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Open Pokémon: Warlords and Kingdoms

Name: Zillith
Kingdom: Originally Grass
Appearance: Zillith wore an dark green kimono with lighter green leaf patterns on it. The bow that was tied on her waits from the back was the light green as well. She usually carried a tan satchel and kept medical supplies in it. She has black hair that she kept in a bun. The bun was held together by a golden ring with vine designs on it. He rkeft eye was covered by her bangs that reached her mouth. She has dark green eyes and has dark red lipstick wih black eye shadow.
Link: Roserade, Rowlett, and Audino.
Role: Doctor/Warlord
Backstory: Zillith was hired by the Dragon Kingdom to be their top doctor. She was top of her class and did fantastic work. Before that she worked in the mines and had to fight off rock and ground types in the mines. That's where her fighting experience comes from. Now she is assigned to Yanagi to help deliver her baby.

RP: Zillith enters Yanagi's room to see she is fast asleep. She tries not to wake as she heads to her nightstand. She puts down some medicine and pours it into a cup
(Should I fill a sheet out for Ai?)

Ai stirred in his sleep a little, making a sound like a chirp. His eyes blinked open a little bit and he fussed over being hungry.
Kibo gave his secret lady a kiss goodbye and the two went their separate ways. The warlord stepped into the throne room and took a seat beside Gini, grabbing a glass of tea for himself as well.
Zillith looked at the fussy baby and pulled out a warm milk bottle. She proceeded with feeding it. Gini looked at Kibo with a suspicious look. "So who's the girl?" She asked taking a napkin to a lipstick stain on his face. Zirinus giggled at them as she enjoyed the show
"No one that you need to know about," Kibo smirked but it held an underlying warning to it. He smiled and stretched before taking a sip of tea. His chest starting to rumble with laughter along side Zirinus, "she does not wish to make herself know to the world as being by my side so I will not push it upon her. And I hope you respect my wishes and not bother her".
"I have my ways..." she whispers to Ralts. They both giggle and Gini gets up. She said goodnight and they went back to their room. Ralts and Axew played a game of go fish while Altaria slept on the bed. Gini sat in the bed and watched their game.

Zillith checked the baby's heartbeat and tempature. Everything was normal and she slipped out undetected. She returned to her room down the hall. In her room the bed sheets and the curtains were green. Roserade sat on the bed reading, Rowlett perched on the bed frame asleep, and Audino wrote in her diary. Zillith changed into something comfy and fell asleep in bed.
Kibo found his way to bed in his chambers after saying good night to Zirinus. The warlord's salamance already passed out while his talonflame and Azurill played together off in the corner.
Snorunt was cuddled up against Yanagi and had not woken up when Zillith entered, content with just being passed out in the geisha's arms.
(I'm gonna head to bed, goodnight) everyone seemed to fall asleep from the terrible yet exciting day. No one knows how it was done or how anyone could've completed that but they did.
Yanagi's eyes slowly fluttered open as beams of light fluttered through her Windows. Sitting up she found the medicine on her side table, thinking that Gini must have sent it, she forced it down. Ai was still asleep, his dratini curled up beside him. Yanagi made her way to the bathroom, where her stomach forced her to try and empty its contents. She sat there as the pain slowed the started to get ready for the day. She was slipping on a red kimono that had darker swirl designs when Ai woke up. The baby fussed as his mother cleaned him up and dressed him in a tiny grey kimono given to him as a gift.
Zillith's eyes slowly opened. She hops up and changes into her kimono. Zillith takes Audino and they go to check on Yanagi. They open the door and here a displeasing sound. They rush into the bathroom to see Yanagi leaning over it. "Oh darling are you ok!" She asked as Zillith pulled Yanagi's hair back so she wouldn't get anything on it.
Gini was already at work. She went through files of history to trace back that horrible king. She went past years and years ago. "This is going no where..." She sighs. Axew sits on her desk when he moves a report to reveal a small note tucked inside. Gini unfolds it and examines it. "This was a project... his relatives wanted to have the region as their own. They needed strong sons to do so." Gini proceeded with her research gathering names and prophecies. "Stealing a child from a rock kingdom mistress? Odd choice..." she continued to search for anything on him.
"I'm okey. Just a little dizzy," Yanagi lied smiling up at Zillith before turning back to the toilet. Ai sat on the bed with his dratini and snorunt giggling. The young child no seemingly knowing about his mother's state. Yanagi let out a grown of pain when her stomach was completely empty and still trying to force anything out, "perfectly fine here. No need to worry".
Zillith sighs and asks Audino for some more medicine since she threw up the last one. "Your obviously not fine... that's what happens when your pregnant." She sighs. Rowlett enters the room and hands her a rag. "Thanks Rowlett." She cleans Yanagi's face and has her clean her mouth out with water. "Your throat must be sore!" She said with displeasure. Audino returns with the medicine and she has Yanagi take it.
Yanagi listened and slowly stood. She ran a hand through her hair. Ai let out a cry and his mother rushed over to see if he was ok. The baby had somehow pinned snorunt who was face down, struggling to get the prince off without hurting him. Picking Ai up she turned back to Zillith with a frown, she placed him beside her as she sat down at her table and offered the other chair to the healer, "I don't want to be pregnant. Kurodo, he doesn't deserve to know that I carry his child. I would love to have this child but what about Ai? Who would want to father another man's son? And if Kurodo is to get out, he might try and hurt them to get to me. I can't let that happen".
Zillith took a seat and shook her head. "He shall not take those children on my watch." Roserade entered the room with food for Yanagi. She gave her the food and left. "Trust me... you have 4 bodyguards outside hat door." She smiled to reassure her. She picked up the small Dragon Type and placed him next to Ai. "And we have Dratini..." Zillith smiled and handed her some more medicine to take
"Thank you. Where is everyone? I hope their little rescue mission didn't cause to much harm," Yanagi slowly ate the food and took the medicine. Ai cuddled against dratini and made baby noises at the two older humans. He rolled onto his back and around on the ground, his mother laughing when he almost tripped snorunt. The ice type leapt over him and Yanagi pulled her into her lap with a giggle. She looked at Zillith and bowed her head, truly great fun for her help, "I didn't catch your name. May I have it"?

Kibo slowly got out of bed. The dragon warlord dressing in his armour and kimono, tieing his hair back. He made his way to Yanagi's room and peaked his head into the door, "is the young price up"?
"I'm Zillith... your personal nurse!" She said bowing to her as if she were a princess. "I'm am here to help you with all your needs! Which includes babysitting, feeding, medication, and other activities to make your treatments feel relaxing during this process." She smiled and nodded watching the adorable baby.

Gini went through her reports multiple times unable to find any connections. There was only one place she could visit. The Ransei Archives. The archives are located at the regions most high tech kingdom. The Electric Kingdom.
The Electric kingdom is located northwest of the Fire Kingdom and is known for their constant thunderstorms. They rarely have a nice sunny day. The archives are located inside the basement of the castle. The kingdom only allows kings and queens of other kingdoms who haven't made it on their enemy list. Gini packed up some of her clothing and Vivian offered to go to. They took Sylveon and Axew. The others stayed behind to help Yanagi. They prepare ftrhe blimp for their trip.
"A personal nurse? But I am no one of standing! Kibo! Yes Ai is awake," Yanagi's eyes widened as she was told about having a personal nurse. Kibo strode over and pulled out a small samurai doll from behind his back. Ai made grabby hands at it and the warlord gave it to him. Kibo crouched down beside the boy and made sure he didn't hurt himself. Yanagi shook her head with a smile that shifted into a frown when she looked back at Zillith, "I am worried though. What if Zurodo gets out and takes them away"?
"You fonts have to worry about that. He evens looks at Ai, you or the baby in your stomach and I'll cut his hands off," Kibo growled now holding Ai and his dratini with one arm, his other playing with the doll.
Terra let out a scream alarming the entire castle. Drake held her hand and was freaking out. "You never told me!" He yelled. "Well I told Ami I was pregnant!" She yelled back. "It's been 9 months already!" She yells uncontrollably. Zillith hears the scream. "That sounds like..." she looks at Audino and they sprint towards Terra's room. Twins sat in Drakes arms as Terra is still screaming. "No one tells me these things!" Zillith yelled as Audino makes Terra take pain medication. Delphox stood by her side holding her hand. As Tepig and Litwick pace back and forth in fright.

Meanwhile, the blimp takes off towards the Electric Kingdom. "So what are we looking for again?" Vivian asks. "Something on the Ice King's family history." There were millions of reports, scrolls, and diaries to look through and it was just too much to get through in a day.
Yanagi grabbed Ai, dratini, and his doll from Kibo as the man had charged forward to see what was going on. He almost passed out when he saw Terra, instead running into a wall as he tried to advert his gaze. Yanagi was calming Ai down because the scream had scared him, "it's okey. It's okey".
Kibo covered his eyes and apologized quickly stepping out of the room and leaning against the wall.
Terra had calmed down and looked at the twins in Drake's hands. One was a girl and the other was a boy. "Scarlet and Haze..." she whispered before passing out. Zillith checked the baby's heart and tempature and they were nice and healthy. Audino checked on Terra and she passed out only from exaushtion. They wrapped the babies in towels and tried to keep them warm. Delphox had tears coming from her eyes as Litwick and Tepig took sighs din relief.
Kibo peaked in once he made sure nothing else was happening. He looked at the two new arrivals and shook his head with a sigh, "I guess I'm going to have to make two more training regiments. Huh, I'll try and get them nice toys in my next deployment. Also Terra, I don't want you lifting any blade other than a eating knife til you have recovered fully".
Yanagi knocked on the door and peered in. Ai sat in her arms, holding dratini and sitting in his little kimono. He pressed into his mothers chest, looking up at everyone, "their adorable. I only hope that our children don't fight. I believe they'll make much better friends".
Terra crosses her arms in anger. "But I need to protect my children!" She tries to get up and Delphox pushes her back down in the bed. "Delphox! Let me up!" Delphox pushed her back down. Delphox placed her paw on her chest sending the signal that Delphox could protect them. Delphox holds the babies in her arms and snuggles them. "They need Pokémon..." she said with a smile.
Name: Zelda
Role: Queen
Appearance: Zelda wears a yellow kimono with silver hair. The kimono has black lightning bolts that match the patterns of Electrivire. She also keeps a katana on her right side. She is let handed and has golden eyes. She wears black eye shadow and dark red lipstick. She also wears her hair in pigtails and each pigtail is held together with a golden ring with a Raikou face on them.
Link: Emolga, Flaffy, Raichu
Backstory: She grew up as a slave in the Fighing kingdom but one day a king and his son raided the kingdom. She was captured but soon the son and the slave fell in love. They snuck off together when no one was looking. The king was fine with the idea when he was told. He never believed in the "pure" bloodline. They were soon married and were placed as King and Queen.
Name: Hiyosho
Role: king/warlord
Appearance: he wears a Black cape and hood. Below that he wears full gold armor. Due to their amazing technology he installed a crossbow on his wrist. He can simply activate it with a single movement. He also carries a war mace. He also wears a necklace with a Raikou face on it.
Link: Electrivire, Plusle, Mimun
Backstory: he grew up as a prince in the Electric kingdom. One day they raided the Fighting kingdom and met the love of his life. She was a slave but his father accepted their marriage.
"We will find them both one," Yanagi smiled and Ai let out a gurgle as he snuggled up to his mother. Kibo smiled at the noise and crouched down to look at twins, waggling one of his fingers at them. The warlord stood up and stretched to his full height and excused himself from the room. He once again used the secret passages, meeting up with his love at their usual place.
Yanagi bowed and took her leave, wanting to show Ai his new home. She strode down hallways and pointed out interesting things. Upon entering the servant wing she froze, a familiar purple haired man being dragged in the opposite direction. Yanagi turned to leave but Ai made a noise, attracting the attention of the chained man who looked back at her. Kurodo smirked and started laughing calling for his songbird to come closer and to let him see his son.
As Yanagi stood there Zillith walked passed her towards the man. She back hand him and turned "remove him from her sight!" She orders. He dragged out of sight. She grabs Yanagi's shoulder. "You should stay out of this area." She said turning her around.

Gini landed on the landing pad of the Electric Kingdom. Hiyosho stood at the doors of his castle. Gini and Vivian walked down the bridge approaching the king. His silver spiky hair glistened in the lightning that flashes in the sky. His Electrivire stands by his side looking intimidating as ever. "Welcome Queens... our archives are this way." He said guiding them through the castle. Inside there machinery everywhere. They find themselves at a tall golden door. The golden door slides open revealing a basement with golden stairs. The walked down the stairs and opened the second pair of doors. Golden tube systems criss crossed across the giant room. It was about twice the size of their kingdom!" There were also golden boom shelved that held the diaries. The tubes lead to rows and rowss of scrolls that hold prophecies and reports. The floor was a dark brown wood that glistens from the bright lights. There were several desks. He guided them to a desk. Each desk had a clear tune attached to them that will shoot down the info to them. On the desk there were letters from a-z. They used the sorting system to file their reports. They spell it out with the switchs with the letters on them. There was another tube next to the first one that send the infor back. After Hiyosho explains he lets them get to work
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Yanagi nodded and allowed her feet to take her away from the man. Ai made a confused gurgle and snuggled closer to Yanagi. She walked to the gardens and sat down by the pond. Ai watched the water type happily and giggled when dratini slid into the water to chase somof them. She placed her son on her lap and let one of her hands rest on her stomach. She took a deep breath in tried her hardest to wish the life in her belly to be nothing like its father. She sat on a bench and leaned back taking in the sounds and sights of the garden, whispering to her son, "maybe when your older I'll be able to take you and your sibling to the ice gardens. They are quite beautiful when light shines on them".
Terra walks outside and sits next to Yanagi with her girl and boy in her hands. "Looks like our kids may become best friends..." Terra said with a smile as she watched Dratini swim around.

Gini went through every file from the ice kingdom they had as Vivian went through the ice kingdom diaries.
"I hope they are. I also hope that Ai and his sibling don't end up like Kurodo. I don't want them to hurt people like he does," Yanagi sighed before realizing that she had just told Terra about her pregnancy. She was still in the early stages, it being barely noticeable unless you looked at her when she was undressed or of course the morning sickness. The hand on her stomach clenched and she sighed loudly watching her son's eyes and the light in them, "he doesn't deserve Ai or the unborn".
Terra nods "and he won't lay a finger on them... I also think I have a Pokémon for the two of them" she said as Scarlet and Haze slowly doze off into a deep sleep. Delphox joins them and plays with the babies.
"Really what Pokemon? Ai seems to like dratini, I'm happy about that," Yanagi looked over at Terra while also keeping an eye on Delphox. She brushed hair out of her face and laughed when dratini zoomed out of the water to safety. The fish Pokemon getting tired of being chased around. Snorunt sat off a little ways away reading the book Vivian had given Yanagi earlier.
Zillith walks outside holding a medium sized box. "Special delivery for the twins!" She said. She put the box down and when she opened it two Litleos sat in the box. One wore a Purple collar and the other wore a White collar. The purple collar was for the Scarlet and the white collar was for Haze. They were brother and sister too. Scarlet hugged the girl Litleo and Haze hugged the boy Litleo. "How about Violet and Silver" Zillith suggested. Terra nodded and smiled. "It reminds me of my kingdom..."
Yanagi giggled at the family. She shook her head and looked at the two babies and their litleos. She grinned and looked up when she heard a noise, a Braivary was circling above looking down. Her eyes widened and and the flying type landed near by with a message attached to his leg. She carefully removed it and dropped it with a gasp after she had read it. She backed up shaking her heads, "oh no. No, no,no! Where is Kurodo? That was a message for him there is some coming to get him"!
Zillith sprinted to one of the guards and warned them. They ran towards the prison. Terra stands up and yanks Yanagi up making sure Ai doesn't fall. She runs to a Zekerom statue and hits a button that forms into a secret tunnel she shoves Yanagi inside and Terra follows. Zillith draws her katana and runs in wih them closing the entrance.
Appearance:purple kimono and a purple cloak hides my face and body
link:Charizard, slyveon and raichu
backstory:i was abandon from my family. Pokemon were my only friends they took care of me.I trained a lot i got really strong. I was a outsider everyone rejected me as a kid.I vowed never to take the cloak off.The rest of my childhood nobody knows.
Yanagi held Ai against her as tightly as she could. Her breathing quickens and Ai started to cry loudly. Dratini climbed Yanagi to try and calm the young prince but it wasn't working. The black haired girl heart was quickening and let out a shriek when there's was a loud explosion. Smoke rose from the prison sector and guards rushed toward the breach. Yanagi prayed that nobody had been hurt.
Gini and Vivian sit searching through the archives. Vivian stops to find the book of prophecies. She scans through and an interesting sections. She read it to Gini "the king with find his singing bird but will be taken to places that burn. A great bird reveal the plan to three. He will return who sent thee..." Vivian eyes went wide. The queen's Emolga flew in. "Emolga what is that!" Zelda yells as she runs into the room. Emolga drops a letter that states the issue. Gini gets up and heads towards the blimp. Vivian follows wih Sylveon behind them. Axew rode on Gini's shoulder as they leaped into the blimp. "Takes us back now!" She yelled as the blimp took off.
The room they were in was dark and lit by one torch. In there was a good supply and 2 beds. That's not all. A spare cabin with ammo sat in the corner. "I have a crazy idea..." Terra said handing the twins to Delphox. Terra pushed the canon with the help of Zillith so it pointed towards the enterance. They loaded it and aimed it at the door. They were to sacrifice the statue for their survival.

Meanwhile, Drake rushed down the hallway yelling for Kibo. His weapon was drawn and began to head to the prison sector. Zirinus turned the corner and ran into Drake. "Oh sorry! I saw a man that way!" She pointed down the stairs to the prison. They both ran off with their weapons drawn.