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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft 2: The Elemental Jewels.

In response to being picked up by Wrecker, Emma's face was filled with pure rage. She kicked Wrecker straight in the spine, then tore herself away from him.


She shoved Wrecker towards the ship, looking over to Tsonea. They didn't seem fatigued at all, but they were too far away to tell. Tybalt had passed out on the dock, unmoving. He had done good today, and hit a couple of those fiends real good. Wasn't enough though.

Tsonea kept slashing away at the now corpse of a Noivern, her body covered in blood. She stood up, dragging along the body with her. Slowly but surely, she worked on getting her catch back onto the boat.

Owen slowly made his way through the keep. He had to pause several times to try to regain some energy to push forward. He knew that the group of people loyal to Azumi did not trust him, nor did he know what they would do.

After leading the group through several corridors and staircases, Owen arrived at the library doors. He tied pushing against the doors but to no avail. “Azumi should be inside… on the fifth floor, that’s where Marquis’s study is….”

<Marquis and Wite>

Wite spun her two hookswords around in her hands and crouched down slightly. “I reneged nothing, I did exactly what was agreed upon, or else I wouldn’t be able to harm you.”

“LIAR!” Marquis shouted, he readied his sword and dashed forward before he vanished.


Man and Demoness locked weapons on the first floor of the library, Wite stood her ground as Marquis tried to overpower her, but the situation seemed dire for Marquis in his weakened state. Wite held Marquis at bay with seemingly little effort. With a smile she shifted one of her hookswords and redirected Marquis’s sword after a moment of being locked face-to-face. With unnatural speed and eloquent grace Wite spun around to the left as Marquis’s force was parried to the right. With a single passing swipe of one of her hookswords a large diagonal slash effortlessly tore apart the back of his robes and the serrated edges of the hookswords tore apart his flesh taking out small bits of his back. No blood was spilled, instead the blood from the wound was connected to Wite’s hookswords in multiple thin silky strands like spider webs.

Wite casually walked forward a few steps before turning around. Marquis fell to one knee behind her. “You said you would open a portal to the Red Empire…” Marquis breathed out as he stood back up and turned to face Wite, the strands of blood still connecting him but now they weaved around his body to reach Wite.

“Yea, and I tried my best, but it was out of my ability to. So I did the next acceptable thing, I brought this island closer to home.” Wite flourished her weapons as Marquis roared in anger and ran at her again. His sword raised high overhead, he slashed down as soon as he was in range. Wite caught he attack in the crescent handguard of her left hooksword and parried further to the left. Marquis carried his momentum through and attempted to round kick, throwing his robes around in an attempt to throw Wite off, but she moved forward and ducked low. She hooked his ankle as his kick flew by with her left and sliced open the underside of his thigh with her right. Wite pulled Marquis’s hooked ankle back as she moved past him causing him to fall on his face and again Marquis did not bleed but the blood from his new wound was connected to the hooksword that sliced him.

Struggling to get up Marquis fell back down on his chest, the exhaustion was becoming too much, "Why... why did you do this." Marquis managed to stand up but he was shaking.

Wite turned around rage in her eyes. "Yea? I'll tell you," with a simple gesture Marquis was violent pulled into the air, dropping his sword, and was suspended there, "lets start with you summoning me to this world. Let's see, I was the equivalent of a human 12 year old when you summoned me pretty much ripping me from my father's and mother's arms, then proceeded to physically beat me nearly to death before binding me this plane of existence." Wite paced around the the suspended man like a wolf circling its prey, "And what else is there...?"

Marquis was silent and unable to move, he was crying and sobbing now. No doubt that Wite was feasting on the man's despair, hopelessness, and fear.
Salamence kept dodging Tsonea's attacks until she flew off towards the other ships, crash landing on the King Ship.


Dragonite remained on the ground just short of the Raging Rocco. Rocco almost lost control of his pact, and the water is still blocking out any effects of the strange environment change. He continued fighting any remaining standing Cultists or Blood Fiends, making sure none would attack him, his Pokemon, or his guildmates.


Tempest continued stumbling as Torterra tried to hold up the sanctuary, but he couldn't, and the tree withered away into nothingness.


Ashley, still had tears on her face, but she knew she had to find him.

"Castform, are you around?" Ashley called out for the Weather Pokemon.
“You try flying and not messing up your hair!” Wes smiled looking down at Azumi, he loved having someone he could joke around with even in the midst of a battle.
“I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I’ll take care of things now.” His voice was somewhat saddened as his eyes followed the direction Azumi pointed. The gaze of the king settled on a man he assumed to be Marquis seemingly being tortured as another placed a spell on him. Anger swelled inside him, to Wes, it didn’t matter who it was, everyone deserved to die with some dignity.

Miniature tornadoes appeared at the bottom of Wes’s feet and propelled him forward at an incredible speed, sending a gust outwards from him. In an instant, Wes appeared in front of Marquis, drew Windslasher, and jabbed it towards the man’s heart.
Nora struggled against the Aerodactyl as it carried her to Rene. Nora, who was mad that she was removed from her location, glared at Rene. "Why did ya have that thing move me?" She asked angrily, her native accent becoming more prominent in her speech. She looked down at Wyvra, who was sleeping on her shoulder. She removed the bat and placed it in her bag. She was exhausted, but a strong love for her Pokemon and a strong urge to protect her partners kept her on her feet. Just enough to protect her two helpless partners.
Storm was shocked to be kicked in the head by the man that showed up. He was just about to untie Azumi when it happened. Falling down to the ground, he felt the effects of the world. It made him slightly tired, but other then that he was fine.

Standing up, he nursed the bruse that was forming on his cheek. Putting that aside, he rushed back to Azumi, and started to cast a spell to see what they used on the queen. He needed to know what had been done to be able to help.

Jason was at the wall that he brought to, he could see the wall that was blown open above him. He had to find away up there. Taking a step back, Jason ran to the wall, and leaped up to the break. He just barely was able to grap the ledge and pulled himself up into the room.

Taking a look at Azumi he could tell something was not right. He sprinted forward and took a sniff of her blood. The girl was injected with some type of poison. "They put some kind of poison in her system. Here let me handle it Storm."

"Be my guest. I would not have been able to treat it as I do not have the power to do so without knowing what it was." Storm took a step back and went over to the Drakloak and Aura. He knelt down and rested his hands on the two. He was glad that they were ok.

Jason set to work on the pureifaction of the poison. "This might sting a little as I set to work. It is in your blood so it might be problem." He raised his hands and emitted a slight glow of dark red as he moved his hands from one place to the next. He set out to purify the poison and give the queen immunity to it in the future. It would take him sometime to finish his work.

The touch of Rolen helped to stabilize Amra. She looked to his eyes and smiled. When she spoke, he voice was almost back to normal. "Thank you Rolen. You are a big help. Now do not let go. You hand is what is keeping me stable enough to get up." Amra stood with the help of Rolen. She leaned onto him as they made their way to where Jason and Owen were.
Rolen was almost reluctant to get up by that point. The strange atmosphere was making him feel worse and worse, but he knew deep down that he needed to stay strong, for Amra, for himself, and quite possibly for the world. For all he knew this was the end of the world. As he walked with Amra, he was leaning on her almost as much as she was against him. They were supporting each other, as always. His eyes were fixed on Owen as they walked, wary of any hostile action.
Owen pushed against the doors of the library with all of his might before it finally slowly swung open to reveal a rather strange sight. Wite had Marquis suspended in the air on the first floor of the library and another man that he’d never seen before was floating in midair what had a rapier sword out ready to stab Marquis through the heart. It would seem like the unknown man was frozen and suspended in mid-motion in an attempt to kill Marquis.

Owen turned to face the group behind him, “Whatever you see, please don’t interfere, I’m sure everything will work out fine.” He said stepping aside from the library entrance and slumping down onto the ground, too tired to stand any longer.

Not really needing to see or know that Wes was coming, she stopped and suspended him in the air, the tip of his rapier just touching Marquis’s robes. “And what do we have here?” Wite walked around to Wes, “Hmm, you carry the Queen’s scent, and clearly not a Cultist…” Wite gently hooked Wes’s his extended hand holding the sword and slowly pulled his arm down, lowering the rapier so it was pointed on the ground but at the same time, the serrated edges of the hook had dug in and cut into his flesh. Fresh strings of blood were connected from Wes to the hooksword as Wite unhooked his wrist.

“I only plan on killing one more person today and you are not it, but if it has to be two then I will happily oblige, now who are you?” Wite asked in a monotone holding one of her hookswords to Wes’s neck, the serrated outer edge of the hook was pressed into his skin drawing small beads of blood that seemed to be drawn to her blade and attached itself to it. Her eyes were cold and dead, despite its vibrant colors there was only despair.
“I’m the King, and you’re way out of your league.” Wes glared as he retorted back to the strange girl. His golden eyes glowed and a powerful energy surged out of him, creating a powerful twister around the king that destroyed the blood hooks with ease and blowing away the sword pointed at his throat. Using his speed, he flew towards Wite, grabbing her head with his gauntlet and slamming in into the ground, ready to crush her skull if she tried anything.
“I don’t know who you are, but that man hurt my wife so I’m gonna kill him. If you try to stop me again I’ll kill you too.” Rage burned inside the king as a viscous wind aura flew out from all directions of him, preventing anything from interfering.
"Marquis is mine." Wite said standing a few feet away from Wes still holding her hookswords, the thing that Wes held in his hand melted into a pool of blood. The blood from Wes's punctures and cut on his wrist reconnected to Wite once more along with Marquis's wounds, continually drawing blood. "I've not stopped you from doing anything, you're interfering with me." Wite's eyes flashed as Marquis was enclosed in the sphere of blood before it shot straight into the ceiling of the library and was stuck there, the blood turned seemingly into a solid.

"King huh? Not very impressive.... I don't play by your 'leagues' human," Wite clenched her fist seizing full control of Wes's blood within his body locking him in place, any kind of attempted struggle would cause large amounts of internal anatomical damage. Normally she isn't this strong but due to the island being shifted close to the Demon Realm along with the power from the ritual, her powers are far more potent, "this whole island is my world right now. I grow stronger by the second as you grow weaker, the vitality and magic of every living thing here, feeds me." Wite sighed, "I assume your wife is Azumi, she's shown me kindness and I will pay it forward. It would be in my own best interest to have you alive for... negotiation purposes, I could shred your heart from within your rib-cage with the blood its pumping through, but I won't. And I would calm down and stop trying to push yourself so much if I were you, I'm sure you've felt it, your magic is weaker here and you've been infected with hemoplague so your blood will not stop flowing till your dead, then you'd be pretty useless to your kingdom and more specifically those children of yours that you and your wife love so much." Wite released Wes as the pool of blood below him, that was the Wite clone, was pulled into the air and spun around Wite and formed into a ring that spun around her.

<Wes would be pretty heavily effected by the environment unless he was an actual demon or have some ties to the demons from the Demon Realm>
Wrecker sighed and then laughed. "You're in no condition to be behaving that way. But, my duty is just to protect the Queen. Do as you wish, I could care less." He made his way back to the boat, he gave Tsonea one quick look, laughed and continued.

Azumi watched as Jason attempted to heal her, but she was too impatient. "Enough, thank you but this can wait." She quickly made her way to the battle scene. She saw Wes and Marquis being held by Wite. She took a deep breath and approached. "Wite. Release Wes and Marquis, send us back home." She didn't have any weapon on her or any armor, yet she still looked like someone who was ready to charge into battle. She glared at Marquis. "Where's my crown?"
The part of the water gem that Azumi had given to him attached to Windslasher glowed and freed Wes of the blood binding magic. He looked over sadly at his wife after hearing her speak.
“Honey, do you really think I’d let this beat me. I’m offended.” Wes frowned before fixing his gaze back on Wite, “Well now I just don’t like you. I’ve been itching for a good fight though and it’s clear you’re a bit of a threat. This is exciting! I’ve been bored since Vlad.” Wes was so obsessed with the urge for an adrenaline pumping battle that he completely forgot about his desire to kill Marquis, his target was only Wite.
“Sorry, but I’m actually gonna have to borrow this.” The king flew and grabbed the crown, putting it on his head. Ahhh that’s nice, I forgot what easy power this thing gives. Wes swung Windslasher and a tornado appeared, shooting quickly to cut up Wite.
First disrespect, then disengagement? This knucklehead really knew how to push her buttons. He could have at least used correct grammar when insulting her. She stomped next to Wrecker and grabbed his ear, pulling on it.

"Now listen here, you over-swollen meathead, the queen treasures me as much as her children, and even more than her husband probably. You will show me some goddamn respect, or so-help-me, when we get to a place where this hell doesn't exist, I will show you why Azumi trusts me so much. Now, you will take Tsonea, lock her up someplace contained, and hide that corpse from her so she doesn't stay psycho. Fail to do this, and I'll be more than happy to put you back in that shitty cell where you belong, scumbag. And it's 'I couldn't care less', bricks for brains."

She tore her hand off his ear, and growled as she stomped back onto the deck. Along the way, she picked up Tybalt and laid him to rest. She found her way back to her bunk as she collapsed onto a bed there.

Tsonea continued dragging along the corpse of the Noivern, humming as she thought of all the ways to prepare it for a scrumptious meal. Grill, saute, open flame, rotisserie... her mouth watered as she imagined the taste of absolute bliss. Strangely, though... she didn't seem to slow or lose energy in this environment. Just what secrets were she hiding from everyone to make her act in such a way...?


Previously The Pikachan
Rene looked confused. Why did Nora get upset? It was a lot safer under the wings of this Pokemon and the stealth rocks. Did she hurt her pride? Maybe she had a plan and Rene ruined it. She would apologize later, right now she cared more about their safety then their relationship status.

"To keep you safe of course!" The elf rapidly replied. "Why would you NOT want to be here where it's safer? You wouldn't make it back to the boats like this!"
Marquis was unable to speak, but he could clearly hear Azumi. unable to really move all he could do was stare blankly back at her from the ceiling.

"No can do Azumi... at least not yet." The tornado made impact with the ring of blood that spun around her causing the tornado to fizzle out as well as spraying blood in every direction, but the blood drops froze in mid air and reformed into the same ring around Wite. "There's no use talking to him," Wite flourished her hookswords, "he' can't speak, but I have your crown among other things you may possibly have an interest in, but the time for negotiation is not now as you dear husband seems to be more eager to fight, not very diplomatic for a King, the two of you must lead quite the warmongering kingdom, can't say I disapprove though." Thoughts of the three Demon Empires came across her mind that caused her to slightly smile.
"Wes lower your weapons, I know you really want a fight, but it's not the time for that right now." Azumi then glared at Wite. "Listen, I don't care what business you have with Marquis nor do I care on your opinion on my husband's behavior. Return the crown to me now." She began walking forward towards Wite. She was confident, Wes was fast enough to save her if something happened. She stretched her hand out towards Wite. "Return it, now."

Wrecker rolled his eyes as Emma scolded him. "Fine, just because I admire your guts." He smiled and went over to Tsonea. He picked her up with one arm and the body of the Noivern with the other. "Don't panic, I'm taking you somewhere where you can feed without being bothered." He took her into the cargo area of the boat and set her and her meal down. "Try not to eat any of the crew."

Akali made her way up towards where the others were, she noticed Rolan and company. With an annoyed sigh, she jumped down next to them. "Where's the queen?"
Castform slowly made it out of the forest, with a saddened look on its face, it’s eyes teary. It floated over to Ashley and looked up at her, and saw that she was crying as well. Castform rested on her arm, as a makeshift hug for the armless Pokemon.


Mr. Kato followed Wite down and watched everything go down.
That man is rather strong, Mr. Kato thought, watching Wes fight.
He wheeled himself out to be visible, his blood armor gone, and back in his wheelchair. He narrowed his eyes at Wite.
“I suggest you do as she says,” he said to her grimly.


Grandma Bolt hysterically laughed has she witnessed Emma putting up her tantrum. “She’s a funny one,” she stated, still laughing from it.

Skyler explored around deck awhile, his worry for the island and Mr. Kato not fading.
Seeing that girl rant to herself about eating the Pokémon didn’t help at all.


Razan woke again to see that the room had changed again. This time he was in a giant glass box in a different house, or whatever it was in. The ropes cut at his wrists and started to bleed. He flinched at the pain in his head, and the pain elsewhere.
“Awake again?”, a voice pierced out from the silence.
Razan grunted.
The man stepped out of the darkness, revealing his face, most of it an unnatural red. He had shaggy brown hair, and cold dead black eyes.
“What....what happened to you?”, Razan asked warily.
“Your damn Pokémon hit me in the face with its tail. Hard. He’s gone now.”

Razan was speechless for a second, the impact of his words hitting him hard enough to make him go quiet. “You...you did what?”

The man turned around to look at Razan with his dead eyes. “I killed it. It’s dead.”

He killed him.....

Tears flooded through Razans eyes. His beloved Pokémon was killed trying to save him. Memories of Flygon rushed through his head making the mourning even worse.
His head jerked to the side as the mans fists collided with his face.
“Shut up. Can’t you take a loss?”, he said snarling at him.

Razan held in his emotions, his head down.

“Good. Now be quiet. If you are you might get food,” the ninja said walking away and out of sight.

Razan silently wept as he began to fall asleep again........
"I am not your child Azumi, a bit of patience will go a long way." Wite tossed her hookswords into the blood ring around her and they dissolved into it seamlessly. "You will get your crown back, rest assured, I have no personal interest in it, some agreements must be made first." Wite floated upward in the air as the orb containing Marquis drifted down. The two met in mid-air. Wite looked over at Mr. Kato, "I'm glad you could join us, I hope getting around wasn't too difficult, Marquis always did disregard the needs of the handicapped in this keep." Wite said turning her attention back the sphere containing Marquis, "My father would love to meet you." Wite grinned bearing her razor sharp teeth. Wite stuck a hand into the sphere, as she did so the sphere drastically shrunk crushing Marquis smaller and smaller, his bones shattered, organs popped, and body distorted, despite all of this he was still alive, even when the orb continued to shrink until it was a small little ball three inches in diameter, a bright white light shone in the center, Marquis's soul. The sphere resembled a red crustal ball with loose fluid swirling around inside. Wite took the ball in her hand and landed back down in front of Azumi.

"Sorry, but you're not in much of a position to be demanding Azumi, but I am in the mood to make a deal. We can be civil about this. You can believe me when I tell you that I will not harm you physically, mentally, or any other kind of harm that you can come up with, I am not one to lie." Wite slipped the sphere into a hidden pocket down the front of her top between her breasts. The ring around around Wite transformed into a multi-tentacled object that started grabbing some nearby upturned chairs and a tables and placed them in between Wite and Azumi, there was even a chair for Wes if he'd wish to join. Wite took a seat and rested her arms on the table, "If you would have a seat, or stand if you prefer it, but I'm sure the environment is starting to effect even you, and the vampire may have cured you of the poison but the hemoplague still infects you both."
Azumi crossed her arms as she watched Wite. She didn't feel sorry for Marquis, but she did feel annoyed by the wolf's confidence. She gave Wes a "Be on guard" look and then sat down. "I wish I could believe you, but you lied to get here. I'm guessing there was no Alakazam. How did you know about us? What are you trying to accomplish with my crown and the dark jewel?"
Tsonea grabbed Wrecker's wrist and tugged on it downward, pointing to a small crate in front of a larger one. She went to her little hiding place as she brought out a small candle and put it on the large crate. After slicing a piece of meat off her prey, she lit it on fire, burning the meat to a nice color. Her hand was a bit burned from holding an on-fire piece of meat, but she put it out and held the meat. She was attempting to give it as a thank you, but didn't talk, just gave a creepy smile while holding it out. In front of her was just a raw piece of meat, which she then picked up with her mouth. God she's crazy...
Wrecker looked confused as he watched Tsonea cook the meat. "Man, you're something else huh?" He took the meat offered to him and began to eat it. "I'm made of other souls so, who's to say I can't eat Pokemon?" He laughed and sighed. "Here." He moved around some crates and made a small shelter. "It feels better like this, in case it gets cold. Just don't burn the place down. Get it?"
Tsonea nodded, smiling once more once she swallowed her portion. Her face was covered in both blood and meat juices, and they both dripped down her face. She dragged the corpse back into her small hideaway, blew out the candle after briefly coming out again, and kept to herself for now. It was getting a little tiring dealing with all these people, and she wanted her prey all to herself. She set her bed up, much sloppier than before, and threw the corpse on it. She put herself in bed, removing any excess clothing for sleep, and continued eating away at the Noivern. She didn't care how dirty she got, what mattered is she earned this, SHE brought this thing down, SHE killed it, SHE earned the right to treat it as she pleased.
Back in the kingdom, Sarah had Leon and Sam getting ready for bed. She had dressed Sam while Zack took care of Leon. While they were getting them ready for bed, Leon asked if they would tell them a story. Well knowing how the young prince was, Sarah and Zack decided to tell them the story of how they met.

"It all started about ten years ago..." Sarah was about eighteen when she was given a target by a woman. She wanted to have her husband killed to ensure that she would keep the estate in full. They had had some problems because the husband was being unfaithful to her. Sarah took her time to ensure the person she was ment to kill, was not faithful. It took her all of two days to find out that the man was a ring leader for pokemon trafficking.

"He was a mean and awful man. He treated pokemon like they were less the people. I could understand why his wife wanted to off him." It did not take long for Sarah to find the perfect time to kill him. Though she was not expecting that the wife would have someone after her as well.

"It turned out that the woman's husband wanted her gone as well. He hired me to take care of her for him. It did not take me long to find out that she was just as evil as he was." Zack took over the story from that point. He told of how he sat in the man's office and was offered a lot of money to kill his wife. Now Zack did not need the money, but he did kill people who deserved it.

He later found out that the man's wife was an old rival for the young noble who was the same age as Zack at the time being 20. Zack waited for the perfect time to silence his target. He was on the balcony of the mansion when out of the darkness Sarah appeared.

Sarah gave a laugh as she remembered how they had battled. It was an even fight, until they both burst out laughing. What had caused it was them both learning of the other's target. Turns out Zack and Sarah were sent by the couple to kill them both. After the shock wore off, Sarah and Zack completed their jobs, and gave the money that they earned to the couple's nephew. Who was a person of good standing.

Since then Sarah and Zack have been seeing one another off and on before Zack proposed to her five years later. "That is how we met. It was all a chance meeting of a two very unlikely people. I never think I would find someone like Sarah to live my life with." The noble looked into the eyes of his wife and whispered those last words.

Storm had been with Aura and Nana, when the Drakloak took ahold of them both and transported them back to the cabin. Storm was a little surprised to see that the place was untouched by the spell that Wite had caused. It seemed that a large dome surrounded the cabin.

It kept the cabin and the portion of the woods untouched and unchanged. Aura who had passed out, began to awaken from it. She slowly regained consciousness. She looked around the world to see herself back at the cabin. "Go on into the cabin. I will stay here to rest for a bit."

With that Storm walked into the cabin. The place was in perfect condition. Though it seemed no one had lived there a long time. Which gave the place of uneasiness to it. Storm felt like a peice of himself was coming back to the place where it was ment to be. He took his time going through everything.

At the large bookcase, Storm stumbled across a large book that was in the same family as the book of shadows that he now carried. Upon opening the book, he found that it was a second volume to the book of shadows. He remebered his grandmother telling him about the five books that she used to study. He remembered that she would tell him that the family had more magical books then the village keep did. Upon inspection, he had to agree. It seemed the more books he took, the more that appeared for him. The long haired witch had to bring Annette to the cabin.

Though the books held the witch's attention, he was drawn to the large fireplace. On the mantle was a large shrine to the family that came before. There was pictures of family that had passed on. Taking a closer look, he saw pictures of his grandmother when she was younger with her parents. He knew that this was her home. It had to be, as everything she told him, was exactly as it was in the stories that she used to tell him. There were tears in his eyes as he took in all of it.
“Alright, it’s only fair that I answer some of your questions. Now, if I had told you the truth about how I got onto your ship, we would not have such a great relationship. I’m sure there were some Alakazams on this island, but to humor you, I will tell you how I actually ended up on your ship.” Wite smiled. Me being on your ship was something that I didn’t account for. On each of your three ships parts of the crew were cultists, the group on your particular ship decided it was a good idea to summon me onto the ship that night through a sacrificial summoning ritual. I personally don’t think that would have made the best of impressions.

“This land maybe new for you, but Marquis and the cult have known about your kingdom for quite some time now. When you get back home, I would keep an ear out for rumors of a miracle cure or some kind of new faith.

“Now about what I’m trying to accomplish…” Wite sighed, “I just want to go home…” I’ve been homesick for over ten years now, but until today… these past few hours, minutes, right this moment I’ve never gotten any closer to going home, until I caught wind of you,” Wite pointed at Azumi, “when I caught wind of you and what you were going to try to accomplish, I knew that you could help me.” Wite took out Azumi’s crown along with the amulet with the dark jewel. She crushed the amulet surrounding it with ease and it fell away leaving only the jewel. The two objects levitated with a glowing red aura a few inches above her hand. “I have no interest in your crown, or your jewel, hell I don’t even care that much about the dark jewel, its only important to me because it belongs to my father. These stones… separated they are useless to me, but together they can break my bindings and let me go home. I see the confusion in your face, let me explain. Marquis summoned me into the world over a decade ago and bound me to this plane of existence, I was too young and too scared to fight back at the time, and I have no clue as to how or what he did, all I know is that I was stuck here and the prospects of seeing my parents again were all but nearly lost to me. But now, with your help and with all of the jewels together, breaking the bindings to allow me to go home would be a relatively simple task. So to that end, I have a proposition for you.”
Azumi watched Wite closely. Catching every single detail. The fact that they had infiltrated her Kingdom and boats made her upset. Even more when she heard they had done such a ritual aboard one of them. She watched the two stones and she was seriously thinking of attacking Wite. With the jewel she would have a big chance of winning. Wite was dangerous, but she didn't feel as intimidating as Vlad had. But, she made an offer, an interesting one.
"You want me to gather the jewels for you and use them to take send you home? After the lies and putting me and my people in danger, you want me to help you? What's stopping me from taking the jewels right now?" She was confident and on edge, ready for anything.
Wite ginned, “I like the way you think. I never said to gather them for me, and besides I will be doing whatever is within my ability to help you, I merely want you to send me home after you’ve gather them along with the dark jewel so I may return it to its rightful place, I don’t care what you and your warmongering kingdom does with them afterwards. Though I do have another request, but we’ll get to that.” Wite took in a deep breath reassessing all the people in the vicinity, most present were sufficiently weakened, some remained resilient and strong, but time was starting to run out, her father would take notice soon.

Wite laughed lightly, “To be perfectly honest I only lied to you about how I got on the boat, everything else was Marquis’s doing. I was kept on a chain until the ritual, but that was a deal between he and I and that’s over now. I know you won’t just try taking the jewels right now and try to attack me because you have more to lose than I do, plus, I’m sure you’ve already realized that I’m no run-of-the-mill demon, and even if you did manage to kill me somehow and take the jewels, you are not sure as to what you might have unintentionally set into motion.” Wite stopped and thought for a moment, “Don’t think of it as just helping me, we’ll help each other out, if you’re not interested I’ll return your crown, and I’ll take the dark jewel with me and we’ll part ways, and I’ll experiment on my own to figure out a way home now that I’m technically free to do whatever I want to on this plane of existence, but I get the feeling that you’d rather not have a demon roaming free with an elemental jewel.”
Azumi bit her lip as she thought of the best option for everyone. She slowly stood up and crossed her arms and sighed. "Fine. I'm willing to send you home, but afterwards, I keep the dark jewel. Now, get rid of this awful atmosphere, which is making me sick." She had been feeling it for a while now. Her stomach was feeling nauseous and she was beginning to get a headache. "You know..." She said with a small sad tone. "I actually pictured you and I becoming friends. I would've helped you get rid of Marquis without the need of any of this. I'm sad you chose to go down this path. I really am."
“Now is where negotiations get fun.” Wite grinned, “I’m sorry but we’re going to have to stay in this world just a bit longer, I have to give Father his gift, don’t worry it’s not any of you guys. The issue of letting you keep the dark jewel is that, it’s not yours to keep, nor is it mine to use, you can do with it what you want in the meantime, but it has to go home with me. I can assure you that it’s safer with us.” Wite felt his presence, his gaze was on the island, the blood in the streets were starting to flow, gathering somewhere within the keep, the blood fiends have started to move again, all moving to the same place. The feeling of his presence almost brought her to the verge of tears, she was so close, but she remained steadfast.

“As for the other thing I would ask of you. The young boy Owen that served as the cabin boy on the ship. He’s actually someone the cult conscripted into their ranks and is an unfortunate byproduct, he’s… innocent. As part of our agreement he is to be safe and well taken care of and has a home and livelihood when everything is over, I don’t think that would be much of an issue for someone of your stature? Until that time I’ll look after him. So, do we have a deal?” Wite held out her hand in front of Azumi. A powerful red glow seemed to emanate from her palm as powerful unnatural gusts of wind spun around the two of them. “I am sorry but demons do not deal with a simple word of mouth agreement.”
"I can tell you that much is true Azumi. When Vlad turned me into a vampire, it did not go as planned. He wanted someone just like him. Instead I was the mistake that he made. If he had succeeded in turning me into his image, then he would have used my to father a whole new breed of soldiers. Though I am not interfering with you two and your deal, if what you say about Owem being innocent then you can count on me to help the boy." Jason stood in the wings of the deal. He had went and gotten the little child that he saved from the monsters earlier. She was asleep in his arms. There seemed to be a red glow around the child's head. Jason had cast a protection spell on her. It would not have worked if he was not powered by all of the blood that was around him.

Storm cast a spell that his grandma had taught him. It was a spell to bring pictures of lost family members to the shrine. Once it was cast, Storm took in the enlarged collection. What drew him the most was a picture of his parents. Though what was weird was that there were two children with them.

Storm knew that he was an only child, so who could this other kid be. There were also people he did not recognise at all. It seemed that maybe he had more family then he knew about before. With his hand brought to the picture, he ran his hand over the glass frame. "I wonder who this child is. Why don't I know about her, and how can there be more family then I know of."
Nora glared at Rene. "That wasn't my plan. My plan was to wait this out. The less people, the less likely I would be attacked." She sighed. She started to feel the toll, her love for her Pokemon not being able to keep them safe without an immediate threat. Even then, she was unsure if she was really strong as she originally thought she was. Maybe it was that adrenaline that peeked when her Pokemon feel asleep and there was danger around them. She sighed, falling into a sitting position. The fight and flight response has worn off, leaving her drained. All she could do was wait.
Azumi continued to bite her lip. She felt she was at disadvantage and she didn't have a choice. Which hurt her pride and made her upset. She sighed loudly and waited for Jason to finish talking. "Here I go making a deal with a demon again." She took Wite's hand. "I will care for Owen as if he was family and you can join us until we send you home, with the dark jewel." She let go of Wite. " Jason, find any book related to the dark jewel." She turned back to Wite. "This island has no ruler, therefore, I'm taking it. You're with us, which means you can't oppose, am I correct?" She was beginning to feel tired, but she fought the urge to let it show.
The swirling winds and red glow was sucked into the space between their hands as they shook. A red band appeared half way up Azumi’s shaking forearm, the ring was completed by a symbol on the underside of her forearm, it was symbol identical to the pendant on Wite’s collar. “Oh come on it’s not so bad... unless you’ve made deals with lesser demons, that’s a different story.” Wite smiled as an identical band of blue appeared on her own forearm. The two bands slowly faded away and in moments there was nothing there. “I’m sure we’ll be great friends by the end of this, just think of this as a... simple misunderstanding, if I could have enlisted your help earlier I would have, like I said before I was kept on a short leash but that’s gone now.”

Before Azumi released Wite’s hand, Wite gave it a tight squeeze sending a pulse of red light though her body that caused every vein, blood vessel, and artery to light glow briefly. “Squeaky clean now.” Wite smiled, as she held out Azumi’s crown and offered it to her. “I will give you the dark jewel after I have my netting with my father....” Wite trailed off as the blood around her was pulled away from from her to the outside.

In the courtyard of the keep, all the blood fiends on the island had gathered there along with any spare and loose blood. The fiends formed into a singular mass of flesh, organs, and tentacles, heaving in the room as the spare blood formed massive demonic symbols in the air around the mound.

A singular pulse of raw demonic energy pulsed from the flesh before it was completely shredded into small bits. They spun around a figure that was standing in the middle of it. Clearly male but his build and stature was massive and towering, rippling muscles pulsed with an unnatural power. He stood nearly thirty five feet tall, despite be slightly hunched over. He had digitigrade legs and cloven feet that were decorated with golden bladed and spiked fittings similar to horseshoes along with protective and elaborately decorated plates of armor on the lower legs and his thighs. He had a short pointed tail.

His body was entirely red and decorated with golden demonic iconography and various piercings, he has patches of black fur around his neck and down the center of his back that ended in a long braid that was also laced with golden demonic iconography, along with skulls and bones of humans and Pokémon alike. His head was that of a very long and pointed-ear hound like a Lucario. He has 2 sets of very large and impressive horns. One set sprouted from near the top of his head that curved backwards and slightly upwards. The second pair sprouted from behind and below his ears that curved downwards and forwards. Each of the horns were etched with glowing red blood runes and a golden ring adorned two of the horns. Spikes protruded out from the sides of his forearms and lower legs along with parts of his back.

He wore a matching breastplate, that only covered the front, plate bracers, and a girdle with long gold spike capped tassels that were all similar in design to the plate armor on his legs. Behind him was an immense pair of black leathery wings with huge golden and red demon runes inscribed on them. In his hand he carried a huge double ended and bladed runic axe that was as tall as the keep doors with quickly serrated blades and edges.

Reality seemed to slightly distort around the being as he stretched his wings to their full size before collapsing them back down. “WHO DARES TRESPASS IN MY DOMAIN?! YOU FACE THE WRATH OF OVERLORD MARCHOSIAS!” His voice boomed across the entire island shattering every piece of glass on the island. He slammed the end of his axe into the ground, sundering it apart at the point of contact allowing red light to shine through and what appears to be blood to begin pooling. The residual blood and pieces of flesh from the blood fiends formed into spheres and rings that floated around Marchosias.

Wite’s own long pointed ears flattened at the sound of Marchosias’s voice and she flinched slightly, “Father’s here....” Wite looked at the wall wide eyed in the direction of the courtyard.
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Azumi looked at her own hand as she began to feel healthier. She then took the crown and placed it on her head, the water jewel slightly glowing, along with Azumi's eyes, making her look more alive. However, the booming voice and Wite's words made her turn her attention to the new presence on the island.

She grabbed Wes' hand and squeezed it. "Well I need to see this." Azumi said as she led Wes back outside. Once there she met up with Rolen and company. A sigh of relief came from Akali when she saw the Queen. Azumi looked around until she noticed the giant red demon in the distance. "Interesting." She placed her hand on Rolen, the crown slightly glowed and a thin golden aura traveled through Wes, Azumi, Rolen and Amra. The effect should help them feel a little better. "Rolen, I'm not thinking clearly here. What do you suggest we do?"
Rolen had been feeling sicker and sicker while the events happening inside the keep took place. He could do nothing but stare up at the horrible spectacle as the giant demon-creature appeared. He was hanging on, but he felt like he could pass out at any moment. Then he suddenly felt a bit better as Azumi placed her hand on him. He turned his head to look at her, unsure how to answer her question. He couldn’t think particularly clearly himself, but he had to try. He was quiet for a moment or two as he brainstormed for a solution, but then he spoke up.

“I... I don’t know that there’s much we can do. We can sit here and see what happens, fight back if we think we can, but I don’t really see any hope.”


Previously The Pikachan
Rene looked down feeling selfish for not figuring out Nora's intentions before having her dragged over. She looked up and opened her mouth to apologize, but was interrupted by the appearance of a giant demon. Her eyes widen and she pointed towards it.

"What on earth is that?!" She called out. "Don't tell me we have to fight it? We can't even move right now!"

Rene looked at her two Pokemon, they were in no condition to do anything. She looked at Nora and her team, what could they do against it? The best option would be to run. But where and how? They just didn't have the energy to do it.

"Sorry for dragging you into this." She told Nora, feeling even worse now.
"Castform, we need to find him, quickly," Ashley told the Pokemon, "Do you know where his village is?"

Kato and Windchime kept behind Ashley, awaiting instructions.


Tempest was feeling the effects of the strange environment now that the sanctuary was gone. He was trying to find Maira, but sluggishly.

"This is bad, Leafeon's still acting up." Tempest whispered.

Torterra disappeared, and Tempest's staff was in it's place.


Rocco was still raging, Turret shot a Hydro Pump into the air to signal someone to try and stop him before the pact is fully released.
Mr. Kato frowned. He didn’t like the idea of these newcomers taking over. They had inhabited this land for hundreds of years, only to have it being taken away?
Sure, they seemed nice, but they hardly knew anything about the place.
Mr. Kato was about to respond when the presence came. He shuddered, and then rolled himself out of to see what it was.
The man wasn’t shocked to see, and rolled himself up to the others.
“This young man is right. Wite called him here, so let’s see what happens first, he said to the group, nodding to Rolen.
Machamp finally caught up, and placed himself behind his master.


Skyler finally started to breathe normally, until that THING came. What the hell was it?! Not like anything he had seen before. The fur did remind him of Wite though, and that made him worry. What in the world was going on over there?
“Gib Gib,” Skylers Gible responded.
“Yeah, I know. It looks bad,” he told his Pokémon.

“I can take em’! He’s not so tough,” Grandma yelled over the boat, pointing her cane at the giant.
Skyler sighed and hoped for the best.

The small Pokémon looked up and nodded.
Castform was the only Pokémon Razan grew up with in the village. The only Pokémon to survive.
Castform started to drift away into the woods for them to follow.


Blurriness again. He struggled to see and moved himself up to a sitting position when the soreness hit him. Fresh pain.
He winced at every movement he made. Even twitching hurt.

He found that his shirt had been removed, showing all of the scars. Ones on his arm, stomach, and the one on his back. CrossBlades scar. Vlad’s scar.

It all hurt like hell.
But there was something else. Papers on the ground next to him. Where were they from? The ropes around his hands were gone, showing off his scarred writs, caked with blood. Had he done this? The ninja person?
Frankly, Razan didn’t care. They were left here for a purpose and he would figure out.

They looked like notes in an all too familiar handwriting. CrossBlade.

Week two.
Razan seems to have strong source of raw energy, not channeled into a specific point. I cast a spell on him that should last until I decide to break it, to channel his energy to a specific point. I fear that if the Organization finds him not worthy, they will execute him. The cost for this spell was a home place for it to stay. A scar.
I’m not sure how long it will last, hopefully a couple decades, but who knows. I only hope for the best...
Azumi sighed watched from afar. "This is annoying." She said. "I'm usually at the front line, being the first one to drive her sword into the enemy and now I'm just standing back and watching. It just doesn't feel right." She looked at Mr. Kato. "How are you still able to move around? Don't tell me you're a demon too."


Annette opened the door slowly, stumbling out of Azumi's cabin. She noticed the big monster far away. "What the hell is that?!" She cried out.
Ariel noticed her and shook his head. "Not sure, but that thing seems to be at the same level as Vlad. Except, I don't think it's even trying to show it's true power at the moment. Honestly, I hope we don't fight it."
Annette didn't reply. The fact that someone like Ariel preferred not to fight it, meant it was something beyond them.


Akali knelled before Azumi. "My Queen I apologize for not being there."
Azumi smiled. "It's okay, I told you stay behind. Could you give me a report on everyone else?"
Akali nodded. "Many citizens were killed unfortunately, but from our crew as far as I was able to detect, there wasn't any casualties." She stood up and looked at both Mr. Kato and Azumi. "Although, the damages done to this island and the amount of people that died, I would recommend have them evacuate."
Azumi shook her head. "No, we will send help instead. Like I mentioned before..." She looked at Mr. Kato. "... I hope you're okay with this sir, I'm taking over your island. We will not interfere with your culture or customs. We will just send people to assist on getting back, make sure everyone has the medical attention they need. Afterwards, proper schools and make the docks even bigger, probably make trading deals with the other lands back home."
Mr. Kato looked up to Azumi. “I’m no demon all. And don’t get me wrong, I’m being affected. But not on the same scale. You see, me and Wite both have blood magic. The difference is that hers is, well, has more demonic ties to it. My blood magic is more like the water element. While she gains power through the rituals, I gain it too, but I’m only affected by the darkness, and the demon magic.”
Mr. Kato listened to Azumi speak the terms.
He put on a sly smile.
“How about this: You can take over the island for now. Evacuating and rescuing civilians is the top priority after this blows over. Once the island gets to a stable point where we can defend ourselves and trade properly, your ownership will expire, and from there we will become allies,” Mr. Kato explained.


Week Four
It seems to be almost everyday that the young boy yells at me for taking him. I frankly don’t blame.
He claims that he hates us all, and has even yelled at Diablo which almost got him cooked.
The leader wants me to turn him into a mindless slave of some sort. A fighting machine. I’m trying my best to make it look that way, but the boy doesn’t cooperate very easily. He doesn’t understand what will happen to him if he doesn’t. Or maybe he does and wants away with it.

Razan continues flipping through the pages of CrossBlades notes, learning more and more about his past....
"Er...." Wite's attention snapped back and she turned herself to blood again and rapidly moved like she did before to where Azumi was as a stream of blood. She reformed next to Azumi, "Stay here, and stay out of sight, I cannot guarantee your safety if Father notices you." Wite said with a slight tone of urgency in her voice before she changed back into blood once more and as a stream of blood, she flew towards Marchosias. The very presence of Overlord Marchosias caused blood to heighten, her heart was beating quickly like she was in a constant adrenaline rush, her toes and fingers felt slightly cold along with her nose.

"FATHER!" Wite called out as she reformed in front of him on the ground.

The large demon twitched as he heard the voice easily homing onto the source he looked down at Wite, his movement was unnaturally quick for someone that size. "Do my eyes and ears deceive me? No, it is you..." Marchosias knelt down as Wite was lifted into the air by him with a simple gesture of his hand, Wite did nothing to resist, letting him control her. She drifted up until she was in front of him. Marchosias moved one of the blood spheres and flattened it into a floating platform and placed Wite onto it. "It's been over a decade, you've grown so much." Marchosias reached out and stroked Wite's hair. "Beautiful, and no doubt deadly, just like your mother." Marchosias took in a deep breath remembering Wite's scent, it was unmistakable even after all theses years his little girl was his own.

Wite reached out and touched her father's snout, "I cannot come home yet, but this was the best I could do." Wite reached down into the front of her top and pulled out the blood crystal sphere and offered it to her father, "This is the soul of the man that summoned and bound me to this realm so long ago."

The orb floated out of Wites hand as Marchosias looked at it, "So your deal with this man concluded but yet you are still bound to the realm?" He asked the orb footing off somewhere behind him.

Wite nodded then quickly added, "Don't worry though I've enlisted some help, to help me undo the bindings. They're trustworthy people, I'll be home soon, once I help them get the rest of the Jewels."

Marchosias growled, it seemed to reverberate through the land, "Very well, but your mother will not be pleased about your delays. I entrust the Dark Jewel to you for the time being, use it as you see fit, but it's imperative that you bring it back when you return."

"I understand father...."

"Now that you are free, keep in contact with us though Zupas, do you remember how to summon her?" Marchosias picked up his axe as he extended his wings.

Wite nodded, she had almost forgotten about Zupas, she haden't summoned her since Marquis bound her to the realm. "Thank you father I'll try to get home as soon as I can. Now if you could just send this island back so I can get going....”

“Of course....” Marchosias lowered Wite back into the ground. With a few flaps of his wings he had taken off into the air the powerful gusts of wind knocking down parts of the damaged ramparts if the keep. His flight was effortless despite his size. He raised his axe into the air and the demonic atmosphere around the whole island began to distort as the axe seemed to be absorbing the demonic magics in the air. “We’ll be watching....” he said moments before his entire body turned into solid blood crystals and shattered into countless pieces that whirled around and shot into the air. The entire sky cracked apart like glass and faded back to normality, all the blood in the streets vanished along with the fiends. Everything was as it was before the ritual completed. The demonic atmosphere faded, but people’s energy were still drained, it would take some time for the affected to regain themselves.

Wite was left standing alone in the courtyard holding the Dark Jewel to her side. She was feeling hopeful for once, something she has not felt in a long long time, she felt tears well up in her eyes and took a deep breath trying to hold them back. “Demons don’t cry....” she chuckled to herself wiping a drop of moisture from her eyes. The power she had gained from the ritual faded along with the feeling of being home as her father left and sent the island back to its natural self. White made her way back to the library entrance where she had left Azumi, Owen, and the others.