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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft! Discussion

Which jewel should be the next one?

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Here is what I have so far. I just got done taking a nap from my shift, as I have not felt good the past couple of days. Though I will have what pokemon he has later on, and how he looks later as I am still unsure how I want him to look.
Name: Weren
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Element: Nature
Physical Appearance:
Personality: He is very much a protector. He can do things that will cause himself to get into trouble. Though he does love to read, and has an extensive collection of books that he keeps with him.
Pokemon: (TBD)
Powers: He is able to control the growth of plants. He cause plants to become more murderous. He is immune to poisons as he can just run it through his body to get rid of it. He is able to cause Plants to become large and very aggressive towards people who are causing problems.
Weaknesses: He is very allergic to nuts and can not eat them, or touch them without breaking out. He has sonce learned over the years a spell that helps, but it has to be done by someone else for it to work, as it can not be done by oneself. He is also highly sensitive to fire, and tends to be hurt by it more then most. He also must be connected to nature, and if for some reason it was taken away, his life would be slowly draining, as it would be come a forest over the course of time.
Well where I was going with it is that whereas Queen Avina has more or less more control of water then earth. The reson I say this is that she is more of healer then a fighter. He is mainly an eath user with a minor in water. Though it does combine to become nature. His powers mainly consist if earth based attckes. The only reason water is there to help plants grow. This is why I though he would be a good candidate for the spot on the council.

The only reason I stated that his element was nature is because of the minor in water. He can not do what Azumi does with it persay, but he cane help with growing of healing plants for potions of health and medicines.
If I need to revise the element, I can. Though the powers are mainly earth to begin with. The reason I was putting him as nature is because of the very small things he can do with water. Though it is very limited as to what he can do. He is not really able to control it though, so he could be a earth element mainly. I was just using the nature lable as it fits with the creating of sentient plants who can and will cause a lot of caos if left unchecked.

Also can anyone guess who his powers are based on is?
I’ll see what I can do, Jade. Sorry.

I feel it’s high time for this:

Name: Torrena Highkeep

Gender: Female

Age: ???

Guild: None

Class/Job: Wizard, member of the Wizards’ Council

Element: Water

Appearance: Torrena is a little taller than average, and it is either incredibly easy to notice her in a crowd or very hard, depending on what she’s trying to do. She has surprisingly good posture for one who is constantly pouring over books. She looks neither young nor old, but her blue eyes have both a youthful sparkle and the knowledge of great age.

She is most often seen in long, blue, sparkling wizard’s robes that seem to shimmer even when there is not much light. Her long black hair is often tied back. Usually concealed by her robes are her functional yet elegant boots. She also wears a classic Wizard’s hat (think Gandalf’s hat but blue) that matches her robes.

Personality: Torrena is very kind and generous. However, she also has quite the temper at times. She does what she can for others, and uses her wizardly powers to help people. She is quiet, studious, serious, and smart. She is nearly always polite.

Skills: Torrena is a wizard, and therefore has a fairly diverse skill set. Besides her innate control of water and her shieldings, she can cast many spells:

Acid Splash: (5) (Damage dealing acid)

Armor of Agathys: (1) (frost armor that protects, and deals cold damage to enemies making melee attacks)

Banishing Smite: (1) (can banish creatures to their home plane, if its HP is low enough)

Fabricate: (?) (takes a lot of time, but can make small objects (like water, rope, or other simple stuff) as long as the proper materials are available. Objects slowly disintegrate after 1 day. This is limited by my knowledge of molecular stuff, so it probably won’t show up much.)

Disintegrate: (?) (basically the reverse of Fabricate. Given time, she can undo the fiber that holds things together. However, the disintegration is permanent.)

Fog Cloud: (?) (does this need explaining?)

Mage Hand: (?) (you know this one, too.)

Magic Missile: (this one, too...)

Message: (?) (whisper a message, and one target within 50ft hears it clearly)

Misty Step: (?) (Lets her step into a cloud of mist and step out at another destination)

Nondetection: (1) (makes one target untraceable by magic, and their footsteps silent. They can only be traced by sight.)

Teleportation Circle: (2-ish)

True Seeing: (1) (Allows the user to see through illusions and hidden objects)

Sleep: (1) (the Parasect one from the final battle)

Spectral Chains: (1) (ghostly chains come out of the ground to grapple and restrain creatures in the target area)

Weaknesses: While her skills are very diverse, her use of them is limited by her mana. Her shields give her quite the defense, but once these are penetrated she is very vulnerable. She can use her staff (or a dagger if need arises) at melee range, but she doesn’t have much chance in physical combat. Basically, if you can wear her down it isn’t difficult to take her out. She is also very moral and honorable, so certain deceptions might fool her and hostage situations can present problems.

Pokémon: None at present, but she has had several in the past, including Azuril, Lapras, and Kangaskhan.

Background: I haven’t fully figured this one out. (I might talk to Heco about this one.)
What's the range for misty step, sounds like an ability that could be used with infinite range as long as there is a cloud of mist.

Also @Hecotoro (poke) not sure if you've been getting notifications for the RP or discussion, i know recently mine have been sleeping lately and i've been having to manually check all mine myself, it was doing soo good too for a while
In D&D, it's about 30 ft. But for hers, it's a special version that combines her element and her wizard skills, so she can go a bit farther. She could use it in a chain to travel longer distances, but it takes up mana, so she can't do too much. If need be she could travel halfway across Kelan in half an hour, but she tries not to use it excessively. (In fact, it's more for cool entrances and exits.)
@ThePlayfulFox Yea, sorry about that, edited the post slightly. I expect there to be heavier resistance once they get deeper into the forest, I assumed there would be fewer things near the outer parts of the forest as those were the ones that Wite dealt with in the post, but yea I'll wait for your post. Work is fairly slow today so I should have plenty of time to write stuff.

@RenzFlintrock reminds me of something from Naruto, not exactly sure though, only saw like the first 40 ish episodes of that show :D
Thanks @Foxex xD although it was my fault this time, I saw it and thought "I'll get to it in a bit" and forgot.

Anyways I thought I would share some of the plans for this RP with you guys. I plan and hope that we can finish this RP by October. The reason why is because I would like to make a Halloween special (Maybe a visit to the demon realm). For November Thanksgiving special (Some sort of unity with some islands that causes such event) and finally for December, nothing.
I would also like to announce that this might be my last season, I have no plans for a third one since I'm throwing all my good ideas for this current one and it will get harder and harder to top or equal the first two seasons.
Anyways we're doing good if we can finish this current arc by the half of March, we should be fine. We still got like four more.
Questions and comments please feel free to post them so I can accidentally forget to reply to them!
:D:D:D that auto-correct goodness

I'll try to get a resoinse out today, not really sure how strong skeletons are, but im going to assume they'd be fairly weak having no muscles and does not appear to weapons.

EDIT: @Hecotoro, sorry if i auto-ed Fifi a bit, i can change it if u want me to. Man I feel like my posts are so long compared to the rest of you guys sorry if its a bother to read, i still need to write some stuff about Momo, so she can progress, I forgot to write that with the post ;_;

wasn't too sure about the skellies, and how strong they are, so i kind of just made it so there were tons and tons of them, maybe stronger ones show up later or tey can put themselves back together after a period of time? I dunno. @ThePlayfulFox
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