 AM

Getting his bearings together and putting the book back, he found a free map of Crest Island and began his trek towards the lab. When he approached the lab, he saw a young woman hurriedly enter the lab, but didn't know anything was amiss. That was when he saw someone slam into the very lab itself. Steeling himself from smirking, he walked up to the boy, raising his eyebrow. He eyed the boy's spiky hair before running his hand through his own, black, short hair, tousling the strange pink strands in his hair to better keep its windswept appearance. His green eyes stared at the young teenager, then realized he was extremely tall. A whole head taller than he was, that was for sure. He also looked extremely athletic.

Don't get on this guy's bad side...

Compared to Draven's physique, he looked like a twiggy bookworm.

"Uh... You okay?" He asked, trying to hold back from grinning because of how funny it was. "You're not... going to bleed from your nose, are you?" His volume was a bit quiet, but his voice wasn't fragile, denoting he wasn't shy. However, the curl of his lip at the mention of blood basically said that he wasn't too keen on seeing something that disgusting. He looked at the building, making sure the guy didn't leave a mark on the wall before talking again. "What starter were you going for?"


Previously Airslashz
Alexander Castor Aetos
around 10:30 am
July 20th
Crest Island, Mithos Region
Interactions: Draven Davidson (@Merciless Medic )

Alexander seemed fully recovered when he noticed a more scrawny trainer who witnessed the accident and asked whether or not he was fine, and he seemed a little embarrassed but remained fine. He looked at the man, noticing the shorter and less muscular features as well as the green eyes that the man had. It gave Alexander a superiority complex as he looked down at the shorter trainer.

Huh, I could probably beat that guy up. Of course, I won't; that'd be stupid and also very not nice. But still... you never know when that'll be necessary.

"Oh yeah.. yeah.. uh.. yeah, I'm fine, haha. Nothing to worry about. I could probably run through a brick wall and be just fine!" Alexander exclaimed proudly, grinning, a contrast from the hesitation he had earlier.

The trainer then asked about what starter he was getting. Alexander had done preliminary research, and by preliminary research, he just glanced at the starters' photos, said Dripurr and Aloeghar looked stupid and Wigwarm looked fantastic, and decided on Wigwarm within 49 seconds.

"Oh yeah, I'm choosing Wigwarm! The others look kinda stupid, if I'm going to be honest," Alexander didn't mean to insult the other two starters, the others did look at least decent to him, but Wigwarm just stuck out to him. He was joking and being plain stupid.
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Draven Davidson​

Date: July 20
Location: Crest Island, Mithos
Pokemon Team: Ma'a the Hoothoot

Interactions: Alexander Aetos (~Aura~Slashz~)

Raising an eyebrow, Draven looked over Alexander once again. He didn't know what that look in Alexander's eye was. Was that him... Sizing him up?

Maybe not, the guy was a doofus as he spoke loudly and... With little factual substance on his choice of a starter. He sighed, scratching the back of his head as he bit back a retort. "Good. Aloeghar's mine anyway." He said with a cold edge, the man's joking tone and stupid demeanor was starting to grate on his nerves. But he saved face, wanting to be polite to the first person he spoke to here.

"Name's Draven. You live on this island or something?" He sort of looked like the people here, but he also wasn't too sure. He acted a lot like those buff buffoons in Kanto. "I come from Unova. Do you know what Wigwarm's last evolution is?" He wanted to make sure he was a bit more prepared than that. If not, well... He'd definitely be seeing him off as soon as they get their starters.
Date: July 20th
Location: Chaplet Town

Wulf jogged through the town as he headed for the Pokemon lab. He had overslept and would be cutting things close.
"I can't believe I couldn't get to sleep until after midnight last night!" Wulf told himself in frustration as he weaved around the occasional pedestrian. The nineteen year old figured he was just too excited about today to sleep properly the night before. "I hope I make it in time."
Wulf had never been to the lab before, but that did not stop him from heading straight for it. It was weird to most people, but Wulf had a strangely superior sense of direction, able to find places he had never been on the first try. Once he arrived, he saw Madison standing just outside. "Has the ceremony started yet?" @~Aura~Slashz~

Date: July 20th
Location: Coronet City

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!
Six wooden arrows penetrated the bullseye at the center of the target before Diana went to retrieve them. Today was the starter ceremony and she was feeling nervous. Practicing her archery was how she calmed down and focused herself. Placing each retrieved arrow back in her quiver, Diana then slung her bow across her back and made her way to the lab. As she jogged, she removed her shooting glove from her right hand and stuffed it in her haversack with everything else she figured she would need for the coming days.
Upon arriving, Diana walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. @Charlotte Pryce

Date: July 20th
Location: Crest Island

"Come on guys, you can do it!" Leona encouraged her Pokemon as they jogged across the beach, her newly evolved Whirlpuss easily outpacing her Cirkit and Litleo. Leona had already acquired her first badge in Coronet City where she started and was now training her team to take on the Crest Island gym. Leona wanted to make sure she and her pride were fighting fit while also increasing attack power.
"Alright, I think that's enough for now. Baihu, Hayate, Mufasa, break time!"
Upon hearing this, the three felines stopped running and stretched before yawning and lying down on the warm sand. Leona on the other hand spread out a beach blanket next to her pride before lying down, having been clad in only a Jagwire print bikini the whole time she trained with her team. With a content sigh, she placed her hands behind her head and closed her eyes for a small nap.


Previously Airslashz
Madison Stallings
Interactions: Wulf Wood (@Draco Nightshade )

Madison noticed a black-haired man coming to her and asking her whether or not the starter ceremony started.

“Nope! I believe you’re just in time!” Madison exclaimed.

Madison was used to random questions thrown at her, so this was nothing out of the ordinary for her.

“Hey, what starter are you getting?” she asked, continuing the conversation.

Alexander Aetos
Interactions: Draven Davidson (@Merciless Medic )

Alexander noticed the cold tone that Draven gave him, but he thought nothing of it. He still didn’t regard Draven seriously whatsoever.

He was relieved that Draven wasn’t picking up his starter, he didn’t want to fight with him for it. That was something good, at least.

But then… he asked one of the word questions possible. Alexander couldn’t seem to recall the final stage of Wigwarm. He thought it over and over for a while.

“Uh.. oh yeah, it’s Wigwarm but bett-“

Alexander finally recalled the final evolution. In his prompt preliminary research, he briefly saw the name and suddenly recalled it.

“Actually, it’s Bullforge,” Alexander said, smirking confidently.


Previously Airslashz
Madison Stallings
Interactions: Wulf Wood (@Draco Nightshade )

Madison smiled softly. This was probably one of the most normal conversations she’s had in a while, giving her a nice sense of comfort. Some of the conversations she’s had have been… just yelling, and were generally outright disrespectful.

“I’m Madison, but you can just call me Maddie,” she answered, shaking Wulf’s hand.

“And I’m probably going to choose Chickapea,” she added.
Date: July 20th
Time: 10am
Location: West Mithos Sea

A huge white and modern transport ship carried many adventurers, families and young trainers across the West Mithos Sea to another part of the Mithos region. For some, they had travelled from the far north of the region, which had few landmarks. For others though, this was their first time seeing the region, as many had travelled from regions in the West. The Oddessey, as it was called, was extremely close to its destination, as people aboard the ship flocked to it's upper deck after spotting the horizon, the new land of Mithos. Many had never even been to this region and were hopeful about starting a new life here. They dropped their mouthes when they saw the beauty of this new and ancient region, which boasted many long tales and legends which had been passed down into the dustiest parts of each region's libraries.

One hopeful who was looking to make a new life in Mithos or at least make an exciting adventure for himself was Georgios Adamos. Going by the name of 'George', he was an aspiring young trainer. He was recognisable from his backwards beige suncap and mop of blonde or sun-streaked alburn hair with his jeans cut into shorts and a yellow shirt, he was certainly ready for the warmer weather that Mithos might bring. It had been a long cruise for him. First, he had flown an extended amount of time from Mistralton City, a stone's throw away from his hometown in Castelia City in the Unova region, to a location to the West of Mithos. He had realised that the far north was fairly barren and not filled with much excitement, so he had, with the help of his parents, bought tickets to a tedious boat journey instead. It bored him. It took hours, even days to travel around, as it took people from all parts of the world, to Mithos. He was recounting the story of his journey once again on the balcony of the upper deck as Mithos came back into view to his partner Pokemon, what appeared to be a small, stubby green or copper plated tiny titan with thick arms and a menacing look - but it meant NO harm to anyone. This was Gamma, a curious Golett that acted as George's partner Pokemon, for it was always left out of its Poke Ball, to the annoyance of those who wished for Pokemon not to appear in the many fine dining restaurants around the world. Since Gamma had been caught in George's journeys across Unova, it had been by his side from the very beginning. Their loyalty was unbreakable.

"Who would believe we got this far, eh?" George laughed as Gamma pointed at the land in front of them. "I wonder what this new region will bring for us? Maybe I can actually become a gym leader here?!"

Within seconds, the ship had gone down a straight of water which was surrounded by land on either side. George heard a noise coming from the loudspeakers within the ship, an announcement from the captain: "Can all passengers for our central Mithos stop please prepare to get ready for docking! We have reached the harbour. Change here for Coronet City and Coronet City labs!"

"Coronet City? I don't remember that being a stop on the list!" George exclaimed as Gamma screeched with the shaking of the Oddessey as hundreds of people started moving on the top deck. They pushed and pulled. Coronet City was clearly a very popular location due to the starter labs. "I thought we were going to Crest Island!" He exclaimed.

Suddenly, a group of people pushed and shoved past George. One man pushed the young teenaged trainer to the side, against the railings with his elbow. In response, George rapidly shoved with his elbow and Gamma pushed him along. The man was overly-dressed for the weather in a white buttoned shirt with a black or dark purple short overcoat or jacket on top with black smart trousers. He was old and looked at least to be in his 50s as he stopped in the middle of the ship. The man watched George in a creepy manner making eye contact with him. Instantly, George recognised him. They had crossed paths before! Then, a large black blob appeared amongst the crowd of people, who skirted past him. Tentacles made it stick out even more as it was beside him: a large Dusclops. The large cyclops-like ghost type was eerie and didn't fit in, as it also turned and stared at Gamma, making tense eye contact as the child and the old man had, with it's single and deathless stare. The four of them stood, staring at each other, for the next minute before the man quickly wandered away, the Dusclops, clearly his own partner Pokemon, also following, as they departed and left at the docks, clearly on their way to Coronet City.

"Dude...what's his problem?!" George asked Gamma. Gamma crossed his arms sassily and nodded in agreement. "I think i've seen him before! Yes, we've met several times. What's he doing here?" Within good time, the Oddessey would soon be landing at it's actual destination: Crest Island.

Date: July 20th
Time: 10:30am
Location: Coronet City

The mysterious man who had just bumped into George for another time was the illusive Sullivan. He had travelled many miles to also travel Mithos but for very different reasons. Immediately after walking away and appearing in the harbour town, he cursed. "THAT boy...Who does he think he is? I've seen him about a dozen times now!" He said to Dusclops who was also traumatised by the incident. "He's stopped my plans SEVERAL times. It's a good thing I didn't end him there. Little does he know I actually KNEW he was taking the ship to Mithos. I HAD planned to research on my own here and TAKE many new Pokemon for my own benefit but it seems there's been a change of plans. To think, the same ship?! Coincidences don't happen. It was fate that we would both decide to come to the Mithos region, Dusclops. Now that he's the last person in your eye, you can target him, see what he's up to. Going to Coronet City will be an illusion. If he's going to Crest Island, the second stop on that ship, I can garuntee you that we will run into that young man again and, when the time comes, we WILL be ready! I'll swipe that Golett first then figure out why he's been able to best me SO many times!"

After his monologue, Dusclops looked at him. Then the man looked at his watch. "Good Arceus, we're late!" He put his hand out at the road. "Cab!" He yelled, as a strange dusty vehicle pulled up next to him. "Please, good sir, take us to Coronet City lab. We are late my friend! We spent half an hour dilly-dallying in this place after boarding from a ship from Arceus knows where?! We have little knowledge of Mithos."

The man inside the cab lowered his left side-window. "Sure bro." He looked up at the tall old man. He noticed he was wearing such a formal attire in boiling weather, with his clinic white shirt buttoned up except for two buttons at the top. He also noticed a four-leaf clover necklace wrapped around the man's neck. The cabbie opened the door and then the dinosaur hopped in.

"So, we're going to Coronet City. Where are ya from?" The driver asked as he accelerated.

"It's complicated. Let's say...Galar?!" The old man chuckled.

However, the cabbie was not amused. He looked at him as if he were mad. "You can't tell much about me can ya? What did you say your name was again?"

"Call me...Sullivan."
Chaplet Town @Void_Nugget

Sedge ran over to Professor Rose, his smile was practically beaming.

"Hi! I'm Sedge!" He said. His eyes eyes went wide when he saw the white haired woman's Pokémon.

"Whoa! Are those Eeveelutions? No way."

Sedge knelt down next to the Umbreon and held out his hand.

"Welcome to Mithos!" He said, waving. "I hope you like it here."

Cassandra and her Berunrun joined Sedge's side a few seconds later.

"Oh! Right. This is Cass. I mean, Cassandra," Sedge said, pointing. "And that's Shade. She's a Dark-type. Can I pet your Pokémon?"

"Forgive him," Cassandra pleaded. "He gets a little excited."

Her eyes narrowed at Sedge who presently trying to pet Bellamy without permission.

"He and I are supposed to be heading to the starters ceremony. Every city in Mithos makes a big tadoo about children receiving their first Pokémon. Well, in most cases at least."

Cassandra glanced sideways at Shade, who was busy licking her paw and rubbing her face.

"I got invited because I'm friends with the Myrtles. They're the local Pokémon professors."

"They're also my Mom and Dad," Sedge added cheerfully.

"If you'd like, we can show you the way," Cassandra offered. "The ceremony doesn't start for a few minutes, so I think we'll have time. By the way, what is your name?"

Coronet City @Void_Nugget @Draco Nightshade


"For the last time. No."

Luk and Tong were looking at Hector with pleading eyes. Their trainer sighed.

"Okay, we can go see if the Cafe has Poffin Pastries. But only one each!"

The Riolu and Bronzor both cheered.

"I swear you guys are going to make me go broke."

The line at the Café was longer than anticipated. When Hector finally got to the counter, he was worried about the time.

"I'll have a medium iced coffee," he told the blond haired gentleman standing at the counter. "And two Poffin Pastries. If you have them. Any flavor."

Poffins, curries, and sandwiches were available most places in Mithos due to the rise in restaurant chains. However, these soft flakey takes on the classic treat were the most popular among Mithos natives. Not every Café served them, but their popularity could not be denied, especially considering one of the current Gym Champions once endorsed the product in a television commercial.

Professor Zanzibar's Laboratory:

A hearty masculine voice came from the other side of the door.

"Be right there, bud!"

There was the sound of the lock clicking and the doorknob turning to open. In the doorway stood, or rather sat, a clean shaven gentleman of about thirty. He had short hair and a light olive complexion. A pink Dratini rested on his shoulders and his right hand clutched the joystick of his wheelchair.

"Oh," he said. "Sorry, I was expecting...well, never mind!"

"It's Diana right?" He asked, eyeing the woman with the quiver strapped across her back. "We may have spoken on the phone."

Crest Island @~Aura~Slashz~ @Draco Nightshade @Merciless Medic

Inside the Crest Island laboratory, the nineteen year old lab assistant rushed to get everything ready.

"Yeesh!" He muttered. "Would it have killed Professor Rhoa to leave me some notes?"

Something ran past the assistant's feet, causing him to trip. A loud crash could be heard, even from outside.


The assistant tried to stand up, but couldn't. His legs were crushed beneath the weight of all the stuff he'd been carrying.
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Draven Davidson​

Date: July 20
Location: Crest Island, Mithos
Pokemon Team: Ma'a the Hoothoot

Interactions: Alexander Aetos (~Aura~Slashz~), Professor's Assistant (Charlotte Pryce)

Draven raised an eyebrow, watching Alexander pick a reason. Did he really just look at a picture-

Bullforge? He narrowed his eyes at him. Should he help him?


"Bullforge is a Fire/Poison-Type. If you want Wigwarm, you should be careful of Ground-Types." Sighing, he walked around the lab to get to the entrance when he heard commotion inside, but that's when he caught something purple on the ground. Immediately, his Hoothoot popped out of its Pokeball, inquiring the same thing Draven was. There was also a trail leading to and from the lab, looking like something floated just above the ground and its toes were digging into the earth.

Kneeling down, he pinched some of the purple hairs to pick them up, then put them in his pocket as he walked into the lab.

It was a mess. Raising an eyebrow, he noticed the woman from earlier was actually a guy. His face definitely didn't look like a woman's, but his hair at a glance made him look more feminine. Either way, his Hoothoot, who had perched atop his shoulder, hooted excitedly, then flew over to hop amongst some pebbles on the ground.

Why was that necessary?

Hoothoot's Keen Eye really came in handy. He looked at the assistant, hands in his pockets as he looked at the things he was carrying. "You okay?" He approached, helping the things off the assistant and giving him his hand to help him up. "What 'stupid Pokemon' was it?" He asked, his tone semi-mocking him for using such an insult.


Previously Airslashz
Madison Stallings
Interactions: Wulf Wood (@Draco Nightshade )

Maddie's smile seemed to go to a more neutral expression. She didn't want to be reminded of that once "home"; she hated even conceiving the idea she lived in Hoenn. Hoenn was a nice place with lots of nature, but she rarely got to see it in the first place since she had barely any free time.

"Yeah, I'm not from here... but how'd you know?" Maddie wondered, seeming confused as to why Wulf knew she wasn't from here.

Alexander Aetos
Interactions: Draven Davidson (@Merciless Medic ), Lab Assistant (@Charlotte Pryce )

I know how type matchups work, idiot. Wait, I thought I was the idi-

Alexander didn't like Draven since the interactions between the two weren't off to a great start. Even though Alexander realized being an idiot was not helping the situation, he didn't like Draven's "nerdy" response.

"Wait, stupid Pokemon?? Did he hear me or something, or... Oh." Alexander realized that whoever said that probably didn't hear what he said earlier about the other two starters being stupid, but rather the Pokemon inside may have frustrated the person who yelled.

Alexander followed Draven inside, realizing the assistant needed help as he was on the ground, heavy items right on his foot.

"Luckily, you have me around," Alexander smiled, winking in no particular direction. He managed to lift the items off of the ground and off of the assistant with some difficulty.
Chaplet Town

Wulf shrugged his shoulders. "Lucky guess? I'm originally from Nimbasa myself so..."
Wulf trailed off before deciding to change the subject. "I think we oughta see if the professors are ready for us." @~Aura~Slashz~

Coronet City

Diana thought for a moment before answering and entering the building. "Once or twice I think."
As she looked around, Diana asked. "So, you were expecting someone else just now?" @Charlotte Pryce

Crest Island

Leona stretched her arms as she slowly stood back up, her Pokemon still relaxing next to her. Not wishing to disturb their rest, Leona quietly pulled on a tank top and jean shorts before tying on her sandals and finally rolling up her towel and stowing it away in her bag. Satisfied that she had everything, Leona then gently shook her Pokemon awake. "Come on guys, let's go find the gym."


Previously Airslashz
Madison Stallings
Interactions: Wulf Wood (@Draco Nightshade )

Maddie had misguided presumptions that Wulf knew who she was, but she put them away. She was too used to the popularity she used to have, so having no one recognize her would be something new for the former performer.

"Oh, Nimbasa? I've been there..." Maddie had been to Nimbasa as a child and fondly remembered being there.

"But, yeah, I guess we should check on the Professor," she agreed with Wulf, nodding.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Chaplet Town
Professor Rose smiled, happy the two she'd asked were able to help "a ceremony? How very interesting" she mused "oh and my name is Professor Rose, and these two are my partners Bellamy and Aeris, you can pet them if you like, they are quite friendly" she said with a slight chuckle as Bellamy looked up at Sedge before nudging his hand, Rose then turned to Cassandra, "oh and I would love to come see this ceremony, we don't have anything quite like this back in Kalos, and to be honest not many places make such a spectacle about receiving starters, although I guess Alola had something similar" Rose rambled for a moment before shaking herself out of her thoughts.
@Charlotte Pryce

Coronet City
Jake smiled at the lad who ordered, "alright then, one coffee and two poffins" he stated before turning to make the guys drink, when he finished the drink he grabbed one spicy poffin and one sweet poffin and then brought everything over to the guy, "here you are, have a great day and enjoy the ceremony" he said with a grin. Before turning to head to the back, "Hettie the queue is dying down a bit, I'm gonna restock the pastries" he said as he went to find more pastries from the kitchen, that was manned by a Saytoarch named Ashe and a Shellroast named Ember the pair belonged to Hettie and were technically replacement chefs since Jake's ex used to be the Cafés chef but Ashe and Ember weren't terrible and Tsuki and Cerbie help as often as possible, the latter mentioned pair were currently bringing ingredients and supply's out to Ashe and Ember, "hey guys just grabbing the fresh pastries Jake said with a grin as he grabbed the pastry trays and returned to the front and placing them in the display and behind the counter before ditching the empty trays and standing ready to serve the next customer hearing the usual mention of how the two women behind the counter seemed nice. Jake didn't mind the comments, he was well aware of how he looked and knew that sometimes he looked a little like a girl and he knew they were only trying to be nice so he didn't let it bother him.
@Charlotte Pryce
Date: July 20th
Time: 11:30am
Location: Crest Island

George and the remaining passengers swiftly made their way off the decks of The Oddessey. It had been quite some time since the Coronet City stop but they had finally reached the southern Crest Island. It seemed remote and reasonably barren to George. He smiled to himself. It seemed like the perfect place to start, removed from the rest of the region. George couldn't shake off, however, the announcement the captain had made to the people aboard minutes after departing from the central destination.

"The captain said the ship had an 'engine malfunction'. Looks like we're late by SEVERAL hours. Dude, what does that even mean?!" George looked at Gamma.

But Gamma just looked at George, folded his arms and exclaimed "Gol!" Several times in a row.

"Come on buddy, it's time to start a new adventure, finally. And hopefully we won't see that old man."

The pair departed, side by side, as they stepped foot onto Crest Island. Knowing they were late, the pair hurried to where they had been told the lab was. There were signs and marketing on the buildings everywhere depicting the Water Type Gym Leader of Crest Island, Thalassa. George marvelled at the size of one large banner with her face on. "Thalassa: The water type gym leader? I thought we had had ENOUGH water for one day, being on that ship! Seriously, this isn't gonna turn out good for the team we're gonna build! If I get a team of ground types like my dad did, she's gonna wreck us!" Gamma looked uneasy about it too. The pair of them hurried along until George pulled out a small map. He was trying to lead them to the lab.

"Is this it?" George asked rhetorically as he approached what he thought was the lab building, which must have been larger than the other facilities. He knocked on the building's door and awaited an answer, with Gamma right beside him.

Date: July 20th
Time: 11:30am
Location: Coronet City

"Oh dear." Sullivan said, looking at the watch on his wrist. "I'm late, for a very important date." He laughed but then his voice became more serious as he looked at the cabbie next to him. "Can't this thing go any faster? Accelerate, boy!"

"No can do. This is as fast she goes."

It took them a while in that bunged up taxi but eventually they reached it: the bubbling metropolis of Coronet City, a technological miracle. Sullivan quietened down as he gazed at the tall buildings and new facilities. He saw high-rise apartments, towers and large homes. "It's a marvel." He muttered.

Sullivan spotted what he thought was the city's gym, seeing a large red banner. "Blaire Foster, the fiery painter. Ah, so we have an artist. That's great to see. We could ALL use someone who sees the world in a different way to us. But we are here for the laboratories. Continue to take us there."

The car managed to accelerate forwards and, eventually, they appeared near the lab. "I presume this is it." Sullivan stated, as he handed over a small amount of cash to the man.


Sullivan got out the taxi, grabbing his bags and things. He then opened the door again and looked back into the taxi at the cabbie. "Listen buddy. I've come far and wide to this region to make my name. You better remember who I am, because you're going to need help." He smiled at him as the cabbie had no idea what he was saying. "You WILL come backing, crawling to me when I have taken over this region for myself. Now, to make sure you don't go to the police..."

Sullivan snapped his fingers. The cabbie tried to get out but found he couldn't and gulped. A cold, ghostly wind had entered the vehicle. He looked in his mirror and saw a red beam of light coming from the back in his mirror. He looked behind him. The crimson light was behind him in the back seat of the car! It flashed right him as he stared it down and was unable to move or control his limbs. Like a zombie, the cabbie became, his skin and bones going floppy. He looked into his mirrors. His eyes were red, the whiteness around the eyes getting bigger. Then, his inner eyes started flashing red as the light got bigger and bigger, forming spirals that went round and round. He dropped into his chair and drooped, staring into dead air, flopping his body to one side, motionless.

Sullivan shut the car door. He opened the back to reveal his partner Pokemon was there. "Good work, Dusclops." He whispered as he briefly smiled at him.

He looked at his watch again. "Fashionably late..." He said. The pair marched up to the door and knocked on it or rang it's doorbell if it had one.
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Chaplet Town
July 20
Around 10:52 a.m.

@Void_Nugget @Draco Nightshade @~Aura~Slashz~

Sedge looked like he swallowed a ray of sunshine. The grin he wore on his face after Bellamy nudged his hand made Cassandra want to laugh.

"Soooo cute!" he squealed, petting the Umbreon's fur.

Cassandra could tell the boy was in heaven. He had talked on and on about getting a Pokémon of his own since before Cassandra could remember.

"And you've been to Alola?! I'm so jealous," Sedge told Professor Rose. "I've never been outside of the Mithos Region."

Cassandra had never been beyond her home region either. Although, in her case it was different. Sedge had lived in Chaplet Town his whole life, where as Cassandra had been carted around to Crest Island, Tiara City, and even Kraun City, home of the Grand Olympic Stadium. Her father had once taken her to Port Delphin as well, but Cassandra didn't like to think about it. She longed to ask Professor Rose more about Kalos, but right now, she needed to get Sedge to the opening ceremony.

"Come on," she said, taking the eleven year old's hand. "If we hurry, we'll have time to talk to the other trainer's before the ceremony begins."

Sedge pried himself away from Bellamy and led Cassandra and the professor to the lab. Family members, friends, and a few photographers were seated in an area outside. Cassandra could make out a few of Sedge's relative, his uncles, aunts, and cousins, seated in the front row. The spot presumably reserved for Cassandra's father was left empty. There were still a few seats in the back.

"Looks like most everyone is already here," Cassandra mused.

Sedge ran up to the lab entrance, where a boy and a woman were standing.

"Hey!" He yelled waving. "Is my mom and dad letting anyone in yet? Has the ceremony started?"

By the looks of the crowd and the closed door, the answer was no to both.

"Phew! I'm glad I made. I was here first obviously, but I had to pick up a friend."

He stopped talking for an instant to study Wulf and Madison. "Are you guys going to be trainers too?"

Coronet City
July 20
Around 10 a.m.

@Draco Nightshade @Void_Nugget

Hector thanked Jake for the coffee and poffins and headed out. He gave the Sweet pastry to Luk and the Spicy one to Tong. Both Pokémon seemed delighted with their pick. Hector made sure they ate them on the way so that they wouldn't waste too much time getting to Professor Zanzibar's lab.

Speaking of the lab, Professor Zanzibar just moved his wheelchair out of the way to allow Diana to come in.

"As a matter of fact, I am expecting a few people today," he told her. "Another trainer about your age, Hector, is coming to receive a Pokémon. He called a little while ago. I was surprised that he didn't get here first."

The shiny Dratini wiggled off of the Pokémon Professor's shoulders and slid onto the table where the Poké Balls were being kept.

"While we're waiting for him, why don't you get comfortable? I notice you're wearing a quiver. Do you hunt?"

Crest Island
July 20
Around 11:30 a.m.

@Merciless Medic @~Aura~Slashz~ @Max Million

"I--ouch! Think so," the assistant said, rubbing his ankle. "Just my luck, it will probably be sprained."

The lab assistant stood up, apparently relieved that his ankle was okay and that he was no longer the only human being in the lab.

"Thanks, kid." He said. "Damned if I know what Pokémon tripped me. I just saw a green blur."

"Gahr!" Something bumped into the table, knocking a mug full of pencils onto the floor.

"Ugh," The assistant sighed. "That would be Aloeghar."

The Pokémon looked clearly upset by something. It had the head of an alligator, but it's mouth was capable of displaying more personality and emotions than that of an alligator. It growled and snapped, not out of aggression towards the assistant, but out of frustration at not being able to thwart the attacker who had entered the lab only minutes earlier.

Presently, there was the sound of someone rapping on the door.

"Whoever it is!" The lab assistant hollered. "You better be my boss!"

Draven Davidson​

Date: July 20
Location: Crest Island, Mithos
Pokemon Team: Ma'a the Hoothoot

Interactions: Alexander Aetos (~Aura~Slashz~), Professor's Assistant (Charlotte Pryce)
Mentions: George (Max Million)

Draven didn't care if Alex took his advice as an insult. It was useful information, he got to take it or leave it. Once it was said, it was his job to follow it or not. What was interesting was the poor aide who had fallen over. He seemed generally okay, and he looked around to see if he was able to spot this troublesome Pokemon.

He saw the Aloeghar and his eyes widened. His Hoothoot noticed the green Pokemon, and began speaking with her, trying to calm her down. "I know, we're seeing the same signs. How about you help us find whoever intruded here?"

With that, she picked up some of the dust and flew over to Draven, dropping the pebbles in his hand. He raised an eyebrow. "What is this from? Oh..." He then pulled out the purple hair. "Found this outside, next to a trail looking like a line was drug through the ground." Then the knocking on the door, and he sighed.

He just wanted to show the guy what this was before he left. "Oh, and I want the Aloeghar. They seem upset. I'd like to help whatever it's upset with." For now, he ignored Alexander and the new guy, not moving from his spot until whatever happened piqued his interest.
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Chaplet Town

While briefly startled by the arrival of Sedge, Wulf managed to resist glaring at him and instead took a deep breath before answering. "That's the plan. My parents insisted I finished highschool before obtaining my first Pokemon so here I am."

Coronet City

Finding an empty seat, Diana unslung her bow and quiver and sat down before answering the professor. "No, actually. I use target practice to calm my nerves. It keeps me from being overly high strung."
Diana then drew an arrow from her quiver and pointed at the small head. "See? This is a bullet point primarily meant for shooting targets. I don't have any broadheads."
Date: July 20th
Time: About 11:30am
Location: Crest Island

@Charlotte Pryce

"Hello?!" George yelled as he knocked. "Uh, no, this is George Adamos. I've come to get my starter! I am here to start a journey! Sorry about being late, I came from another region and the ship i was on bust it's engine!"

"Gol, Gol!!" Gamma the Golett made it's presence known as it exictedly exclaimed a deep voice, moving from side to side.

"I've got my partner Pokemon, Gamma with me too!" George shouted. "Hopefully he won't be too much trouble, though I'm sure we're both being a nuisance being so late!"

He got out some handbooks and papers and looked down. "Am I correct to think this is Crest Island lab? You're 'Professor Rhoa', right? Sorry, don't know much about the area. I've never been to Mithos!"

Date: July 20th
Time: About 11:30am
Location: Coronet City

Sullivan knocked on the door to Coronet City lab again, this time harder and firmer. "These fools! I knew I should have come earlier!" He was beginning to get mad.

"Dusclops, look for a better enterence please." He whispered. Dusclops began to walk around in another direction, using it's good vision from it's one eye and sharp mind to find another place to enter.
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Crest Island

Walking through the town, Leona decided to first stop at the Pokemon Center. "No point challenging a gym if you guys aren't in peak condition."
The three felines looked at each other before ultimately following their trainer into the building and to the counter. "Good morning Nurse Joy. I was wondering if you'd give my Pokemon a checkup before we tried challenging the gym."
The nurse smiled. "Of course."
Leona returned all three of her Pokemon to their PokeBalls before placing them in a tray and passing them over. "Thank you."

~10 minutes later~

Leona heard the bell telling her that her Pokemon were ready and stood up from her seat in the waiting area. Walking over to the nurse who smiled, she received her PokeBalls. "Your Pokemon are fighting fit. They shouldn't have any problems with the gym."
"Thank you Nurse Joy. I'll be back if we need anything else." Leona nodded before leaving the building and making a beeline for the Crest Island Pokemon gym. "I hope they aren't too busy." @Charlotte Pryce
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Chaplet Town
July 20
Around 11 a.m.
The Lab

@Void_Nugget @Draco Nightshade @~Aura~Slashz~

"Awe, that's too bad." Sedge responded sympathetically. "My parents are letting me explore while on summer vacation. I mean, I'll have to call them every night, if I can't make it home. Still..."

Cassandra stayed behind, pointing out the seating section to Professor Rose. "You can sit there if you like," Cassandra told her. "Or if you want, I can introduce you to Troy and Octavia before the ceremony. It looks like they're coming out now."

Indeed, the door to the laboratory now opened. To people wearing lab white coats stepped out, one a man the other a woman.

"Good morning everyone," the tall one with dark hair and faint patch of whiskers on his chin greeted. "My name is Professor Myrtle."

"So is mine," the woman beside him said. "Only my first name is Octavia. Welcome to our lab."

"Hi Mom! Hi Dad!" Sedge waved enthusiastically.

"That's my mom and dad," he whispered to the other trainers.

"We know, Sedge." Cassandra spoke out loud. "I think you made it very clear that they're your parents."

Coronet City
July 20
Around 10 a.m.
The Lab

@Draco Nightshade

"I see," Professor Zanzibar hummed, admiring Diana's perception of the weapon. "When I am feeling high strung, I usually just bury myself in my work."

His Dratini rolled her eyes.

"Nina doesn't approve," the professor observed. "Actually, I find working on a new project can be stimulating as well as relaxing. Take this chair. I assembled most of it myself. I could get by with a manual of course, but I like being able to go fast."

Professor Zanzibar demonstrated by toggling the joystick of his wheelchair causing him to zoom around in a circle.

"My friends thought I was crazy for building this thing. After all, my condition is only temporary. Still, I guess the mechanic in me just couldn't resist."

It wouldn't take long for Hector to reach the lab now. He was less than a block away. Before he made it to the door buzzer, however, Professor Zanzibar had one more question for Diana.

"Have you given any thought to what kind of Pokémon you want?"

Coronet City
July 20
Around 11:30 a.m.
The Lab

@Max Million

Not long after Diana and Hector would have left, Professor Zanzibar's Dratini was startled by the sight of a Dusclops in the window.

"Something wrong, Nina?" the professor inquired. His face was buried in video recording on his phone. He heard his Dratini cry out.

"Good heavens!" He rushed over to the windowsill. Nina the Dratini was lying with her back against the floor.

"What did you do fall over?"

Brilliant deduction, Nina thought, rolling her eyes again. Fact, it is impossible to tell when a Dratini is rolling its eyes as they are completely black. Also fact, Professor Zanzibar knew his Pokémon's attitude better than anyone.

"Well, let's go see who's out there," Professor Zanzibar said, scooping his Dratini up off the ground. The one thing he missed about being in a wheelchair was not being able to bend over with ease.

He wheeled out of his study and answered the front door. At first, he only saw Sullivan. Not the Dusclops.

"Yes?" He said. "Can I help you?"

Crest Island
July 20
Around 11:30 a.m.
The Lab

@Merciless Medic @~Aura~Slashz~ @Max Million

"Please take him," the lab assistant told Drevan, pushing what appeared to be a Poké Ball into his hands. "It will be one less thing that I have to deal with. And no, I am not Professor Rhoa."

That last part was directed towards George who just entered the lab with his Golett.

"My name is Achilles. I'm Professor Rhoa's lab assistant. Though, by the looks of things it seems like I'm doing all of the work today."

Achilles picked up the remained of the stuff he'd dropped and set it on the bench. He thumbed towards the center table, where the remaining Poké Balls were sitting.

"Pick whichever one you want and have at it," he told George. "They're color coded so if you want a certain type go by the ball's design."

There were three different kinds Poké Ball on the table. One was painted red and orange with a design on the button that resembled a flame, the other was various shades of blue and white blended together to resemble the appearance of ocean waves. The final design was like the ball Drevan had. It was light and dark green with a leaf symbol on the button. Presumably this was Aloghar's Poké Ball.

"Meanwhile, I've got to get this place back together," Achilles grunted. "I swear, It's like a hurricane swept through here."

Crest Island
July 20
Around 11:30 a.m.
The Gym

@Draco Nightshade

The Water Gym on Crest Island was a large dome-like structure apparently carved from stone. The pillars were in the style of the ionic period and the roof was painted bright blue. Standing in front of the entrance, a greeter was rehearsing his speech. His job involved regulating who entered Thalassa's gym and in what fashion, along with explaining the rules to newcomers. It could get pretty boring standing outside waiting for people to show up. When that happened, he usually tried to spice up his script.

The rules of the gym were fairly simple. You enter through the main door, where upon you see an elaborate display of fountains and aquatic themed sculptures. Once you have registered at the front desk, the clerk hands you your time card or, on slower days, allows you to walk right in. There you will find a highly decorated aquatic arena that was part swimming pool part maze. You were allowed the use of one Item. Make it through the maze, defeat Thalassa's Pokémon, and you received the High Tide Badge.

Still, the greeter thought the script could use a bit more flare. Like, instead of "the Water gym" he should call it "the Labyrinth of Liquidation". Yeah! That name had finesse. He practiced a bit in his head before speaking aloud.

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to THE LABYRINTH OF LIQUIDATION!" He practically screamed it, not realizing that Leona was standing there until it was too late.

"Oh. Um. Sorry. Eheh. How much of that did you..." his voice trailed off. "Eh-hem! Anyway. Welcome to the gym."
Date: July 20th
Time: About 11:30am
Location: Crest Island

@Charlotte Pryce

George looked at Achilles. "Wait...I was supposed to be meeting Professor Rhoa I think." He stared at the assistant for a few seconds. "Dude, where is she?"

He looked at the Poke balls on the table. Each one of them looked tempting for George, the one with the one with the leaf symbol, which were coloured in one of George's favourite schemes was particularly enticing. He stared at them for a few more seconds, then looked at Achilles again.

"You seem kinda busy. Do you need help, buddy." He scanned to the room to see if there were any other trainers. "Name's George. Did I mention that already?"

Meanwhile. Gamma had charged into the room and started searching the room. He briefly followed Achilles, then started trying to find all the bookcases in the room, putting his hands on them and searching through the catalogues of novels and encyclopedia that may be in the room. He'd try to grab a few, read a few pages, before running up to Achilles like he was on an adrenaline rush. He'd take his arms and use them to clean off any dust that was on the bookcases and on the floor, actually trying to help the lab assistant with his mammoth cleaning job. Eventually, George would spot the Golett and try to coax him over, realising he had left him unattended for for a few minutes, not seeing what had gone on.

Date: July 20th
Time: About 11:30am
Location: Coronet City

@Charlotte Pryce

Immediately seeing the door swing open, Sullivan called his Pokemon over. He tried to get him off the windows.

"Professor Gem?!" Sullivan exclaimed with a sly smile on his face. "It must be you. Why so very good to see you. It's a pleasure to make your...acquaintance. My name is Sullivan and I shall be your next starting trainer in the region of Mithos! I have come far and wide from a distant region just to begin my research. I am interested in various phenomena, including different Pokemon's forms and specifically certain types of stronger Pokemon that can only be found in Mithos."

"Duskkkkk..." Dusclops dashed towards Sullivan, making a strange smiling face as he saw Zanzibar. He stood almost too close towards Sullivan. Sullivan tried to pat him on the back and swing his arm around him to keep him close, as if to give the impression that the pair were good friends and inseperable. However, Sullivan's arm passed straight through the ghost type pokemon causing Sullivan to flinch for a second before he brought his arms and hands right behind his back.
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Chaplet Town

Wulf mentally sighed with relief as the Professors Myrtle came out and greeted them. Wulf decided to return the favor. "It's nice to meet you, Professors."

Coronet City

Without a second thought Diana blurted out. "Wulfleur. If I'm going to be traveling through the wilderness I'd want something with a good sense of smell."

Crest Island

Leona rubbed her ear before answering. "To answer your question, pretty much all of it." Looking around, Leona then asked. "So, can I come in and challenge the gym?"

Draven Davidson​

Date: July 20
Location: Crest Island, Mithos
Pokemon Team: Ma'a the Hoothoot, Aloeghar

Interactions: Alexander Aetos (~Aura~Slashz~), Achilles (Charlotte Pryce), George (Max Million)

This other young guy came in and Draven was starting to bristle from the amount of people here. He clicked his tongue, the rambunctious and outraged Aloeghar pausing and looking up at him. She saw her Pokeball in the young man's hands and cautiously walked up to him, spying the Hoothoot on his shoulder from earlier. Kneeling down, Draven extended his hand. "You want to find whoever did this?"

The Aloeghar nodded, her lips curling into a smile. Draven couldn't help but smirk in turn.

"Good. Let's return you two for now. I'll name you later and figure you all out once we're out of here." With a nod from his Pokemon, Draven returned them both before ignoring the new trainers. He extended the purple hair to the professor aide.

"Do you know what kind of Pokemon had hair like this?" He showed the long, purple hair to Achilles, hoping he had some kind of an idea. It didn't look or feel like human hair at the very least, and it had some sort of a natural luster to it that was almost impossible to attain with natural purple hair on a human. Almost as if were made of rock. "If you don't, can you tell me who else to find?" He noticed how helpful this George and his Golett were. Keeping the Pokeballs at his hips, he also looked over the stone pieces in his hand his Hoothoot picked up.

But there was no stone like this outside of the lab...

But to the aide, it likely looked no different than whatever dirt the Aloeghar tracked inside, so he wasn't going to ask about this.
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Chaplet Town
Professor Rose followed the pair and eyed up the seating area, "I think I'll introduce myself after the ceremony, I messaged them before I got to town, cause I figured it would be polite to let them know a fellow professor was in town, but yeah, I'll do a proper introduction later" she stated before finding a seat and sitting in it, Aeris hopped down from her shoulder and sat by her feet with Bellamy as the trio awaited the start of the ceremony.

Coronet City
Jake took a glance around the café "right, the rush has definitely died down" he stated to himself "hey Hettie, I'm going out, I'm heading to the ceremony, think it'll be a good opportunity to draw something, good inspiration and what not" he called over to Hettie as he put his apron away and made his way out with Cerbie and Tsuki at his heels. He headed to the ceremony location and found a seat near the back with a good view so that he could draw something when he felt it was the right time to do so, he got his stuff out and decided to start on the background and would add subjects to it once people started going up to get their starters.
Chaplet Town
July 20
Around 11 a.m.
The Lab

@Void_Nugget @Draco Nightshade @~Aura~Slashz~

"Likewise," Octavia said, giving Wulf a short bow. "Looks like we have quite a crowd gathered already. Is everyone ready to begin?"

"Yes!" Sedge squealed.

No, thought Cassandra. Professor Troy seemed to pick up on her nervousness.

"Here's how the ceremony is going to run, you'll each come inside and take one of the Poké Balls we have prepared for you."

"They're labeled," Octavia added. "So if there's a Pokémon you know you want, I advise you pick that ball."

"Once you have your Poké Ball, step onto the stage. We'll explain the rest once you are there."

"How's everyone feeling?"

"Excited!" Sedge cheered.

"Nervous," Cassandra confessed.

Professor Troy chuckled. "Just take a deep," he said. "You'll all be magnificent."

Coronet City
July 20
Around 10 a.m.
The Lab

@Draco Nightshade

Professor Zanzibar smiled. Just then the doorbell buzzed.

"Oops! Excuse me a minute."

He answered the door and was promptly tackled by an energetic Riolu.

"Oof! Luk!" He exclaimed, as the blue Pokémon hugged him around the neck.

"Sorry, Professor," a masculine voice said.

Hector and his Bronzor entered the room, the former needed to pry Luk off of the professor.

"It's alright, bud," Professor Zanzibar assured the boy. "I missed him to." He wheeled over to introduce Hector to Diana.

"Diana, this is a friend and neighbor of mine, Hector Bronze. Hector, this is Diana. She'll also be receiving a starter."

"Nice to meet you," Hector said, offering to shake Diana's hand.

Professor Zanzibar clapped his own hands together. "Excellent! Now, down to business."

"I told the news people we would begin our ceremony at 11 o'clock," he told Hector and Diana. "What I propose is that we have our ceremony now, so that you two will have a head start before the paparazzi shows up. What do you think?"

Coronet City
July 20
Around 11:30 a.m.
The Lab

@Max Million

"Yes...that is my name," Professor Zanzibar said warily. "Forgive me, but this is rather unexpected."

His Dratini shivered. Something--no--everything about that Dusclops gave her the creeps.

"Well, by all means, come on in." Gem, Zanzibar moved his chair out of the way so that the entrance was no longer blocked.

"I'm afraid the camera crews have already left," he informed Sullivan. "They mean well, by I've found that crowds can be suffocating. Of course the outdoors poses its own set of dangers." He patted his wheelchair for emphasis. "I got this from investigating strange phenomena myself. Though I suppose if your Dusclops is as...uh...loyal as it looks, you won't have too much trouble."

Professor Zanzibar rolled over to the Poké Ball tray.

"Would you like some info on our starters before you choose, or do you have an idea of what you want?"

Crest Island
July 20
Around 11:30 a.m.
The Lab

@Merciless Medic @~Aura~Slashz~ @Max Million

"Thanks!" Achilles said to George. "But don't worry about me, once Professor Rhoa gets back things will be all right. I'm just miffed that she left without telling me. She once went on an outing with some guy from Coronet City and didn't come back until late. She promised she wouldn't do anything like that again."

Achilles looked at the hair that Drevan. "Search me!All I know is it isn't Professor Rhoa's. She doesn't dye her hair. Although..." Achilles leaned in closer. "That color looks familiar. Not many Pokémon have purple hair besides...nah! It couldn't be."

His voice trailed off. "However, it does resemble a member of the Petrina family."

Crest Island
July 20
Around 11:30 a.m.
The Gym

@Draco Nightshade

"Huh? Oh, yes of course," the greeter said. "Just...go in and sign up at the front desk. Once they're ready for you, they'll let you know. It's been kind of slow today, so you can probably go straight in. I must warn you, the Gym has been reserved from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. for trainers getting their starters. It was Professor Rhoa's idea. She thought they could get a first hand experience from battling a pro. If you don't get the gym badge in time, you'll have to come back later."
Date: July 20th
Time: About 11:30am
Location: Crest Island

@Charlotte Pryce

"Dude," George began, "Professor Rhoa's on a date? Why would she do this when she knows there are trainers getting their starters today? And isn't Coronet City to the north, in the mainland? I think my ship stopped there first! So does that mean there's a bigger starter convention going on there? Seems kind of cruel to let you do all her work - that's double the amount surely?"

He walked over to the table with the poke balls. "So uh...starters eh? What can you tell me about them? I'm looking to become a ground type specialist. My dad worked at Clay's gym in Unova, so i'm following in his footsteps and, hopefully, i'll become a gym leader here!"

Date: July 20th
Time: About 11:30am
Location: Coronet City

@Charlotte Pryce

"Camera crews?! Excuse me, but do you believe me to be doing some sort of false documentary? No, that isn't the case." Sullivan responded. "Yes, I am not a people person either. I despise people. I prefer the company of Pokemon."

He had expected Zanzibar to leak certain details about things he had read about the region. Giving up on that little scheme, the old man looked at the tray.

"Ah yes. I want all of them." Sullivan then glared at Professor Gem. His darker side had been unlocked once more.
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Crest Island
July 20
Around 11:30 a.m.
The Lab

@Merciless Medic @~Aura~Slashz~ @Max Million

Achilles began to suspect that George was, what you call, a scatterbrain. He did find his concern touching however.

"Well, I don't know if she's on a date. Now that I think of it, it is a little weird that she didn't leave a note."

His train of thought was interrupted by George's inquiry about starter Pokémon.

"Well, if you're looking to become a ground-type specialist Aloeghar is Grass/Ground-type. As for becoming a gym leader," he chuckled. "The only chance you have of that is if you can somehow qualify to compete at the olympic stadium in Kraun City. To do that, you'd have to beat all 12 Gym Champions and earn their badges before the end of the year."

Coronet City
July 20
Around 11:30 a.m.
The Lab

@Max Million

"Oh no! It's not that," Professor Zanzibar said. "It's just that, well, the Mithos Region makes a pretty big deal about trainers receiving their first Pokémon. Although, I doubt they'd want to interview you since you're, um, older. No offense."

Professor Zanzibar was starting to suspect there was something fishy about this man. He hit the emergency button on his phone, just in case. Then Sullivan's demeanor changed.

"Stealing from a cripple?" Professor Zanzibar chuckled lightly. "I'm afraid that won't get you far in Coronet City."

Nina took the hint. The Dratini sprang into action, putting Wrap--not on Dusclops--but on Sullivan himself. She shot Sullivan's ghost-type Pokémon a look that said don't even think about it.

"I have survived earthquakes, tsunamis, and encounters with Divine Form Pokémon," Professor Zanzibar stated with all seriousness. "It will take more than idle threats and a Cheshire grin to make me budge. Kindly take your Dusclops and leave."


Previously Airslashz
Madison Stallings
Interactions: @Draco Nightshade, @Charlotte Pryce, in the same setting as @Void_Nugget

Madison, meanwhile, didn't seem startled by Sedge whatsoever. She was forced to get used to random questions, so this was nothing outside the ordinary for the former performer.

"Yeah, I'm planning to become a trainer," Madison smiled at the boy, leaving out the details of her former profession.

The conversation ended abruptly as the lab door opened, with the two professors greeting the new batch of trainers.

"Thanks for having me," Madison briefly smiled before heading to a seat. She giggled a little at Sedge's comment.

Madison was excited, but she didn't need to let it out. She let Sedge talk and instead listened to what the Professors had to say.

Alexander Aetos
Interactions: @Merciless Medic , @Charlotte Pryce, @Max Million

Alexander notably started to... space out? He was randomly daydreaming about himself camping out with a Wigwarm by his side, and he had no idea why he was doing this. He continued to daydream for a bit before he heard another person's voice talking.

"Wait a minute; she's on a date? And she... left without you? Ha, that sounds like that one time that girl did that to m-" Alexander completely misheard what was happening before randomly drifting off.

After asking that, Alexander noticed a set of Poke Balls and immediately saw the one with a flame.

"Would I be right in assuming... that that's Wigwarm's?"
Chaplet Town

Wulf sighed. "I'm starting to wish there wasn't a ceremony. I hate large crowds." Wulf soon entered the building with the others and quickly picked the PokeBall containing Sizzly. "And onto the stage."

Coronet City

"Nice to meet you Hector." Diana had stoodup and gave Hector a firm handshake. "I'm Diana Jaeger."
Hearing the professor mention the news crew, Diana shuddered. "I think I like that idea very much Professor."

Crest Island

Leona nodded before entering the building. "I sure hope I can get this done before the festivities begin."
She was able to quickly identify the front desk and swiftly made her way over to the receptionist. "Excuse me, I'm Leona Silver. I want to challenge the gym." @Charlotte Pryce
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Draven Davidson​

Date: July 20
Location: Crest Island, Mithos
Pokemon Team: Ma'a the Hoothoot, Aloeghar

Brief Interactions: Alexander Aetos (~Aura~Slashz~), Achilles (Charlotte Pryce), George (Max Million)

Everything was happening too much at once, but he at least got his answer. "Petrina... Thank you."

Not wanting to stick around where there was too much people (and hyper ones at that), he went to leave before noticing Alexander asking about the Pokeballs. "Yeah, that red one's Wigwarm's." He then decided to speak to George now that he settled on the starters, as well. "And Aloeghar's final evolution is the only one out of the Crest Island starters that's part Ground-Type. Have fun." He said, raising his hand nonchalantly as he left the lab immediately after getting his answer and Pokemon.

Finally outside, Draven breathed in a sigh of relief. A gust of wind rushed past him, the breeze carrying something with it. A feather danced in the breeze, its source likely high in the sky and far away by now. The feather was seen and then caught by Draven's outstretched hand. A bright, golden feather glinted in the light, and it looked curved and formed in such a way that it looked like it was grown or bent in some way to conform to the shape of the wing. Given how large it was and its relative softness, it was a feather from a wing, but not a flight feather, as those were rooted into the wing and don't really fall out unless the Pokemon was injured or sick.

Humming, he decided not to bother Achilles and go back to the library to research this.

Upon arriving at the library, he did a bit of reading up on the Petrina line. Petrina looked like a cross between a Kirlia and a Meditite if it was made of rock, and it danced and twirled to express its joy. Its next evolution, Delusa, was a Rock/Water-Type, and it was as if the rocky girlish form erupted from the bottom and sprouted a fish tail and the rocks fell off her skin to reveal aquamarine skin, its hair looking like green seaweed. It apparently sang so sweetly that it may cause shipwrecks. He didn't remember any alert about Delusa near shore, but he figured Crest Island had many security checks against that. It was its next evolution that had Draven thanking that this dictionary of Mithos Pokemon had colored illustrations.

Gorgeon, a Rock/Dragon-Type, a beautiful face under dark, purple hair - eyes so cursed they leave others paralyzed. Looking to wear a black dress, black gloves, a head similarly shaped to a Gardevoir, and skin either white or purple due to pigmentation or aura, it had him wondering if that was the line he saw in the ground.

Humming, he now wondered who would have such an interesting Pokemon with them. If it could turn people to stone... He pulled out the rubble Hoothoot found on the floor, and he felt his face turn cold.

No, surely no one petrified the Professor and took her away...

Maybe he was just over-imagining it.

Moving on, he continued to look through the different Pokemon in the dictionary, eventually buying the book as he preferred it over Pokedexes. It allowed him to better memorize out of necessity anyway. Going through the many birds with feathers, Chickapea, Peafoul, and Peercock had different colored plumage to this golden luster, too green for the former two and too... Chaotically colorful for the latter. Humingburr and Hummingbloom were too small, and the latter's feathers weren't the right color.

He was about to continue when he found the Orbbit line, and his eyes widened.

That was his.

He continued, finding the entry for Snarpy and Sirenade. He put a bookmark on it and continued, noting the strange similarity to the Sirenade's curved feathers and lustrous golden wings. The Raptyke line was next, but the feathers weren't right. Although, Falkyrie looked like a possible Pokemon for him to have, too.

Galarian Yamask if that was here, Chikapea, Shuppet, Orbbit, Raptyke, Aloeghar, Hoothoot, and then the Cervamp and double-whammy Daenites he found a bit later as he rifled through the book... His future Pokemon team was already shaping up.

Zefoul's line didn't have the right feathers he was looking for, then there was Aquilawa. This one had golden-brown feathers, but the feathers weren't curved strangely like this one was. It also didn't make the hairs on his arm stand on end when he put the feather to it, so either it lost its charge or it wasn't an Aquilawa feather. Buzzarre didn't have the right feathers, Aveon's feathers weren't right either, and...

Sirenade had to be the right one.

Someone must've had a Gorgeon and a Sirenade. He was starting to wonder if he should even go after whoever this was, but decided against it for now. He needed to get stronger. Releasing his Aloeghar, the gator hissed lowly as she looked around the library, then looked up at her trainer with confusion. "I'm going to name you Ammit. And I think I know who we're looking for." He held up pictures of the two Pokemon in question. "Whoever it was at the lab had these two Pokemon." He then held up his finger as the Aloeghar began to growl, hushing her quickly. "But before we find whoever this was, we'll have to get stronger and train. We can't do this as we are now. Let's focus on the journey ahead and worry about that when it comes up, okay?"

The Grass starter seemed to think it over before finally agreeing, Draven taking in a sigh of relief at how simple that was. "Good. We should get something to eat and I need to figure out what you're good at." He said, rubbing the Aloeghar's head before pocketing the already-paid for book, returning his starter, and leaving the library.

Looking at his watch, it was getting dangerously close to the starter ceremony. Damn, whatever ceremony had started he had likely missed out on. He wasn't a big fan of fanfare over something he considered so trivial. But maybe whoever had the Gorgeon would be here.

He decided to head there, not wasting a moment in doing so.
Date: July 20th
Time: About 11:30am
Location: Crest Island

@Charlotte Pryce

"Ah." George nodded, believing he had made a wrong assumption about the Professor. "I could find out what she's up to?"

"Looks like I'll have to challenge the gyms then participate in these olympics!" He announced. "If it's what it takes then i'm up for it. But dude, do you know what the order is for the gyms? Back in my home region of Unova, certain gym leaders were tougher than others. I've seen the water gym leader's face being plastered over the banners and walls of the island but dude, are they even able to be beaten by a starting trainer?"

The young trainer wandered up to the poke balls on the table. He clasped his hands around the poke ball in which Aloeghar was supposedly in. "It's name is Aloeghar? Seems my kind of mon. I choose you!" He lifted the Poke Ball into the air in a grandoise fashion.

Date: July 20th
Time: About 11:30am
Location: Coronet City

@Charlotte Pryce

"Unhand me you false slithering snake of a dragon!" Sullivan cried as he struggled to break free, but it was no use.

The old man shot Zanzibar a look. "Please. It is I who is crippled. You would do this to an old man, who was simply cracking a joke?! That's all it was, a joke. I was not trying to do ANYTHING!"

Dusclops vanished. Instead a chaos black substance had appeared on the floor, with a strange eye flashing before the puddle of the thick black chemical slid across the room quickly. A loud whisper could be heard in Zanzibar's ear to the left. Suddenly, the ghostly cyclops was right behind her, an ominous presence.

"So as you've heard, it was only a joke, so would you kindly unhand me please? I promise not to give you any trouble."
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Previously Airslashz
Alexander Aetos
Interactions: @Merciless Medic (left scene), @Charlotte Pryce, @Max Million

Thank Arceus that guy left. But something tells me… that that’s not the last time I’ll see him. Whatever.

“Don’t worry, the water gym leader is, although kind of hot, one of the easiest, from what I’ve heard,” Alexander answered in before the assistant could, “and also, I don’t know if there’s a set order, since from what I’ve heard, there’s I think 14 gyms or something? I don’t really know if I’m getting that part right.”

Alexander saw the boy in front of him pick up the grass-type starter.

“And that Aloeghar should really help you with the gym.”

Alexander realized that this gym would be a real pain since he had a Fire starter, so he realized that training was going to be completely necessary. He also needed to catch a Pokémon, and he began to ponder what he could get.

Or not. All he had was the mindset of “we’ll see when we get there”.
Date: July 20th
Time: About 11:30am
Location: Crest Island


"Huh, didn't see you there, bro." George said to Alexander, finally noticing him. "14 gyms? That's a bit much isn't it? How are we supposed to challenge them all and what exactly is the order?" He asked. "If that's true about Aloeghar, then he must be of a type that is good against water?!"

George looked at the boy. He soon realised that Alexander had probably already taken his starter. "What's your name? I'm George. You've already gotten your starter?"

This Alexander could very easily be one of George's new rivals, so he would need to keep tabs on him.
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Previously Airslashz
Alexander Aetos
Interactions: same scene as @Charlotte Pryce, @Max Million

"Wait, I screwed up. It's not 14 gyms; it's 12. Also, from what I've heard, you only need to do eight gyms in no particular order... I guess?, and the rest you'll face in the Elite Four or something like that," Alexander tried his best to recall what he heard earlier from some locals.

"Aloeghar is a Grass-type. So... it'll easily beat the first gym by itself," Alexander commented.

"The name's Alexander. Nice to meet you. And yes, I've already gotten my starter, a Wigwarm, in fact,"

I like this guy better than that smartass already.
Date: July 20th
Time: About 11:30am
Location: Crest Island

@Charlotte Pryce

George looked at Alexander. "Twelve?! Well, that's still a lot!" He laughed. "No particular order? Then we can just challenge the Water Gym on this island first then? Is that your plan?"

George threw the poke ball onto the ground as the grass crocodile appeared in front of him. The young trainer observed the new starter Pokemon intensely. Aloeghar turned round, looked at George, widening it's eyes and licking it's mouth. "He doesn't look too happy to see me."

George turned back to Alexander. "Good to meet you my dude. I think i'll call you 'Alex'. You got Wigwarm? What type is he?" George thought about it for a second. "The 'warm' part of the name makes me think fire. You know, since most regions seem to have the fire, water, grass core for some reason? They never have any OTHER types. Maybe i'll change that. Dad was a trainer in Clay's ground type gym in Driftveil City back in Unova. You can tell i'm a big lover of ground types!"

"Have you met Gamma yet?" George asked Alexander. He turned to find the baby titan pokemon hobbling around, pushing some of the dust off one of the book shelves. He called him over as Gamma looked at the pair. "This is Gamma, my partner pokemon, a Golett. He doesn't like poke balls for some reason..."

George tried to find Achilles. "That reminds me. I'm planning to start my journey afresh with just Gamma, Aloeghar and whatever experience of the new Pokemon I can get. I'll catch whatever I find, though I'm hoping to find some other new ground types. I've brought with me my friends from Unova, five other pokemon. Achilles, would it be possible to store or keep these Pokemon here for when I need them later, or is that not possible? Do you know if there's a ranch of storage facility I could send them to whilst I'm on my journeys? I may need to recall them if I'm in a tricky situation. They're going to need a lot of space, that's for sure!"