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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft! Discussion

Which jewel should be the next one?

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Okay, so Stellar just got back to me on the Giant Pokemon stuff! I've copied and pasted what he said, and here it is:

Gigantic Pokemon have actually appeared in various forms of canon before outside the scope of Dynamax shenanigans - primarily in the anime, where it ranged from natural size variations to particularly large and particularly ancient individuals - but Totem Pokemon are also much larger than their usual versions so it's not something the anime made up. So I'd say it would be within reason for certain species that are already very large or long lived to grow to Humongous Hungolomghnonoloughongous sizes over a long-ass time a-la D&D Dragons. And yeah, illusions etc. are also definitely a plausible thing.

The restriction on Dynamax/Gigantamax specifically refers to that particular phenomenon in the mainline pokemon world and the assorted weirdness that comes with it. A fantasy setting that isn't the mainline pokemon world and has plausible mechanics for this sort of thing should be fine.
Anyway, what was Stella doing? And I need a reaction Emo.
She was talking to Rolen and Amra. Also I am surprised that Stella had not noticed the rings that they both wear. They pretty much were just talking. Gene who is a very large persian came up to greet Stella, and try to get her two pokemon to play with him.

I will have a post up soonish. It will not be as rushed as last time as I was running late with that. Would you rather have Rowena and her crew try and knock out the Salamance, then kill them?
personally im indifferent either way, Pokemon deaths are things that happen in the manga... oh man the manga Pokemon deaths XD, but usually I prefer to have pokemon faint as well, but due to the context of this particular RP and with magic, bladed/dull weapons, pokemon deaths seem to be more of the norm, it just seems to fit the overall theme of Warcraft more, since most of these situations are life or death and i like to think that applies to all parties involved not just the humans or humanoids
Yeah Pokemon deaths are normal because of the nature of the battles they have, but at this current moment there seems to be a lot, more then normal xD That's why I mentioned it.

I'm feeling inspired, I might write a new series called PW AE (Pokemon Warcraft Alternate Ending). I was inspired by reading Old Man Logan and might make one for Wrecker. I'll post it up and if you guys like it, then we can start a new series!
Here is the updated bio for Weren. I thought I would reupload it as it would get lost in the thread if left where it was.
Name: Weren
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Element: Nature (Though his control with water is very limited in what he can do with it.)
Physical Appearance: Weren is very tall, as he stands around 6'5. He has a very slim muscular build. It shows that he spends a lot of time out in the woods to practice his craft further. He has long straight silver hair that reaches to the middle of his back. It is very thick and will get in his way, unless he ties it up into a ponytail. He has the same pale skin that Amra has. His eyes are a very deep green that have specs of gold, that seem to sparkle when in direct light. Up his arms, and across his neckline and up to his neck, he has a tribal tattoo that looks to be etched in gold, and seems to shine. His face is very striking with a strong jawline, though he still has the prettiness that other elves tend to have.
Clothing: Weren tends to wear a very decorated coat that is in a dark green, with accents of silver and gold. It covers up the shirt that he wears underneath. The shirt is a black v neck that can barely be seen. The coat is cinched at the waist, and flares out after that. The sleeves are open to the elbow, and have silver string to keep them closed. His pants are a darker green than his coat, and are straight legged. For shoes he tends to wear a pair of dark brown ankle boots. He tends to carry a bag around his shoulder that he carries his supplies and books for spells if needed. The bag seems to be made up of dark brown leather.
Personality: He is very much a protector. He can do things that will cause himself to get into trouble. Though he does love to read, and has an extensive collection of books that he keeps with him. He can be a bit too calm about things and cause others to think that he does not care about what they are talking about, which causes him to feel bad, as he does not see that calmness could be the problem.
Pokémon: Serperior- Female, Gaia, Sawbuck- Winter, Male
Powers: He is able to control the growth of plants. He cause plants to become more murderous. He is immune to poisons as he can just run it through his body to get rid of it. He is able to cause Plants to become large and very aggressive towards people who are causing problems for others. Weren has studied for years, and learned a number of spells from the academy. Most of them are based on defense as he not been able to use his innate powers did not cover it. His spells consist of mostly raising of walls to protect himself from harm. Though he does not have the knowledge to use his spells for attacks, as they seemed to not work very well for him. When he tried to before, it would cause a few of the plants that he had taken to the field, which caused a lot of damage to the training ground. It was then that he spent a lot of time studying defense. He is able to use the teleportation circle, but can only take himself and his pokemon, and maybe one other person if he can, though it causes him to be very drained after. He keeps ruinstones on his person for some of his more complicated spells. They are kept in a bag on a belt around his waist.
Weaknesses: He is very allergic to nuts and can not eat them, or touch them without breaking out. He has sonce learned over the years a spell that helps, but it has to be done by someone else for it to work, as it can not be done by oneself. He is also highly sensitive to fire, and tends to be hurt by it more then most. He also must be connected to nature, and if for some reason it was taken away, his life would be slowly draining, as it would be come a forest over the course of time.
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