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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft 2: The Elemental Jewels.

Rolen was surprised that the man with the wheelchair had been able to keep pace with them. And then... blood magic. That was, for him, unexpected and... wrong. He readied magic in his hand, but then realized that the man was helping them. He listened carefully to the information Mr Kato was giving. The magic remained in his hand, however. For him, this was an uneasy truce. He took a second to process the information and then spoke.

“Okay, we need t-“

He cut off as a nearby building was shattered and he caught his first glimpse of a Blood Demon. In the gathering darkness it was difficult to make out the creature’s exact form, but he knew it wasn’t good. There was a strong aura of dark magic coming from it, tinted with spirals of energy he didn’t understand. He readied his spell that had already been gathering and hurled it at the monster, his attack giving off a shimmering glow as it flew through the air. When it impacted the monster with a small explosion there was a flash bright enough to distinguish some of the horrendous features of the demon. Rolen had a shudder of horror as the horrible sight was revealed, and backed up instinctively.

“Run! Head that way!”

He turned and bolted down the street, away from the Blood Demons. Once he was at the end he turned down the next street and ran towards the center of town, hoping the others were following. The demon had been momentarily phased by Rolen’s spell, but it was soon joined by another, and another, lumbering towards the side street and pulling themselves along with their large tentacles.


Maira was almost to the docks when she heard a sound behind her. It was one of the Blood demons, but she could barely see it at all, only catching its large bulk and odd shape. That was enough, however, and she tried to run even faster. She was gaining a bit of ground, or so she thought, when she tripped. She quickly began struggling to her feet, but felt something happen to her leg. Something had a hold of it, and she was being dragged slowly back down the road. She gave a scream of terror and whipped out her dagger, intending to stab the thing that was clutching at her ankle.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene coughed as she tried to avoid choking after crazy Houndooms and church people busted into the restaurant. Michi immediately stopped a Houndoom from attacking them with a thunderbolt. Rene got up and shocked two church members while chewing her food.

"What on earth is going on? Is anyone hurt? We have to get out of here!" She stood up and prepared to attack, waiting for the others to be ready.
"Kato, lead the Pokemon away as I handle the Ninja, Windchime, find Flygon!" Ashley responded, "Only my one sister has the trait, but still I am not letting you hurt him!"

Ashley blocked the one heading towards her chest, she then concentrated her Rending wind into her left hand, preparing to strike the other blade.


Salamence spotted a young lady caught by one of the strange creatures that appeared and shot the Creature with a Hydro Pump.

The Dragonairs had found Rolen and attacked the strange creatures.

Oshawatt used Aqua Jet at the nearest one to Annette.

The other Pokemon had started to bombard the creatures.


Rocco suddenly jumped, and went for the nearest creature, aiming to end this creature. The water was getting worse.
Amra took off after Rolen. With her crossbow in hand she fired shot after shot. With each arrow she changed the effect until she noticed that fire worked the best. Taking aim, Amra shot an arrow right towards the large monster's eye. Upon hit it would burst into flame and burn the monster from the inside out.

Jason on the other hand threw up a large shield as he ran. It protected them from the flames and approaching monster. "We need to head in the way of the dark magic. If we can shut it down, then we can make sure these things do not come back.' Jason shot out a large bout of greenish flame. It was from a spell that he worked on in the boat.

The Drakloak was still warned by the dreepy on it's head as to when the shadow ball was fired. Though at the last minute she was hit on the tail, causing the jewels to fly into the air right in the path of the other dragon type. Though the dark type move did not damage the dragon badly, it caused her to ram straight into a tree and stun both of the pokemon.
“I don’t think it’s going to turn out the way you like it sweetheart!”, the man yelled out as he flipped backwards, throwing three ninja stars directly at her.
Castform hurried to find Flygon, but had no success in doing so. Confused, the Pokémon looked even harder and deeper into the forest.


Mr.Kato saw the tension in the young wizards eyes. Maybe he needed to leave them. Maybe they thought he was like her. An enemy.

He was going to have to prove himself.
“Run along Now! I’ll hold them off while you take care of the others!”
But really, he needed to talk. With Wite.

Two walls formed out of blood make a path for him straight to Wite. He knew she could here him, even being this far away.
“Is this worth it Wite? Taking countless lives to go through a ritual?”
He gritted his teeth, and Machamp started to quickly wheel him through the passage Mr Kato created.
“I won’t stand for it! If you want to succeed, you’ll have to get through me first!”

Him and his Pokémon got closer every second to the ritual zone, making good distance.
Windchime immediately shot an energy ball at the three stars, shooting one down and the second into the third. Kato took both the other Greninja and the Ninjask, firing a bunch of water stars at the two of them. All of a sudden, Kato's eyes glowed blue, and four rocks fell around the Ninjask, as a fifth fell towards it. Ashley turned around after the energy Balls were fired. Ashley started humming a song as wind encased her sword. She then prepared for any more attacks.

"My guess is that you have something to do with Razan's home!" Ashley yelled.

"Baaaa!" A Pokemon called out as it used Dragon Pulse on the other Greninja.

An enraged Ampharos, who had been delivering mail in the area, appeared and shot at the shiny Greninja. What surprised Ashley was the Ampharos was bearing the Silver Clan Symbol. Ampharos left and headed towards the guild house. Windchime floated in front of the Ninja, out of range from his attacks, and close enough to protect Razan. She then fired an Energy Ball at the Ninja.
The Blood Fiend that was hit by the Hydro Pump recovered from the hit and began charging down towards the dock, this one was larger than normal.


A loud screech rang out across the dock as the Pidgeot was blindsided by a Noivern. The two plummeted for a while before they regained flight but were locked in aerial combat. The Pidgeot trying to dodge the Noivern’s bites while the Noivern was trying to avoid Pidgeot’s talons.


A second explosion of noise sounded from just behind the docks within the city. It was louder than any cannon shot. It was a powerful Boomburst from the second Noivern, the sound blast was visible in a large sphere as it expanded distorting the air before fading out. The attack completely leveled half a city block and blew open the way to the docks, destroying the choke points the defenders on the dock were using.

“Shit! Knight 'n Kin', raise anchor 'n sail out into th' port afore yer sails get torn up!” Eudora commanded seeing a Crobat zipping around each of the ships using Razor wind to slice massive holes into the main sails. “Aegis! Go stall that Noivern afore it can reach th' ships! If they get close, a single Boomburst will sink a ship.”


Night has fallen over the city, the blood red glow from the ritual site shone brightly in the night air above the Keep. ‘Mind as well.’ She thought. The third circle of Cultists took out their ceremonial daggers and stabbed their hearts like the circles of Cultists before them. The second blood orb was complete, it was double the size of the first and glowed just as bright. Wite levitated the sphere out and over the first orb with a meter distance in between.

A voice called to Wite from the blood, an elderly voice it was familiar but she couldn't place the sound. She opened her eyes and saw the strange ramp that Mr. Kato had built that led up to her platform, or least close as he can get before hitting the barrier. Wite turned her gaze at Mr. Kato in the distance with half open eyes, they were glowing with their respective colors and the red smoky aura emanated from them.

"The lives were offered to me Mr. Kato, I took nothing. What is happening to your beloved city around you is not my doing, Lord Marquis is the one responsible for that." Wite smiled amusingly at Mr. Kato as his Machamp wheeled him up to her from such a great distance. "Mr. Kato, you and I both know that you do not posses the ability to challenge me in my current state, I have no qualms with you. Your life is so close to being complete, why not wait this out so you may complete it, it would be such a shame if your soul was consumed before it can ascend."

A third and final orb of blood began to form in front of Wite massing twice the size of the second orb as the blood from the third ring of Cultists began to coalesce in front of Wite. The third set of souls flew up and joined the vortex of souls overhead. A third massive pulse of demonic magic pulsed across the city. This time the wave of magic was physically visible and stronger than the other two before it. The full moon in the sky was massive and it’s color had shifted to blood red bathing the city in red, the temperature began to rise, and the atmosphere grew heavier by the moment. Rolen and his group approaching the Keep had not gone unnoticed, but the ritual continues....

The three headed dragon snatched up the two Jewels effortlessly out of the air with it's two smaller heads and immediately turned and headed back towards Wite. Normally it would have killed the thief but the mistress seemed upset and was not willing for any delays.
As they ran, Rolen paused as he caught sight of the red glow emitting from the top of the keep. Was that really where they were going? If so, it looked like they were going to have a tough time... It was just as he was thinking this that the third, and most powerful, wave burst out. Rolen quailed before the raw power of the magic, he felt sick at his stomach, and he was afraid to go forward... but at the same time he knew he couldn’t go back. Even though Amra and Phoenix had taken out a few, more had joined the chase, and as slow as the blood demons seemed, they were still too close for his comfort, and they didn’t seem to change targets as he would have expected from something like that but stayed on the trail of his small group. He wracked his brains, trying to figure out a plan to get them up there without getting hurt. For a moment, he was telling himself that it was the people of this island’s problem, but he quickly shouted himself down and forced himself to keep going. He closed his eyes, drew in a breath, and began running down the street again. He felt energy flare to life in the palms of his hands, at first tinged with demonic energy, but Rolen quickly forced that out and pulled in more pure magic into his spell. He was beginning to sweat between the running, his feeling of sickness and the amount of energy he had to put into these spells.


Maira tried to stab at the tentacle wrapped around her ankle, but because she was being dragged slowly along the road she couldn’t get an angle where she could stab without a high chance of hurting herself. She screamed again, but the area seemed nearly deserted. She turned her head to look fearfully at the monster, and kicking her leg in a struggle to escape before the monster could do something horrible to her. Bob was trying to help her, but her small teeth didn’t seem to faze the tentacle. Togetic was nowhere to be seen.

The Fairy/Flying type looked around desperately for help. Her friend needed help, desperately, but the Togetic couldn’t help. This monster was... horrible. The opposite of Maira’s pure enjoyment of life, the monster seemed filled with a horrendous blind lust in death and pain. It made the Togetic want to fly away as far as possible and never turn back, but she needed to save Maira. Suddenly, she noticed Kaiden crouched in an alleyway, nursing an arm covered in burns and with a nasty bite mark across the forearm. The body of a Houndoom lay nearby, its side apparently crushed in. Togetic flew over quickly and began circling the boy’s head, trying desperately to tell him that Maira needed help and where she was.

Kaiden looked up from his clumsy attempts to examine his wound to see Maira’s Togetic circling him. It was apparently trying to tell him something, but he couldn’t tell what. But since Maira was a healer, maybe if the Togetic could lead him to her she could heal his arm. He got himself to his feet and asked the fairy to lead him to Maira. The Pokémon seemed to hesite, but then made up its mind and began flying. About thirty seconds or running later, Kaiden turned the corner, saw the blood demon, and let out a violent stream of cusses, most of which he had learned from the sailors. Then he noticed that it was dragging something towards it with one long tentacle: Maira. He shook his head and knelt down, placing his uninjured hand on the ground.

A strange blue glow seemed to gather in front of him, something familiar to anyone who had interacted much with Pokémon: Evolution Energy. It slowly coalesced into a recognizable form, a mid-sized, grey, bipedal Pokémon with blue markings throughout its tough skin and small white horns in a semicircle around the rounded dome of its skull. One arm seemed to be hanging limply at its side. Kaiden’s eyes were shut, but he could still see; this Pokémon was his eyes. “Sorry to wake you up again, little guy, but I need some help!” The Pokémon have no sign of acknowledgement, but revved one of its legs like a Tauros that is about to charge. And then, it did, rushing forward and ramming its head into the Blood Demon. The creature staggered backwards, and then turned to face this small pest. It whipped its other large tentacle at the Pokémon, but its target jumped backwards and avoided the attack. The monster pulled the tentacle it had struck with back towards it in order to prepare another strike, and loosened its grip on Maira’s leg to fling that tentacle at the pesky little Pokémon. As soon as Maira’s leg was free, she struggled to her feet and ran away, wanting to be as far away as possible. Kaiden didn’t see this, since his own eyes were closed and the eyes with which he saw were focused entirely on combat. As the monster flung a second tentacle, planning to knock the pest over and then wrap it up, it was knocked back as the Pokémon shot forward with a strong headbut and hit the blood demon square in the chest. The Pokémon rebounded back and regained its feet as the monster staggered backwards.... and then the little grey Pokémon faded away with a dull blue glow. Kaiden opened his eyes, got to his feet quickly, and ran.
“So your fine with the others killing the ones who aren’t giving theirs to you?,” Mr Kato exclaimed, “you said it yourself, Marquis is the one doing it, and you have the power to stop it. You could stop all the suffering to all of these innocent lives! But you choose not to.”
He turned his head downwards, facing the ground, and then looked back up at Wite with a scowl on his face.
“You underestimate my power Wite. Your not the only one gaining power from this ritual,” he said with a grin.

That was true. From the beginning, Mr. Kato was absorbing the blood energy just like Wite was, and was taking some of the energy as his own, keeping it away from her.


The ninja side stepped the energy ball shot at him, and threw five stars at the pesky Greninja. He threw a slash with one katana at her chest again, and the other at her right leg.
“If I did, why should I tell you?,” He asked her.

The ninjask, being a crazy fast Pokémon, dodged all of the attacks that were incoming, and threw a big buzz at Windchime.
Windchime had countered the bug buzz its new move, Charge Beam. Ashley caught the one aimed for her Chest with the guard on the handle, and the other one with the last inch of the blade.

"You forgot something." Ashley whispered as she pulled out her Lute and proceeded to swing it towards his head, humming her Rending Wind.

Kato fired seven Water Shurikens, two at the other Greninja and five to counter each of the ones sent at him.


Salamence spotted a Noivern in the sky and fired a Dragon Pulse to try and shoot it out of the sky.

The Dragonairs were flying about, using Dragon Breath when one was shot out of the sky, dead on impact, the other, who was female, evolved into Dragonite. The newly evolved Dragonite used Dragon Pulse on the nearest enemy.


Gyarados and Oshawatt continued firing attacks to cover Annette and Phoenix. Occasional Hydro Pumps, Water Guns, and Aqua Jets could be seen flying about.


The others, a Golduck, a Swanna, two Omastars, a Carracosta, three Psyducks, a Politoed, a Poliwrath, and three Poliwags, covered random Guild members, firing Water types attack.
Annette was frozen in fear the entire time. She had always trained to be able to protect and help others. But, now that she was in an actual battle, she was afraid to move. She wasn't processing anything the others were saying until someone mentioned, 'the other lady'.
"What other lady?" She said in a low voice. Then the image of Azumi crossed her mind. "Azumi?! Where's Azumi?! Phoenix! Where's Azumi?!"


Akali ran through the city, she had told Alice to stay behind. The ninja would rescue those who still had a chance, but would leave those who didn't seem like they had salvation. She needed to find her master, it was her life mission to protect her. She dodged a Houndoom, slashing it's throat as it for by and continued to run across the town.

A pack of Houndooms found Annette and company. They began to slowly approach, while two Blood Demons joined them. They were outnumbering the small group in the alley. The Houndooms snarled and prepare to attack but a Hydro Pump blasted them away. Then Wrecker rained from above, smashing one Blood Demon with his golden hammer, a giant smile on Wrecker's face. The last Blood Demon was suddenly hit by an overwhelming flamethrower. Diablo and Ariel slowly arrived at the scene.
"So, what's the plan?" Wrecker said as he looked at Annette and company.
Annette grabbed Phoenix's hand. "Find Azumi."


Azumi tried her best to stand up, but Vlad's gravity was too strong. Her arms trembled as she tried to raise herself to her knees. She looked up at the vampire. "You're dead. You're not real."
"Oh but I am my dear queen. It was real back then and it is now. After this, I will get your children and make them watch as I kill Wes and everyone in Kelan." Vlad said with a big smirk.
Azumi's rage increased, but she was still too weak to oppose the gravity. "Don't you dare, I will kill you again if I have to!"
Just then, from the darkness, Nana's hands emerged, grabbed Azumi's head and pulled her in.

Azumi woke up, unable to move. "What's going on?" She looked around. Nana was heavily breathing, she had sensed Azumi's distress and came to her rescue by teleporting. Freeing Azumi from such powerful mind trap had left the poor Gardevoir exhausted. Azumi noticed she was tied up and looked around until she saw Marquis. "You have no idea how big of a mistake you have made."
Tsonea nodded, running back to the docks. She spotted the Noivern, and ran faster, seeing what it was going to do. She jumped a bit, and propelled herself upward with a bit of wind magic. She latched to the Noivern by shoving her fans through its wings, and pulled them down to earth. She licked the blood off the fans and stared at the Noivern.

"Hehehe... I've always wanted to try dragon... tell me, where are the good parts? I wouldn't mind a bit of this..."

She shoved her fan straight into its chest, chuckling to herself as she twisted it around. She was having way too much fun with this, but at least she wouldn't need to be fed for a bit...

Emma saw the large Blood Fiend approaching the ship, and knew she had to take action. She tapped her feet against the ground and pounded her fists together. She began running towards it, lightning pulsing around her legs as she got faster. She lept into the air and smashed the monster head on with her fists, a lightning bolt striking both her and the monster. She fell back to the ground, wiping off pieces of charred scraps of clothing. If that thing dared to get back up, she would hit it back down as much as possible.

- - - - - - -

Back in Kelan...
Sebastian, duke of House Farlend, sat on his throne, twirling a chalice of wine in his hand. He had been plotting for months- no, years of how he would get what is rightfully his. That queen of Kelan, Azumi, was not even of royal blood, just a woman who had a crown placed on her head by a foolish legislation. He decided that since they were gone, it was time to initiate the first step of his grand plan. He raised his arm into the air, his cloak flapping with the force of his arm. Aaron, his loyal Aerodactyl, landed before him, awaiting his directions.

"Aaron, my sweet, baby boy... it's almost time for a playdate, and everyone will be invited! But first, we have to gather our V.I.P.s! I've heard from a ship that was sent out carried crew from MY militia... that simply will not do. I have received word from our special snowflakes that there's new land... and some VERY interesting folk... your task, investigate. Take this letter, use it as a way to convince them. Now FLY!"

Aaron lifted off after taking the letter from his master's hand, which had the direction to fly in from the docks. He zoomed through the front gates, heading down the path towards the docks. From there, he began his trek across the ocean, and he wouldn't be long as the fastest Rock type.
Skyler jumped back at the attacks that ripped apart the things coming at them.
His bruised face was in awe at their power, and found himself in the middle of the two groups, in a dramatic scene of sorts.
He looked to Annette, then to the others, and back to Annette.
Skyler shrugged, his arms up.
“Okay. Guess I’m with you guys then. Best start searching. I heard that that lady was going to Marquis’s place, or something like that,” he said.


The ninja saw Ashley’s attack incoming, and started to duck, but he couldn’t. A force held him there and he didn’t budge.
The lute collided with his face, sending him stumbling backwards.
He looked back up, and saw Razan, barely standing up, looking straight at him.
“You...”, the man said under his breath.

Razan forced a grin, a painful one, but a smile nonetheless.

This ticked of the ninja even more.
“I did forget something. I FORGOT TO KILL YOU!” He yelled at Razan as he threw a fast ninja star at Ashley.
A quick current of air blew the star to the side, but not before it grazed Razans left hand, which started bleeding in response.

He winced at the immediate pain, and turned to Ashley. Don’t worry about me, focus on him,” he said calmly.

The Pokémon continued to fight the others, while Castform still looked for Flygon.
"Yeah we need to back up Azumi. She has the water jewel. With that power the only thing that could rival it would be one of the other gems." Phoenix thought for a moment. His brain worked in over drive. Lookin around at the bodies of the monsters, he studied them for a moment. Coming to realization, he gasped. "What if they have one of the jewels aready? That could be why these things are so powerfull. If what I suspect is true, then we need to hurry. Also Diablo, turn the largest gem on the bracelet. It will cause a change in your fire if you lose control of your emotions. I was not able to block them entirely, but I was able to implement the device I use when I make bombs. It will cause the fire to become harmless to people who are not attacking you."

Phoenix took a moment to gather his thoughts then began to speak again. "I say we head to the place with the highest concentration of magic. I am betting that is where Azumi is. We may have to fight our way through. Fire seems to work very well on the big things. The houndoom can be delt with water. Anything else can be killed with enough force. Now lets get on our way." With that Phoenix started to lead his group to the largest point of magical energy. He was on gaurd for anything that seemed to come at them. He was ready with his staff in hand.

Amra sensed Rolen's plight with the spells he was trying to form. She had never been good with magic as any spell she tried had always done something completely different then what she wanted it to do. Though she knew this time it would work as she would not be the one to direct the energy. Beside Rolen, Amra put her hand on top of his and pushed magical energy through to him. "Here use what I have as well. I may not be able to control my magic, or make it do what I want it to, but you can. Lean into it and use what you need." Amra could be seen glowing a blueish glow surrounded their hands.

Jason on the other hand had caught sight of a child being swept up into the fray. How the small child was able to defend themselves this long was a mystery. While running, Jason scooped up the kid, who clung to the vampire. The shield that Jason had up was still going strong, it was being powered by all of the blood he had taken from the cult members and aggressive houndoom.

"Shh it will be ok little one. I have you now. You will be safe with us." Jason had a smile on his face for the child. Amra was surprised that the vampire had that much emotion for someone other then Phoenix. Jason however looked into the kids pink eyes. The same ones that he had. The child held onto the kind man as they ran. It was like a bad dream for him as he watched his parents killed by the monsters as they killed it in return saving him from the same fate.
Diablo looked at the bracelet and took it off. "I don't think now is the time to be testing things. My fire isn't like the one you're used to." He charged fire around his hands and shot two fire balls at two incoming demons, setting them on fire. "I don't need a leash."

Wrecker looked at Annette. "Our orders of commans are Azumi's, Rolan's and Wes. None are here, you call the shots."

"W-what?! Why me?" Annette hid behind Phoenix.

Wrecker laughed. "You're the closest one to the queen, more then any of these losers." He watched as Phoenix led the group away.

Annette sighed. "For now, follow and protect us!"

Wrecker placed his giant hammer over his shoulder and followed the group. Ariel and Diablo did the same, with an annoyed look on their faces.


Joe jumped off the King boat. "I'll protect the Queen boat until the queen herself returns!" He ran into battle, taking down more demons and Houndooms along with Toxo. His Typhlosion stayed behind, avoiding battles and preferring to seek those in need of help. Joe and Toxo made their way to Emma's location. "Ma'am! I'm at your orders!" He saluted her and prepare to fight an incoming wave of enemies.


Akali ran across the roofs of the city, she couldn't see any traces of Azumi, but something did catch her attention. A big flying Hydreigon. If she remembers correctly, that belonged to Wite. That's where she would find answers. Akali followed the flying dragon.
Rolen felt Amra’s hand settle on the back of his own, and felt a transference of energy. Somehow it felt wrong to him... but then again, nearly everything did at that point. He gave her a brief nod of thanks and then continued onwards. They were nearly to the keep, but just as Rolen thought they were going to make it two more Blood Demons stepped out into their path. The wizard took a deep breath, channeled the energy in one of his hands into a bright sphere of pure explosive and dynamic power, which looked slightly different than usual y of the boost Amra had given him. Even as the sphere of magic rolled off his fingertips, he could sense a power greater than was normally in the spell. Then the orb took off, sailing through the air and landing directly between the two Blood Demons blocking the path, where it exploded. The two monsters were injured by the blast, and knocked off balance as well. He knew that this was the moment. He hurled the second sphere, which gave off a similar explosion and knocked the monsters over. He ran forward again, beginning to charge another sphere of magic in his hand. It was even slower this time, but he still had his magic missiles and he hadn’t even activated his shieldings yet. That was probably a good thing, based on the powerful magic he felt emmiting from the top. They had to get up there and put a stop to this, whatever it was. He ran up to an entrance of the keep and beaconed for the others to follow. One door seemed to have been half broken and swung drunkenly on its hinges.

“Quick, let’s go! That magic is getting stronger!”
The star flew right past Ashley's sword, hitting the guard and it dropped on the ground.

"Your fight is with me!" Ashley responded, "I wouldn't touch him if I were you."

Ashley's sword's gem suddenly glowed purple, which boosted her wind. She used Rending Wind on her sword and Lute and proceeded to attempt a strike while he was looking at Razan.


Gyarados saw Annette head towards something when it spotted a very tall man on a large Torterra.

"Torterra, Meganium, Keep it up!" Tempest yelled.

Gyarados fired a Hydro Pump at several Houndooms heading towards Annette's group. Oshawatt kept close to Annette as it used Water Gun. An Omastar and two Psyducks fired their water attacks to provide cover.


Rocco was plowing through, the water forming even more on his axes. He pushed towards the barrier.


Dragonite was enraged, and Kept firing Dragon Pulses.


Salamence prepared for the Noivern to attack, and charged up a Dragon Pulse.
Emma looked to Joe with suspicion, but realized that yeah, she needed help with a big issue. She picked him up by the head and turned him towards Tsonea's general direction.

"Find someone to help take care of... that. She'll need to be pinned down and isolated, else you want to be providing blood. She's not safe to be around like this, she might try to chop you up if she doesn't trust you, and judging on how she freaked the hell out when we landed, she doesn't trust you. And like I said before, quit the formalities."

She tossed Joe back to the docks, keeping watch as surely more monsters tried to take down the ships. The most important thing was making sure they had a way to get away from this crazy place.
“Am I underestimating you? Or are you overestimating your power?” Wite sighed as two objects fell in front of her and levitated there, a crown and an amulet. Hydra flew overhead and roared loudly as he circled around the ritual site high in the air. The third blood sphere was complete and she levitated the third and largest sphere above the second one. The three spheres were now floating in a line exactly two meters away from one another with the largest on top and the smallest on bottom. Wite levitated the crown so the Jewel was directly facing up into the bottom of the smallest blood sphere. She grabbed hold of the amulet and stared at it for a moment, she almost looked sorrowful for a moment before turning at attention back to Mr. Kato who was still approaching her, but quite a bit away still.

“You’re right Mr. Kato, I do have the power to stop it, but sometimes the lives of innocents have be lost to save others. You absorb the magic from the ritual, but do you realize what you have done? Do you know, what I actually am?” Wite closed her open palms into tight fists as the souls in the vortex overhead divided themselves equally and shot themselves into each of the bound cultists on the seven pillars around the platform. The Cultists began to shake and tremble faster than any human possibly can move, their movements made their bodies into nothing but blurs. “Mr. Kato your blood abilities are an evolution and subset of water magic... mine are purely… demonic.” The last words escaped her mouth like a lingering whisper.

Wite held her hands out roughly in front of her like a child reaching out for a hug. The seven bound cultists stopped moving in unison and snapped unnaturally all into the same position of their back being abnormally bent and their chests puffed out. A bright and thin solid beam of bright red shot out from their chests and into Wite, the beam seemed to radiate the same smoke-like aura. An orb roughly six inches in diameter formed in her right hand as it began to fire a thin red laser in the Jewel of the crown which turned blood red and began to glow brightly. Wite appeared to be a focal point of sorts gathering massive energy and directing it into the Jewel. “Stand down Mr. Kato, Owen seems to be quite fond of you and it would be a shame for it to end this way for you. You mettle in things you do not understand….” Wite closed her fist as the last of the energy was transferred into the jewel. The seven beams feeding into Wite faded, but she was still vastly empowered by the residual magic of the ritual.

The jewel shot a massive beam straight though the three spheres of blood, the beam being amplified to be thicker and thicker for each sphere it passed through. The beam eventually shot into the air lighting the sky up and becoming a beacon of red in the sky.

Then something strange happened. First there was light, day light, but different, it had a red hue to it. The temperature of the entire island had rose to exactly 98.6 degrees. A heavy metallic smell filled the air and the entire atmosphere became heavy, extremely humid and rather difficult to breath, water turned into a deep opaque red, and a constant and rhythmic pulse resonated though the island, like a heartbeat. The entire island became a twisted vision of itself almost everything inanimate seemed to be alive somehow, made of flesh and blood. The sky was a perfect mirrored reflection of the island and the city. The moon was gone and the light seemed to come from nowhere. The beam being shot from the crown into the sky connected perfectly with the reflection of it in the sky.

"Since you are here Mr. Kato allow me to tell you that, this is a glimpse of home...." Wite stopped levitating and landed in the center of the ritual circle. The beam in the sky slowly narrowed and eventually faded but the world remained, the world state had changed. Her eyes emanating a red smoky aura, the intricate engraved designs on her earrings and golden and silver fangs were also glowing red. She turned and face the Spire where Marquis and Azumi was. She knew where everyone was on the island, how many people were on it, who was moving, this was her domain now. "If you'd excuse me Mr. Kato, I'd recommend you pick up your pace." The Machamp that was pushing his cart didn't look too well in the new atmosphere. Wite snapped her fingers and the barrier around her vanished. She seemed completely unhindered by the new environment, as a matter of fact she seemed better than ever. Wite finished the bridge of blood that Mr. Kato had made to the platform. Wite looked to Hydra who had landed on the platform, the atmosphere effecting him as well, she walked up to him and placed a hand on him and whips of red mist seemed to transfer form her to the dragon and he levitated up again, rapidly regaining strength. "I need you in the air, keep an eye out okay?" Hydra seemed to be back to his old self, before Wite had enchanted him to hunt the thieving dragon down. He took flight once more and circled above the Keep.


Owen had made it into his room when everything around him suddenly changed into a red bloody nightmarish version of what everything formally was. "What the...?" Owen backed away and looked around. 'What did you do Wite?' he turned and ran back out into the main Keep. it would seem like every guard and soldier was dead. What was left was left were several Blood Fiends, they were massive, but they stood still and just oozed their juices, and making gurgling noises, they had turned completely passive. Spike was trailing far behind him unable to withstand the new environment he collapsed and whimpered.

Owen ran back to him and found out that he was breathing rather heavily from very little physical activity. The back of his shirt was soaked through with sweat. "What the hell is this? Spike? Are you okay? Can you get up?”

Spike tried to stand but was unable to and crumpled back down. “Ok buddy, hold on tight, we should be out of this soon.” Owen stood up and almost immediately blacked out seeing spots in his vision. He stumbled around a bit before he managed to regain his footing and bearings.

Owen had made his way to the main courtyard behind the main gates of the Keep and noticed it was quite badly damaged and hanging roughly on its hinges. Owen looked around, the Keep was a complete blood bath of dead cultists, it seemed like there was nothing left in the Keep except the Blood Demons and they appeared to all be passive now.

Eudora's jaw almost dropped at the sudden change in setting and scenery. She turned around and looked at the ocean. As far as her eye can see it looked like an ocean of blood. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks, the atmosphere was unbearably oppressive. It seems like all the Pokémon felt to too, the fighting seemed to have stopped, at least from the Pokémon and all of the Blood Demons hard turned and started attacking the Cultists, butchering and cutting them down like nothing and absorbing them, most of them were either crushed to death by the tentacles or through blunt trauma from being grabbed and slammed around like a rag-doll, whenever there was no Cultists in the area they seem to be stationary and idle. "Wha' be happenin'?" She looked at her Aegislash that now lay at her feet unable to get up, Scizor was a little ways off. The Noivern had fallen onto the ground motionless but alive, and the Crobat had fallen into the ocean, and had probably drowned to death.

Marquis turned pale but at the same time rage filled him. He turned around and walked to the opening of the wall and looked out. "You are right Queen Azumi... mistakes were made." He turned to face the Queen. "But they were not mine." He glanced at the Gardevoir who was already exhausted and now with the new environment was faring far worse. The environment was starting to effect him too. Whatever it was, it was not meant for humans. "As an insurance policy, I am sorry I have to do this to you Azumi." he pulled out a syringe from his robes that was full of a deep red liquid and approached the tied down Queen aiming to inject it into her neck. "I'd never thought the bitch would actually do this, WE HAD A FUCKING DEAL!" Marquis's relatively calm demeanor was breaking hard as he fumbled a bit trying to stick the Queen with the needle.
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Tempest had noticed the change in scenery, and prepared his magic in an attempt to create a shelter from this ritual. He had called back any that weren't currently dealing with random Blood Fiends, or Houndooms. He then used his magic to create a tree, a big one at that, using The Staff's Power, The Druid's mark was glowing brightly as the five appeared on his left hand. He then casted a spell which would sprout a large tree which would create a small sanctuary in this blazing heat. The water types responded with Rain Dance around Tempest so he could concentrate on this spell he only casted once, it was during the war and by complete accident. Dragonite reported to the sanctuary and protected Tempest as he casted the spell.


Rocco was at his breaking point, steaming from the heat, and he continuously kept cool by tapping into the pact's power. He fought his way towards the barrier.


Every water type called by Tempest used Rain Dance except for Gyarados, who used Rain Dance on Annette's group.
Annette fell to her knees. She still held on to Phoenix's hand. "I don't feel so good..." She said, beginning to feel dizzy. Fifi dragged herself to Annette's side, looking down and tired. Annette picked up the Skitty and began to have difficulties breathing.


Joe was catching his breath, he wanted to get to Tsonea, but his energy and strength had been drained. He looked at Toxo, who was on the ground, struggling to get up. Joe looked back at Emma. "Ma'am! I don't think... I can make it... You should get on the boat, I'll defend here as much as possible!"


Azumi flinched as the needle went into her neck. She bit her lip and glared at Marquis. "What are you doing?! I have the best healers with me, any poison won't kill me." She looked at Nana who was passed out on the floor, she could feel she was unconscious, but alive. "Wite did this? I can deal with Wite, just return the jewel to me."
Just as Rolen made his way through the door, the world changed. It changed horribly. The heat, the metallic taste of the air, made things nearly unbearable for him, and he was already out of breath from running. He leaned over, panting and gasping for breath. When he looked up again, his eyes met.... a huge mass of dead bodies. That was too much for him, and soon the bile rising in his throat made the courtyard slightly more disgusting. He forced himself to look up again, to stand, to...

He spotted Owen. The boy looked familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it, and he didn’t care anyway. He was too suspicious and miserable for that. However, his spell hadn’t charged fully and he couldn’t use another spell without undoing his progress on this one. He still held his hand up, it wouldn’t do any harm to act as if he could obliterate the boy at any second.

“Tell me how to get up there, now!”


Maira and Kaiden paused as the world changed to one of heat, blood and despair. The two Stormbreakers had rerouted away from the docks, as a large aerial battle seemed to be happening there and they didn’t want to get involved. Maira heard a faint cry from behind them, and turned to see Togetic slowly fluttering to the ground. The healer rushed over to her friend, all concern for the fairy. Bob’s breathing sounded loud in her ear, and she also realized her own was not normal. She tried to sense what was wrong with her friends, but couldn’t tell anything. She tried to send a healing pulse into the weakly moving Togetic, but she could barely sense the flow, and it didn’t seem to be doing anything for her friend. Something was very, very wrong with the world. Maira had to hold back her sobs as she scooped up Togetic in her arms and turned back to Kaiden.
Skyler was hit by the impact of the new surroundings, the stench in the air, the tinted redness to everything. His struggles to breath in the heat and humidity of it, and collapsed to one knee while trying to regain breath. Skylers eyes, coated with terror and fear looked up at the platform, and saw them both.
They needed to find a way to get up, but that was going to be difficult when Skyler himself was trying to stand up.
He leaned on a wall, and was immediate disgusted to feel that it felt like it was alive. Like a wall of flesh.
He shuddered, and realized that no one had found the Queen yet. Had anyone gone looking?
He shook his head, and ran off into the streets to Marquis’s place.
It was a difficult task indeed, being slightly crippled from whatever had come upon the island, and the fact that he had used up a lot of his energy fighting already.
Skyler stumbled around, and fell down, and strained to get up. A torn open cultist however, got him quickly moving again.


Mr. Kato just say there listening to Wite.
He made a signal for Machamp to stand down, and his Pokémon went off to go fight.
“I think it would be a misjudgment of both of our powers Wite,” he explained expressionless.
“Of course I know what you are Wite. A dear friend, a respectable person to all. I don’t know why you are doing this, but I can’t just watch as you destroy countless lives,” he said.

Blood gathered from a series of places began to curl around his body, and cover him almost entirely. Slowly he stood up from his wheelchair.
Mr. Kato’s legs were broke from fighting long ago, and no one was able to heal them.
Mr. Kato however, could harden his own blood, and make him awkwardly walk, so he used a wheelchair.

Mr. Kato revealed his real height, being taller than Wite herself.

The blood coated him except form his head, and it all hardened like a suit of armor, a d his head like a helmet. Ten giant blood spears arose behind him, pointed at Wite.

Mr. Kato’s face was deeply saddened as he gazed into her red eyes. “We love you Wite, and it doesn’t have to be like this. We can have peace, and we can stop the fighting. Please see.”


Razan was still leaning on the tree as the ninja dodged Ashely’s oncoming attack.
The man used a smokescreen, and then appeared behind her, and lashed out with both katanas.
“I’ll get him eventually. You’ll see!”, he yelled.
Storm had walked out of the cottage when he heard the impact of the shadow ball. When he was outside of the cottage, everything looked the same to a certain point. It seemed that there was some magical protection over the home. Noticing the injured pokemon Storm rushed to their aid. With a small spell and a potion he was able to heal the pokemon. "There you go. Are you ok?"

The Drakloak took a look at the human that help her. It was the one that she was looking for. Taking the hand of the witch and his companion, the dragon type shifted to the keep where Azumi was.

The witch saw that the man was about to jab the queen and used his hand to cause the needle to fly into his direction where he caught it. "Now that is not very nice to jab the queen with a needle. Now why don't you take a seat." With that Storm thrust out his other hand and sent the man into his chair and almost out of the blown up wall.

Though the witch does not know, his eyes have a dark purple glow to them. They seem to almost shine against the blood red backdrop. Anyone with demonic knowledge would know that this is a sign of the lust demon. It only shows up in the child of a human and the demon or if the human made a pact with said demon.

Amra felt the conection to land and the forest fade as the island changed. She fell to her knees and clutched her head. Opening her mouth, all that came out with a sorrowful scream. All elfs feel the connection to nature, it is what helps them to breathe.
Alice hid. She had to. There was no other choice. She had confidence that the Stormbreakers would stop whatever was happening, even if this place had the odds stacked against them, but she wasn't going to risk her neck for anyone but herself. And maybe her Pokemon. But she was sure that they were also hiding. That they too weren't really risking themselves. If the demons got them, then they weren't hiding well enough.

Nora watched as Wyvra fell from the sky and felt Goo nearly slide off her shoulder. She fell into a panic as she felt herself weaken. Could she even fight off these fiends? Was she even able to? She decided it was to risky. That she needed to find someplace that she could hide her Pokemon at and protect them. Her team wasn't ready for the offense, and a huge portion of a Dragon Tamer's power came from working with their Pokemon as a full on team.

Startled by the group of people that broke through the Keep doors Owen looked up to Rolen. His intimidation tactic didn't really work as they all looked just as haggard as he was, but it didn't matter. “If you’re looking for Azumi follow me. There is no point to try to find Wite, she’ll go to where Marquis is, and Marquis is with Azumi. Come on, I’ve got an idea to where they are, follow me.” Owen gestured for Rolan to follow as he began to head back into the depths of the Keep looking for the stairs leading to the library.

With an unamused look, Wite turned to face Mr. Kato after Hydra had taken off into the air. “Do you not hear it? The world is silent now. I only want one more soul… maybe another will die but that would be up to the Queen’s followers at that point….” Wite walked to the edge of the platform and looked down to the spire where Marquis was. “I’d rather not spend time fighting you, time is limited.” Wite turned her head to look at Mr. Kato from the edge of her eyes, her tail swayed slightly from side to side. The three spheres of blood form the ritual exploded raining blood across the outside of the keep.

“You look rather ridiculous with that armor on you. Stand down, and I might fix your legs for you when this is over.” With those final words Wite’s body seemed to transform into blood then suddenly shot forward through the air as a bolt that was almost impossible for the eye to see. The bolt shot right into the destroyed wall of Marquis’s study.


“What the? Who the fuck are you?!” Marquis stood back up from his chair and drew his sword. It emanated a dark red aura. He held it in a two handed stance, clearly he was well versed in combat with it as side stepped slowly around the room facing the newcomer. “Another demon? No… just a half breed. The Queen will die soon from that injection, and –“


Marquis’s head was slammed into the desk from a force from behind by what looked like a figure made of blood that held the back of his neck. He was bleeding from his nose from the hit. “Not as soon as you will be.” the figure holding him hissed.

Marquis seemed to melt into blood as well before it fused with the figure and the two formed into a single large bolt of blood before it shot over and past Azumi and Storm. Smashing through the room’s double doors, breaking it to pieces, and into the main library before the bolt split off into two. Both of them landed on the ground floor five levels down.

Marquis was on his Knees vomiting onto the floor and supporting himself with his sword. Opposite of him thirty feet away stood Wite, facing him and looking down at him. Perfectly poised and strangely calm despite parts of her hair and fur, mainly on the back of her shoulders and back, were literality standing on end, fluffing her up a bit. In her hands she held a pair of wickedly serrated hookswords that were completely made of blood.

"You bitch... you dare betray me? You dare to renege on our deal?" Marquis managed to stand up and regain his posture. He held his sword up, pointed at Wite. "It's about time someone put you down."

A larger than average Houndoom stat patiently at the edge of the second floor railing looking down at the makeshift area. It wore a collar that was reminiscent to Wite's.
Rolen glared at Owen as he told them to follow him. He didn’t trust him, but at the same time it sounded like Azumi might be in trouble. From what he had heard so far, Wite was the one responsible for the ritual, and if she was going to be wherever this ‘Marquis’ was, he needed to go there, even if he thought Azumi could handle it. But you never knew with Azumi, she tended to be stubborn about using the power of the crown and of the water jewel, so she might need backup. He had just decided to follow Owen when he heard Amra scream. He turned around and kneeled next to her, letting his spell disperse so he didn’t accidentally hurt her. He put his hand on her shoulder.

“Amra, are you okay? What happened?!”

He turned his head and glared at Owen, then looked back to Amra. He needed her to be okay. He had to go, but at the same time he couldn’t leave her. He didn’t know what was wrong, but he would do literally anything to help her. She had to be okay, even if the world was ending, and it kinda seemed like it was. He was beginning to feel sick again, but he forced himself not to think about it.
All of a sudden, a pink bipedal dog-like shape jumped out in between the man and Ashley as it took what the man was planning. Turns out that this Granbull was the Pokemon of her deceased Brother.

"Granbull," Ashley whispered as she then went to slice across him.


Rocco was getting closer and closer as he hit the barrier.

"Huh?" Rocco responded, "Let's do this!"

Rocco continued trying to break the barrier.


"This isn't going to last Much longer." Tempest whispered.

Meganium and Leafeon were on the ground exhausted, but Torterra's true nature is why the Grass and Ground type is still standing. The tree was starting to wither away.
Storm smiled he was glad to see the blood demon pay the man his dues. Though his strength was wanning some in the cross dimensional plan. Though seeing how others are acting, it was not effecting the witch as much as it would if they were in the human realm.

Looking over to Azumi as she was shot into the chest with the blood, he knew she would be fine. This demon might not be as bad some that he had read about. If he was right then he knew she would need the power to break the deal. It was hard to do, but it was possible for a demon to do. Only a strong witch could bind a demon. Through lust or blood are how most deals with demons are made.

Amra pulled through a moment as Rolen touched her. His touch stablized her as elfs can stand up to the connection to nature if their soulmate was to connect with them. "It is connection to nature. Elves can not go long in dimensions other then one connected to forests and the natural world... Please hold my hand. Elves have a connection to their soulmate that can help. It stabilizes them both." Though Amra spoke, her voice was ragged and breathy. It was a lot different then the normal steady and even voice she always had.

Jason on the other hand looked towards the boy. He was not affected by the landscape change except to get slightly more juiced up then normal. His fangs would not retract and showed along with the glowing dark pink eyes of the vampire. Though normally his eyes would have been a bright pink, they shifted to a darker and more sinister tone.

With the two on the ground, he knew he had to help the queen if he could. "Rolen stay here and help Amra. I will follow the boy and see if I can help Azumi." Turning to the boy, Jason had a look of determination. "Take me to the Queen." Though his normal voice was soft melodic, the voice he just used was deeper and more frightening. He walked up to the boy with an even gaite of a predator.

Phoenix still walked with the group when the place changed. He felt the connection to nature of the island fading and stumbled. He almost fell to the ground, that is when the pain set in and he collapsed into the fetal position. His breathing bacame irregular with the pain that followed. He let out an unearthly scream of pain before the sound was cut off. His mouth was still open in a scream, but now sound would come out.
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Rolen stayed next to Amra, holding her hand firmly. If that was what he had to do to make sure she stayed okay, then he would do it. Just the strangeness and raspy roughness of her voice made him afraid to let go. At the same time, they wouldn’t be able to go with Jason at this rate. He didn’t want to admit it, even to himself, but he wasn’t doing well either. He looked long and hard at the vampire. He never agreed with all of Jason’s choices, but he knew that he was right, he had to go and they had to stay. He drew a deep breath and closed his eyes.

“Go. If you need help... I’ll see what I can do.”


Maira was sitting in a side alley, clutching at her stomach. Like Amra, she had a strong connection with nature, and since the delicate balance of the wild world was disturbed, the first effect was that her healing magic faded, and now she was in pain herself. She felt another spasm pass through her, and clenched her eyes shut. She didn’t open them again until she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Kaiden, holding a glass of water. Who knows where he had been able to find it, but that didn’t matter. She took it and sipped it gratefully... but it didn’t help much.
Azumi closed her eyes and took deep breaths. She was beginning to feel dizzy. The new atmosphere and the injection were beginning to take effect on her. She noticed Storm had arrived. "You... Take Nana somewhere safe and remove these seals from me." She looked really upset, her eyes had a threatening look in them.


Annette watched as Phoenix went down. She began to panic, he was the one person she could trust. She looked around and noticed Ariel, Wrecker and Diablo still standing there. "Why... Are you all okay?"

Ariel looked at Annette confused. "Did you forget? We were made by Vlad. Whatever he put in us, it might be the reason we are doing ok." He took a deep breath and continued. "I can feel myself getting tired, but compared to you guys, we are doing better."

Diablo took a deep breath. "I feel at home." He said as his eyes began to radiate fire.

Wrecker picked up Annette and Fifi. She placed them on his shoulder. "Let's get everyone back to the boats." Wrecker said as he picked up Phoenix by the waist. Ariel used the blood to gather everyone else. The three made their way down to the docks, seeing only the Queen boat still available, they made their way there and dropped everyone off. Ariel took Annette and Fifi into Azumi's room. Diablo looked at Phoenix. "I expected more from you." He walked away.

Wrecker went back down, he got Joe and Emma on his shoulders and then noticed Tsonea. "What about her?" He asked Emma confused.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene fell to her knees, clutching her stomach. "Nora? What's going on? I don't feel good." She picked up Michi in her arms, the small electric mouse fainted.

Rene looked around for Arca. The big happy Arcanine was now slowly dragging himself towards Rene. Everything around them was wrong. The sky had an unnatural color and the moon was red, just like 5 years ago. The electrical elf looked at Nora with pleading eyes.
Mr. Kato didn’t flinch at Wite’e words, although she did show a form of kindness in her voice, saying that she would heal him.

“And what are all of these deaths leading up to? What is going to be the final outcome of this that will make the world better? That will make all of these sacrifices worth it?”, he said to himself, not moving.


Skyler appeared awhile later running as fast as he could through this condition, carrying an elderly lady on his shoulder that had somehow survived. That was his Grandma that he had found on top of a blood demon, poking its eyes out with her cane.
That was a sight to see.
Two demons were chasing him, going a little faster than he was, and Skyler was getting frantic. He snapped his fingers, and sparks formed into a fireball. He threw it behind him, and caught the two on fire, and slowed them down.

Skyler made his way to the boats and ran up the one he saw other people on, and set his Grandma down, and she frowned at him.
“I coulda took em all out! You didn’t need ya help me!”, she yelled at him.
“I know you could have Grammy. We all do,” he responded with a grin on his face.


Razan blacked out as a force hit his head, and went limp.
A smokescreen covered the entire area, even to the Pokémon. It lasted a long time, being unable to see, and when it cleared up, Razan was gone.
The ninja and his Pokémon also vanished.

A paper was tacked to the tree.
“If you want to see him again, I suggest that you come to the village. One of you in the group knows the way...”
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A strong wind rushed throughout the area as the wrath of a powerful aura was ignited. “Why is it that I always run into these people in the most inconvenient of places?” A shadowy figure groaned as he questioned his Aerodactyl. His eyes surveyed the island from way up high, noting a familiar looking Arcanine and girl, but fixating on his beautiful wife who appeared to be in a bit of a predicament as she laid groggily in another man’s arms.

Oh no he doesn’t rage swelled inside of the lost King as the sight burned into his eyes. “You take care of the girl and her dog, this guy is mine.” Wes jumped off his fossil Pokémon as the Aerodactyl roared in agreement. He flew towards Azumi with his black cape waving in the wind behind him. As he approached he leaned to the side and performed a kick, connecting with the man’s head and launching him away while he caught his wife and quickly dashed to retrieve her nearby injured Pokémon. All in a flash due to his immense speed, Wes drew Windslasher and sliced in a circle, creating a viscous tornado around him, Nana, and Azumi.

“Hey cutie.” He looked down with loving eyes while giving his signature sly smirk. “I was in a city on my way home when this place got sucked into some weird realm. I never would’ve imagined you’d be here, any idea what’s going on?”

Elsewhere an Aerodactyl swooped down next to his old friend, planting his wings protectively around her and her Arcanine and launching defensive stealth rocks into the air while awaiting a command.
Rocco was trying to find the one who started this, he was tapping into the pact's power, and it was made worse by Turret and Tyranitar and the fact they were knocked out. He continued on, fighting any remaining Cultists and Blood Demons.


Tempest continued holding the sanctuary, but not for too long, he sensed the Earth Element Users, they were out, and couldn't do anything, all the Pokemon he called for, knocked out except Salamence, who was with the King and Knight ships.

"Maira and Kaiden are in a bad situation, but I can't leave the sanctuary or I run the risk of getting Leafeon and Meganium killed." Tempest whispered.

He then told his Pokemon he'd be back, and Torterra would watch over them. He stumbled towards the last known location of the two, towards the docks.


Ashley started crying when Razan was taken, she then got up and started looking for Flygon, but she found Granbull, dead.

"It was Bart's Granbull that showed up." Ashley had more tears flowing.

Kato and Windchime got their trainer ready, and the small group went searching.

"We need to find Flygon," Ashley responded.
Azumi was waiting for Storm to undo the seals keeping her, when suddenly someone dashed in and kicked the young witch. Azumi was confused as a wind tornado kicked up around her and Nana. Before she knew it, she was looking up at Wes. A faint smiled spread across her lips as she placed her hand on the side of his face, and then slapped him.
"Why did you kick Storm? Where have you been?! You missed our children's birthday and disappeared to the god forsaken island without telling me?" Her breathing got heavy as she spoke. She then felt sorry and kissed his cheek where she slapped him. "Sorry, I just got my crown stolen and inyected with some sort of sicknesses, I'm not doing so good."


Previously The Pikachan
Just as Rene placed her hand on Arca's soft warm fur, the Arcanine passed out. Rene cuddled up to him and signaled Nora to join her. The enviroment was making her feel really weak, she couldn't even feel electricity traveling through her body anymore. Just then, Aerodactyl landed and shielded her and her Pokemon. Rene looked up with a soft smile across her face.

"Hey, thank you for helping me. Could you? Drag that dragon tamer and her Pokemon here? She is a friend of mine and could use the help also." Rene spoke with a drowsy voice, but tried her best to remain awake.
Awhile later......

Razan’s eyes slowly and painfully opened, the simple movement causing pain to him.
After a few minutes of recovering from being knocked out, the room became clearer. It was rather dark, so only part of it was clear.
Ropes were tied around his wrists, binding his hands together behind his back. He felt ones on his legs as well, those were even tighter. Razan tried to wriggle out of them, but nothing happened.
He began to get frantic, and casted a sunny day.
To his surprise, nothing happened. Razan tried again. Nothing.

“This room has been enchanted with a Cloud Nine. Your magic won’t work in here,” a voice said to him, the voice seeming to echo off of the stone walls.
Razan flinched. He knew that voice. The figure revealed himself as the ninja from before.
“Are you...going to kill me?”, Razan asked the man warily.

The man laughed. “Why would I kill you now when I can use you? Anyway, I have a job to do.”

The ninja had hit him over the head with the back of the katana. That’s what happened.

It was only then he felt another presence in the room. A soft cry that could be heard.

Razan painfully shifted his head to see that Flygon was with him too, tied up.
“Oh...Flygon....I’m sorry...”, Razan began to say. “How can you do this and not feel any guilt?!”

“I was smart enough to take out the powerhouse! It’s part of the job!”, the man yelled at him.
“And what would that be?”, Razan said behind gritted teeth.
“Murder. Assassinations. Theft. Anything. I’m the other one who took out your village. CrossBlade paid me.”

Razan felt his emotions being struck by those cruel words. CrossBlade paid him?

“I’ve had enough of you for now, the man said walking up to him, and stuck him across the head.
Razan blacked out once more.

“Hahaha, I’m sorry for missing their birthday! But I was out trying to get their presents when I heard a rumor related to Vlad and some stones, so I followed whispers here and there and I ended up on this island.” Wes chuckled, completely oblivious to the dire situation everyone else seemed to be in. “Now then, you said that guy can help?” A hand made of wind stretched out from the cyclone, wrapping around Storm and carrying him in.

“Sorry about that!” Wes laughed. “She says you can help her so do your best!” He then looked back to his wife and gently set her down. “So who’s the guy who did this to you? I’ve been itching for a fight.” He whispered, hiding his rage underneath his concerned voice.

Aerodactyl, though fatigued, complied and dragged the dragon Pokémon and girl back towards Rene. He didn’t have much energy as the strange atmosphere began to take its toll so he could only hope that the stealth rocks would be enough.
"An imbecile named Marquis. He is the leader of this island and..." She looked at Wes and frowned. "Wind element doesn't mean messy hair." She fixed his hair with her hands and continued. "We were discussing trade relations between Cezare island and Kelan when he asked to see my crown. I foolishly allowed him to see it and then..." She remembered the visions she had. "Then he put me in these awful day dreams, when I woke up he was taking by this giant wave of blood and dragged away." She pointed in the direction Marquis and Wite went. "Then Storm came and then you did." She placed her hand on Storm and began to use her water healing. "You kicked him hard, but there you go AGAIN, recklessly rushing into battle." She finished and then hugged Wes. "I did miss you though, the castle seems emptier without you." She then looked around. "Now, remove this wind and let's get this over with. I'm not feeling too good. I wish to return back to my boat soon."