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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft: The Lost Princess (Discussion)

Which mission should GS and Mistral go on first?

  • Missing Muk

  • Community Service

  • Body Guards

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Basically using his wind element to create a gust that can blow aside projectiles. Based on how he uses his magic mostly to make strong gusts to lift himself into the air, I can see him knocking arrows off to the side or over their heads, or at least himself and Ino. He wouldn't be able to make one big enough for everyone unless they were all in a big pile right behind him or something.
@ThePlayfulFox if your character thinks that's the best thing for Maker then have her do it, you're all reacting at the same event, so while Angel is shooting at everything, Avery could have saved Maker at the same time. You don't have to follow the time order after everyone else posts, you can start from my post and react from there.

@Eliiiscool probably several waves sinces it's hundreds of arrows over one small area
not enough to to launch another drug bomb or have lethal shots at mid to far range, but enough to kill/cripple several people in close to melee range depending on the type of armor worn and where its worn at. Less if she keeps using the Leviathan's Cross

EDIT: though Amphy and Flash may have mana potions in their bags forgot about that.
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Yep. Like, sure, healing potions are a thing, but in PW they haven't really shown up. And while I suppose Mana potions could exist, I would say that they would be very rare and very expensive. And like Playful said, your two characters alone are doing things that practically make others useless...
@RenzFlintrock @ThePlayfulFox stop it. We have had characters in the past that carry items which are far more dangerous then potions. Your characters don't even use mana as far as I have seen.

I've mentioned this before and I'll mention it again, all the characters will have their moment to shine, there will be plenty of opportunities to do so. If you don't take advantage of them because you're too busy worried about what everyone else can do, that's on you.

You guys are being unfair and ganging up on one person, there are ways to talk things out besides calling out it's unfair and your character is useless. Items exist, including potions and if nobody thought about it before it doesn't mean it's unfair.

@Foxex how much mana do they heal?
They're bounty hunters so money isn't much of a problem as far as I see it to getting some potions, plus they are gunners who depend on mana tu use their weapons so stocking up on them makes sense to me.

About HP potions, I think they should only give you energy, like energy drinks, that way eating and going to hospitals still makes sense.

6*35 is 210 so which means that Angel has about two more cocaine bullets and a bit of mana left over, in case she takes all six options. Right @Foxex ?
I understand what you're saying, Eli. I kinda did the same in season one, Rolen was comparatively weak for most of the season and Maira had no spot in a battle at all. However, having a character who is balanced and has their places to show up but also has plenty of weaknesses isn't the same as having a character who doesn't get a chance to shine because other characters take the opportunity. I was planning my post last night and I felt like it was useless when I saw Foxex's post.
The fact is I feel like if my character was to be removed, nothing will happen. She hasn't gotten a moment to shine yet, and every opportunity I see a glimmer of a chance, especially the dark room of shadows, Foxex ruined it in some fashion. I really wanted to use that room! Fighting in someplace like that would've been amazing! But no, Foxex used flash.
And I know I didn't get to use that room anyway, but I still felt that sting...
And exactly what Renz said. I want Avery to have her opportunity, but I'm not even sure that really happened...
I still don't understand how a flash in the entrance of the guild hall, would effect the light in Sable's room. Not to mention Sable's room should've been in the second floor and the flash was done on the first.

Again, the RP is just starting, we really just gathered everyone's characters, the RP just began. If you guys have been in PW before or read it, you should know by now that I love throwing curve balls at everyone and do everything possible to push characters to the limit. When I do that it is because I have ideas of how those characters can react, but I let the Roleplayer decide that. I do what I can to create opportunities, but I can't tell you guys what to do and how to with your own characters. So thinking your character won't shine or be left out when we are just starting is just a very negative attitude. Rolan and Maire had amazing character development and Alice was on her way to have one also and they weren't the strongest characters, so I think calling out OP to other characters who are using their resources correctly is pointless.

The RP is just starting, if you have plans talk it out, posts can be edited and we can all work together to make a great story.
@Hecotoro sounds about right, but that shot in particular is def not something she can use close range if she don't want to kill everyone via OD with the exception being Agnes being immune to it as the rest of her sisters/family.

also the restore is not instant, it's more of a restore over time as the body technically absorbs it, though i am playing with an idea to infuse the mana straight into the body, but that's technomancy stuff and high;y experimental and under a lot controversy, maybe discussion for a later time.
That is fair. I can understand them having the Mana potions as well, I had thought of your arguments in favor of them before you posted them. If anything, Foxex, I'd like to request that you leave some chances for others to step up in future. I'll drop this here, though, I'm getting stressed.

And Playful, just on the side, I remembered something that helped along character development a lot: contacting other RPers and discussing plans and friendships between characters. I can understand that not working for you this time since your character isn't exactly one to make friends, but I thought I'd suggest it. I felt a bit happier about the RP once I started interacting a little more.