Azumi wiped her tears as a soldier approached her. "I'm sorry ma'am. But you asked for us to inform you when the prisoners were secured."
Azumi took a deep breath. "Right. Take me to them." She turned to the guild. "I will see you all tomorrow at the... coronation." She tried to look positive. She looked around as if saying goodbye to the guild land. "Take care everyone. Please visit me often, just because I have a crown doesn't mean I don't like company." She waved as she walked away.
After walking through the city for a couple of minutes, they made it to the castle. Once inside they traveled downward, into the dungeons. It was dark and humid, with no sunlight at all. She walked to the deepest dungeon, where the Organization X memebers were being kept. They were being held by magical chains. As Azumi walked in, she felt their cold stares on her.
"Well looks like we are honored with the presence of the queen today." Wrecker said with a sarcastic tone.
"What a warm welcome." Diablo said quietly.
"I rather not have to look at your hideous face." Imuza said harshly.
"Then you shouldn't look in a mirror." Azumi answered. "Looking like me won't get you anywhere." She walked up to Imuza.
"What do you want, queen?" The envy representative asked.
"There's a lot we don't know about the philosophers stones. Which means Vlad has access to such information and, if the rumors are true, he has a castle. A castle where I can find all of this." She took a step closer and looked at Imuza in the eyes. "Your going to tell me where to find it."
As the night settled in, Azumi sat at the dinner table, alone. There was a lot to go through, and the silence helped her clear her mind. She picked at her food with her fork, wondering if she could lead an entire country. She felt a big pressure on her back, something way bigger then when she was in charge of the guild. She sighed and poured her third cup of wine.
Azumi took a deep breath. "Right. Take me to them." She turned to the guild. "I will see you all tomorrow at the... coronation." She tried to look positive. She looked around as if saying goodbye to the guild land. "Take care everyone. Please visit me often, just because I have a crown doesn't mean I don't like company." She waved as she walked away.
After walking through the city for a couple of minutes, they made it to the castle. Once inside they traveled downward, into the dungeons. It was dark and humid, with no sunlight at all. She walked to the deepest dungeon, where the Organization X memebers were being kept. They were being held by magical chains. As Azumi walked in, she felt their cold stares on her.
"Well looks like we are honored with the presence of the queen today." Wrecker said with a sarcastic tone.
"What a warm welcome." Diablo said quietly.
"I rather not have to look at your hideous face." Imuza said harshly.
"Then you shouldn't look in a mirror." Azumi answered. "Looking like me won't get you anywhere." She walked up to Imuza.
"What do you want, queen?" The envy representative asked.
"There's a lot we don't know about the philosophers stones. Which means Vlad has access to such information and, if the rumors are true, he has a castle. A castle where I can find all of this." She took a step closer and looked at Imuza in the eyes. "Your going to tell me where to find it."
As the night settled in, Azumi sat at the dinner table, alone. There was a lot to go through, and the silence helped her clear her mind. She picked at her food with her fork, wondering if she could lead an entire country. She felt a big pressure on her back, something way bigger then when she was in charge of the guild. She sighed and poured her third cup of wine.